2,379 research outputs found

    Data visualization using rational spline interpolation

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    AbstractA smooth curve interpolation scheme for positive, monotonic, and convex data has been developed. This scheme uses piecewise rational cubic functions. The two families of parameters, in the description of the rational interpolant, have been constrained to preserve the shape of the data. The rational spline scheme has a unique representation. The degree of smoothness attained is C1

    Rational Cubic Ball Interpolants For Shape Preserving Curves And Surfaces

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    Interpolan pengekalan bentuk adalah satu teknik rekabentuk lengkung/ permukaan yang sangat penting dalam CAD/-CAM dan rekabentuk geometric Shape preserving interpolation is an essential curve/surface design technique in CAD/CAM and geometric desig

    Polynomial cubic splines with tension properties

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    In this paper we present a new class of spline functions with tension properties. These splines are composed by polynomial cubic pieces and therefore are conformal to the standard, NURBS based CAD/CAM systems

    Constrained Interpolation And Shape Preserving Approximation By Space Curves [QA297.6. K82 2006 f rb].

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    Dua jenis masalah rekabentuk lengkung telah ipertimbangkan. Terlebih dahulu kami mempertimbangkan interpolasi satu set titik data ruang yang bertertib dengan satu lengkung licin tertakluk kepada satu set satah kekangan yang berbentuk terhingga atau tak terhingga di mana garis cebis demi cebis yang menyambung titik data secara berturutan tidak bersilang dengan satah kekangan. Two types of curve designing problem have been considered. We first consider the interpolation of a given set of ordered spatial data points by a smooth curve in the presence of a set of finite or infinite constraint planes, where the polyline joining consecutive data points does not intersect with the constraint planes

    Visualization Of Curve And Surface Data Using Rational Cubic Ball Functions

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    This study considered the problem of shape preserving interpolation through regular data using rational cubic Ball which is an alternative scheme for rational Bézier functions. A rational Ball function with shape parameters is easy to implement because of its less degree terms at the end polynomial compared to rational Bézier functions. In order to understand the behavior of shape parameters (weights), we need to discuss shape control analysis which can be used to modify the shape of a curve, locally and globally. This issue has been discovered and brought to the study of conversion between Ball and Bézier curve

    Discontinuities in numerical radiative transfer

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    Observations and magnetohydrodynamic simulations of solar and stellar atmospheres reveal an intermittent behavior or steep gradients in physical parameters, such as magnetic field, temperature, and bulk velocities. The numerical solution of the stationary radiative transfer equation is particularly challenging in such situations, because standard numerical methods may perform very inefficiently in the absence of local smoothness. However, a rigorous investigation of the numerical treatment of the radiative transfer equation in discontinuous media is still lacking. The aim of this work is to expose the limitations of standard convergence analyses for this problem and to identify the relevant issues. Moreover, specific numerical tests are performed. These show that discontinuities in the atmospheric physical parameters effectively induce first-order discontinuities in the radiative transfer equation, reducing the accuracy of the solution and thwarting high-order convergence. In addition, a survey of the existing numerical schemes for discontinuous ordinary differential systems and interpolation techniques for discontinuous discrete data is given, evaluating their applicability to the radiative transfer problem