2,466,141 research outputs found

    Locally Optimal Load Balancing

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    This work studies distributed algorithms for locally optimal load-balancing: We are given a graph of maximum degree Δ\Delta, and each node has up to LL units of load. The task is to distribute the load more evenly so that the loads of adjacent nodes differ by at most 11. If the graph is a path (Δ=2\Delta = 2), it is easy to solve the fractional version of the problem in O(L)O(L) communication rounds, independently of the number of nodes. We show that this is tight, and we show that it is possible to solve also the discrete version of the problem in O(L)O(L) rounds in paths. For the general case (Δ>2\Delta > 2), we show that fractional load balancing can be solved in poly⁡(L,Δ)\operatorname{poly}(L,\Delta) rounds and discrete load balancing in f(L,Δ)f(L,\Delta) rounds for some function ff, independently of the number of nodes.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figure

    Reusable Ionogel-based Photo-actuators in a Lab-on-a-disc

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    This paper describes the design, fabrication and performance of a reusable ionogel-based photo-actuator, in-situ photopolymerised into a lab-on-a-disc microfluidic device, for flow control. The ionogel provides an effective barrier to liquids during storage of reagents and spinning of the disc. A simple LED (white light) triggers actuation of the ionogel for selective and precise channel opening at a desired location and time. The mechanism of actuation is reversible, and regeneration of the actuator is possible with an acid chloride solution. In order to achieve regeneration, the Lab-on-a-Disc device was designed with a microchannel connected perpendicularly to the bottom of the ionogel actuator (regeneration channel). This configuration allows the acid solution to reach the actuator, independently from the main channel, which initiates ionogel swelling and main channel closure, and thereby enables reusability of the whole device.Economía y Competitividad), Spain. This project has receivedfunding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme(FP7) for Research, Technological Development and Demonstrationunder grant agreement no. 604241. JS and FBL acknowledge fund-ing support from Gobierno de Espa˜na, Ministerio de Economía yCompetitividad, with Grant No. BIO2016-80417-P and personallyacknowledge to Marian M. De Pancorbo for letting them to use herlaboratory facilities at UPV/EHU. A.T., L.F., and D.D. are grateful forfinancial support from the Marie Curie Innovative Training Net-work OrgBIO (Marie Curie ITN, GA607896) and Science FoundationIreland (SFI) under the Insight Centre for Data Analytics initiative,Grant Number SFI/12/RC/2289

    A load-sharing architecture for high performance optimistic simulations on multi-core machines

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    In Parallel Discrete Event Simulation (PDES), the simulation model is partitioned into a set of distinct Logical Processes (LPs) which are allowed to concurrently execute simulation events. In this work we present an innovative approach to load-sharing on multi-core/multiprocessor machines, targeted at the optimistic PDES paradigm, where LPs are speculatively allowed to process simulation events with no preventive verification of causal consistency, and actual consistency violations (if any) are recovered via rollback techniques. In our approach, each simulation kernel instance, in charge of hosting and executing a specific set of LPs, runs a set of worker threads, which can be dynamically activated/deactivated on the basis of a distributed algorithm. The latter relies in turn on an analytical model that provides indications on how to reassign processor/core usage across the kernels in order to handle the simulation workload as efficiently as possible. We also present a real implementation of our load-sharing architecture within the ROme OpTimistic Simulator (ROOT-Sim), namely an open-source C-based simulation platform implemented according to the PDES paradigm and the optimistic synchronization approach. Experimental results for an assessment of the validity of our proposal are presented as well

    Simple Load Balancing for Distributed Hash Tables

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    Distributed hash tables have recently become a useful building block for a variety of distributed applications. However, current schemes based upon consistent hashing require both considerable implementation complexity and substantial storage overhead to achieve desired load balancing goals. We argue in this paper that these goals can b e achieved more simply and more cost-effectively. First, we suggest the direct application of the "power of two choices" paradigm, whereby an item is stored at the less loaded of two (or more) random alternatives. We then consider how associating a small constant number of hash values with a key can naturally b e extended to support other load balancing methods, including load-stealing or load-shedding schemes, as well as providing natural fault-tolerance mechanisms

    Load-independent characterization of trade-off fronts for operational amplifiers

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    Abstract—In emerging design methodologies for analog integrated circuits, the use of performance trade-off fronts, also known as Pareto fronts, is a keystone to overcome the limitations of the traditional top-down methodologies. However, most techniques reported so far to generate the front neglect the effect of the surrounding circuitry (such as the output load impedance) on the Pareto-front, thereby making it only valid for the context where the front was generated. This strongly limits its use in hierarchical analog synthesis because of the heavy dependence of key performances on the surrounding circuitry, but, more importantly, because this circuitry remains unknown until the synthesis process. We will address this problem by proposing a new technique to generate the trade-off fronts that is independent of the load that the circuit has to drive. This idea is exploited for a commonly used circuit, the operational amplifier, and experimental results show that this is a promising approach to solve the issue

    Assessing load-sharing within optimistic simulation platforms

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    The advent of multi-core machines has lead to the need for revising the architecture of modern simulation platforms. One recent proposal we made attempted to explore the viability of load-sharing for optimistic simulators run on top of these types of machines. In this article, we provide an extensive experimental study for an assessment of the effects on run-time dynamics by a load-sharing architecture that has been implemented within the ROOT-Sim package, namely an open source simulation platform adhering to the optimistic synchronization paradigm. This experimental study is essentially aimed at evaluating possible sources of overheads when supporting load-sharing. It has been based on differentiated workloads allowing us to generate different execution profiles in terms of, e.g., granularity/locality of the simulation events. © 2012 IEEE

    ANFIS Modeling of Dynamic Load Balancing in LTE

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    Modelling of ill-defined or unpredictable systems can be very challenging. Most models have relied on conventional mathematical models which does not adequately track some of the multifaceted challenges of such a system. Load balancing, which is a self-optimization operation of Self-Organizing Networks (SON), aims at ensuring an equitable distribution of users in the network. This translates into better user satisfaction and a more efficient use of network resources. Several methods for load balancing have been proposed. While some of them have a very buoyant theoretical basis, they are not practical. Furthermore, most of the techniques proposed the use of an iterative algorithm, which in itself is not computationally efficient as it does not take the unpredictable fluctuation of network load into consideration. This chapter proposes the use of soft computing, precisely Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) model, for dynamic QoS aware load balancing in 3GPP LTE. The use of ANFIS offers learning capability of neural network and knowledge representation of fuzzy logic for a load balancing solution that is cost effective and closer to human intuition. Three key load parameters (number of satisfied user in the net- work, virtual load of the serving eNodeB, and the overall state of the target eNodeB) are used to adjust the hysteresis value for load balancing

    Cognitive Load and Its Relationship with Mental Capacity in Accordance with Their Levels at Students of the Secondary Stage in Terms of Sweller Theory

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    The study aimed to identify the cognitive load and its relationshipwith mental capacity in accordance their levels at the students of the secondary stage in the terms of Sweller theory. The study sample consisted of (300) male and female eleventh and twelfth grade students from the leadership schools in Amman. The researcher used the cognitive load scale and the mental capacity scale.The results showed a high level of cognitive load in male and female, a high cognitive Load on students of scientific specialization rather than literary specialization, and that the mental capacity of the study sample in general is moderate, and that the mental capacity of students of scientific specialization is high compared to the mental capacity of students of literary specialization. In addition, that the association between higher mental capacity and cognitive load was higher in males than in females, and that the relationship between the mean mental capacity of both sexes with the cognitive load was statistically significant

    Quasirandom Load Balancing

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    We propose a simple distributed algorithm for balancing indivisible tokens on graphs. The algorithm is completely deterministic, though it tries to imitate (and enhance) a random algorithm by keeping the accumulated rounding errors as small as possible. Our new algorithm surprisingly closely approximates the idealized process (where the tokens are divisible) on important network topologies. On d-dimensional torus graphs with n nodes it deviates from the idealized process only by an additive constant. In contrast to that, the randomized rounding approach of Friedrich and Sauerwald (2009) can deviate up to Omega(polylog(n)) and the deterministic algorithm of Rabani, Sinclair and Wanka (1998) has a deviation of Omega(n^{1/d}). This makes our quasirandom algorithm the first known algorithm for this setting which is optimal both in time and achieved smoothness. We further show that also on the hypercube our algorithm has a smaller deviation from the idealized process than the previous algorithms.Comment: 25 page
