51,745 research outputs found

    The structure of human CD23 and its interactions with IgE and CD21

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    The low-affinity immunoglobulin E (IgE) receptor, CD23 (FcɛRII), binds both IgE and CD21 and, through these interactions, regulates the synthesis of IgE, the antibody isotype that mediates the allergic response. We have determined the three-dimensional structure of the C-type lectin domain of CD23 in solution by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. An analysis of concentration-dependent chemical shift perturbations have allowed us to identify the residues engaged in self-association to the trimeric state, whereas ligand-induced changes have defined the binding sites for IgE and CD21. The results further reveal that CD23 can bind both ligands simultaneously. Despite the C-type lectin domain structure, none of the interactions require calcium. We also find that IgE and CD23 can interact to form high molecular mass multimeric complexes. The interactions that we have described provide a solution to the paradox that CD23 is involved in both up- and down-regulation of IgE and provide a structural basis for the development of inhibitors of allergic disease

    Mitochondrial import receptors for precursor proteins

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    The specific targeting of precursor proteins synthesized in the cytosol to various cell organelles is a central aspect of intracellular protein traffic. Several hundred different proteins are imported from the cytosol into the mitochondria. Recent studies have identified the mitochondrial outer membrane proteins MOM19, MOM72, MOM38 (≈ISP42) and p32 which have a role in initial steps of protein import. The first three components are present in a multi-subunit complex that catalyses recognition and membrane insertion of precursor proteins

    Analysis of the molecular mobility of collagen and elastin in safe, atheromatous and aneurysmal aortas

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    Aim of the study : In this study, we propose to use a thermal technique, Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) to follow the evolution of elastin and collagen in safe and pathological cardiovascular tissues. Patients and methods : The first part of this study deals with the analysis of the elastin network and associated proteins during ageing (from children to old persons) in aortic walls. The second part is devoted to the characterization of the collagenic phase in aneurysms. In both cases, physical data are correlated with biochemical analyses. Results and conclusion : For old persons aortas with atheromatous stades, elastin and associated proteins are found to interpenetrate to form a homogenous phase. Abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA) are characterized by structural alterations of the aortic wall resulting from the degradation of elastic fibers and an increase of collagen/elastin ratio. Notable modifications are evidenced between collagen from control tissue and collagen from AAA, particularly concerning the thermal denaturation. Biochemical and thermal results are compatible with the increase of new collagen deposition and/or impairment of the collagen phase stability in the extracellular matrix of AAAs

    Modelling the structure of full-length Epstein-Barr virus nuclear antigen 1

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    Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is a clinically important human virus associated with several cancers and is the etiologic agent of infectious mononucleosis. The viral nuclear antigen-1 (EBNA1) is central to the replication and propagation of the viral genome and likely contributes to tumourigenesis. We have compared EBNA1 homologues from other primate lymphocryptoviruses (LCV) and found that the central glycine/alanine repeat (GAr) domain, as well as predicted cellular protein (USP7 and CK2) binding sites are present in homologues in the Old World primates, but not the marmoset; suggesting that these motifs may have co-evolved. Using the resolved structure of the C-terminal one third of EBNA1 (homodimerisation and DNA binding domain), we have gone on to develop monomeric and dimeric models in silico of the full length protein. The C-terminal domain is predicted to be structurally highly similar between homologues, indicating conserved function. Zinc could be stably incorporated into the model, bonding with two N-terminal cysteines predicted to facilitate multimerisation. The GAr contains secondary structural elements in the models, while the protein binding regions are unstructured, irrespective of the prediction approach used and sequence origin. These intrinsically disordered regions may facilitate the diversity observed in partner interactions. We hypothsise that the structured GAr could mask the disordered regions, thereby protecting the protein from default degradation. In the dimer conformation, the C-terminal tails of each monomer wrap around a proline-rich protruding loop of the partner monomer, providing dimer stability, a feature which could be exploited in therapeutic design

    Microtubules in Bacteria: Ancient Tubulins Build a Five-Protofilament Homolog of the Eukaryotic Cytoskeleton

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    Microtubules play crucial roles in cytokinesis, transport, and motility, and are therefore superb targets for anti-cancer drugs. All tubulins evolved from a common ancestor they share with the distantly related bacterial cell division protein FtsZ, but while eukaryotic tubulins evolved into highly conserved microtubule-forming heterodimers, bacterial FtsZ presumably continued to function as single homopolymeric protofilaments as it does today. Microtubules have not previously been found in bacteria, and we lack insight into their evolution from the tubulin/FtsZ ancestor. Using electron cryomicroscopy, here we show that the tubulin homologs BtubA and BtubB form microtubules in bacteria and suggest these be referred to as “bacterial microtubules” (bMTs). bMTs share important features with their eukaryotic counterparts, such as straight protofilaments and similar protofilament interactions. bMTs are composed of only five protofilaments, however, instead of the 13 typical in eukaryotes. These and other results suggest that rather than being derived from modern eukaryotic tubulin, BtubA and BtubB arose from early tubulin intermediates that formed small microtubules. Since we show that bacterial microtubules can be produced in abundance in vitro without chaperones, they should be useful tools for tubulin research and drug screening

    An integrated native mass spectrometry and top-down proteomics method that connects sequence to structure and function of macromolecular complexes.

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    Mass spectrometry (MS) has become a crucial technique for the analysis of protein complexes. Native MS has traditionally examined protein subunit arrangements, while proteomics MS has focused on sequence identification. These two techniques are usually performed separately without taking advantage of the synergies between them. Here we describe the development of an integrated native MS and top-down proteomics method using Fourier-transform ion cyclotron resonance (FTICR) to analyse macromolecular protein complexes in a single experiment. We address previous concerns of employing FTICR MS to measure large macromolecular complexes by demonstrating the detection of complexes up to 1.8 MDa, and we demonstrate the efficacy of this technique for direct acquirement of sequence to higher-order structural information with several large complexes. We then summarize the unique functionalities of different activation/dissociation techniques. The platform expands the ability of MS to integrate proteomics and structural biology to provide insights into protein structure, function and regulation