3,141 research outputs found

    Systematic review of transition models for young people with long-term conditions: A report for NHS Diabetes.

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    Aims For many young people with Type 1 diabetes, transition from paediatric to adult care can result in a marked deterioration in glycaemic control. A systematic review assessed the effectiveness of transition models, or components of models, for managing the transition process in young people with long-term conditions, including Type 1 diabetes. This involved identifying (i) the main barriers and facilitators in implementing a successful transition programme, and (ii) the key issues for young people with long-term conditions and professionals involved in the transition process. Methods The following databases were searched from inception to August 2012: MEDLINE, EMBASE, PsychINFO, CINAHL, ASSIA, Social Services Abstracts, Academic Search Complete, Social Science Citation Index, Cochrane and Campbell Libraries. Selected studies included young people aged 11 to 25 diagnosed with long-term conditions who were in transition from paediatric to adult secondary health care services. Results 16 systematic reviews and 13 primary studies were included from 9992 records retrieved. No single transition model was uniquely effective. The most successful transitions centred around: young person-focused; age and developmentally appropriate content and delivery; self-management education; family participation; paediatric and adult collaboration; designated transition clinics; transition co-ordinator; young person’s portfolio; specific professionals training; multidisciplinary approach; structured process embedded in service delivery. There were no distinctive characteristics of condition-specific Type 1 diabetes services. Conclusion This important and timely review summarises the key factors that need to be considered for the development of transition programmes for young people with long-term conditions, including those with Type 1 diabetes

    Validity of ICD-9 and ICD-10 codes used to identify acute liver injury: a study in three European data sources

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Forns, J. [et al.]. Validity of ICD-9 and ICD-10 codes used to identify acute liver injury: a study in three European data sources. "Pharmacoepidemiology and drug safety", 6 Juny 2019, vol. 28, núm. 7, p. 965-975, which has been published in final form at 10.1002/pds.4803. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving."Purpose Validating cases of acute liver injury (ALI) in health care data sources is challenging. Previous validation studies reported low positive predictive values (PPVs). Methods Case validation was undertaken in a study conducted from 2009 to 2014 assessing the risk of ALI in antidepressants users in databases in Spain (EpiChron and SIDIAP) and the Danish National Health Registers. Three ALI definitions were evaluated: primary (specific hospital discharge codes), secondary (specific and nonspecific hospital discharge codes), and tertiary (specific and nonspecific hospital and outpatient codes). The validation included review of patient profiles (EpiChron and SIDIAP) and of clinical data from medical records (EpiChron and Denmark). ALI cases were confirmed when liver enzyme values met a definition by an international working group. Results Overall PPVs (95% CIs) for the study ALI definitions were, for the primary ALI definition, 84% (60%-97%) (EpiChron), 60% (26%-88%) (SIDIAP), and 74% (60%-85%) (Denmark); for the secondary ALI definition, 65% (45%-81%) (EpiChron), 40% (19%-64%) (SIDIAP), and 70% (64%-77%) (Denmark); and for the tertiary ALI definition, 25% (18%-34%) (EpiChron), 8% (7%-9%) (SIDIAP), and 47% (42%-52%) (Denmark). The overall PPVs were higher for specific than for nonspecific codes and for hospital discharge than for outpatient codes. The nonspecific code “unspecified jaundice” had high PPVs in Denmark. Conclusions PPVs obtained apply to patients using antidepressants without preexisting liver disease or ALI risk factors. To maximize validity, studies on ALI should prioritize hospital specific discharge codes and should include hospital codes for unspecified jaundice. Case validation is required when ALI outpatient cases are considered.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    On the Shannon Cipher System With a Wiretapper Guessing Subject to Distortion and Reliability Requirements

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    In this paper we discuss the processes in the Shannon cipher system with discrete memoryless source and a guessing wiretapper. The wiretapper observes a cryptogram of NN-vector of ciphered messages in the public channel and tries to guess successively the vector of messages within given distortion level Δ\Delta and small probability of error less than exp{NE}\exp \{-NE\} with positive reliability index EE. The security of the system is measured by the expected number of guesses which wiretapper needs for the approximate reconstruction of the vector of source messages. The distortion, the reliability criteria and the possibility of upper limiting the number of guesses extend the approach studied by Merhav and Arikan. A single-letter characterization is given for the region of pairs (RL,R)(R_L,R) (of the rate RLR_L of the maximum number of guesses L(N)L(N) and the rate RR of the average number of guesses) in dependence on key rate RKR_K, distortion level Δ\Delta and reliability EE.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    A practical approach to communicating benefit-risk decisions of medicines to stakeholders.

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    © 2015 Leong, Walker and Salek. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) or licensor are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.Purpose: The importance of a framework for a systematic structured assessment of the benefits and risks has been established, but in addition, it is necessary that the benefit-risk decisions and the processes to derive those decisions are documented and communicated to various stakeholders for accountability. Hence there is now a need to find appropriate tools to enhance communication between regulators and other stakeholders, in a manner that would uphold transparency, consistency and standards. Methods: A retrospective, non-comparative study was conducted to determine the applicability and practicality of a summary template in documenting benefit-risk assessment and communicating benefit-risk balance and conclusions for reviewers to other stakeholders. The benefit-risk (BR) Summary Template and its User Manual was evaluated by 12 reviewers within a regulatory agency in Singapore, the Health Sciences Authority (HSA). Results: The BR Summary Template was found to be adequate in documenting benefits, risks, relevant summaries and conclusions, while the User Manual was useful in guiding the reviewer in completing the template. The BR Summary Template was also considered a useful tool for communicating benefit-risk decisions to a variety of stakeholders. Conclusions: The use of a template may be of value for the communicating benefit-risk assessment of medicines to stakeholders.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Mental health problems: Are they or are they not a risk factor for dropout from drug treatment? A systematic review of the evidence

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    Background: A sizeable number of recent studies investigating whether clients with substance misuse and mental health problems (dual diagnosis clients) are at heightened risk of dropout from drug treatment have been published. It is timely that their findings are brought together in a comprehensive review of the current evidence. Aims: The aim of the review is to examine whether dually diagnosed clients are less likely to be retained in drug treatment than clients without mental health problems, and, if so, whether this varies for clients diagnosed with different types of mental health problems. Methods: The review considers peer-reviewed research published after 1 January 1990, which was located using the literature databases Medline and PsycInfo. Predefined search terms were used. Further papers were identified from the bibliographies of relevant publications. Findings: 58 studies (84% from the USA) met the inclusion criteria for the review. The findings suggest that for most clients, having a past history of mental health problems does not influence the likelihood of being retained in drug treatment. The body of evidence regarding concurrent mental health problems is contradictory. On the whole, the majority of studies suggest that neither presence nor severity of depressive, anxiety, or other Axis-I disorders is related to retention, but these findings are not entirely unequivocal, as a few studies report strong positive or negative associations between depression and anxiety disorders and retention. Few researchers looked separately at psychotic spectrum disorders hence no conclusions could be drawn. The presence of most personality disorders also did not appear to affect treatment tenure, with the exception of antisocial personality disorder, for which the evidence points towards a greater risk of dropout. Conclusions: The balance of evidence suggests that, overall, dual diagnosis clients with Axis-I disorders who seek treatment in drug treatment services are retained as well as clients without dual diagnosis. Subgroups of clients who appear more vulnerable to premature dropout include those with antisocial personality disorder. Methodological shortcomings of the reviewed studies and resulting implications for this review and future research are discussed

    Mapping the availability of translated versions of posttraumatic stress disorder screening questionnaires for adults: A scoping review

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    Background: The most used questionnaires for PTSD screening in adults were developed in English. Although many of these questionnaires were translated into other languages, the procedures used to translate them and to evaluate their reliability and validity have not been consistently documented. This comprehensive scoping review aimed to compile the currently available translated and evaluated questionnaires used for PTSD screening, and highlight important gaps in the literature. Objective: This review aimed to map the availability of translated and evaluated screening questionnaires for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) for adults. Methods: All peer-reviewed studies in which a PTSD screening questionnaire for adults was translated, and which reported at least one result of a qualitative and /or quantitative evaluation procedure were included. The literature was searched using Embase, MEDLINE, and APA PsycInfo, citation searches and contributions from study team members. There were no restrictions regarding the target languages of the translations. Data on the translation procedure, the qualitative evaluation, the quantitative evaluation (dimensionality of the questionnaire, reliability, and performance), and open access were extracted. Results: A total of 866 studies were screened, of which 126 were included. Collectively, 128 translations of 12 different questionnaires were found. Out of these, 105 (83.3%) studies used a forward and backward translation procedure, 120 (95.2%) assessed the reliability of the translated questionnaire, 60 (47.6%) the dimensionality, 49 (38.9%) the performance, and 42 (33.3%) used qualitative evaluation procedures. Thirty-four questionnaires (27.0%) were either freely available or accessible on request. Conclusions: The analyses conducted and the description of the methods and results varied substantially, making a quality assessment impractical. Translations into languages spoken in middle- or low-income countries were underrepresented. In addition, only a small proportion of all translated questionnaires were available. Given the need for freely accessible translations, an online repository was developed

    10‐year review of  the competencies expected of  transport planning professionals

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    2018 marks 10 years since the Transport Planning Professional (TPP) qualification was launched. Since then over 200 transport planners have secured TPP status with many more on their journey towards being qualified. A lot has changed in those 10 years.The CIHT FUTURES initiative, in its engagement with over 200 transport professionals, explored the deep uncertainty we are facing regarding the future and what this means for our approach to transport planning and policymaking. One of the initiative’s recommendations was that the TPP competency requirements should be reviewed, to ensure their fitness for purpose in these changing times and into the future.In late 2017 the TPP Professional Standards Committee, with the support of the CIHT and TPS Partnership Management Group, agreed its response to this recommendation. Professor Glenn Lyons, who led the CIHT FUTURES initiative, was asked to take forward the exercise now known as the ’10 Year Review of the TPP’. In the early months of 2018 a series of five workshops with TPP stakeholders took place in which the TPP technical skill and management skill units were reviewed.Professor Lyons’ report shares the insights from this exercise and puts forward a number of recommendations based upon its overarching conclusion, namely that in terms of TPP documentation it “would benefit from, and indeed merits, a thorough review and revision”. The PSC and PMG have endorsed the report’s findings, setting the foundations for this undertaking to be pursued