7 research outputs found

    Local white matter geometry from diffusion tensor gradients

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    We introduce a mathematical framework for computing geometrical properties of white matter fibres directly from diffusion tensor fields. The key idea is to isolate the portion of the gradient of the tensor field corresponding to local variation in tensor orientation, and to project it onto a coordinate frame of tensor eigenvectors. The resulting eigenframe-centered representation then makes it possible to define scalar indices (or measures) that describe the local white matter geometry directly from the diffusion tensor field and its gradient, without requiring prior tractography. We derive new scalar indices of (1) fibre dispersion and (2) fibre curving, and we demonstrate them on synthetic and in vivo data. Finally, we illustrate their applicability to a group study on schizophrenia

    Exploring Local White Matter Geometric Structure in diffusion MRI Using Director Field Analysis

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    International audienceIn this abstract, inspired by microscopic theoretical treatment of phases in liquid crystals, we introduce a novel mathematical framework, called Director Field Analysis (DFA), to study local geometric structural information of white matter. DFA extracts some meaningful scalar indices related with the degree of orientational alignment, dispersion, and orientational distortion, from the Orientation Distribution Function (ODF) field reconstructed by Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) or High Angular Resolution Diffusion Imaging (HARDI)

    Director Field Analysis to Explore Local White Matter Geometric Structure in diffusion MRI

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    International audienceIn diffusion MRI, a tensor field or a spherical function field, e.g., an Orientation Distribution Function (ODF) field, are estimated from measured diffusion weighted images. In this paper, inspired by microscopic theoretical treatment of phases in liquid crystals, we introduce a novel mathematical framework, called Director Field Analysis (DFA), to study local geometric structural information of white matter from the estimated tensor field or spherical function field. 1) We propose Orientational Order (OO) and Orientational Dispersion (OD) indices to describe the degree of alignment and dispersion of a spherical function in each voxel; 2) We estimate a local orthogonal coordinate frame in each voxel with anisotropic diffusion; 3) Finally, we define three indices to describe three types of orientational distortion (splay, bend, and twist) in a local spatial neighborhood, and a total distortion index to describe distortions of all three types. To our knowledge, this is the first work to quantitatively describe orientational distortion (splay, bend, and twist) in diffusion MRI. The proposed scalar indices are useful to detect local geometric changes of white matter for voxel-based or tract-based analysis in both DTI and HARDI acquisitions

    AI-based dimensional neuroimaging system for characterizing heterogeneity in brain structure and function in major depressive disorder:COORDINATE-MDD consortium design and rationale

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    BACKGROUND: Efforts to develop neuroimaging-based biomarkers in major depressive disorder (MDD), at the individual level, have been limited to date. As diagnostic criteria are currently symptom-based, MDD is conceptualized as a disorder rather than a disease with a known etiology; further, neural measures are often confounded by medication status and heterogeneous symptom states. METHODS: We describe a consortium to quantify neuroanatomical and neurofunctional heterogeneity via the dimensions of novel multivariate coordinate system (COORDINATE-MDD). Utilizing imaging harmonization and machine learning methods in a large cohort of medication-free, deeply phenotyped MDD participants, patterns of brain alteration are defined in replicable and neurobiologically-based dimensions and offer the potential to predict treatment response at the individual level. International datasets are being shared from multi-ethnic community populations, first episode and recurrent MDD, which are medication-free, in a current depressive episode with prospective longitudinal treatment outcomes and in remission. Neuroimaging data consist of de-identified, individual, structural MRI and resting-state functional MRI with additional positron emission tomography (PET) data at specific sites. State-of-the-art analytic methods include automated image processing for extraction of anatomical and functional imaging variables, statistical harmonization of imaging variables to account for site and scanner variations, and semi-supervised machine learning methods that identify dominant patterns associated with MDD from neural structure and function in healthy participants. RESULTS: We are applying an iterative process by defining the neural dimensions that characterise deeply phenotyped samples and then testing the dimensions in novel samples to assess specificity and reliability. Crucially, we aim to use machine learning methods to identify novel predictors of treatment response based on prospective longitudinal treatment outcome data, and we can externally validate the dimensions in fully independent sites. CONCLUSION: We describe the consortium, imaging protocols and analytics using preliminary results. Our findings thus far demonstrate how datasets across many sites can be harmonized and constructively pooled to enable execution of this large-scale project

    New tractography methods based on parametric models of white matter fibre dispersion

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    Diffusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DW-MRI) is a powerful imaging technique that can probe the complex structure of the body, revealing structural trends which exist at scales far below the voxel resolution. Tractography utilises the information derived from DW-MRI to examine the structure of white matter. Using information derived from DW-MRI, tractography can estimate connectivity between distinct, functional cortical and sub-cortical regions of grey matter. Understanding how seperate functional regions of the brain are connected as part of a network is key to understanding how the brain works. Tractography has been used to deliniate many known white matter structures and has also revealed structures not fully understood from anatomy due to limitations of histological examination. However, there still remain many shortcomings of tractography, many anatomical features for which tractography algorithms are known to fail, which leads to discrepancies between known anatomy and tractography results. With the aim of approaching a complete picture of the human connectome via tractography, we seek to address the shortcomings in current tractography techniques by exploiting new advances in modelling techniques used in DW-MRI, which provide more accurate representation of underlying white matter anatomy. This thesis introduces a methodology for fully utilising new tissue models in DWMRI to improve tractography. It is known from histology that there are regions of white matter where fibres disperse or curve rapidly at length scales below the DW-MRI voxel resolution. One area where dispersion is particularly prominent is the corona radiata. New DW-MRI models capture dispersion utilising specialised parametric probability distributions. We present novel tractography algorithms utilising these parametric models of dispersion in tractography to improve connectivity estimation in areas of dispersing fibres. We first present an algorithm utilising the the new parametric models of dispersion for tractography in a simple Bayesian framework. We then present an extension to this algorithm which introduces a framework to pool neighbourhood information from multiple voxels in the neighbournhood surrounding the tract in order to better estimate connectivity, introducing the new concept of the neighbourhood-informed orientation distribution function (NI-ODF). Specifically, using neighbourhood exploration we address the ambiguity arising in ’fanning polarity’. In regions of dispersing fibres, the antipodal symmetry inherent in DW-MRI makes it impossible to resolve the polarity of a dispersing fibre configuration from a local voxel-wise model in isolation, by pooling information from neighbouring voxels, we show that this issue can be addressed. We evaluate the newly proposed tractography methods using synthetic phantoms simulating canonical fibre configurations and validate the ability to effectively navigate regions of dispersing fibres and resolve fanning polarity. We then validate that the algorithms perform effectively in real in vivo data, using DW-MRI data from 5 healthy subjects. We show that by utilising models of dispersion, we recover a wider range of connectivity compared to other standard algorithms when tracking through an area of the brain known to have significant white fibre dispersion - the corona radiata. We then examine the impact of the new algorithm on global connectivity estimates in the brain. We find that whole brain connectivity networks derived using the new tractography method feature strong connectivity between frontal lobe regions. This is in contrast to networks derived using competing tractography methods which do not account for sub-voxel fibre dispersion. We also compare thalamo-cortical connectivity estimated using the newly proposed tractography method and compare with a compteing tractography method, finding that the recovered connectivity profiles are largely similar, with some differences in thalamo-cortical connections to regions of the frontal lobe. The results suggest that fibre dispersion is an important structural feature to model in the basis of a tractography algorithm, as it has a strong effect on connectivity estimation