11,168 research outputs found

    Laying the Foundation: The Private Rental Market and Affordable Housing

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    The private rental housing market plays a critical, and often overlooked, role in shaping the lives of the poor and the surrounding community. This brief Article presents Matthew Desmond’s rich portrayal of low-income tenants and their landlords in his groundbreaking new book, Evicted, which shows how poor housing conditions and cycles of eviction impact poor families. The Article, which also draws upon Courtney Anderson’s work connecting housing instability with problematic student turnover at an elementary school, highlights the importance of story-telling. Without some sort of subsidy to cover the gap between the ability of the poor to pay for housing and the costs of construction and maintenance, the private market cannot supply additional affordable housing. Arguably, in such a reality, it is imperative that scholars make the choice Desmond made: to deliberately de-emphasize empirical studies and instead rely on stories to put human faces on the suffering connected to the existing structure of lowincome private rental housing

    Visions of a Martian Future

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    As we look beyond our terrestrial boundary to a multi-planetary future for humankind, it becomes paramount to anticipate the challenges of various human factors on the most likely scenario for this future: permanent human settlement of Mars. Even if technical hurdles are circumvented to provide adequate resources for basic physiological and psychological needs, Homo sapiens will not survive on an alien planet if a dysfunctional psyche prohibits the utilization of these resources. No matter how far we soar into the stars, our psychologies for future generations will be forever tethered to the totality of our surroundings. By shaping our environment toward survival and welfare during the voyage to Mars and in a Martian colony, we indirectly shape our psyches and prepare them for a mission of unprecedented alienation and duration. Once on Mars, human factors such as leadership structure, social organization and code of conduct, group size, gender balance, developmental cycle, mobility, length of stay and the ecological settings and type and manner of subsistence, will create a novel Martian culture. The degree that settlers are severed from the Earth will affect how radically foreign this culture will be when compared with cultures on Earth

    Aerospace bibliography, fifth edition

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    Bibliography of references, periodicals, and educational materials related to space fligh

    NASA CORE: Central Operation of Resources for Educators-Educational Materials Catalog

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    The NASA Central Operation of Resources for Educators (CORE), established in cooperation with Lorain County Joint Vocational School, serves as the worldwide distribution center for NASA-produced educational materials. For a minimal charge, CORE will provide a valuable service to educators unable to visit one of the NASA Educator Resource Centers by making NASA educational audiovisual materials available through its mail order service. Through CORE's distribution network, the public has access to more than 200 videocassette, slide, and CD-ROM programs, chronicling NASA!s state-of-the-art research and technology. Through the use of these curriculum supplement materials, teachers can provide their students with the latest in aerospace information. NASAs educational materials on aeronautics and space provide a springboard for classroom discussion of life science, physical science, astronomy, energy, Earth resources, environment, mathematics, and career education

    Space: the Final Frontier

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    Bibliography and photograph of a display of government documents from the University of South Alabama.https://cornerstone.lib.mnsu.edu/lib-services-govdoc-display-space/1006/thumbnail.jp

    On libertarian communities in/around outer space: Is ecology an antithesis to liberty?

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    When discussing institutions governing (future) outer space utilization/inhabitation, an age-old tension remerges between systemic interdependence, singularity of motivation, and commonality of criticality. Within any closed ecological system, ‘activities of life’ are interrelated in a way that contradicts the singular motivation of any individual one. When moving away from the originating environment, this interdependence is underlined further by the emerging challenges to life’s survival. This chapter examines the interplay between a potential configuration of these tensions based on recognizing ecological systemization as a way to mediate between individual visions and common challenges and the opportunities and threats to liberty it presents through techno-ecological perspective

    The Way Home: Space Migration and Disorientation

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    At a time when the viability of planet Earth as a suitable home for the human species is in doubt, outer space is big business. This paper examines the politics of space migration and its effects in perpetuating myths of human exceptionalism. How can we think differently about the ontological determinants that govern our relationship to the planet that we think of as home

    Truth, Beauty, Freedom, and Money: Technology-Based Art and the Dynamics of Sustainability

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    Proposes innovative new approaches and models for art and technology institutions, and provides details for an "Arts Lab," a unique hybrid art center and research lab

    Out-of-Body Experience: Review & a Case Study

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    The impact of American and Russian Cosmism on the representation of space exploration in 20th century American and Soviet space art

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    The aim of this dissertation is to explore and compare the impact of Russian and American Cosmism on the representation of space exploration in selected 20th century American and Soviet space art works in the context of both nations’ culture and literature of the period. The source material are 200 works of American (100) and Soviet (100) space art (1944-1991) which become subject to visual content analysis whose purpose is to examine the relation between the chief assumptions of Russian and American Cosmism and the image of space exploration constructed by American and Soviet artists. The research results obtained from the study have suggested that while the investigated representation of space exploration in the Soviet works can reflect approximately 70% of primary assumptions of Russian Cosmism, its depiction in the U.S. images seems to conceptualize approximately 80% of American Cosmism’s chief tenets.Celem monografii jest analiza wpływu idei rosyjskiego i amerykańskiego kosmizmu na obraz podboju kosmosu w wybranych dziełach XX-wiecznej amerykańskiej i radzieckiej sztuki kosmicznej w ich kontekście kulturowym i literackim. Materiałem źródłowym jest 200 dzieł amerykańskiej i radzieckiej sztuki kosmicznej (1944-1991), poddanych analizie treści wizualnej mającej na celu zbadanie relacji między głównymi założeniami rosyjskiego i amerykańskiego kosmizmu a wizerunkiem podboju kosmosu skonstruowanym przez amerykańskich i radzieckich artystów. Badanie wykazało, że w reprezentacji eksploracji kosmosu w amerykańskich dziełach można zaobserwować wpływ około 80% głównych założeń amerykańskiego kosmizmu, takich jak mit amerykańskiego pogranicza, ideologia Boskiego Przeznaczenia, Efekt Nadwidzenia, nostalgia za programem Apollo, paradygmat von Brauna lub projekt SETI. Tymczasem obraz podboju kosmosu w radzieckiej sztuce może odzwierciedlać około 70% podstawowych założeń rosyjskiego kosmizmu, w szczególności elementy koncepcji „zwykłego czynu” Fiodorowa, rosyjskiej duszy Bierdiajewa, kosmicznego entuzjazmu, społecznego techno-utopianizmu czy też „szturmu nieba”