1,350 research outputs found

    Route Planning for Long-Term Robotics Missions

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    Many future robotic applications such as the operation in large uncertain environment depend on a more autonomous robot. The robotics long term autonomy presents challenges on how to plan and schedule goal locations across multiple days of mission duration. This is an NP-hard problem that is infeasible to solve for an optimal solution due to the large number of vertices to visit. In some cases the robot hardware constraints also adds the requirement to return to a charging station multiple times in a long term mission. The uncertainties in the robot model and environment require the robot planner to account for them beforehand or to adapt and improve its plan during runtime. The problem to be solved in this work is how to plan multiple day routes for a robot where all predefined locations must be visited only a single time and at each route the robot must start and return to the same initial position while respecting the daily maximum operation time constraint. The proposed solution uses problem definitions from the delivery industry and compares various metaheuristic based techniques for planning and scheduling the multiple day routes for a robotic mission. Therefore the problem of planning multiple day routes for a robot is modeled as a time constrained Vehicle Routing Problem where the robot daily plan is limited by how long the robot with a full charge can operate. The costs are modeled as the time a robot takes to move among locations considering robot and environment characteristics. The solution for this method is obtained in a two step process where a greedy initial solution is generated and then a local search is performed using meta-heuristic based methods. A custom time window formulation with respect to the theoretical maximum daily route is presented to add human expert input, priorities or expiration time to the planned routes allowing the planner to be flexible to various robotic applications. This thesis also proposes an intermediary mission control layer, that connects the daily route plan to the robot navigation layer. The goal of the Mission Control is to monitor the robot operation, continuously improve its route and adapt to unexpected events by dropping waypoints according to some defined penalties. This is an iterative process where optimization is performed locally in real time as the robot traverse its goals and offline at the end of each day with the remaining vertices. The performance of the various meta-heuristic and how optimization improves over time are analysed in several robotic route planning and scheduling scenarios. Two robotic simulation environments were built to demonstrate practical application of these methods. An unmanned ground vehicle operated fully autonomously using the presented methods in a simulated underground stone mine environment where the goal is to inspect the pillars for structural failures and a farm environment where the goal is to pollinate flowers with an attached robotic arm. All the optimization methods tested presented significant improvement in the total route costs compared to the initial Path-Cheapest-Arc solution. However the Guided Local Search presented a smaller standard deviation among the methods in most situations. The time-windows allowed for a seamless integration with an expert human input and the mission control layer, forced the robot to operate within the mission constraints by dynamically choosing the routes and the necessity of dropping some of the vertices

    Combining a hierarchical task network planner with a constraint satisfaction solver for assembly operations involving routing problems in a multi-robot context

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    This work addresses the combination of a symbolic hierarchical task network planner and a constraint satisfaction solver for the vehicle routing problem in a multi-robot context for structure assembly operations. Each planner has its own problem domain and search space, and the article describes how both planners interact in a loop sharing information in order to improve the cost of the solutions. The vehicle routing problem solver gives an initial assignment of parts to robots, making the distribution based on the distance among parts and robots, trying also to maximize the parallelism of the future assembly operations evaluating during the process the dependencies among the parts assigned to each robot. Then, the hierarchical task network planner computes a scheduling for the given assignment and estimates the cost in terms of time spent on the structure assembly. This cost value is then given back to the vehicle routing problem solver as feedback to compute a better assignment, closing the loop and repeating again the whole process. This interaction scheme has been tested with different constraint satisfaction solvers for the vehicle routing problem. The article presents simulation results in a scenario with a team of aerial robots assembling a structure, comparing the results obtained with different configurations of the vehicle routing problem solver and showing the suitability of using this approach.Unión Europea ARCAS FP7-ICT-287617Unión Europea H2020-ICT-644271Unión europea H2020-ICT-73166

    Planejamento para missões autônomas persistentes cooperativas de longo prazo

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    Orientador: Andre Ricardo FioravantiDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia MecânicaResumo: Uma metodologia para abordar missões autônomas persistentes a longo prazo é apresentada juntamente com uma formalização geral do problema em hipóteses simples. É derivada uma realização dessa metodologia que reduz o problema geral para subproblemas de construção de caminho e de otimização combinatória, que são tratados com heurísticas para a computação de solução viável. Quatro estudos de caso são propostos e resolvidos com esta metodologia, mostrando que é possível obter caminhos contínuos ótimos ou subótimos aceitáveis a partir de ma representação discreta e elucidando algumas propriedades de solução nesses diferentes cenários, construindo bases para futuras escolhas educadas entre o uso de métodos exatos ou heurísticosAbstract: A Methodology for tackling Persistent Long Term Autonomous Missions is presented along with a general formalization of the problem upon simple assumptions. A realization of this methodology is derived which reduces the overall problem to a path construction and a combinatorial optimization subproblems, which are treated themselves with heuristics for feasible solution computation. Four case studies are proposed and solved with this methodology, showing that it is possible to obtain optimal or acceptable suboptimal continuous paths from a discrete representation, and elucidating some solution properties in these different scenarios, building bases for future educated choices between use of exact methods over heuristicsMestradoMecanica dos Sólidos e Projeto MecanicoMestre em Engenharia Mecânica1687532CAPE

    ViNT: A Foundation Model for Visual Navigation

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    General-purpose pre-trained models ("foundation models") have enabled practitioners to produce generalizable solutions for individual machine learning problems with datasets that are significantly smaller than those required for learning from scratch. Such models are typically trained on large and diverse datasets with weak supervision, consuming much more training data than is available for any individual downstream application. In this paper, we describe the Visual Navigation Transformer (ViNT), a foundation model that aims to bring the success of general-purpose pre-trained models to vision-based robotic navigation. ViNT is trained with a general goal-reaching objective that can be used with any navigation dataset, and employs a flexible Transformer-based architecture to learn navigational affordances and enable efficient adaptation to a variety of downstream navigational tasks. ViNT is trained on a number of existing navigation datasets, comprising hundreds of hours of robotic navigation from a variety of different robotic platforms, and exhibits positive transfer, outperforming specialist models trained on singular datasets. ViNT can be augmented with diffusion-based subgoal proposals to explore novel environments, and can solve kilometer-scale navigation problems when equipped with long-range heuristics. ViNT can also be adapted to novel task specifications with a technique inspired by prompt-tuning, where the goal encoder is replaced by an encoding of another task modality (e.g., GPS waypoints or routing commands) embedded into the same space of goal tokens. This flexibility and ability to accommodate a variety of downstream problem domains establishes ViNT as an effective foundation model for mobile robotics. For videos, code, and model checkpoints, see our project page at https://visualnav-transformer.github.io.Comment: Accepted for oral presentation at CoRL 202

    Inverse Optimal Planning for Air Traffic Control

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    We envision a system that concisely describes the rules of air traffic control, assists human operators and supports dense autonomous air traffic around commercial airports. We develop a method to learn the rules of air traffic control from real data as a cost function via maximum entropy inverse reinforcement learning. This cost function is used as a penalty for a search-based motion planning method that discretizes both the control and the state space. We illustrate the methodology by showing that our approach can learn to imitate the airport arrival routes and separation rules of dense commercial air traffic. The resulting trajectories are shown to be safe, feasible, and efficient

    Architecture for planning and execution of missions with fleets of unmanned vehicles

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    Esta tesis presenta contribuciones en el campo de la planificación automática y la programación de tareas, la rama de la inteligencia artificial que se ocupa de la realización de estrategias o secuencias de acciones típicamente para su ejecución por parte de vehículos no tripulados, robots autónomos y/o agentes inteligentes. Cuando se intenta alcanzar un objetivo determinado, la cooperación puede ser un aspecto clave. La complejidad de algunas tareas requiere la cooperación entre varios agentes. Mas aún, incluso si una tarea es lo suficientemente simple para ser llevada a cabo por un único agente, puede usarse la cooperación para reducir el coste total de la misma. Para realizar tareas complejas que requieren interacción física con el mundo real, los vehículos no tripulados pueden ser usados como agentes. En los últimos años se han creado y utilizado una gran diversidad de plataformas no tripuladas, principalmente vehículos que pueden ser dirigidos sin un humano a bordo, tanto en misiones civiles como militares. En esta tesis se aborda la aplicación de planificación simbólica de redes jerárquicas de tareas (HTN planning, por sus siglas en inglés) en la resolución de problemas de enrutamiento de vehículos (VRP, por sus siglas en inglés) [18], en dominios que implican múltiples vehículos no tripulados de capacidades heterogéneas que deben cooperar para alcanzar una serie de objetivos específicos. La planificación con redes jerárquicas de tareas describe dominios utilizando una descripción que descompone conjuntos de tareas en subconjuntos más pequeños de subtareas gradualmente, hasta obtener tareas del más bajo nivel que no pueden ser descompuestas y se consideran directamente ejecutables. Esta jerarquía es similar al modo en que los humanos razonan sobre los problemas, descomponiéndolos en subproblemas según el contexto, y por lo tanto suelen ser fáciles de comprender y diseñar. Los problemas de enrutamiento de vehículos son una generalización del problema del viajante (TSP, por sus siglas en inglés). La resolución del problema del viajante consiste en encontrar la ruta más corta posible que permite visitar una lista de ciudades, partiendo y acabando en la misma ciudad. Su generalización, el problema de enrutamiento de vehículos, consiste en encontrar el conjunto de rutas de longitud mínima que permite cubrir todas las ciudades con un determinado número de vehículos. Ambos problemas cuentan con una fuerte componente combinatoria para su resolución, especialmente en el caso del VRP, por lo que su presencia en dominios que van a ser tratados con un planificador HTN clásico supone un gran reto. Para la aplicación de un planificador HTN en la resolución de problemas de enrutamiento de vehículos desarrollamos dos métodos. En el primero de ellos presentamos un sistema de optimización de soluciones basado en puntuaciones, que nos permite una nueva forma de conexión entre un software especializado en la resolución del VRP con el planificador HTN. Llamamos a este modo de conexión el método desacoplado, puesto que resolvemos la componente combinatoria del problema de enrutamiento de vehículos mediante un solucionador específico que se comunica con el planificador HTN y le suministra la información necesaria para continuar con la descomposición de tareas. El segundo método consiste en mejorar el planificador HTN utilizado para que sea capaz de resolver el problema de enrutamiento de vehículos de la mejor forma posible sin tener que depender de módulos de software externos. Llamamos a este modo el método acoplado. Con este motivo hemos desarrollado un nuevo planificador HTN que utiliza un algoritmo de búsqueda distinto del que se utiliza normalmente en planificadores de este tipo. Esta tesis presenta nuevas contribuciones en el campo de la planificación con redes jerárquicas de tareas para la resolución de problemas de enrutamiento de vehículos. Se aplica una nueva forma de conexión entre dos planificadores independientes basada en un sistema de cálculo de puntuaciones que les permite colaborar en la optimización de soluciones, y se presenta un nuevo planificador HTN con un algoritmo de búsqueda distinto al comúnmente utilizado. Se muestra la aplicación de estos dos métodos en misiones civiles dentro del entorno de los Proyectos ARCAS y AEROARMS financiados por la Comisión Europea y se presentan extensos resultados de simulación para comprobar la validez de los dos métodos propuestos.This thesis presents contributions in the field of automated planning and scheduling, the branch of artificial intelligence that concerns the realization of strategies or action sequences typically for execution by unmanned vehicles, autonomous robots and/or intelligent agents. When trying to achieve certain goal, cooperation may be a key aspect. The complexity of some tasks requires the cooperation among several agents. Moreover, even if the task is simple enough to be carried out by a single agent, cooperation can be used to decrease the overall cost of the operation. To perform complex tasks that require physical interaction with the real world, unmanned vehicles can be used as agents. In the last years a great variety of unmanned platforms, mainly vehicles that can be driven without a human on board, have been developed and used both in civil and military missions. This thesis deals with the application of Hierarchical Task Network (HTN) planning in the resolution of vehicle routing problems (VRP) [18] in domains involving multiple heterogeneous unmanned vehicles that must cooperate to achieve specific goals. HTN planning describes problem domains using a description that decomposes set of tasks into subsets of smaller tasks and so on, obtaining low-level tasks that cannot be further decomposed and are supposed to be executable. The hierarchy resembles the way the humans reason about problems by decomposing them into sub-problems depending on the context and therefore tend to be easy to understand and design. Vehicle routing problems are a generalization of the travelling salesman problem (TSP). The TSP consists on finding the shortest path that connects all the cities from a list, starting and ending on the same city. The VRP consists on finding the set of minimal routes that cover all cities by using a specific number of vehicles. Both problems have a combinatorial nature, specially the VRP, that makes it very difficult to use a HTN planner in domains where these problems are present. Two approaches to use a HTN planner in domains involving the VRP have been tested. The first approach consists on a score-based optimization system that allows us to apply a new way of connecting a software specialized in the resolution of the VRP with the HTN planner. We call this the decoupled approach, as we tackle the combinatorial nature of the VRP by using a specialized solver that communicates with the HTN planner and provides all the required information to do the task decomposition. The second approach consists on improving and enhancing the HTN planner to be capable of solving the VRP without needing the use of an external software. We call this the coupled approach. For this reason, a new HTN planner that uses a different search algorithm from these commonly used in that type of planners has been developed and is presented in this work. This thesis presents new contributions in the field of hierarchical task network planning for the resolution of vehicle routing problem domains. A new way of connecting two independent planning systems based on a score calculation system that lets them cooperate in the optimization of the solutions is applied, and a new HTN planner that uses a different search algorithm from that usually used in other HTN planners is presented. These two methods are applied in civil missions in the framework of the ARCAS and AEROARMS Projects funded by the European Commission. Extensive simulation results are presented to test the validity of the two approaches