7,558 research outputs found

    DeepSecure: Scalable Provably-Secure Deep Learning

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    This paper proposes DeepSecure, a novel framework that enables scalable execution of the state-of-the-art Deep Learning (DL) models in a privacy-preserving setting. DeepSecure targets scenarios in which neither of the involved parties including the cloud servers that hold the DL model parameters or the delegating clients who own the data is willing to reveal their information. Our framework is the first to empower accurate and scalable DL analysis of data generated by distributed clients without sacrificing the security to maintain efficiency. The secure DL computation in DeepSecure is performed using Yao's Garbled Circuit (GC) protocol. We devise GC-optimized realization of various components used in DL. Our optimized implementation achieves more than 58-fold higher throughput per sample compared with the best-known prior solution. In addition to our optimized GC realization, we introduce a set of novel low-overhead pre-processing techniques which further reduce the GC overall runtime in the context of deep learning. Extensive evaluations of various DL applications demonstrate up to two orders-of-magnitude additional runtime improvement achieved as a result of our pre-processing methodology. This paper also provides mechanisms to securely delegate GC computations to a third party in constrained embedded settings

    Uniqueness Typing for Resource Management in Message-Passing Concurrency

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    We view channels as the main form of resources in a message-passing programming paradigm. These channels need to be carefully managed in settings where resources are scarce. To study this problem, we extend the pi-calculus with primitives for channel allocation and deallocation and allow channels to be reused to communicate values of different types. Inevitably, the added expressiveness increases the possibilities for runtime errors. We define a substructural type system which combines uniqueness typing and affine typing to reject these ill-behaved programs

    Typechecking protocols with Mungo and StMungo: a session type toolchain for Java

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    Static typechecking is an important feature of many standard programming languages. However, static typing focuses on data rather than communication, and therefore does not help programmers correctly implement communication protocols in distributed systems. The theory of session types provides a basis for tackling this problem; we use it to develop two tools that support static typechecking of communication protocols in Java. The first tool, Mungo, extends Java with typestate definitions, which allow classes to be associated with state machines defining permitted sequences of method calls: for example, communication methods. The second tool, StMungo, takes a session type describing a communication protocol, and generates a typestate specification of the permitted sequences of messages in the protocol. Protocol implementations can be validated by Mungo against their typestate definitions and then compiled with a standard Java compiler. The result is a toolchain for static typechecking of communication protocols in Java. We formalise and prove soundness of the typestate inference system used by Mungo, and show that our toolchain can be used to typecheck a client for the standard Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)

    Session Types as Generic Process Types

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    Behavioural type systems ensure more than the usual safety guarantees of static analysis. They are based on the idea of "types-as-processes", providing dedicated type algebras for particular properties, ranging from protocol compatibility to race-freedom, lock-freedom, or even responsiveness. Two successful, although rather different, approaches, are session types and process types. The former allows to specify and verify (distributed) communication protocols using specific type (proof) systems; the latter allows to infer from a system specification a process abstraction on which it is simpler to verify properties, using a generic type (proof) system. What is the relationship between these approaches? Can the generic one subsume the specific one? At what price? And can the former be used as a compiler for the latter? The work presented herein is a step towards answers to such questions. Concretely, we define a stepwise encoding of a pi-calculus with sessions and session types (the system of Gay and Hole) into a pi-calculus with process types (the Generic Type System of Igarashi and Kobayashi). We encode session type environments, polarities (which distinguish session channels end-points), and labelled sums. We show forward and reverse operational correspondences for the encodings, as well as typing correspondences. To faithfully encode session subtyping in process types subtyping, one needs to add to the target language record constructors and new subtyping rules. In conclusion, the programming convenience of session types as protocol abstractions can be combined with the simplicity and power of the pi-calculus, taking advantage in particular of the framework provided by the Generic Type System.Comment: In Proceedings EXPRESS/SOS 2014, arXiv:1408.127

    Session types revisited

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    Session types are a formalism used to model structured communication-based programming. A binary session type describes communication by specifying the type and direction of data exchanged between two parties. When session types and session processes are added to the syntax of standard π-calculus they give rise to additional separate syntactic categories. As a consequence, when new type features are added, there is duplication of effort in the theory: the proofs of properties must be checked both on standard types and on session types. We show that session types are encodable into standard π- types, relying on linear and variant types. Besides being an expressivity result, the encoding (i) removes the above redundancies in the syntax, and (ii) the properties of session types are derived as straightforward corollaries, exploiting the corresponding properties of standard π-types. The robustness of the encoding is tested on a few extensions of session types, including subtyping, polymorphism and higher-order communications

    Private Outsourcing of Polynomial Evaluation and Matrix Multiplication using Multilinear Maps

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    {\em Verifiable computation} (VC) allows a computationally weak client to outsource the evaluation of a function on many inputs to a powerful but untrusted server. The client invests a large amount of off-line computation and gives an encoding of its function to the server. The server returns both an evaluation of the function on the client's input and a proof such that the client can verify the evaluation using substantially less effort than doing the evaluation on its own. We consider how to privately outsource computations using {\em privacy preserving} VC schemes whose executions reveal no information on the client's input or function to the server. We construct VC schemes with {\em input privacy} for univariate polynomial evaluation and matrix multiplication and then extend them such that the {\em function privacy} is also achieved. Our tool is the recently developed {mutilinear maps}. The proposed VC schemes can be used in outsourcing {private information retrieval (PIR)}.Comment: 23 pages, A preliminary version appears in the 12th International Conference on Cryptology and Network Security (CANS 2013

    Uniqueness typing for a higher-order language

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    We investigate type-based analysis for a higher-order channel passing language with strong update, whereby messages of a different kind are communicated over the same channel. In order to reason about such programs, our type system employs the concept of uniqueness to be able to assert when it is safe to change the object type a channel. We design a type system based on this concept and prove that our type system is sound, meaning that it only accepts programs that do not produce runtime errors.peer-reviewe
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