21,554 research outputs found

    First impressions: A survey on vision-based apparent personality trait analysis

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    © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Personality analysis has been widely studied in psychology, neuropsychology, and signal processing fields, among others. From the past few years, it also became an attractive research area in visual computing. From the computational point of view, by far speech and text have been the most considered cues of information for analyzing personality. However, recently there has been an increasing interest from the computer vision community in analyzing personality from visual data. Recent computer vision approaches are able to accurately analyze human faces, body postures and behaviors, and use these information to infer apparent personality traits. Because of the overwhelming research interest in this topic, and of the potential impact that this sort of methods could have in society, we present in this paper an up-to-date review of existing vision-based approaches for apparent personality trait recognition. We describe seminal and cutting edge works on the subject, discussing and comparing their distinctive features and limitations. Future venues of research in the field are identified and discussed. Furthermore, aspects on the subjectivity in data labeling/evaluation, as well as current datasets and challenges organized to push the research on the field are reviewed.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Process, outcome and experience of transition from child to adult mental healthcare : multiperspective study

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    Background Many adolescents with mental health problems experience transition of care from child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) to adult mental health services (AMHS). Aims As part of the TRACK study we evaluated the process, outcomes and user and carer experience of transition from CAMHS to AMHS. Method We identified a cohort of service users crossing the CAMHS/AMHS boundary over 1 year across six mental health trusts in England. We tracked their journey to determine predictors of optimal transition and conducted qualitative interviews with a subsample of users, their carers and clinicians on how transition was experienced. Results Of 154 individuals who crossed the transition boundary in 1 year, 90 were actual referrals (i.e. they made a transition to AMHS), and 64 were potential referrals (i.e. were either not referred to AMHS or not accepted by AMHS). Individuals with a history of severe mental illness, being on medication or having been admitted were more likely to make a transition than those with neurodevelopmental disorders, emotional/neurotic disorders and emerging personality disorder. Optimal transition, defined as adequate transition planning, good information transfer across teams, joint working between teams and continuity of care following transition, was experienced by less than 5% of those who made a transition. Following transition, most service users stayed engaged with AMHS and reported improvement in their mental health. Conclusions For the vast majority of service users, transition from CAMHS to AMHS is poorly planned, poorly executed and poorly experienced. The transition process accentuates pre-existing barriers between CAMHS and AMH

    Who Will Retweet This? Automatically Identifying and Engaging Strangers on Twitter to Spread Information

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    There has been much effort on studying how social media sites, such as Twitter, help propagate information in different situations, including spreading alerts and SOS messages in an emergency. However, existing work has not addressed how to actively identify and engage the right strangers at the right time on social media to help effectively propagate intended information within a desired time frame. To address this problem, we have developed two models: (i) a feature-based model that leverages peoples' exhibited social behavior, including the content of their tweets and social interactions, to characterize their willingness and readiness to propagate information on Twitter via the act of retweeting; and (ii) a wait-time model based on a user's previous retweeting wait times to predict her next retweeting time when asked. Based on these two models, we build a recommender system that predicts the likelihood of a stranger to retweet information when asked, within a specific time window, and recommends the top-N qualified strangers to engage with. Our experiments, including live studies in the real world, demonstrate the effectiveness of our work

    A personality aware recommendation system

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    Les systèmes de recommandation conversationnels (CRSs) sont des systèmes qui fournissent des recommandations personnalisées par le biais d’une session de dialogue en langage naturel avec les utilisateurs. Contrairement aux systèmes de recommandation traditionnels qui ne prennent comme vérité de base que les préférences anciennes des utilisateurs, les CRS impliquent aussi les préférences actuelles des utilisateurs durant la conversation. Des recherches récentes montrent que la compréhension de la signification contextuelle des préférences des utilisateurs et des dialogues peut améliorer de manière significative les performances du système de recommandation. Des chercheurs ont également montré un lien fort entre les traits de personnalité des utilisateurs et les systèmes de recommandation. La personnalité et les préférences sont des variables essentielles en sciences sociales. Elles décrivent les différences entre les personnes, que ce soit au niveau individuel ou collectif. Les approches récentes de recommandation basées sur la personnalité sont des systèmes non conversationnels. Par conséquent, il est extrêmement important de détecter et d’utiliser les traits de personnalité des individus dans les systèmes conversationnels afin d’assurer une performance de recommandation et de dialogue plus personnalisée. Pour ce faire, ce travail propose un système de recommandation conversationnel sensible à la personnalité qui est basé sur des modules qui assurent une session de dialogue et recommandation personnalisée en utilisant les traits de personnalité des utilisateurs. Nous proposons également une nouvelle approche de détection de la personnalité, qui est un modèle de langage spécifique au contexte pour détecter les traits des individus en utilisant leurs données publiées sur les réseaux sociaux. Les résultats montrent que notre système proposé a surpassé les approches existantes dans différentes mesures.A Conversational Recommendation System (CRS) is a system that provides personalized recommendations through a session of natural language dialogue turns with users. Unlike traditional one-shot recommendation systems, which only assume the user’s previous preferences as the ground truth, CRS uses both previous and current user preferences. Recent research shows that understanding the contextual meaning of user preferences and dialogue turns can significantly improve recommendation performance. It also shows a strong link between users’ personality traits and recommendation systems. Personality and preferences are essential variables in computational sociology and social science. They describe the differences between people, both at the individual and collective level. Recent personality-based recommendation approaches are traditional one-shot systems, or “non conversational systems”. Therefore, there is a significant need to detect and employ individuals’ personality traits within the CRS paradigm to ensure a better and more personalized dialogue recommendation performance. Driven by the aforementioned facts, this study proposes a modularized, personality- aware CRS that ensures a personalized dialogue recommendation session using the users’ personality traits. We also propose a novel personality detection approach, which is a context-specific language model for detecting individuals’ personality traits using their social media data. The goal is to create a personality-aware and topic-guided CRS model that performs better than the standard CRS models. Experimental results show that our personality-aware conversation recommendation system has outperformed state-of-the-art approaches in different considered metrics on the topic-guided conversation recommendation dataset

    PocketCare: Tracking the Flu with Mobile Phones using Partial Observations of Proximity and Symptoms

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    Mobile phones provide a powerful sensing platform that researchers may adopt to understand proximity interactions among people and the diffusion, through these interactions, of diseases, behaviors, and opinions. However, it remains a challenge to track the proximity-based interactions of a whole community and then model the social diffusion of diseases and behaviors starting from the observations of a small fraction of the volunteer population. In this paper, we propose a novel approach that tries to connect together these sparse observations using a model of how individuals interact with each other and how social interactions happen in terms of a sequence of proximity interactions. We apply our approach to track the spreading of flu in the spatial-proximity network of a 3000-people university campus by mobilizing 300 volunteers from this population to monitor nearby mobile phones through Bluetooth scanning and to daily report flu symptoms about and around them. Our aim is to predict the likelihood for an individual to get flu based on how often her/his daily routine intersects with those of the volunteers. Thus, we use the daily routines of the volunteers to build a model of the volunteers as well as of the non-volunteers. Our results show that we can predict flu infection two weeks ahead of time with an average precision from 0.24 to 0.35 depending on the amount of information. This precision is six to nine times higher than with a random guess model. At the population level, we can predict infectious population in a two-week window with an r-squared value of 0.95 (a random-guess model obtains an r-squared value of 0.2). These results point to an innovative approach for tracking individuals who have interacted with people showing symptoms, allowing us to warn those in danger of infection and to inform health researchers about the progression of contact-induced diseases

    Recent Trends in Deep Learning Based Personality Detection

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    Recently, the automatic prediction of personality traits has received a lot of attention. Specifically, personality trait prediction from multimodal data has emerged as a hot topic within the field of affective computing. In this paper, we review significant machine learning models which have been employed for personality detection, with an emphasis on deep learning-based methods. This review paper provides an overview of the most popular approaches to automated personality detection, various computational datasets, its industrial applications, and state-of-the-art machine learning models for personality detection with specific focus on multimodal approaches. Personality detection is a very broad and diverse topic: this survey only focuses on computational approaches and leaves out psychological studies on personality detection

    On the Troll-Trust Model for Edge Sign Prediction in Social Networks

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    In the problem of edge sign prediction, we are given a directed graph (representing a social network), and our task is to predict the binary labels of the edges (i.e., the positive or negative nature of the social relationships). Many successful heuristics for this problem are based on the troll-trust features, estimating at each node the fraction of outgoing and incoming positive/negative edges. We show that these heuristics can be understood, and rigorously analyzed, as approximators to the Bayes optimal classifier for a simple probabilistic model of the edge labels. We then show that the maximum likelihood estimator for this model approximately corresponds to the predictions of a Label Propagation algorithm run on a transformed version of the original social graph. Extensive experiments on a number of real-world datasets show that this algorithm is competitive against state-of-the-art classifiers in terms of both accuracy and scalability. Finally, we show that troll-trust features can also be used to derive online learning algorithms which have theoretical guarantees even when edges are adversarially labeled.Comment: v5: accepted to AISTATS 201
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