79 research outputs found

    Combined optimization algorithms applied to pattern classification

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    Accurate classification by minimizing the error on test samples is the main goal in pattern classification. Combinatorial optimization is a well-known method for solving minimization problems, however, only a few examples of classifiers axe described in the literature where combinatorial optimization is used in pattern classification. Recently, there has been a growing interest in combining classifiers and improving the consensus of results for a greater accuracy. In the light of the "No Ree Lunch Theorems", we analyse the combination of simulated annealing, a powerful combinatorial optimization method that produces high quality results, with the classical perceptron algorithm. This combination is called LSA machine. Our analysis aims at finding paradigms for problem-dependent parameter settings that ensure high classifica, tion results. Our computational experiments on a large number of benchmark problems lead to results that either outperform or axe at least competitive to results published in the literature. Apart from paxameter settings, our analysis focuses on a difficult problem in computation theory, namely the network complexity problem. The depth vs size problem of neural networks is one of the hardest problems in theoretical computing, with very little progress over the past decades. In order to investigate this problem, we introduce a new recursive learning method for training hidden layers in constant depth circuits. Our findings make contributions to a) the field of Machine Learning, as the proposed method is applicable in training feedforward neural networks, and to b) the field of circuit complexity by proposing an upper bound for the number of hidden units sufficient to achieve a high classification rate. One of the major findings of our research is that the size of the network can be bounded by the input size of the problem and an approximate upper bound of 8 + √2n/n threshold gates as being sufficient for a small error rate, where n := log/SL and SL is the training set

    Optimal use of computing equipment in an automated industrial inspection context

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    This thesis deals with automatic defect detection. The objective was to develop the techniques required by a small manufacturing business to make cost-efficient use of inspection technology. In our work on inspection techniques we discuss image acquisition and the choice between custom and general-purpose processing hardware. We examine the classes of general-purpose computer available and study popular operating systems in detail. We highlight the advantages of a hybrid system interconnected via a local area network and develop a sophisticated suite of image-processing software based on it. We quantitatively study the performance of elements of the TCP/IP networking protocol suite and comment on appropriate protocol selection for parallel distributed applications. We implement our own distributed application based on these findings. In our work on inspection algorithms we investigate the potential uses of iterated function series and Fourier transform operators when preprocessing images of defects in aluminium plate acquired using a linescan camera. We employ a multi-layer perceptron neural network trained by backpropagation as a classifier. We examine the effect on the training process of the number of nodes in the hidden layer and the ability of the network to identify faults in images of aluminium plate. We investigate techniques for introducing positional independence into the network's behaviour. We analyse the pattern of weights induced in the network after training in order to gain insight into the logic of its internal representation. We conclude that the backpropagation training process is sufficiently computationally intensive so as to present a real barrier to further development in practical neural network techniques and seek ways to achieve a speed-up. Weconsider the training process as a search problem and arrive at a process involving multiple, parallel search "vectors" and aspects of genetic algorithms. We implement the system as the mentioned distributed application and comment on its performance

    Neural network studies of lithofacies classification

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    Personalized Health Monitoring Using Evolvable Block-based Neural Networks

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    This dissertation presents personalized health monitoring using evolvable block-based neural networks. Personalized health monitoring plays an increasingly important role in modern society as the population enjoys longer life. Personalization in health monitoring considers physiological variations brought by temporal, personal or environmental differences, and demands solutions capable to reconfigure and adapt to specific requirements. Block-based neural networks (BbNNs) consist of 2-D arrays of modular basic blocks that can be easily implemented using reconfigurable digital hardware such as field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) that allow on-line partial reorganization. The modular structure of BbNNs enables easy expansion in size by adding more blocks. A computationally efficient evolutionary algorithm is developed that simultaneously optimizes structure and weights of BbNNs. This evolutionary algorithm increases optimization speed by integrating a local search operator. An adaptive rate update scheme removing manual tuning of operator rates enhances the fitness trend compared to pre-determined fixed rates. A fitness scaling with generalized disruptive pressure reduces the possibility of premature convergence. The BbNN platform promises an evolvable solution that changes structures and parameters for personalized health monitoring. A BbNN evolved with the proposed evolutionary algorithm using the Hermite transform coefficients and a time interval between two neighboring R peaks of ECG signal, provides a patient-specific ECG heartbeat classification system. Experimental results using the MIT-BIH Arrhythmia database demonstrate a potential for significant performance enhancements over other major techniques

    Small nets and short paths optimising neural computation

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    A Modular Approach to Lung Nodule Detection from Computed Tomography Images Using Artificial Neural Networks and Content Based Image Representation

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    Lung cancer is one of the most lethal cancer types. Research in computer aided detection (CAD) and diagnosis for lung cancer aims at providing effective tools to assist physicians in cancer diagnosis and treatment to save lives. In this dissertation, we focus on developing a CAD framework for automated lung cancer nodule detection from 3D lung computed tomography (CT) images. Nodule detection is a challenging task that no machine intelligence can surpass human capability to date. In contrast, human recognition power is limited by vision capacity and may suffer from work overload and fatigue, whereas automated nodule detection systems can complement expert’s efforts to achieve better detection performance. The proposed CAD framework encompasses several desirable properties such as mimicking physicians by means of geometric multi-perspective analysis, computational efficiency, and the most importantly producing high performance in detection accuracy. As the central part of the framework, we develop a novel hierarchical modular decision engine implemented by Artificial Neural Networks. One advantage of this decision engine is that it supports the combination of spatial-level and feature-level information analysis in an efficient way. Our methodology overcomes some of the limitations of current lung nodule detection techniques by combining geometric multi-perspective analysis with global and local feature analysis. The proposed modular decision engine design is flexible to modifications in the decision modules; the engine structure can adopt the modifications without having to re-design the entire system. The engine can easily accommodate multi-learning scheme and parallel implementation so that each information type can be processed (in parallel) by the most adequate learning technique of its own. We have also developed a novel shape representation technique that is invariant under rigid-body transformation and we derived new features based on this shape representation for nodule detection. We implemented a prototype nodule detection system as a demonstration of the proposed framework. Experiments have been conducted to assess the performance of the proposed methodologies using real-world lung CT data. Several performance measures for detection accuracy are used in the assessment. The results show that the decision engine is able to classify patterns efficiently with very good classification performance

    Implementation of a neural network-based electromyographic control system for a printed robotic hand

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    3D printing has revolutionized the manufacturing process reducing costs and time, but only when combined with robotics and electronics, this structures could develop their full potential. In order to improve the available printable hand designs, a control system based on electromyographic (EMG) signals has been implemented, so that different movement patterns can be recognized and replicated in the bionic hand in real time. This control system has been developed in Matlab/ Simulink comprising EMG signal acquisition, feature extraction, dimensionality reduction and pattern recognition through a trained neural-network. Pattern recognition depends on the features used, their dimensions and the time spent in signal processing. Finding balance between this execution time and the input features of the neural network is a crucial step for an optimal classification.Ingeniería Biomédic

    The application of neural networks to anodic stripping voltammetry to improve trace metal analysis

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    This thesis describes a novel application of an artificial neural network and links together the two diverse disciplines of electroanalytical chemistry and information sciences. The artificial neural network is used to process data obtained from a Differential Pulse Anodic Stripping (DPAS) electroanalytical scan and produces as an output, predictions of lead concentration in samples where the concentration is less than 100 parts per billion. A comparative study of several post analysis processing techniques is presented, both traditional and neural. Through this it is demonstrated that by using a neural network, both the accuracy and the precision of the concentration predictions are increased by a factor of approximately two, over those obtained using a traditional, peak height calibration curve method. Statistical justification for these findings is provided Furthermore it is shown that, by post processing with a neural network, good quantitative predictions of heavy metal concentration may be made from instrument responses so poor that, if using tradition methods of calibration, the analytical scan would have had to be repeated. As part of the research the author has designed and built a complete computer controlled analytical instrument which provides output both to a graphical display and to the neural network. This instrument, which is fully described in the text, is operated via a mouse driven user interface written by the author