413,227 research outputs found

    CCSDS Advanced Orbiting Systems Virtual Channel Access Service for QoS MACHETE Model

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    To support various communications requirements imposed by different missions, interplanetary communication protocols need to be designed, validated, and evaluated carefully. Multimission Advanced Communications Hybrid Environment for Test and Evaluation (MACHETE), described in "Simulator of Space Communication Networks" (NPO-41373), NASA Tech Briefs, Vol. 29, No. 8 (August 2005), p. 44, combines various tools for simulation and performance analysis of space networks. The MACHETE environment supports orbital analysis, link budget analysis, communications network simulations, and hardware-in-the-loop testing. By building abstract behavioral models of network protocols, one can validate performance after identifying the appropriate metrics of interest. The innovators have extended the MACHETE model library to include a generic link-layer Virtual Channel (VC) model supporting quality-of-service (QoS) controls based on IP streams. The main purpose of this generic Virtual Channel model addition was to interface fine-grain flow-based QoS (quality of service) between the network and MAC layers of the QualNet simulator, a commercial component of MACHETE. This software model adds the capability of mapping IP streams, based on header fields, to virtual channel numbers, allowing extended QoS handling at link layer. This feature further refines the QoS v existing at the network layer. QoS at the network layer (e.g. diffserv) supports few QoS classes, so data from one class will be aggregated together; differentiating between flows internal to a class/priority is not supported. By adding QoS classification capability between network and MAC layers through VC, one maps multiple VCs onto the same physical link. Users then specify different VC weights, and different queuing and scheduling policies at the link layer. This VC model supports system performance analysis of various virtual channel link-layer QoS queuing schemes independent of the network-layer QoS systems

    MPIGA – Multipath Selection Using Improved Genetic Algorithm

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    The Wireless Multimedia Networks (WMNs) have developed due to the extensive applications of wireless devices and increasing availability of lower cost hardware. The WMNs are used to transmit the multimedia content like audio and video streaming and they can be deployed within a lower budget. These networks can also be used in real-time data applications that demand energy-efficient management and awareness of Quality of Service (QoS). The energy resources are limited in the wireless devices that lead to the significant threats on the QoS for WMNs. An energy-efficient routing technique is needed to handle the dynamic topology of WMN that includes a vital resource as energy. The energy-efficient routing method was proposed in this work for the purpose of data communication based on a cluster head selection from each cluster in addition to the multipath route selection to reduce the network overhead and energy consumption. The cluster heads for each cluster are selected based on Node Coverage & average residual energy parameters.In this work, the proposed energy efficient routing algorithm uses improved genetic algorithm (IGA)based on a cost function for dynamic selection of the best path. The proposed cost function uses link lifetime &average link delay parameters to estimate the link cost. The proposed algorithm’s performance compared with other previous routing methods based on extensive simulation analysis. The results showed that the proposed method achieves better performance over three other routing techniques

    Perencanaan dan Implementasi Jaringan Seluler Indoor Studi Kasus di Wisma Bisnis Indonesia Jakarta (Indoor Cellular Network Planning and Implementation Case Study in Wisma Bisnis Indonesia Jakarta)

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    ABSTRAKSI: Saat ini pembangunan meningkat dengan sangat cepat, sehingga jaringan seluler outdoor yang telah ada untuk meng-cover area tersebut tidak mampu melayani pelanggan terutama di dalam gedung. Hal ini disebabkan karena kualitas sinyal yang sangat lemah di dalam gedung tersebut. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut perlu dibangun suatu jaringan seluler indoor.Pada proyek akhir ini akan dibahas proses perencanaan jaringan seluler indoor yang difokuskan pada perencanaan radio core network-nya, yaitu salah satu bagian yang bertanggung jawab atas hubungan mobile station dengan base station dengan memperhitungkan kapasitas pelanggan, penentuan dan perhitungan model pathloss, konfigurasi jaringan dan evaluasi terhadap hasil perancangan serta analisa link budget pada masing-masing coverage komitmen area.Langkah-langkah yang diambil dalam proses perencanaan jaringan seluler indoor ini meliputi tes sinyal pada masing-masing coverage komitmen area sebelum instalasi jaringan indoor, estimasi jumlah trafik yang dibutuhkan dalam coverage komitmen area berdasar jumlah pelanggan, Grade of Service (GoS) dan faktor penetrasi layanan. Kemudian akan dilakukan juga perencanaan jumlah antena indoor, radius cakupan tiap antena indoor dan posisi antena indoor yang optimal berdasarkan kualitas layanan yang diberikan dengan standar Key Performance Indicator (KPI) dari pihak operator (PT. Indosat) yaitu 95% dari coverage komitmen area harus memenuhi Rx level ≥ -70 dBm. Selanjutnya akan dilakukan analisa kinerja hasil perancangan yang meliputi analisa kapasitas sel, link budget, sehingga diperoleh suatu jaringan seluler indoor dengan kapasitas optimal dan mampu memberikan kualitas sinyal yang bagus.Kata Kunci : ABSTRACT: At this moment the buildings development increase incisively, so that outdoor celullar network which there have to cover the area unable to again serve subscriber especially in building. This matter because bad signal quality in the building. To overcome the problem need to building indoor celullar network.At this final project will be studied process planning indoor celullar network focused at planning of radio of core network, that is one part of which be control link of mobile station with base station by reckoning subscriber capacities, determination and calculation pathloss models, network configuration and evaluate to sceme result and also analyse link budget at each coverage area commitment.Steps taken in process planning this indoor celullar network cover test signal at each coverage area commitment before installation of indoor network, estimate amount traffic required in commitment area of based on subscriber amount, Grade of Service (GoS) and the penetrating factor of service. Then will be done also the planning number of indoor antenna, radius coverage of every antenna and position of optimal antenna to service quality given with standard Key Performance Indicator (KPI) from operator party (PT. Indosat) that is 95% from coverage area commitment have to Rx level ≥ -70 dBm. Then will be done by a performance analysis of result scheme covering analysis of cell capacities, link budget, so that be obtained by network of reliable celullar indoor with optimal capacities and able to give delicate quality signal.Keyword

    Analisis Kualitas Jaringan Akses Indihome Terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan (Studi Kasus: STO Antang)

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    PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Telkom) is a telecommunications service provider company. PT. Telekomunikasi has several branch offices in various regions, one of which is in the city of Makassar called PT. Telkom Makassar on Jalan A.P. Pettarani No.2, Makassar city, South Sulawesi 90111, Indonesia. Fulfilling the need for internet technology is answered by developing products based on meeting the need for internet access, one of the products is Indihome. However, based on Telkom Access data regarding Indihome users for the Makassar area in December 2021, out of a total of 129,295 Indihome users, 5929 (4.58%) users only provided reviews and ratings regarding customer satisfaction. A total of 4467 (75.34%) stated that they often experienced problems. In this final assignment, an analysis will be carried out regarding the quality of the STO Antang access network using the Power Link Budget parameter method. The results obtained from analyzing the length of fiber optic cables affect the power link budget, as well as the components used such as splitters, spiling, connectors and adapters which greatly influence the Power Link Budget in fiber optic communication systems because the measurement results are in the range of received power levels - 25 dBm, which means it does not comply with PT Telkom Access Makassar standards so maintenance needs to be carried out.PT.Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Telkom) merupakan salah satu perusahaan penyedia jasa telekomunikasi. PT.Telekomunikasi telah mempunyai beberapa kantor cabang di berbagai wilayah, salah satunya di kota Makassar yang disebut dengan PT.Telkom Makassar di jalan A.P. Pettarani  No.2, kota Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan 90111, Indonesia. Pemenuhan akan kebutuhan teknologi internet dijawab dengan dikembangkannya produk berbasis pemenuhan kebutuhan akan akses internet, salah satu produknya adalah Indihome. Namun, berdasarkan data Telkom Akses mengenai pengguna Indihome untuk wilayah Makassar pada bulan Desember 2021, dari total 129.295 pengguna Indihome sebesar 5929 (4,58%) pengguna yang hanya memberikan review dan rating mengenai kepuasan pelanggan. Sebanyak 4467 (75,34%) yang menyatakan bahwa sering mengalami gangguan. Pada tugas akhir ini akan dilakukan analisis mengenai kualitas jaringan akses STO Antang dengan metode parameter Power Link Budget. Hasil yang diperoleh dari analisis panjang kabel serat optik berpengaruh terhadap power link budget, begitupun terhadap komponen yang digunakan seperti splitter, spiling, connector, dan Adapter yang sangat mempengaruhi Power Link Budget pada sistem komunikasi serat optik karena hasil pengukuran berada pada range level daya terima -25 dBm yang berarti tidak sesuai dengan standar PT Telkom Akses Makassar sehingga perlu dilakukan maintenance

    Employment conditions in the scottish social care voluntary sector : impact of public funding constraints in the context of economic recession

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    This report uses data to assess the impact of public funding constraints on employment conditions in the Scottish social care voluntary sector, in the context of the recent economic recessionand future public expenditure cuts

    Diagnosing performance management and performance budgeting systems: A case study of the U.S. Navy

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    We present here a case study of an organization within the U.S. Navy that created a new organizational construct and performance management system. We explore the issues faced by naval leaders as they attempt to use their performance information to make resource allocation decisions at the sub-organization level, and base budgets at the organization and service (navy) level. We attempt to diagnose many of the practical problems a government organization encounters when implementing a performance management system, to include trying to inform budgets, and make recommendations on actions that would improve the strength of the performance system. We find in the organization a good conceptual framework, organizational enthusiasm, and reasonable attempts to link disparate information systems into a coherent whole. The good intentions are hindered, however, by inadequate accounting systems, a lack of understanding of cost accounting methods, weak use of terminology and longstanding institutional attitudes. This case confirms challenges associated with both performance management systems and performance budgeting found in the literature, and we offer recommendations for public officials considering such endeavors

    Optimized Adaptive Streaming Representations based on System Dynamics

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    Adaptive streaming addresses the increasing and heterogenous demand of multimedia content over the Internet by offering several encoded versions for each video sequence. Each version (or representation) has a different resolution and bit rate, aimed at a specific set of users, like TV or mobile phone clients. While most existing works on adaptive streaming deal with effective playout-control strategies at the client side, we take in this paper a providers' perspective and propose solutions to improve user satisfaction by optimizing the encoding rates of the video sequences. We formulate an integer linear program that maximizes users' average satisfaction, taking into account the network dynamics, the video content information, and the user population characteristics. The solution of the optimization is a set of encoding parameters that permit to create different streams to robustly satisfy users' requests over time. We simulate multiple adaptive streaming sessions characterized by realistic network connections models, where the proposed solution outperforms commonly used vendor recommendations, in terms of user satisfaction but also in terms of fairness and outage probability. The simulation results further show that video content information as well as network constraints and users' statistics play a crucial role in selecting proper encoding parameters to provide fairness a mong users and to reduce network resource usage. We finally propose a few practical guidelines that can be used to choose the encoding parameters based on the user base characteristics, the network capacity and the type of video content
