1,039 research outputs found

    Visual Object Tracking: The Initialisation Problem

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    Model initialisation is an important component of object tracking. Tracking algorithms are generally provided with the first frame of a sequence and a bounding box (BB) indicating the location of the object. This BB may contain a large number of background pixels in addition to the object and can lead to parts-based tracking algorithms initialising their object models in background regions of the BB. In this paper, we tackle this as a missing labels problem, marking pixels sufficiently away from the BB as belonging to the background and learning the labels of the unknown pixels. Three techniques, One-Class SVM (OC-SVM), Sampled-Based Background Model (SBBM) (a novel background model based on pixel samples), and Learning Based Digital Matting (LBDM), are adapted to the problem. These are evaluated with leave-one-video-out cross-validation on the VOT2016 tracking benchmark. Our evaluation shows both OC-SVMs and SBBM are capable of providing a good level of segmentation accuracy but are too parameter-dependent to be used in real-world scenarios. We show that LBDM achieves significantly increased performance with parameters selected by cross validation and we show that it is robust to parameter variation.Comment: 15th Conference on Computer and Robot Vision (CRV 2018). Source code available at https://github.com/georgedeath/initialisation-proble

    Change detection in combination with spatial models and its effectiveness on underwater scenarios

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    This thesis proposes a novel change detection approach for underwater scenarios and combines it with different especially developed spatial models, this allows accurate and spatially coherent detection of any moving objects with a static camera in arbitrary environments. To deal with the special problems of underwater imaging pre-segmentations based on the optical flow and other special adaptions were added to the change detection algorithm so that it can better handle typical underwater scenarios like a scene crowded by a whole fish swarm

    Progressive search space reduction for human pose estimation

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    The objective of this paper is to estimate 2D human pose as a spatial configuration of body parts in TV and movie video shots. Such video material is uncontrolled and extremely challenging. We propose an approach that progressively reduces the search space for body parts, to greatly improve the chances that pose estimation will succeed. This involves two contributions: (i) a generic detector using a weak model of pose to substantially reduce the full pose search space; and (ii) employing ‘grabcut ’ initialized on detected regions proposed by the weak model, to further prune the search space. Moreover, we also propose (iii) an integrated spatiotemporal model covering multiple frames to refine pose estimates from individual frames, with inference using belief propagation. The method is fully automatic and self-initializing, and explains the spatio-temporal volume covered by a person moving in a shot, by soft-labeling every pixel as belonging to a particular body part or to the background. We demonstrate upper-body pose estimation by an extensive evaluation over 70000 frames from four episodes of the TV series Buffy the vampire slayer, and present an application to fullbody action recognition on the Weizmann dataset. 1

    Obstacle and Change Detection Using Monocular Vision

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    We explore change detection using videos of change-free paths to detect any changes that occur while travelling the same paths in the future. This approach benefits from learning the background model of the given path as preprocessing, detecting changes starting from the first frame, and determining the current location in the path. Two approaches are explored: a geometry-based approach and a deep learning approach. In our geometry-based approach, we use feature points to match testing frames to training frames. Matched frames are used to determine the current location within the training video. The frames are then processed by first registering the test frame onto the training frame through a homography of the previously matched feature points. Finally, a comparison is made to determine changes by using a region of interest (ROI) of the direct path of the robot in both frames. This approach performs well in many tests with various floor patterns, textures and complexities in the background of the path. In our deep learning approach, we use an ensemble of unsupervised dimensionality reduction models. We first extract feature points within a ROI and extract small frame samples around the feature points. The frame samples are used as training inputs and labels for our unsupervised models. The approach aims at learning a compressed feature representation of the frame samples in order to have a compact representation of background. We use the distribution of the training samples to directly compare the learned background to test samples with a classification of background or change using a majority vote. This approach performs well using just two models in the ensemble and achieves an overall accuracy of 98.0% with a 4.1% improvement over the geometry-based approach

    Pedestrian Detection and Tracking in Video Surveillance System: Issues, Comprehensive Review, and Challenges

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    Pedestrian detection and monitoring in a surveillance system are critical for numerous utility areas which encompass unusual event detection, human gait, congestion or crowded vicinity evaluation, gender classification, fall detection in elderly humans, etc. Researchers’ primary focus is to develop surveillance system that can work in a dynamic environment, but there are major issues and challenges involved in designing such systems. These challenges occur at three different levels of pedestrian detection, viz. video acquisition, human detection, and its tracking. The challenges in acquiring video are, viz. illumination variation, abrupt motion, complex background, shadows, object deformation, etc. Human detection and tracking challenges are varied poses, occlusion, crowd density area tracking, etc. These results in lower recognition rate. A brief summary of surveillance system along with comparisons of pedestrian detection and tracking technique in video surveillance is presented in this chapter. The publicly available pedestrian benchmark databases as well as the future research directions on pedestrian detection have also been discussed

    Foreground segmentation in depth imagery using depth and spatial dynamic models for video surveillance applications

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    Low-cost systems that can obtain a high-quality foreground segmentation almostindependently of the existing illumination conditions for indoor environments are verydesirable, especially for security and surveillance applications. In this paper, a novelforeground segmentation algorithm that uses only a Kinect depth sensor is proposedto satisfy the aforementioned system characteristics. This is achieved by combininga mixture of Gaussians-based background subtraction algorithm with a new Bayesiannetwork that robustly predicts the foreground/background regions between consecutivetime steps. The Bayesian network explicitly exploits the intrinsic characteristics ofthe depth data by means of two dynamic models that estimate the spatial and depthevolution of the foreground/background regions. The most remarkable contribution is thedepth-based dynamic model that predicts the changes in the foreground depth distributionbetween consecutive time steps. This is a key difference with regard to visible imagery,where the color/gray distribution of the foreground is typically assumed to be constant.Experiments carried out on two different depth-based databases demonstrate that theproposed combination of algorithms is able to obtain a more accurate segmentation of theforeground/background than other state-of-the art approaches

    Study of segmentation and identification techniques applied to environments with natural illumination and moving objects

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    La presente tesis está enmarcada en el área de visión por computador y en ella se realizan aportaciones encaminados a resolver el problema de segmentar automáticamente objetos en imágenes de escenas adquiridas en entornos donde se está realizando actividad, es decir, aparece movimiento de los elementos que la componen, y con iluminación variable o no controlada. Para llevar a cabo los desarrollos y poder evaluar prestaciones se ha abordado la resolución de dos problemas distintos desde el punto de vista de requerimientos y condiciones de entorno. En primer lugar se aborda el problema de segmentar e identificar, los códigos de los contenedores de camiones con imágenes tomadas en la entrada de un puerto comercial que se encuentra ubicada a la intemperie. En este caso se trata de proponer técnicas de segmentación que permitan extraer objetos concretos, en nuestro caso caracteres en contenedores, procesando imágenes individuales. No sólo supone un reto el trabajar con iluminación natural, sino además el trabajar con elementos deteriorados, con contrastes muy diferentes, etc. Dentro de este contexto, en la tesis se evalúan técnicas presentes en la literatura como LAT, Watershed, algoritmo de Otsu, variación local o umbralizado para segmentar imágenes en niveles de gris. A partir de este estudio, se propone una solución que combina varias de las técnicas anteriores, en un intento de abordar con éxito la extracción de caracteres de contenedores en todas las situaciones ambientales de movimiento e iluminación. El conocimiento a priori del tipo de objetos a segmentar nos permitió diseñar filtros con capacidad discriminante entre el ruido y los caracteres. El sistema propuesto tiene el valor añadido de que no necesita el ajuste de parámetros, por parte del usuario, para adaptarse a las variaciones de iluminación ambientales y consigue un nivel alto en la segmentación e identificación de caracteres.Rosell Ortega, JA. (2011). Study of segmentation and identification techniques applied to environments with natural illumination and moving objects [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/10863Palanci