104 research outputs found

    Study of perturbations of an oscillating neuronal network via phase-amplitude response functions

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    Phase reduction is a powerful tool for understanding the behavior of perturbed oscillators. It allows for the description of high-dimensional oscillatory systems in terms of a single variable, the phase. Alternatively, mean-field models are a viable option to make the analysis of large systems more tractable. In this work, we apply a phase-amplitude technique on a mean-field model for a network of quadratic integrate-and-fire neurons, which is exact in the thermodynamic limit. This methodology allows us to compute the global isochrons and isostables of the system, and a generalization of the phase response curve beyond the limit cycle constraint: the phase and amplitude response functions. We compare the perturbed dynamics of the oscillating mean-field system with its N-dimensional counterpart, which also exhibits synchronized spiking, and observe how the response functions are able to predict accurately the evolution of the network. Moreover, since the model exhibits slow-fast dynamics, the method yields a dimensionality reduction restricted to the slow stable manifold of the system

    Mathematical frameworks for oscillatory network dynamics in neuroscience

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    The tools of weakly coupled phase oscillator theory have had a profound impact on the neuroscience community, providing insight into a variety of network behaviours ranging from central pattern generation to synchronisation, as well as predicting novel network states such as chimeras. However, there are many instances where this theory is expected to break down, say in the presence of strong coupling, or must be carefully interpreted, as in the presence of stochastic forcing. There are also surprises in the dynamical complexity of the attractors that can robustly appear—for example, heteroclinic network attractors. In this review we present a set of mathemat- ical tools that are suitable for addressing the dynamics of oscillatory neural networks, broadening from a standard phase oscillator perspective to provide a practical frame- work for further successful applications of mathematics to understanding network dynamics in neuroscience

    Sensitivity analysis of oscillator models in the space of phase-response curves: Oscillators as open systems

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    Oscillator models are central to the study of system properties such as entrainment or synchronization. Due to their nonlinear nature, few system-theoretic tools exist to analyze those models. The paper develops a sensitivity analysis for phase-response curves, a fundamental one-dimensional phase reduction of oscillator models. The proposed theoretical and numerical analysis tools are illustrated on several system-theoretic questions and models arising in the biology of cellular rhythms

    Low-dimensional attractor for neural activity from local field potentials in optogenetic mice

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    We used optogenetic mice to investigate possible nonlinear responses of the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) local network to light stimuli delivered by a 473 nm laser through a fiber optics. Every 2 s, a brief 10 ms light pulse was applied and the local field potentials (LFPs) were recorded with a 10 kHz sampling rate. The experiment was repeated 100 times and we only retained and analyzed data from six animals that showed stable and repeatable response to optical stimulations. The presence of nonlinearity in our data was checked using the null hypothesis that the data were linearly correlated in the temporal domain, but were random otherwise. For each trail, 100 surrogate data sets were generated and both time reversal asymmetry and false nearest neighbor (FNN) were used as discriminating statistics for the null hypothesis. We found that nonlinearity is present in all LFP data. The first 0.5 s of each 2 s LFP recording were dominated by the transient response of the networks. For each trial, we used the last 1.5 s of steady activity to measure the phase resetting induced by the brief 10 ms light stimulus. After correcting the LFPs for the effect of phase resetting, additional preprocessing was carried out using dendrograms to identify ``similar'' groups among LFP trials. We found that the steady dynamics of mPFC in response to light stimuli could be reconstructed in a three-dimensional phase space with topologically similar ``8''-shaped attractors across different animals. Our results also open the possibility of designing a low-dimensional model for optical stimulation of the mPFC local network

    Survivability of Deterministic Dynamical Systems

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    The notion of a part of phase space containing desired (or allowed) states of a dynamical system is important in a wide range of complex systems research. It has been called the safe operating space, the viability kernel or the sunny region. In this paper we define the notion of survivability: Given a random initial condition, what is the likelihood that the transient behaviour of a deterministic system does not leave a region of desirable states. We demonstrate the utility of this novel stability measure by considering models from climate science, neuronal networks and power grids. We also show that a semi-analytic lower bound for the survivability of linear systems allows a numerically very efficient survivability analysis in realistic models of power grids. Our numerical and semi-analytic work underlines that the type of stability measured by survivability is not captured by common asymptotic stability measures.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figure

    Optimal control over damped oscillations via response curves

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    A vast literature has been devoted throughout the years to the construction of both a phase and an amplitude response function that help us study the effects of external stimuli on the dynamics of oscillatory systems. Results trying to reproduce these techniques in the case of damped oscillations have come up recently. Thus, adhering to this recent trend, in this Master's Thesis we complete the study on damped oscillations initiated last year by my colleague Román Moreno in his own Master's Thesis and, based on it, we present a novel optimal control algorithm for the induction of sustained periodic oscillations out of a damped oscillation using a minimum-energy input. The positive results obtained can be seen, from a theoretical point of view, as a deterministic method for the generation of stable structures in systems where they were initially not present; and, from a more practical perspective, they may open the door for therapeutic studies of some neuropathologies when applied to some neuron models in neuroscience