16 research outputs found

    Electromagnetic micropower generation - system design and analyses

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    There has been a huge reduction in size and power consumption of MEMS devices like transducers and sensors. These devices are usually designed to run on batteries. The limited lifespan of batteries may induce costly maintenance, in the case of contaminated areas for instance. That led to a surge of research in the area of energy harvesting. Sustainable power generation may be achieved in converting ambient energy into electrical energy. Since mechanical vibrations exist in most systems, many works focused on vibration-driven generators. In this field, the electromagnetic induction is well suited for the mechanical to electrical energy conversion. The design of the mechanical system that transmits the surrounding vibratory energy to the electromagnetic generator is a critical importance. This thesis presents an optimization of an electromagnetic microgenerator. It describes the theory, design and simulation of an energy converter based on electromagnetic induction. The objectives of this research are designing, improving the performance and operational reliability of electromagnetic microgenerator. These have been achieved by identifying the desirable design features of the electromagnetic microgenerator. Extensive analytical investigation has been conducted to develop an efficient design of an electromagnetic microgenerator. An analytical model is developed. Numerical analyses using Mat Lab software investigate the optimum design parameters to get maximum power output. This thesis deals with the design and simulation of a number of flat springs to be used for supporting the moving magnet of an electromagnetic microgenerator. The flat spring and moving magnet are equivalent to a basic spring-mass system, in which the moving magnet is attached to a platform suspended by four beams. These flat springs were designed by modelling and finite element method simulation using ANSYS 5.7. A series of structural and vibration analyses were carried out using ANSYS to evaluate the flat spring characteristics and to choose the desirable mode of vibration. Finite element method is also used for the analysis, evaluation and optimization of the electromagnetic design of the electromagnetic microgenerator. The objectives behind this analysis are to characterize the permanent magnet and to investigate the optimum position of the coil relative to the magnet. Output power is estimated using the ANSYS simulation results of the magnetic field induced on the coil. It is also found that the magnetic field of the permanent magnet in the vertical direction is higher in magnitude than the magnetic field in the horizontal direction. Estimated power was calculated for different distance between the coil and the permanent magnet. The methodology and findings in this research provided a number of contributing elements to the field of MEMS power generation, and provided an insight into the development of an electromagnetic microgenerator. This thesis is concluded with a discussion on the performance of the proposed electromagnetic microgenerator and suggestions for further research

    Energy harvesting technologies for structural health monitoring of airplane components - a review

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    With the aim of increasing the efficiency of maintenance and fuel usage in airplanes, structural health monitoring (SHM) of critical composite structures is increasingly expected and required. The optimized usage of this concept is subject of intensive work in the framework of the EU COST Action CA18203 "Optimising Design for Inspection" (ODIN). In this context, a thorough review of a broad range of energy harvesting (EH) technologies to be potentially used as power sources for the acoustic emission and guided wave propagation sensors of the considered SHM systems, as well as for the respective data elaboration and wireless communication modules, is provided in this work. EH devices based on the usage of kinetic energy, thermal gradients, solar radiation, airflow, and other viable energy sources, proposed so far in the literature, are thus described with a critical review of the respective specific power levels, of their potential placement on airplanes, as well as the consequently necessary power management architectures. The guidelines provided for the selection of the most appropriate EH and power management technologies create the preconditions to develop a new class of autonomous sensor nodes for the in-process, non-destructive SHM of airplane components.The work of S. Zelenika, P. GljuĆĄcic, E. Kamenar and Ćœ. Vrcan is partly enabled by using the equipment funded via the EU European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) project no. RC.2.2.06-0001: “Research Infrastructure for Campus-based Laboratories at the University of Rijeka (RISK)” and partly supported by the University of Rijeka, Croatia, project uniri-tehnic-18-32 „Advanced mechatronics devices for smart technological solutions“. Z. Hadas, P. Tofel and O. Ć evecek acknowledge the support provided via the Czech Science Foundation project GA19-17457S „Manufacturing and analysis of flexible piezoelectric layers for smart engineering”. J. Hlinka, F. Ksica and O. Rubes gratefully acknowledge the financial support provided by the ESIF, EU Operational Programme Research, Development and Education within the research project Center of Advanced Aerospace Technology (Reg. No.: CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_019/0000826) at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology. V. Pakrashi would like to acknowledge UCD Energy Institute, Marine and Renewable Energy Ireland (MaREI) centre Ireland, Strengthening Infrastructure Risk Assessment in the Atlantic Area (SIRMA) Grant No. EAPA\826/2018, EU INTERREG Atlantic Area and Aquaculture Operations with Reliable Flexible Shielding Technologies for Prevention of Infestation in Offshore and Coastal Areas (FLEXAQUA), MarTera Era-Net cofund PBA/BIO/18/02 projects. The work of J.P.B. Silva is partially supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) in the framework of the Strategic Funding UIDB/FIS/04650/2020. M. Mrlik gratefully acknowledges the support of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic-DKRVO (RP/CPS/2020/003

    Development of MEMS Piezoelectric Vibration Energy Harvesters with Wafer-Level Integrated Tungsten Proof-Mass for Ultra Low Power Autonomous Wireless Sensors

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    La gĂ©nĂ©ration d’énergie localisĂ©e et Ă  petite Ă©chelle, par transformation de l’énergie vibratoire disponible dans l’environnement, est une solution attrayante pour amĂ©liorer l’autonomie de certains noeuds de capteurs sans-fil pour l’Internet des objets (IoT). GrĂące Ă  des microdispositifs inertiels rĂ©sonants piĂ©zoĂ©lectriques, il est possible de transformer l’énergie mĂ©canique en Ă©lectricitĂ©. Cette thĂšse prĂ©sente une Ă©tude exhaustive de cette technologie et propose un procĂ©dĂ© pour fabriquer des microgĂ©nĂ©rateurs MEMS offrant des performances surpassant l’état de l’art. On prĂ©sente d’abord une revue complĂšte des limites physiques et technologiques pour identifier le meilleur chemin d’amĂ©lioration. En Ă©valuant les approches proposĂ©es dans la littĂ©rature (gĂ©omĂ©trie, architecture, matĂ©riaux, circuits, etc.), nous suggĂ©rons des mĂ©triques pour comparer l’état de l’art. Ces analyses dĂ©montrent que la limite fondamentale est l’énergie absorbĂ©e par le dispositif, car plusieurs des solutions existantes rĂ©pondent dĂ©jĂ  aux autres limites. Pour un gĂ©nĂ©rateur linĂ©aire rĂ©sonant, l’absorption d’énergie dĂ©pend donc des vibrations disponibles, mais aussi de la masse du dispositif et de son facteur de qualitĂ©. Pour orienter la conception de prototypes, nous avons rĂ©alisĂ© une Ă©tude sur le potentiel des capteurs autonomes dans une automobile. Nous avons Ă©valuĂ© une liste des capteurs prĂ©sents sur un vĂ©hicule pour leur compatibilitĂ© avec cette technologie. Nos mesures de vibrations sur un vĂ©hicule en marche aux emplacements retenus rĂ©vĂšlent que l’énergie disponible pour un dispositif linĂ©aire rĂ©sonant MEMS se situe entre 30 Ă  150 Hz. Celui-ci pourrait produire autour de 1 Ă  10 ÎŒW par gramme. Pour limiter la taille d’un gĂ©nĂ©rateur MEMS pouvant produire 10 ÎŒW, il faut une densitĂ© supĂ©rieure Ă  celle du silicium, ce qui motive l’intĂ©gration du tungstĂšne. L’effet du tungstĂšne sur la sensibilitĂ© du dispositif est Ă©vident, mais nous dĂ©montrons Ă©galement que l’usage de ce matĂ©riau permet de rĂ©duire l’impact de l’amortissement fluidique sur le facteur de qualitĂ© mĂ©canique Qm. En fait, lorsque l’amortissement fluidique domine, ce changement peut amĂ©liorer Qm d’un ordre de grandeur, passant de 103 Ă  104 dans l’air ambiant. Par consĂ©quent, le rendement du dispositif est amĂ©liorĂ© sans utiliser un boĂźtier sous vide. Nous proposons ensuite un procĂ©dĂ© de fabrication qui intĂšgre au niveau de la tranche des masses de tungstĂšne de 500 ÎŒm d’épais. Ce procĂ©dĂ© utilise des approches de collage de tranches et de gravure humide du mĂ©tal en deux Ă©tapes. Nous prĂ©sentons chaque bloc de fabrication rĂ©alisĂ© pour dĂ©montrer la faisabilitĂ© du procĂ©dĂ©, lequel a permis de fabriquer plusieurs prototypes. Ces dispositifs ont Ă©tĂ© testĂ©s en laboratoire, certains dĂ©montrant des performances records en terme de densitĂ© de puissance normalisĂ©e. Notre meilleur design se dĂ©marque par une mĂ©trique de 2.5 mW-s-1/(mm3(m/s2)2), soit le meilleur rĂ©sultat rĂ©pertoriĂ© dans l’état de l’art. Avec un volume de 3.5 mm3, il opĂšre Ă  552.7 Hz et produit 2.7 ÎŒW Ă  1.6 V RMS Ă  partir d’une accĂ©lĂ©ration de 1 m/s2. Ces rĂ©sultats dĂ©montrent que l’intĂ©gration du tungstĂšne dans les microgĂ©nĂ©rateurs MEMS est trĂšs avantageuse et permet de s’approcher davantage des requis des applications rĂ©elles.Small scale and localized power generation, using vibration energy harvesting, is considered as an attractive solution to enhance the autonomy of some wireless sensor nodes used in the Internet of Things (IoT). Conversion of the ambient mechanical energy into electricity is most often done through inertial resonant piezoelectric microdevices. This thesis presents an extensive study of this technology and proposes a process to fabricate MEMS microgenerators with record performances compared to the state of the art. We first present a complete review of the physical and technological limits of this technology to asses the best path of improvement. Reported approaches (geometries, architectures, materials, circuits) are evaluated and figures of merit are proposed to compare the state of the art. These analyses show that the fundamental limit is the absorbed energy, as most proposals to date partially address the other limits. The absorbed energy depends on the level of vibrations available, but also on the mass of the device and its quality factor for a linear resonant generator. To guide design of prototypes, we conducted a study on the potential of autonomous sensors in vehicles. A survey of sensors present on a car was realized to estimate their compatibility with energy harvesting technologies. Vibration measurements done on a running vehicle at relevant locations showed that the energy available for MEMS devices is mostly located in a frequency range of 30 to 150 Hz and could generate power in the range of 1-10 ÎŒW per gram from a linear resonator. To limit the size of a MEMS generator capable of producing 10 ÎŒW, a higher mass density compared to silicon is needed, which motivates the development of a process that incorporates tungsten. Although the effect of tungsten on the device sensitivity is well known, we also demonstrate that it reduces the impact of the fluidic damping on the mechanical quality factor Qm. If fluidic damping is dominant, switching to tungsten can improve Qm by an order of magnitude, going from 103 to 104 in ambient air. As a result, the device efficiency is improved despite the lack of a vacuum package. We then propose a fabrication process flow to integrate 500 ÎŒm thick tungsten masses at the wafer level. This process combines wafer bonding with a 2-step wet metal etching approach. We present each of the fabrication nodes realized to demonstrate the feasibility of the process, which led to the fabrication of several prototypes. These devices are tested in the lab, with some designs demonstrating record breaking performances in term of normalized power density. Our best design is noteworthy for its figure of merit that is around 2.5 mW-s-1/(mm3(m/s2)2), which is the best reported in the state of the art. With a volume of 3.5 mm3, it operates at 552.7 Hz and produces 2.7 ÎŒW at 1.6 V RMS from an acceleration of 1 m/s2. These results therefore show that tungsten integration in MEMS microgenerators is very advantageous, allowing to reduce the gap with needs of current applications

    Wideband Micro-Power Generators for Vibration Energy Harvesting

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    Energy harvesters collect and convert energy available in the environment into useful electrical power to satisfy the power requirements of autonomous systems. Vibration energy is a prevalent source of waste energy in industrial and built environments. Vibration-based energy harvesters, or vibration-based micro power generators (VBMPGs), utilize a transducer, a mechanical oscillator in this application, to capture kinetic energy from environmental vibrations and to convert it into electrical energy using electromagnetic, electrostatic, or piezoelectric transduction mechanisms. A key design feature of all VBMPGs, regardless of their transduction mechanism, is that they are optimally tuned to harvest vibration energy within a narrow frequency band in the neighborhood of the natural frequency of the oscillator. Outside this band, the output power is too low to be conditioned and utilized. This limitation is exacerbated by the fact that VBMPGs are also designed to have high quality factors to minimize energy dissipation, further narrowing the optimal operating frequency band. Vibrations in most environments, however, are random and wideband. As a result, VBMPGs can harvest energy only for a relatively limited period of time, which imposes excessive constraints on their usability. A new architecture for wideband VBMPGs is the main contribution of this thesis. The new design is general in the sense that it can be applied to any of the three transduction mechanisms listed above. The linear oscillator is replaced with a piecewise-linear oscillator as the energy-harvesting element of the VBMPG. The new architecture has been found to increase the bandwidth of the VBMPG during a frequency up-sweep, while maintaining the same bandwidth in a frequency downsweep. Experimental results show that using the new architecture results in a 313% increase in the width of the bandwidth compared to that produced by traditional architecture. Simulations show that under random-frequency excitations, the new architecture collects more energy than traditional architecture. In addition, the knowledge acquired has been used to build a wideband electromagnetic VBMPG using MicroElectroMechanical Systems, MEMS, technology. This research indicates that a variety of piecewise-linear oscillators, including impact oscillators, can be implemented on MPG structures that have been built using MEMS technology. When the scale of the MPGs is reduced, lower losses are likely during contact between the moving oscillators and the stopper, which will lead to an increase in bandwidth and hence in the amount of energy collected. Finally, a design procedure has been developed for optimizing such wideband MPGs. This research showed that wideband MPGs require two design optimization steps in addition to the traditional technique, which is used in all types of generators, of minimizing mechanical energy losses through structural design and material selection. The first step for both regular and wideband MPGs minimizes the MPG damping ratio by increasing the mass and stiffness of the MPG by a common factor until the effect of size causes the rate at which energy losses increase to accelerate beyond that common factor. The second step, which is specific to wideband MPGs, tailors the output power and bandwidth to fit the Probability Density Function, PDF, of environmental vibrations. A figure of merit FoM was devised to quantify the quality of this fit. Experimental results show that with this procedure, the bandwidth at half-power level increases to more than 600% of the original VBMPG bandwidth

    Urubu: energy scavenging in wireless sensor networks

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    For the past years wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have been coined as one of the most promising technologies for supporting a wide range of applications. However, outside the research community, few are the people who know what they are and what they can offer. Even fewer are the ones that have seen these networks used in real world applications. The main obstacle for the proliferation of these networks is energy, or the lack of it. Even though renewable energy sources are always present in the networks environment, designing devices that can efficiently scavenge that energy in order to sustain the operation of these networks is still an open challenge. Energy scavenging, along with energy efficiency and energy conservation, are the current available means to sustain the operation of these networks, and can all be framed within the broader concept of “Energetic Sustainability”. A comprehensive study of the several issues related to the energetic sustainability of WSNs is presented in this thesis, with a special focus in today’s applicable energy harvesting techniques and devices, and in the energy consumption of commercially available WSN hardware platforms. This work allows the understanding of the different energy concepts involving WSNs and the evaluation of the presented energy harvesting techniques for sustaining wireless sensor nodes. This survey is supported by a novel experimental analysis of the energy consumption of the most widespread commercially available WSN hardware platforms.HĂĄ jĂĄ alguns anos que as redes de sensores sem fios (do InglĂȘs Wireless Sensor Networks - WSNs) tĂȘm sido apontadas como uma das mais promissoras tecnologias de suporte a uma vasta gama de aplicaçÔes. No entanto, fora da comunidade cientĂ­fica, poucas sĂŁo as pessoas que sabem o que elas sĂŁo e o que tĂȘm para oferecer. Ainda menos sĂŁo aquelas que jĂĄ viram a sua utilização em aplicaçÔes do dia-a-dia. O principal obstĂĄculo para a proliferação destas redes Ă© a energia, ou a falta dela. Apesar da existĂȘncia de fontes de energia renovĂĄveis no local de operação destas redes, continua a ser um desafio construir dispositivos capazes de aproveitar eficientemente essa energia para suportar a operação permanente das mesmas. A colheita de energia juntamente com a eficiĂȘncia energĂ©tica e a conservação de energia, sĂŁo os meios disponĂ­veis actualmente que permitem a operação permanente destas redes e podem ser todos englobados no conceito mais amplo de “Sustentabilidade EnergĂ©tica”. Esta tese apresenta um estudo extensivo das vĂĄrias questĂ”es relacionadas com a sustentabilidade energĂ©tica das redes de sensores sem fios, com especial foco nas tecnologias e dispositivos explorados actualmente na colheita de energia e no consumo energĂ©tico de algumas plataformas comercias de redes de sensores sem fios. Este trabalho permite compreender os diferentes conceitos energĂ©ticos relacionados com as redes de sensores sem fios e avaliar a capacidade das tecnologias apresentadas em suportar a operação permanente das redes sem fios. Este estudo Ă© suportado por uma inovadora anĂĄlise experimental do consumo energĂ©tico de algumas das mais difundidas plataformas comerciais de redes de sensores sem fios

    Human movement energy harvesting : a non-linear electromagnetic approach

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    Energy harvesting is one of the methods that currently engage actively in energy “recycling”. Of the many energy sources that carry the potential to have energy harvested and recycled, humans are seen as a potential source of energy. High amounts of energy are wasted from daily activities that humans do, if only a portion of the wasted energy can be harvested and reused with the aim of improving the quality of life of the user.To do that, the accelerations of selected movements are recorded from sensors attached to four different locations of the body. Human movements operate on a low and wide frequency scale, nonlinear energy harvesting techniques is seen as a suitable technique to be applied. Nonlinear energy harvesting techniques are expected to increase the bandwidth of operation of the energy harvester. The electromagnetic method of transduction is also selected (using two opposing magnets) to be paired with the nonlinear energy harvesting techniques to evaluate the potential of energy harvesting from human movements. The pick-up coil to be used will be placed at a novel location within the energy harvester prototype.Through simulations and experiments, frequency responses obtained did show an increase in bandwidth which agrees with literature from nonlinear energy harvesting techniques. Phase portraits are also used to provide a more in depth understanding on the movements from the cantilever under linear and nonlinear dynamics. Result comparisons were made between the simulation model and the experimental prototype to verify the agreement between the two.Additionally, results obtained also showed that the resonant frequency of the system was reduced when operating under the nonlinear regime. These attribute favour energy harvesting though human movements.Finally, the novel placement of the pick-up coil within the nonlinear electromagnetic energy harvester had the desired effect. Similar power outputs were achieved even though the separation distances between the two opposing magnets were varied