19 research outputs found

    Current Status and Future of Cardiac Mapping in Atrial Fibrillation

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    High-Density Mapping Analysis of Electrical Spatiotemporal Behaviour in Atrial Fibrillation

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    Tese de mestrado integrado, Engenharia Biomédica e Biofísica (Sinais e Imagens Médicas), 2022, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de CiênciasDoenças cardiovasculares, tais como arritmias, são a principal causa de morte no mundo, especialmente no Sul e no Este da Ásia, e nos Estados Unidos da América [1]. As arritmas são caracterizadas pela alteração no ritmo sinusal normal do coração. Em particular, a fibrilhação auricular (FA) é a arritmia cardíaca mais comum na prática clínica, contribuindo para mais de 200 mil mortes globalmente em 2017 [2]. Caracteriza-se pela contração rápida e dessincronizada das aurículas, e está associada ao aumento da mortalidade e afecta de forma negativa a qualidade de vida dos pacientes. A FA é geralmente tratada através de medicação, porém quando esta falha, a ablação por cateter é indicada, sendo um tratamento de referência para combater esta patologia. A ablação apresenta uma taxa de sucesso de aproximadamente 50% no primeiro procedimento, sendo necessário efectuar vários procedimentos para aumentar a eficácia do tratamento [3]. A detecção desta patologia envolve, numa primeira fase, a realização de um electrocardiograma (ECG) e, posteriormente um estudo electrofisiológico para saber com precisão onde se localiza e o mecanismo subjacente à mesma. Este último implica o registo da actividade eléctrica através de electrogramas (EGM) locais em diferentes pontos das aurículas e dos ventrículos, com o auxílio de sistemas de mapeamento tridimensionais (3D) electroanatómicos, sendo um procedimento invasivo. Existem diversos métodos lineares e não lineares que permitem a análise dos EGMs nos domínios do tempo, frequência, fase, entre outros, com a finalidade de melhor compreender os mecanismos subjacentes à FA e, consequentemente aumentar a taxa de sucesso do processo de ablação e melhorar a sua eficiência. Esta área de estudo progrediu significativamente, tanto a nível de hardware, como de software. Apesar disso, os métodos desenvolvidos não têm nem acrescentado benefícios adicionais, nem melhorado significativamente a taxa de sucesso do processo de ablação. Existem várias razões para tal, e grande parte deve-se ao facto destes métodos de análise estarem incorporados nos sistemas de mapeamento e o seu software ser exclusivo. Isto leva a que não consigamos perceber como é que os algoritmos funcionam nos diferentes sistemas de mapeamento para comparar as suas diferenças e semelhanças. Devido a estes constrangimentos, os investigadores são compelidos a desenvolver os seus próprios métodos de análise e técnicas de mapeamento, o que leva à existência de uma multitude de métodos e técnicas de mapeamento que parecem ser diferentes entre si, resultando em informação ambígua e conflituosa no que diz respeito aos mecanismos da FA, e a conclusões distintas entre estudos. O sucesso do tratamento poderia aumentar se tivéssemos uma melhor compreensão dos métodos de análise e da sua aplicação no contexto da FA; perceber se os métodos apontam para o mesmo fenómeno de fibrilhação, se existe alguma correlação entre os métodos, e se a informação fornecida pelos mesmos é complementar ou redundante. Assim, o objectivo deste trabalho consistiu em implementar diferentes métodos para analisar os EGMs e a estrutura 3D da aurícula esquerda (AE) de doentes com FA, numa tentativa de responder às questões que motivaram a realização deste projecto. Em última análise, ao observar os mapas 3D da AE tendo uma melhor compreensão dos métodos, poderemos identificar com precisão as regiões na AE responsáveis por iniciar a FA, e ter mais conhecimento sobre os mecanismos responsáveis pela mesma. Desta forma, o processo de ablação poderá alcançar o seu potencial. Para este projecto, foram incluídos os mapas 3D electroanatómicos da AE de dez doentes com FA paroxística ou persistente do hospital de Santa Marta, recolhidos com o sistema de mapeamento CARTO 3. Cada ponto electroanatómico dos mapas inclui as 12 derivações do ECG, e os EGMs unipolares e bipolares registados com o cateter de mapeamento Pentaray de 20 pólos. Porém, apenas os EGMs bipolares foram incluídos na análise. Processaram-se os sinais bipolares e, devido a algumas limitações, foi possível apenas a implementação de dois métodos diferentes para os analisar: um no domínio da frequência – Frequência Dominante (FD) –, e outro no domínio da Teoria da Informação – a entropia de Shannon. De seguida, criaram-se três tipos de mapas 3D electroanatómicos da AE para cada doente: um de voltagem, cuja informação foi adquirida com o sistema de mapeamento, um de FD, e outro de entropia. A informação de cada mapa estava organizada segundo um padrão de cores. Observando os diferentes tipos de mapas da AE paralelamente, foi possível comparar os métodos, e perceber que tipo de informação cada um deles fornecia, numa tentativa de melhor compreender os mecanismos da FA. Foi possível observar em algumas regiões da AE, principalmente nos mapas de voltagem e de FD, a presença de “centros de activação” ou “centros de fibrilhação”, que poderão ser os gatilhos responsáveis por desencadear ou manter o mecanismo de fibrilhação. Para confirmar se de facto aquelas regiões eram os gatilhos de fibrilhação, seria necessário submeter os doentes ao processo de ablação e queimar essas zonas; e posteriormente acompanhar os doentes para observar os efeitos do procedimento e confirmar a hipótese. Contudo, dadas as limitações do trabalho e o facto desta área de investigação ser pouco explorada, é fulcral obter um maior número de estudo comparativos entre mais métodos de diferentes domínios e confirmar se apontam ou não para o mesmo fenómeno de fibrilhação. Apesar de terem sido implementados apenas dois métodos de análise dos EGMs, o projecto permitiu a comparação entre os mesmos, uma área de estudo por onde ainda há muito para investigar. Com mais conhecimento sobre os diferentes métodos, a sua aplicação, inter-relação e adequação no estudo dos mecanismos da FA e das propriedades electrofisiológicas desta patologia, é possível desenvolver procedimentos de ablação mais eficientes e selectivos, de forma a diminuir os riscos e aumentar a taxa de sucesso do tratamento.Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most frequent cardiac arrhythmia in clinical practice and is described by rapid and irregular contractions of the atria. Despite catheter ablation (CA) being a well-established treatment for AF, it is sub-optimal, with a success rate of approximately 50 % after a single procedure, with some patients requiring multiple procedures to achieve long-term freedom from this pathology. This prompted the proposal and development of various quantitative electrogram (EGM)-based methods along with different mapping systems with their respective mapping techniques, to better understand the mechanisms responsible for initiating and maintaining AF, thus improving ablation outcomes. However, this diversification of methods and tools resulted in disperse and inconsistent data regarding the mechanisms of AF. This work consisted of employing two different methods to analyse the electrograms (EGM): dominant frequency (DF) and Shannon entropy (ShEn). From these EGMs, metrics were then extracted and displayed in colour-coded fashion on a 3D mesh of the left atrium (LA) from patients with paroxysmal or persistent AF. The two methods were compared to understand whether or not these indicated different phenomena/mechanisms, and if these could locate sites suspected of triggering and maintaining AF. The results, while not fully conforming to the literature, allowed the comparison between different EGM analysis methods, a field of study that requires further research. Overall, this project highlighted the limited data available within the topic, hindering our understanding of AF mechanisms and development of more effective and selective ablation procedures to avoid unnecessary complications, and ultimately improve the effects of the treatment's outcomes

    Decoding atrial fibrillation:Personalized identification and quantification of electropathology

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    Electrophysiological mapping-guided ablation strategies targeting atrial fibrillation (AF) have improved considerably over the past few years. However, it remains a major challenge to design effective strategies for particularly persistent AF. This can be partially explained by the inadequate understanding of the mechanisms and electropathological substrate underlying AF. Progression of AF is accompanied by structural and electrical remodeling, resulting in complex electrical conduction disorders, which is defined as electropathology. The severity of electropathology thus defines the stage of AF and is a major determinant of the effectiveness of AF therapy. In this thesis, features of electrophysiological properties of atrial tissue have been explored, developed and quantified during normal sinus rhythm, programmed electrical stimulation and AF. In addition, inter- and intra-individual variation in these quantified parameters has been examined in patients with and without prior episodes of AF. The most suitable objective parameters will aid in the identification of patients at risk for early onset or progression of AF. Part I of this thesis focusses on quantified electrogram features related to electropathology. In part II, abnormalities in wavefront propagation due to heterogeneous conduction properties were explored. Part III focusses on identification of post-operative AF and the relation with electropathology. In part IV of this thesis, some clinical implications of high-resolution mapping during cardiac surgery and application of quantified electrophysiological features are discussed

    Characterizing Atrial Fibrillation Substrate by Electrogram and Restitution Analysis

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    Vorhofflimmern ist die häufigste supraventrikuläre Arrhythmie in der klinischen Praxis. Es gibt Hinweise darauf, dass pathologisches Vorhofsubstrat (Fibrose) eine zentrale mechanistische Rolle bei der Aufrechterhaltung von Vorhofflimmern spielt. Die Behandlung von Vorhofflimmern erfolgt durch Ablation des fibrotischen Substrats. Der Nachweis eines solchen Substrats ist jedoch eine ungelöste Herausforderung, was durch die mangelnden positiven klinischen Ablationsergebnisse ersichtlich wird. Daher ist das Hauptthema dieser Arbeit die Charakterisierung des atrialen Substrats. Die Bestimmung von Signalmerkmalen an Stellen mit fibrotischem Substrat erleichtert die Erkennung und anschließende Ablation solcher Areale in Zukunft. Darüber hinaus kann das Verständnis der Art und Weise, wie diese Areale das Vorhofflimmern aufrechterhalten, die positiven Ergebnisse von Ablationseingriffen verbessern. Schließlich kann Restitutionsinformation ein weiteres Instrument zur Substratcharakterisierung sein, das bei der Unterscheidung zwischen pathologischen und nicht-pathologischen Arealen helfen und somit das Ablationsergebnis weiter verbessert. In dieser Arbeit werden zwei Ansätze zur Substratcharakterisierung vorgestellt: Zunächst wurde eine Charakterisierung des Substrats mit Hilfe des intraatrialen Elektrogramms vorgenommen. Dazu wurde eine Auswahl spezifischer Merkmale des Elektrogramms an Positionen evaluiert, die eine Terminierung von Vorhofflimmern nach Ablation zur Folge hatten. Die Studie beinhaltete 21 Patienten, bei denen eine Ablation nach Pulmonalvenenisolation das klinisch persistierende Vorhofflimmern beendete. Der klinisch vorgeschlagene Grenzwert der Spannungsamplitude von <0:5 mV wurde genutzt, um die Positionen der Ablation zu definieren. Die Bereiche, in denen das Vorhofflimmern erfolgreich terminiert wurde, wiesen ausgeprägte Elektrogramm-Muster auf. Diese waren gekennzeichnet durch kurze lokale Zykluslängen, die fraktionierte Potentiale und Niederspannungspotentiale enthielten. Gleichzeitig zeigten sie eine lokale Konsistenz und deckten einen Großteil der lokalen Vorhofflimmer-Zykluslänge ab. Die meisten dieser Bereiche wiesen auch im Sinusrhythmus pathologisch verzögerte atriale Spätpotentiale und fraktionierte Elektrogramme auf. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit wurden Restitutionsdaten der lokalen Amplitude und der lokalen Leitungsgeschwindigkeit (CV) erfasst und genutzt, um daraus Informationen über das zugrunde liegende Substrat abzuleiten. Die Daten zur Restitution wurden von 22 Patienten mit Vorhofflimmern aus zwei Kliniken unter Verwendung eines S1S2-Protokolls mit Stimulationsintervallen von 180 ms bis 500 ms gewonnen. Um Restitutionsdaten der Patientengruppe zu erhalten, musste ein automatisierter Algorithmus entwickelt werden, der in der Lage ist, große Mengen an Stimulationsprotokolldaten zu lesen, zu segmentieren und auszuwerten. Dieser Algorithmus wurde in der vorliegenden Arbeit entwickelt und CVAR-Seg genannt. Der CVAR-Seg Algorithmus bietet eine rauschresistente Signalsegmentierung, die mit extremen Rauschpegeln getestet wurde, die weit über dem erwarteten klinischen Pegel lagen. CVAR-Seg wurde unter einer Open-Source-Lizenz für die Allgemeinheit bereitgestellt. Es ermöglicht aufgrund seines modularen Aufbaus den einfachen Austausch einzelner Verfahrensschritte durch alternative Methoden entsprechend den Bedürfnissen des Anwenders. Darüber hinaus wurde im Rahmen dieser Studie eine neuartige Methode, die sogenannte inverse Doppelellipsenmethode, zur Bestimmung der lokalen CV etabliert. Diese Methode schätzt die CV, die Faserorientierung und den Anisotropiefaktor bei beliebiger Elektrodenanordnung. In Simulationen reproduzierte die Doppelellipsenmethode die vorherrschende CV, Faserorientierung und Anisotropie genauer und robuster als die aktuell gängigste Methode. Zusätzlich erwies sich diese Methode als echtzeittauglich und könnte daher in klinischen Elektrophysiologiesystemen eingesetzt werden. Die Doppelellipsenmethode würde durch die lokalisierte Vermessung des Vorhofsubstrats ermöglichen während eines Kartierungsverfahrens gleichzeitig eine CV-Karte, eine Anisotropieverhältniskarte und eine Faserkarte zu erstellen. Die Restitutionsinformationen der Patientenkohorte wurden mit der CVARSeg-Pipeline und der inversen Doppelellipsenmethode ausgewertet, um Amplituden- und CV-Restitutionskurven zu erhalten. Zur Anpassung der Restitutionskurven wurde eine monoexponentielle Funktion verwendet. Die Parameter der angepassten Funktion, die die Restitutionskurven abbilden, wurden verwendet, um Unterschiede in den Restitutionseigenschaften zwischen pathologischem und nicht-pathologischem Substrat zu erkennen. Das Ergebnis zeigte, dass klinisch definierte pathologische Bereiche durch eine reduzierte Amplitudenasymptote und einen steilen Kurvenabfall bei erhöhter Stimulationsrate gekennzeichnet waren. CV-Kurven zeigten eine reduzierte Asymptote und eine große Variation im Parameter der den Kurvenabfall beschreibt. Darüber hinaus wurden die Restitutionsunterschiede innerhalb des Vorhofs an der posterioren und anterioren Wand verglichen, da die Literatur keine eindeutigen Ergebnisse lieferte. In dieser Arbeit wurde nachgewiesen, dass die posteriore Vorhofwand Amplituden- und CV-Restitutionskurven mit höherer Asymptote und moderaterer Krümmung verglichen mit der anterioren Vorhofwand aufweist. Um über den empirisch beschriebenen manuellen Schwellenwert hinauszugehen, wurde der Parameterraum, der von den Anpassungsparametern der Amplituden- und CV-Restitutionskurven aufgespannt wird, nach natürlich vorkommenden Clustern durchsucht. Obgleich Cluster vorhanden waren, deutete ihre unzureichende Trennung auf einen kontinuierlichen, sich mit dem Schweregrad der Substratpathologie verändernden Verlauf der Amplituden- und CV-Kurven hin. Schließlich wurde eine einfachere und schnellere Methode zur Erfassung von Restitutionsdaten vorgestellt, die einen vergleichbaren Informationsgehalt auf der Grundlage der maximalen Steigung anstelle einer vollständigen Restitutionskurve liefert. In dieser Arbeit werden zwei neue Methoden vorgestellt, der CVAR-Seg-Algorithmus und die inverse Doppelellipsenmethode, die eine Auswertung von S1S2 Stimulationsprotokollen und die Bestimmung der lokalen Leitungsgeschwindigkeit beschleunigen und verbessern. Darüber hinaus werden in dieser Arbeit Merkmale von pathologischem Gewebe definiert, die zur Identifizierung von Arrhythmiequellen beitragen. Somit trägt diese Arbeit dazu bei, die Therapie von Vorhofflimmern in Zukunft zu verbessern

    Basket-Type Catheters : Diagnostic Pitfalls Caused by Deformation and Limited Coverage

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    Whole-chamber mapping using a 64-pole basket catheter (BC) has become a featured approach for the analysis of excitation patterns during atrial fibrillation. A flexible catheter design avoids perforation but may lead to spline bunching and influence coverage. We aim to quantify the catheter deformation and endocardial coverage in clinical situations and study the effect of catheter size and electrode arrangement using an in silico basket model. Atrial coverage and spline separation were evaluated quantitatively in an ensemble of clinical measurements. A computational model of the BC was implemented including an algorithm to adapt its shape to the atrial anatomy. Two clinically relevant mapping positions in each atrium were assessed in both clinical and simulated data. The simulation environment allowed varying both BC size and electrode arrangement. Results showed that interspline distances of more than 20 mm are common, leading to a coverage of less than 50% of the left atrial (LA) surface. In an ideal in silico scenario with variable catheter designs, a maximum coverage of 65% could be reached. As spline bunching and insufficient coverage can hardly be avoided, this has to be taken into account for interpretation of excitation patterns and development of new panoramic mapping techniques

    Simplified Cardiodynamic Tissue Electrophysiology Characterization, Reduced Order Modeling with Therapeutic Perspective

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    Atrial fibrillation (Afib) is the most common cardiac arrhythmia affecting millions of people around the world. Mapping and analysis of electrical activation patterns such as electric rotors during Afib is crucial in understanding arrhythmic mechanisms and assessment of diagnostic measures. To this end, there exists various mapping studies where textit{'quantitative'} features such as local activation time, dominant frequency, wave direction, and conduction velocity are extracted from recorded intracardiac electrograms (EGMs). However, obtaining quantitative features further adds to multiplicity of the data and henceforth does not help interpretation of measured signals as opposed to using a more compressed diagnostic terms such as linking the measurements to reentry mechanisms. Through some techniques it is possible to construct isopotential and phase mappings by the help of monophasic action potential recordings in higher spatial resolution. In those cases, however, both expensive mapping tools performing multi-site simultaneous recordings which are not available to most of electrophysiologists are required. On the other hand, the most commonly used catheters which provide high resolution but local measurements remain rather rudimentary in mapping a spatially more global arrhythmic behaviors in a simultaneous fashion. Spiral waves are tissue level phenomena observed in both clinical and experimental settings. They are the product of electrical rotors which are associated with reentry mechanisms during Afib. They can be reproduced using computer models of cardiac electrical activity. Current computer models vary in complexity, accuracy, and efficiency. One particular type is called biophysical models which are based on detailed ion channel interactions. Besides being computationally demanding, they are exceedingly complex and intractable preventing their use in a systems approach where multilevel events are generally considered together. Phenomenological models, on the other hand, include summarized details of ionic events yet preserve fundamental biophysical accuracy. A particular one of them, a minimal resistor model (MRM), was shown to reproduce relevant basic electrophysiological behaviors such as (action potential) AP and electrical restitution properties for human ventricular tissue. The objective in present thesis is to 'qualitatively' characterize fibrillatory wavefront propagation dynamics in cardiac tissue using simulated intracardiac EGMs obtained from most commonly used and lower cost catheter types providing high resolution but localized readings. Another purpose connected to the previous is to show adequacy of a phenomenological model, MRM, in reproducing biophysically related behaviors for human atria. In this respect, two category of problems are handled throughout the thesis: (1) parameter estimation of MRM and (2) discrimination of spiral wave behaviors through intracardiac EGMs simulated using MRM. In the first part, representativeness of MRM for human atrial electrophysiology is established through adaptation of it to a biophysically detailed model originated from experimental data. Specifically, a method is proposed for parameter estimation of the simple model, MRM, to match a targeted behavior such as AP and electrical restitutions first generated from a complex model, by using extended Kalman filter (EKF). In the second part, a method that receives intracardiac EGMs and returns corresponding wavefront propagation patterns classified in terms of electric rotor dynamics is introduced. The method incorporates an information theoretical distance which is called normalized compression distance (NCD) used for assessment of distance measure between simulated behaviors. Achieving outstanding performance together with robustness in discrimination through usage of simulated data enables a theoretical validation of the method. Proposed frameworks collectively yield (1) potential usability of a computationally efficient and easier in analysis model for tissue level cardiac events and (2) simplicity and practicality in clinics through a mapping from a multiple, complex EGM signals to electric rotor behaviors, symptoms more relevant to the diagnosis.Ph.D., Electrical Engineering -- Drexel University, 201

    Noninvasive Electrocardiographic Imaging (ECGi) to Guide Catheter Ablation of Scar-related Ventricular Tachycardia

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    Scar-related VT is caused by local \textit{short circuits} of electrical propagation formed by slow-conducting channels of surviving tissue within a scar. Catheter ablation treats scar-related VT by destroying the critical channel of surviving tissues. Its efficacy heavily relies on how well the channels critical to the formation of VT circuits can be localized. Unfortunately, in current practice, this relies on invasive catheter mapping that falls short in several critical aspects: up to 90%\% of the VT circuits are too short-lived to be mapped, the mapping cannot be done non-invasively prior to the ablation procedure, and the mapping is restricted to one heart surface at a time. Electrocardiographic imaging (ECGi) is a noninvasive approach that reconstructs cardiac electrical signals from a very dense body surface electrocardiogram (ECG) in combination with patient-specific geometries of the heart and torso. In this dissertation, we investigate the clinical utility of ECGi in guiding catheter ablation of scar-related VT. Specifically, we investigate two open questions that are not well-understood in the potential of ECGi for mapping VT circuits. First, instead of commonly-used epicardial ECGi, we investigate the validity of simultaneous epicardial and endocardial ECGi mapping of VT circuits, and the possibility of using information from these two surfaces to infer the morphology of 3D circuits. Second, we investigate the integration of ECGi electrical information of VT circuits with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of scar analysis for joint electrical and structural delineation of the substrates for VT circuits. These studies were performed on a combination of computer simulation, animal model, and human subject data. Experimental results showed that epi-endo ECGi mapping could reconstruct VT circuits, differentiate 2D versus 3D circuits, and provide information about the location of the VT circuit beneath the surface. They also showed that integrated MRI-ECGi analysis offered a quantitative characterization of the scar substrate that forms a VT circuit. These outcomes showed that simultaneous epi-endo ECGi in the combination of MRI structural scar imaging may provide a viable augmentation to the current practice of invasive catheter mapping. It may help clinicians plan for the ablation prior to the procedure by equipping them with knowledge about a VT circuit\u27s critical components, the surfaces that are involved, and the 3D morphology of the VT circuit

    Mapping of Atrial Fibrillation: Back to the Drawing Board

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    New high-resolution mapping approach for mapping of atrial fibrillation in patients during cardiac surgery and the discovery of asynchronous activation of the endocardial and epicardial layers of the atria during atrial fibrillation

    Comparison of epicardial mapping and noncontact endocardial mapping in dog experiments and computer simulations

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    La fibrillation auriculaire, l'arythmie la plus fréquente en clinique, affecte 2.3 millions de patients en Amérique du Nord. Pour en étudier les mécanismes et les thérapies potentielles, des modèles animaux de fibrillation auriculaire ont été développés. La cartographie électrique épicardique à haute densité est une technique expérimentale bien établie pour suivre in vivo l'activité des oreillettes en réponse à une stimulation électrique, à du remodelage, à des arythmies ou à une modulation du système nerveux autonome. Dans les régions qui ne sont pas accessibles par cartographie épicardique, la cartographie endocardique sans contact réalisée à l'aide d'un cathéter en forme de ballon pourrait apporter une description plus complète de l'activité auriculaire. Dans cette étude, une expérience chez le chien a été conçue et analysée. Une reconstruction électro-anatomique, une cartographie épicardique (103 électrodes), une cartographie endocardique sans contact (2048 électrodes virtuelles calculées à partir un cathéter en forme de ballon avec 64 canaux) et des enregistrements endocardiques avec contact direct ont été réalisés simultanément. Les systèmes d'enregistrement ont été également simulés dans un modèle mathématique d'une oreillette droite de chien. Dans les simulations et les expériences (après la suppression du nœud atrio-ventriculaire), des cartes d'activation ont été calculées pendant le rythme sinusal. La repolarisation a été évaluée en mesurant l'aire sous l'onde T auriculaire (ATa) qui est un marqueur de gradient de repolarisation. Les résultats montrent un coefficient de corrélation épicardique-endocardique de 0.8 (expérience) and 0.96 (simulation) entre les cartes d'activation, et un coefficient de corrélation de 0.57 (expérience) and 0.92 (simulation) entre les valeurs de ATa. La cartographie endocardique sans contact apparait comme un instrument expérimental utile pour extraire de l'information en dehors des régions couvertes par les plaques d'enregistrement épicardique.Atrial fibrillation is the most common clinical arrhythmia currently affecting 2.3 million patients in North America. To study its mechanisms and potential therapies, animal models of atrial fibrillation have been developed. Epicardial high-density electrical mapping is a well-established experimental instrument to monitor in vivo the activity of the atria in response to pacing, remodeling, arrhythmias and modulation of the autonomic nervous system. In regions that are not accessible by epicardial mapping, noncontact endocardial mapping performed through a balloon catheter may provide a more comprehensive description of atrial activity. In this study, a dog experiment was designed and analyzed in which electroanatomical reconstruction, epicardial mapping (103 electrodes), noncontact endocardial mapping (2048 virtual electrodes computed from a 64-channel balloon catheter), and direct-contact endocardial catheter recordings were simultaneously performed. The recording system was also simulated in a computer model of the canine right atrium. For simulations and experiments (after atrio-ventricular node suppression), activation maps were computed during sinus rhythm. Repolarization was assessed by measuring the area under the atrial T wave (ATa), a marker of repolarization gradients. Results showed an epicardial endocardial correlation coefficient of 0.8 (experiment) and 0.96 (simulation) between activation times, and a correlation coefficient of 0.57 (experiment) and 0.92 (simulation) between ATa values. Noncontact mapping appears to be a valuable experimental device to retrieve information outside the regions covered by epicardial recording plaques