2,481 research outputs found

    Unsteady aerodynamics of blade rows

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    The requirements placed on an unsteady aerodynamic theory intended for turbomachinery aeroelastic or aeroacoustic applications are discussed along with a brief description of the various theoretical models that are available to address these requirements. The major emphasis is placed on the description of a linearized inviscid theory which fully accounts for the affects of a nonuniform mean or steady flow on unsteady aerodynamic response. Although this linearization was developed primarily for blade flutter prediction, more general equations are presented which account for unsteady excitations due to incident external aerodynamic disturbances as well as those due to prescribed blade motions. The motivation for this linearized unsteady aerodynamic theory is focused on, its physical and mathematical formulation is outlined and examples are presented to illustrate the status of numerical solution procedures and several effects of mean flow nonuniformity on unsteady aerodynamic response

    Development of unsteady aerodynamic analyses for turbomachinery aeroelastic and aeroacoustic applications

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    Theoretical analyses and computer codes are being developed for predicting compressible unsteady inviscid and viscous flows through blade rows. Such analyses are needed to determine the impact of unsteady flow phenomena on the structural durability and noise generation characteristics of turbomachinery blading. Emphasis is being placed on developing analyses based on asymptotic representations of unsteady flow phenomena. Thus, flow driven by small-amplitude unsteady excitations in which viscous effects are concentrated in thin layers are being considered. The resulting analyses should apply in many practical situations, lead to a better understanding of the relevent physics, and they will be efficient computationally, and therefore, appropriate for aeroelastic and aeroacoustic design applications. Under the present phase (Task 3), the effort was focused on providing inviscid and viscid prediction capabilities for subsonic unsteady cascade flows

    The effects of displacement induced by thermal perturbations on the structure and stability of boundary-layer flows

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    The free-interaction influence of a thermal expansión process in boundary-layer gas flow is analyzed using the formalism of triple-deck theory. The physical model considered is the forced convection of a gas flowing over a flat plate subject to a heated slab. Both linearized and full nonlinear solutions are obtained using Fourier transform methods and spectral numericaí techniques. The influence of monochromatic thermal perturbation on boundary-layer stability (lower branch) is studied and first-ordcr correction of the lower branch neutral stability curve for the boundary-layer flow has been obtained. The shift of neutral stability is then computed for different values of the therma! perturbation wave number, making unstable some otherwise stable modes

    Low Mach Number Modeling of Type Ia Supernovae

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    We introduce a low Mach number equation set for the large-scale numerical simulation of carbon-oxygen white dwarfs experiencing a thermonuclear deflagration. Since most of the interesting physics in a Type Ia supernova transpires at Mach numbers from 0.01 to 0.1, such an approach enables both a considerable increase in accuracy and savings in computer time compared with frequently used compressible codes. Our equation set is derived from the fully compressible equations using low Mach number asymptotics, but without any restriction on the size of perturbations in density or temperature. Comparisons with simulations that use the fully compressible equations validate the low Mach number model in regimes where both are applicable. Comparisons to simulations based on the more traditional anelastic approximation also demonstrate the agreement of these models in the regime for which the anelastic approximation is valid. For low Mach number flows with potentially finite amplitude variations in density and temperature, the low Mach number model overcomes the limitations of each of the more traditional models and can serve as the basis for an accurate and efficient simulation tool.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal 31 pages, 5 figures (some figures degraded in quality to conserve space

    Some Gasdynamic Problems in the Flow of Condensing Vapors

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    Some Gasdynamic Problems in the Flow of Condensing Vapors. The general problem of the flow of a wet vapor, with or without an inert diluent is formulated under the assumption that the liquid phase is finely divided and dispersed throughout the gaseous component in droplets whose radii are nearly constant in any local region. The processes of momentum transfer, heat transfer between phases are assumed to take place according to Stokes law and Nusselt number of unity, respectively. The mass transfer process is treated as diffusion governed in the presence of an inert diluent and kinetic governed for two phases of a pure substance. The physical understanding of such problems, in contrast with those of conventional gas dynamics, rests largely in the role played by the relaxation times or equilibration lengths associated with these three processes. Consequently, both simple and coupled relaxation processes are examined rather carefully by specific examples. Subsequently, the problem of near-equilibrium flow in a nozzle with phase change is solved under the small-slip approximation. The structure of the normal shock in a pure substance is investigated and reveals three rather distinct zones: the gasdynamic shock, the vapor relaxation zone, and the thermal and velocity equilibration zone. The three-dimensional steady flow of the two-phase condensing continuum is formulated according to first order perturbation theory, and the structure of waves in such supersonic flow is examined. Finally, the attenuation of sound in fogs is formulated and solved accounting for the important effects of phase change as well as the viscous damping and heat transfer which have been included in previous analyses

    Development of a linearized unsteady aerodynamic analysis for cascade gust response predictions

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    A method for predicting the unsteady aerodynamic response of a cascade of airfoils to entropic, vortical, and acoustic gust excitations is being developed. Here, the unsteady flow is regarded as a small perturbation of a nonuniform isentropic and irrotational steady background flow. A splitting technique is used to decompose the linearized unsteady velocity into rotational and irrotational parts leading to equations for the complex amplitudes of the linearized unsteady entropy, rotational velocity, and velocity potential that are coupled only sequentially. The entropic and rotational velocity fluctuations are described by transport equations for which closed-form solutions in terms of the mean-flow drift and stream functions can be determined. The potential fluctuation is described by an inhomogeneous convected wave equation in which the source term depends on the rotational velocity field, and is determined using finite-difference procedures. The analytical and numerical techniques used to determine the linearized unsteady flow are outlined. Results are presented to indicate the status of the solution procedure and to demonstrate the impact of blade geometry and mean blade loading on the aerodynamic response of cascades to vortical gust excitations. The analysis described herein leads to very efficient predictions of cascade unsteady aerodynamic response phenomena making it useful for turbomachinery aeroelastic and aeroacoustic design applications

    Global and Koopman modes analysis of sound generation in mixing layers

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    It is now well established that linear and nonlinear instability waves play a significant role in the noise generation process for a wide variety of shear flows such as jets or mixing layers. In that context, the problem of acoustic radiation generated by spatially growing instability waves of two-dimensional subsonic and supersonic mixing layers are revisited in a global point of view, i.e., without any assumption about the base flow, in both a linear and a nonlinear framework by using global and Koopman mode decompositions. In that respect, a timestepping technique based on disturbance equations is employed to extract the most dynamically relevant coherent structures for both linear and nonlinear regimes. The present analysis proposes thus a general strategy for analysing the near-field coherent structures which are responsible for the acoustic noise in these configurations. In particular, we illustrate the failure of linear global modes to describe the noise generation mechanism associated with the vortex pairing for the subsonic regime whereas they appropriately explain the Mach wave radiation of instability waves in the supersonic regime. By contrast, the Dynamic Mode Decomposition (DMD) analysis captures both the near-field dynamics and the far-field acoustics with a few number of modes for both configurations. In addition, the combination of DMD and linear global modes analyses provides new insight about the influence on the radiated noise of nonlinear interactions and saturation of instability waves as well as their interaction with the mean flow