3,129 research outputs found

    Multi-layer local optima networks for the analysis of advanced local search-based algorithms

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    A Local Optima Network (LON) is a graph model that compresses the fitness landscape of a particular combinatorial optimization problem based on a specific neighborhood operator and a local search algorithm. Determining which and how landscape features affect the effectiveness of search algorithms is relevant for both predicting their performance and improving the design process. This paper proposes the concept of multi-layer LONs as well as a methodology to explore these models aiming at extracting metrics for fitness landscape analysis. Constructing such models, extracting and analyzing their metrics are the preliminary steps into the direction of extending the study on single neighborhood operator heuristics to more sophisticated ones that use multiple operators. Therefore, in the present paper we investigate a twolayer LON obtained from instances of a combinatorial problem using bitflip and swap operators. First, we enumerate instances of NK-landscape model and use the hill climbing heuristic to build the corresponding LONs. Then, using LON metrics, we analyze how efficiently the search might be when combining both strategies. The experiments show promising results and demonstrate the ability of multi-layer LONs to provide useful information that could be used for in metaheuristics based on multiple operators such as Variable Neighborhood Search.Comment: Accepted in GECCO202

    The Multi-Funnel Structure of TSP Fitness Landscapes: A Visual Exploration

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    We use the Local Optima Network model to study the structure of symmetric TSP fitness landscapes. The `big-valley' hypothesis holds that for TSP and other combinatorial problems, local optima are not randomly distributed, instead they tend to be clustered around the global optimum. However, a recent study has observed that, for solutions close in evaluation to the global optimum, this structure breaks down into multiple valleys, forming what has been called `multiple funnels'. The multiple funnel concept implies that local optima are organised into clusters, so that a particular local optimum largely belongs to a particular funnel. Our study is the first to extract and visualise local optima networks for TSP and is based on a sampling methodology relying on the Chained Lin-Kernighan algorithm. We confirm the existence of multiple funnels on two selected TSP instances, finding additional funnels in a previously studied instance. Our results suggests that transitions among funnels are possible using operators such as `double-bridge'. However, for consistently escaping sub-optimal funnels, more robust escaping mechanisms are required

    PageRank centrality for performance prediction: the impact of the local optima network model

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    A local optima network (LON) compresses relevant features of fitness landscapes in a complex network, where nodes are local optima and edges represent transition probabilities between different basins of attraction. Previous work has found that the PageRank centrality of local optima can be used to predict the success rate and average fitness achieved by local search based metaheuristics. Results are available for LONs where edges describe either basin transition probabilities or escape edges. This paper studies the interplay between the type of LON edges and the ability of the PageRank centrality for the resulting LON to predict the performance of local search based metaheuristics. It finds that LONs are stochastic models of the search heuristic. Thus, to achieve an accurate prediction, the definition of the LON edges must properly reflect the type of diversification steps used in the metaheuristic. LONs with edges representing basin transition probabilities capture well the diversification mechanism of simulated annealing which sometimes also accepts worse solutions that allow the search process to pass between basins. In contrast, LONs with escape edges capture well the diversification step of iterated local search, which escapes from local optima by applying a larger perturbation step

    Deconstructing the Big Valley Search Space Hypothesis

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    The big valley hypothesis suggests that, in combinatorial optimisation, local optima of good quality are clustered and surround the global optimum. We show here that the idea of a single valley does not always hold. Instead the big valley seems to de-construct into several valleys, also called ‘funnels’ in theoretical chemistry. We use the local optima networks model and propose an effective procedure for extracting the network data. We conduct a detailed study on four selected TSP instances of moderate size and observe that the big valley decomposes into a number of sub-valleys of different sizes and fitness distributions. Sometimes the global optimum is located in the largest valley, which suggests an easy to search landscape, but this is not generally the case. The global optimum might be located in a small valley, which offers a clear and visual explanation of the increased search difficulty in these cases. Our study opens up new possibilities for analysing and visualising combinatorial landscapes as complex networks

    A Tabu Search Based Approach for Graph Layout

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    This paper describes an automated tabu search based method for drawing general graph layouts with straight lines. To our knowledge, this is the first time tabu methods have been applied to graph drawing. We formulated the task as a multi-criteria optimization problem with a number of metrics which are used in a weighted fitness function to measure the aesthetic quality of the graph layout. The main goal of this work is to speed up the graph layout process without sacrificing layout quality. To achieve this, we use a tabu search based method that goes through a predefined number of iterations to minimize the value of the fitness function. Tabu search always chooses the best solution in the neighbourhood. This may lead to cycling, so a tabu list is used to store moves that are not permitted, meaning that the algorithm does not choose previous solutions for a set period of time. We evaluate the method according to the time spent to draw a graph and the quality of the drawn graphs. We give experimental results applied on random graphs and we provide statistical evidence that our method outperforms a fast search-based drawing method (hill climbing) in execution time while it produces comparably good graph layouts.We also demonstrate the method on real world graph datasets to show that we can reproduce similar results in a real world setting

    Modelling Genetic Improvement Landscapes with Local Optima Networks

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    Local optima networks are a compact representation of the global structure of a search space. They can be used for analysis and visualisation. This paper provides one of the first analyses of program search spaces using local optima networks. These are generated by sampling the search space by recording the progress of an Iterated Local Search algorithm. Source code mutations in comparison and Boolean operators are considered. The search spaces of two small benchmark programs, the triangle and TCAS programs, are analysed and visualised. Results show a high level of neutrality, i.e. connected test-equivalent mutants. It is also generally relatively easy to find a path from a random mutant to a mutant that passes all test cases

    Insights into the feature selection problem using local optima networks

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    The binary feature selection problem is investigated in this paper. Feature selection fitness landscape analysis is done, which allows for a better understanding of the behaviour of feature selection algorithms. Local optima networks are employed as a tool to visualise and characterise the fitness landscapes of the feature selection problem in the context of classification. An analysis of the fitness landscape global structure is provided, based on seven real-world datasets with up to 17 features. Formation of neutral global optima plateaus are shown to indicate the existence of irrelevant features in the datasets. Removal of irrelevant features resulted in a reduction of neutrality and the ratio of local optima to the size of the search space, resulting in improved performance of genetic algorithm search in finding the global optimum

    Visualising the Global Structure of Search Landscapes: Genetic Improvement as a Case Study

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    The search landscape is a common metaphor to describe the structure of computational search spaces. Different landscape metrics can be computed and used to predict search difficulty. Yet, the metaphor falls short in visualisation terms because it is hard to represent complex landscapes, both in terms of size and dimensionality. This paper combines Local Optima Networks, as a compact representation of the global structure of a search space, and dimensionality reduction, using the t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbour Embedding (t-SNE) algorithm, in order to both bring the metaphor to life and convey new insight into the search process. As a case study, two benchmark programs, under a Genetic Improvement bug-fixing scenario, are analysed and visualised using the proposed method. Local Optima Networks for both iterated local search and a hybrid genetic algorithm, across different neighbourhoods, are compared, highlighting the differences in how the landscape is explored

    Computationally Efficient Local Optima Network Construction

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    The codebase for this paper is available at https://github.com/fieldsend/local_optima_networksThere has been an increasing amount of research on the visualisation of search landscapes through the use of exact and approximate local optima networks (LONs). Although there are many papers available describing the construction of a LON, there is a dearth of code released to support the general practitioner constructing a LON for their problem. Furthermore, a naive implementation of the algorithms described in work on LONs will lead to inefficient and costly code, due to the possibility of repeatedly reevaluating neighbourhood members, and partially overlapping greedy paths. Here we discuss algorithms for the efficient computation of both exact and approximate LONs, and provide open source code online. We also provide some empirical illustrations of the reduction in the number of recursive greedy calls, and quality function calls that can be obtained on NK model landscapes, and discretised versions of the IEEE CEC 2013 niching competition tests functions, using the developed framework compared to naive implementations. In many instances multiple order of magnitude improvements are observed.This work was supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council [grant number EP/N017846/1]. The author would like to thank Sébastien Vérel and Gabriela Ochoa for providing inspirational invited talks on LONs at the University of Exeter during this grant, and also Ozgur Akman, Khulood Alyahya and Kevin Doherty
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