5 research outputs found

    Linking Proteomic and Transcriptional Data through the Interactome and Epigenome Reveals a Map of Oncogene-induced Signaling

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    Cellular signal transduction generally involves cascades of post-translational protein modifications that rapidly catalyze changes in protein-DNA interactions and gene expression. High-throughput measurements are improving our ability to study each of these stages individually, but do not capture the connections between them. Here we present an approach for building a network of physical links among these data that can be used to prioritize targets for pharmacological intervention. Our method recovers the critical missing links between proteomic and transcriptional data by relating changes in chromatin accessibility to changes in expression and then uses these links to connect proteomic and transcriptome data. We applied our approach to integrate epigenomic, phosphoproteomic and transcriptome changes induced by the variant III mutation of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFRvIII) in a cell line model of glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). To test the relevance of the network, we used small molecules to target highly connected nodes implicated by the network model that were not detected by the experimental data in isolation and we found that a large fraction of these agents alter cell viability. Among these are two compounds, ICG-001, targeting CREB binding protein (CREBBP), and PKF118–310, targeting β-catenin (CTNNB1), which have not been tested previously for effectiveness against GBM. At the level of transcriptional regulation, we used chromatin immunoprecipitation sequencing (ChIP-Seq) to experimentally determine the genome-wide binding locations of p300, a transcriptional co-regulator highly connected in the network. Analysis of p300 target genes suggested its role in tumorigenesis. We propose that this general method, in which experimental measurements are used as constraints for building regulatory networks from the interactome while taking into account noise and missing data, should be applicable to a wide range of high-throughput datasets.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (DB1-0821391)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant U54-CA112967)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant R01-GM089903)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (P30-ES002109

    Reconstruction of the temporal signaling network in Salmonella-infected human cells

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    Salmonella enterica is a bacterial pathogen that usually infects its host through food sources. Translocation of the pathogen proteins into the host cells leads to changes in the signaling mechanism either by activating or inhibiting the host proteins. Using high-throughput ‘omic’ technologies, changes in the signaling components can be quantified at different levels; however, experimental hits are usually incomplete to represent the whole signaling system as some driver proteins stay hidden within the experimental data. Given that the bacterial infection modifies the response network of the host, more coherent view of the underlying biological processes and the signaling networks can be obtained by using a network modeling approach based on the reverse engineering principles in which a confident region from the protein interactome is found by inferring hits from the omic experiments. In this work, we have used a published temporal phosphoproteomic dataset of Salmonella-infected human cells and reconstructed the temporal signaling network of the human host by integrating the interactome and the phosphoproteomic datasets. We have combined two well-established network modeling frameworks, the Prize-collecting Steiner Forest (PCSF) approach and the Integer Linear Programming (ILP) based edge inference approach. The resulting network conserves the information on temporality, direction of interactions, while revealing hidden entities in the signaling, such as the SNARE binding, mTOR signaling, immune response, cytoskeleton organization, and apoptosis pathways. Targets of the Salmonella effectors in the host cells such as CDC42, RHOA, 14-3-3δ, Syntaxin family, Oxysterol-binding proteins were included in the reconstructed signaling network although they were not present in the initial phosphoproteomic data. We believe that integrated approaches have a high potential for the identification of clinical targets in infectious diseases, especially in the Salmonella infections

    MASTERMIND-LIKE 1-Dependent Notch Target Gene Activation Requires a Sequence-Paired Site and a TATA Box

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    Notch signaling plays an important role in mammalian cellular proliferation, apoptosis, and differentiation. To activate target genes, the Notch intracellular domain (NICD) forms a complex with CBF1 and Mastermind-like protein (MAM). The Notch activation complex binds to a response element containing the consensus sequence RTGRGAR (R= purine) on target gene promoters. The promoter of one well characterized target gene, Hes1, contains four Notch response elements (NREs). Site-directed mutagenesis and reporter gene assays were used to examine the activation of Hes1 by mutating individual and combinations of NREs. Results indicated that NREs 2 and 4 are important for Hes1 activity, confirming previous results that this sequence-paired site (SPS) is an important feature of Notch target genes. Orientation and spacing between elements on the SPS were mutated in these studies. Other mutations included the Hes1 TATA box and the spacing between the SPS and TATA box. Additionally, a charged residue on NICD was mutated; this residue is believed to be responsible for Notch complex dimers. These results showed that SPS spacing and orientation as well as dimerization of Notch complexes are important for the promoter activity of Hes1. The TATA box was found to be necessary for promoter activation, and this activity is independent of spacing between the SPS and TATA box up to 173 base pairs. Taken together, these findings suggest that NICD- and MAM-mediated activation of target genes requires orientation- and spacing-dependent SPS and TATA box elements

    TNF-insulin crosstalk at the transcription factor GATA6 is revealed by a model that links signaling and transcriptomic data tensors

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    Signal -transduction networks coordinate transcriptional programs activated by diverse extracellular stimuli, such as growth factors and cytokines. Cells receive multiple stimuli simultaneously, and mapping how activation of the integrated signaling network affects gene expression is a challenge. We stimulated colon adenocarcinoma cells with various combinations of the cytokine tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and the growth factors insulin and epidermal growth factor (EGF) to investigate signal integration and transcriptional crosstalk. We quantitatively linked the proteomic and transcriptomic data sets by implementing a structured computational approach called tensor partial least squares regression. This statistical model accurately predicted transcriptional signatures from signaling arising from single and combined stimuli and also predicted time-dependent contributions of signaling events. Specifically, the model predicted that an early-phase, Akt-associated signal downstream of insulin repressed a set of transcripts induced by TNF. Through bioinformatics and cell-based experiments, we identified the Akt-repressed signal as glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK3)–catalyzed phosphorylation of Ser37 on the long form of the transcription factor GATA6. Phosphorylation of GATA6 on Ser37 promoted its degradation, thereby preventing GATA6 from repressing transcripts that are induced by TNF and attenuated by insulin. Our analysis showed that predictive tensor modeling of proteomic and transcriptomic data sets can uncover pathway crosstalk that produces specific patterns of gene expression in cells receiving multiple stimuli

    Characterizing the Huntington's disease, Parkinson's disease, and pan-neurodegenerative gene expression signature with RNA sequencing

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    Huntington's disease (HD) and Parkinson's disease (PD) are devastating neurodegenerative disorders that are characterized pathologically by degeneration of neurons in the brain and clinically by loss of motor function and cognitive decline in mid to late life. The cause of neuronal degeneration in these diseases is unclear, but both are histologically marked by aggregation of specific proteins in specific brain regions. In HD, fragments of a mutant Huntingtin protein aggregate and cause medium spiny interneurons of the striatum to degenerate. In contrast, PD brains exhibit aggregation of toxic fragments of the alpha synuclein protein throughout the central nervous system and trigger degeneration of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra. Considering the commonalities and differences between these diseases, identifying common biological patterns across HD and PD as well as signatures unique to each may provide significant insight into the molecular mechanisms underlying neurodegeneration as a general process. State-of-the-art high-throughput sequencing technology allows for unbiased, whole genome quantification of RNA molecules within a biological sample that can be used to assess the level of activity, or expression, of thousands of genes simultaneously. In this thesis, I present three studies characterizing the RNA expression profiles of post-mortem HD and PD subjects using high-throughput mRNA sequencing data sets. The first study describes an analysis of differential expression between HD individuals and neurologically normal controls that indicates a widespread increase in immune, neuroinflammatory, and developmental gene expression. The second study expands upon the first study by making methodological improvements and extends the differential expression analysis to include PD subjects, with the goal of comparing and contrasting HD and PD gene expression profiles. This study was designed to identify common mechanisms underlying the neurodegenerative phenotype, transcending those of each unique disease, and has revealed specific biological processes, in particular those related to NFkB inflammation, common to HD and PD. The last study describes a novel methodology for combining mRNA and miRNA expression that seeks to identify associations between mRNA-miRNA modules and continuous clinical variables of interest, including CAG repeat length and clinical age of onset in HD