352 research outputs found

    Virtual Cluster Management for Analysis of Geographically Distributed and Immovable Data

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    Thesis (Ph.D.) - Indiana University, Informatics and Computing, 2015Scenarios exist in the era of Big Data where computational analysis needs to utilize widely distributed and remote compute clusters, especially when the data sources are sensitive or extremely large, and thus unable to move. A large dataset in Malaysia could be ecologically sensitive, for instance, and unable to be moved outside the country boundaries. Controlling an analysis experiment in this virtual cluster setting can be difficult on multiple levels: with setup and control, with managing behavior of the virtual cluster, and with interoperability issues across the compute clusters. Further, datasets can be distributed among clusters, or even across data centers, so that it becomes critical to utilize data locality information to optimize the performance of data-intensive jobs. Finally, datasets are increasingly sensitive and tied to certain administrative boundaries, though once the data has been processed, the aggregated or statistical result can be shared across the boundaries. This dissertation addresses management and control of a widely distributed virtual cluster having sensitive or otherwise immovable data sets through a controller. The Virtual Cluster Controller (VCC) gives control back to the researcher. It creates virtual clusters across multiple cloud platforms. In recognition of sensitive data, it can establish a single network overlay over widely distributed clusters. We define a novel class of data, notably immovable data that we call "pinned data", where the data is treated as a first-class citizen instead of being moved to where needed. We draw from our earlier work with a hierarchical data processing model, Hierarchical MapReduce (HMR), to process geographically distributed data, some of which are pinned data. The applications implemented in HMR use extended MapReduce model where computations are expressed as three functions: Map, Reduce, and GlobalReduce. Further, by facilitating information sharing among resources, applications, and data, the overall performance is improved. Experimental results show that the overhead of VCC is minimum. The HMR outperforms traditional MapReduce model while processing a particular class of applications. The evaluations also show that information sharing between resources and application through the VCC shortens the hierarchical data processing time, as well satisfying the constraints on the pinned data

    Big data workflows: Locality-aware orchestration using software containers

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    The emergence of the Edge computing paradigm has shifted data processing from centralised infrastructures to heterogeneous and geographically distributed infrastructures. Therefore, data processing solutions must consider data locality to reduce the performance penalties from data transfers among remote data centres. Existing Big Data processing solutions provide limited support for handling data locality and are inefficient in processing small and frequent events specific to the Edge environments. This article proposes a novel architecture and a proof-of-concept implementation for software container-centric Big Data workflow orchestration that puts data locality at the forefront. The proposed solution considers the available data locality information, leverages long-lived containers to execute workflow steps, and handles the interaction with different data sources through containers. We compare the proposed solution with Argo Workflows and demonstrate a significant performance improvement in the execution speed for processing the same data units. Finally, we carry out experiments with the proposed solution under different configurations and analyze individual aspects affecting the performance of the overall solution.publishedVersio

    Big data workflows: Locality-aware orchestration using software containers

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    The emergence of the Edge computing paradigm has shifted data processing from centralised infrastructures to heterogeneous and geographically distributed infrastructures. Therefore, data processing solutions must consider data locality to reduce the performance penalties from data transfers among remote data centres. Existing Big Data processing solutions provide limited support for handling data locality and are inefficient in processing small and frequent events specific to the Edge environments. This article proposes a novel architecture and a proof-of-concept implementation for software container-centric Big Data workflow orchestration that puts data locality at the forefront. The proposed solution considers the available data locality information, leverages long-lived containers to execute workflow steps, and handles the interaction with different data sources through containers. We compare the proposed solution with Argo Workflows and demonstrate a significant performance improvement in the execution speed for processing the same data units. Finally, we carry out experiments with the proposed solution under different configurations and analyze individual aspects affecting the performance of the overall solution.publishedVersio

    Cost-Effective Resource Provisioning for MapReduce in a Cloud

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    This paper presents a new MapReduce cloud service model, Cura, for provisioning cost-effective MapReduce services in a cloud. In contrast to existing MapReduce cloud services such as a generic compute cloud or a dedicated MapReduce cloud, Cura has a number of unique benefits. First, Cura is designed to provide a cost-effective solution to efficiently handle MapReduce production workloads that have a significant amount of interactive jobs. Second, unlike existing services that require customers to decide the resources to be used for the jobs, Cura leverages MapReduce profiling to automatically create the best cluster configuration for the jobs. While the existing models allow only a per-job resource optimization for the jobs, Cura implements a globally efficient resource allocation scheme that significantly reduces the resource usage cost in the cloud. Third, Cura leverages unique optimization opportunities when dealing with workloads that can withstand some slack. By effectively multiplexing the available cloud resources among the jobs based on the job requirements, Cura achieves significantly lower resource usage costs for the jobs. Cura's core resource management schemes include cost-aware resource provisioning, VM-aware scheduling and online virtual machine reconfiguration. Our experimental results using Facebook-like workload traces show that our techniques lead to more than 80 percent reduction in the cloud compute infrastructure cost with upto 65 percent reduction in job response times

    Big Data and Large-scale Data Analytics: Efficiency of Sustainable Scalability and Security of Centralized Clouds and Edge Deployment Architectures

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    One of the significant shifts of the next-generation computing technologies will certainly be in the development of Big Data (BD) deployment architectures. Apache Hadoop, the BD landmark, evolved as a widely deployed BD operating system. Its new features include federation structure and many associated frameworks, which provide Hadoop 3.x with the maturity to serve different markets. This dissertation addresses two leading issues involved in exploiting BD and large-scale data analytics realm using the Hadoop platform. Namely, (i)Scalability that directly affects the system performance and overall throughput using portable Docker containers. (ii) Security that spread the adoption of data protection practices among practitioners using access controls. An Enhanced Mapreduce Environment (EME), OPportunistic and Elastic Resource Allocation (OPERA) scheduler, BD Federation Access Broker (BDFAB), and a Secure Intelligent Transportation System (SITS) of multi-tiers architecture for data streaming to the cloud computing are the main contribution of this thesis study

    Performance Improvement of Distributed Computing Framework and Scientific Big Data Analysis

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    Analysis of Big data to gain better insights has been the focus of researchers in the recent past. Traditional desktop computers or database management systems may not be suitable for efficient and timely analysis, due to the requirement of massive parallel processing. Distributed computing frameworks are being explored as a viable solution. For example, Google proposed MapReduce, which is becoming a de facto computing architecture for Big data solutions. However, scheduling in MapReduce is coarse grained and remains as a challenge for improvement. Related with MapReduce scheduler when configured over distributed clusters, we identify two issues: data locality disruption and random assignment of non-local map tasks. We propose a network aware scheduler to extend the existing rack awareness. The tasks are scheduled in the order of node, rack and any other rack within the same cluster to achieve cluster level data locality. The issue of random assignment non-local map tasks is handled by enhancing the scheduler to consider the network parameters, such as delay, bandwidth and packet loss between remote clusters. As part of Big data analysis at computational biology, we consider two major data intensive applications: indexing genome sequences and de Novo assembly. Both of these applications deal with the massive amount data generated from DNA sequencers. We developed a scalable algorithm to construct sub-trees of a suffix tree in parallel to address huge memory requirements needed for indexing the human genome. For the de Novo assembly, we propose Parallel Giraph based Assembler (PGA) to address the challenges associated with the assembly of large genomes over commodity hardware. PGA uses the de Bruijn graph to represent the data generated from sequencers. Huge memory demands and performance expectations are addressed by developing parallel algorithms based on the distributed graph-processing framework, Apache Giraph

    Next-generation big data analytics: state of the art, challenges, and future research topics

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    The term big data occurs more frequently now than ever before. A large number of fields and subjects, ranging from everyday life to traditional research fields (i.e., geography and transportation, biology and chemistry, medicine and rehabilitation), involve big data problems. The popularizing of various types of network has diversified types, issues, and solutions for big data more than ever before. In this paper, we review recent research in data types, storage models, privacy, data security, analysis methods, and applications related to network big data. Finally, we summarize the challenges and development of big data to predict current and future trends.This work was supported in part by the “Open3D: Collaborative Editing for 3D Virtual Worlds” [EPSRC (EP/M013685/1)], in part by the “Distributed Java Infrastructure for Real-Time Big-Data” (CAS14/00118), in part by eMadrid (S2013/ICE-2715), in part by the HERMES-SMARTDRIVER (TIN2013-46801-C4-2-R), and in part by the AUDACity (TIN2016-77158-C4-1-R). Paper no. TII-16-1

    A Design Framework for Efficient Distributed Analytics on Structured Big Data

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    Distributed analytics architectures are often comprised of two elements: a compute engine and a storage system. Conventional distributed storage systems usually store data in the form of files or key-value pairs. This abstraction simplifies how the data is accessed and reasoned about by an application developer. However, the separation of compute and storage systems makes it difficult to optimize costly disk and network operations. By design the storage system is isolated from the workload and its performance requirements such as block co-location and replication. Furthermore, optimizing fine-grained data access requests becomes difficult as the storage layer is hidden away behind such abstractions. Using a clean slate approach, this thesis proposes a modular distributed analytics system design which is centered around a unified interface for distributed data objects named the DDO. The interface couples key mechanisms that utilize storage, memory, and compute resources. This coupling makes it ideal to optimize data access requests across all memory hierarchy levels, with respect to the workload and its performance requirements. In addition to the DDO, a complementary DDO controller implementation controls the logical view of DDOs, their replication, and distribution across the cluster. A proof-of-concept implementation shows improvement in mean query time by 3-6x on the TPC-H and TPC-DS benchmarks, and more than an order of magnitude improvement in many cases