3,016 research outputs found

    Parallel Load Balancing on Constrained Client-Server Topologies

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    We study parallel \emph{Load Balancing} protocols for a client-server distributed model defined as follows. There is a set \sC of nn clients and a set \sS of nn servers where each client has (at most) a constant number d1d \geq 1 of requests that must be assigned to some server. The client set and the server one are connected to each other via a fixed bipartite graph: the requests of client vv can only be sent to the servers in its neighborhood N(v)N(v). The goal is to assign every client request so as to minimize the maximum load of the servers. In this setting, efficient parallel protocols are available only for dense topolgies. In particular, a simple symmetric, non-adaptive protocol achieving constant maximum load has been recently introduced by Becchetti et al \cite{BCNPT18} for regular dense bipartite graphs. The parallel completion time is \bigO(\log n) and the overall work is \bigO(n), w.h.p. Motivated by proximity constraints arising in some client-server systems, we devise a simple variant of Becchetti et al's protocol \cite{BCNPT18} and we analyse it over almost-regular bipartite graphs where nodes may have neighborhoods of small size. In detail, we prove that, w.h.p., this new version has a cost equivalent to that of Becchetti et al's protocol (in terms of maximum load, completion time, and work complexity, respectively) on every almost-regular bipartite graph with degree Ω(log2n)\Omega(\log^2n). Our analysis significantly departs from that in \cite{BCNPT18} for the original protocol and requires to cope with non-trivial stochastic-dependence issues on the random choices of the algorithmic process which are due to the worst-case, sparse topology of the underlying graph

    High speed all optical networks

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    An inherent problem of conventional point-to-point wide area network (WAN) architectures is that they cannot translate optical transmission bandwidth into comparable user available throughput due to the limiting electronic processing speed of the switching nodes. The first solution to wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) based WAN networks that overcomes this limitation is presented. The proposed Lightnet architecture takes into account the idiosyncrasies of WDM switching/transmission leading to an efficient and pragmatic solution. The Lightnet architecture trades the ample WDM bandwidth for a reduction in the number of processing stages and a simplification of each switching stage, leading to drastically increased effective network throughputs. The principle of the Lightnet architecture is the construction and use of virtual topology networks, embedded in the original network in the wavelength domain. For this construction Lightnets utilize the new concept of lightpaths which constitute the links of the virtual topology. Lightpaths are all-optical, multihop, paths in the network that allow data to be switched through intermediate nodes using high throughput passive optical switches. The use of the virtual topologies and the associated switching design introduce a number of new ideas, which are discussed in detail

    Planning a sustainable reverse logistics system: balancing costs with environmental and social concerns

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    The present work aims to support tactical and operational planning decisions of reverse logistics systems while considering economical, environmental and social objectives. In the literature, when addressing such systems economical aspects have been often used, while environmental concerns have been only recently emerging. The social component is the one less studied, and rarely the combination of the three concerns has been analyzed. This work address the three objectives and was motivated by the challenge of supporting decisions makers when managing a real case study of a recyclable waste collection system, where strategic decisions on the number and location of depots, vehicles and containers were taken beforehand. Tactical and operational decisions are studied involving the establishment of service areas for each depot and the definition and scheduling of collection routes for each vehicle. Such decisions should represent a compromise solution between the three objectives considered and support a sustainable reverse logistics plan. A multi-objective solution approach based on mixed-integer linear programming models is developed. Trade-offs between the objectives are discussed. Moreover the solutions obtained when each objective is tackled individually are compared between themselves and with the balanced solution.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Information Technologies for the Healthcare Delivery System

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    That modern healthcare requires information technology to be efficient and fully effective is evident if one spends any time observing the delivery of institutional health care. Consider the observation of a practitioner of the discipline, David M. Eddy, MD, PhD, voiced in Clinical Decision Making, JAMA 263:1265-75, 1990, . . .All confirm what would be expected from common sense: The complexity of modern medicine exceeds the inherent limitations of the unaided human mind. The goal of this thesis is to identify the technological factors that are required to enable a fully sufficient application of information technology (IT) to the modern institutional practice of medicine. Perhaps the epitome of healthcare IT is the fully integrated, fully electronic patient medical record. Although, in 1991 the Institute of Medicine called for such a record to be standard technology by 2001, it has still not materialized. The author will argue that some of the technology and standards that are pre-requisite for this achievement have now arrived, while others are still evolving to fully sufficient levels. The paper will concentrate primarily on the health care system in the United States, although much of what is contained is applicable to a large degree, around the world. The paper will illustrate certain of these pre-requisite IT factors by discussing the actual installation of a major health care computer system at the University of Rochester Medical Center (URMC) in Rochester, New York. This system is a Picture Archiving and Communications System (PACS). As the name implies, PACS is a system of capturing health care images in digital format, storing them and communicating them to users throughout the enterprise

    Straggler-Resilient Distributed Computing

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    In reference to IEEE copyrighted material which is used with permission in this thesis, the IEEE does not endorse any of University of Bergen's products or services. Internal or personal use of this material is permitted. If interested in reprinting/republishing IEEE copyrighted material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution, please go to http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/rights_link.html to learn how to obtain a License from RightsLink.Utbredelsen av distribuerte datasystemer har økt betydelig de siste årene. Dette skyldes først og fremst at behovet for beregningskraft øker raskere enn hastigheten til en enkelt datamaskin, slik at vi må bruke flere datamaskiner for å møte etterspørselen, og at det blir stadig mer vanlig at systemer er spredt over et stort geografisk område. Dette paradigmeskiftet medfører mange tekniske utfordringer. En av disse er knyttet til "straggler"-problemet, som er forårsaket av forsinkelsesvariasjoner i distribuerte systemer, der en beregning forsinkes av noen få langsomme noder slik at andre noder må vente før de kan fortsette. Straggler-problemet kan svekke effektiviteten til distribuerte systemer betydelig i situasjoner der en enkelt node som opplever en midlertidig overbelastning kan låse et helt system. I denne avhandlingen studerer vi metoder for å gjøre beregninger av forskjellige typer motstandsdyktige mot slike problemer, og dermed gjøre det mulig for et distribuert system å fortsette til tross for at noen noder ikke svarer i tide. Metodene vi foreslår er skreddersydde for spesielle typer beregninger. Vi foreslår metoder tilpasset distribuert matrise-vektor-multiplikasjon (som er en grunnleggende operasjon i mange typer beregninger), distribuert maskinlæring og distribuert sporing av en tilfeldig prosess (for eksempel det å spore plasseringen til kjøretøy for å unngå kollisjon). De foreslåtte metodene utnytter redundans som enten blir introdusert som en del av metoden, eller som naturlig eksisterer i det underliggende problemet, til å kompensere for manglende delberegninger. For en av de foreslåtte metodene utnytter vi redundans for også å øke effektiviteten til kommunikasjonen mellom noder, og dermed redusere mengden data som må kommuniseres over nettverket. I likhet med straggler-problemet kan slik kommunikasjon begrense effektiviteten i distribuerte systemer betydelig. De foreslåtte metodene gir signifikante forbedringer i ventetid og pålitelighet sammenlignet med tidligere metoder.The number and scale of distributed computing systems being built have increased significantly in recent years. Primarily, that is because: i) our computing needs are increasing at a much higher rate than computers are becoming faster, so we need to use more of them to meet demand, and ii) systems that are fundamentally distributed, e.g., because the components that make them up are geographically distributed, are becoming increasingly prevalent. This paradigm shift is the source of many engineering challenges. Among them is the straggler problem, which is a problem caused by latency variations in distributed systems, where faster nodes are held up by slower ones. The straggler problem can significantly impair the effectiveness of distributed systems—a single node experiencing a transient outage (e.g., due to being overloaded) can lock up an entire system. In this thesis, we consider schemes for making a range of computations resilient against such stragglers, thus allowing a distributed system to proceed in spite of some nodes failing to respond on time. The schemes we propose are tailored for particular computations. We propose schemes designed for distributed matrix-vector multiplication, which is a fundamental operation in many computing applications, distributed machine learning—in the form of a straggler-resilient first-order optimization method—and distributed tracking of a time-varying process (e.g., tracking the location of a set of vehicles for a collision avoidance system). The proposed schemes rely on exploiting redundancy that is either introduced as part of the scheme, or exists naturally in the underlying problem, to compensate for missing results, i.e., they are a form of forward error correction for computations. Further, for one of the proposed schemes we exploit redundancy to also improve the effectiveness of multicasting, thus reducing the amount of data that needs to be communicated over the network. Such inter-node communication, like the straggler problem, can significantly limit the effectiveness of distributed systems. For the schemes we propose, we are able to show significant improvements in latency and reliability compared to previous schemes.Doktorgradsavhandlin