444 research outputs found

    Graph-based Data Modeling and Analysis for Data Fusion in Remote Sensing

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    Hyperspectral imaging provides the capability of increased sensitivity and discrimination over traditional imaging methods by combining standard digital imaging with spectroscopic methods. For each individual pixel in a hyperspectral image (HSI), a continuous spectrum is sampled as the spectral reflectance/radiance signature to facilitate identification of ground cover and surface material. The abundant spectrum knowledge allows all available information from the data to be mined. The superior qualities within hyperspectral imaging allow wide applications such as mineral exploration, agriculture monitoring, and ecological surveillance, etc. The processing of massive high-dimensional HSI datasets is a challenge since many data processing techniques have a computational complexity that grows exponentially with the dimension. Besides, a HSI dataset may contain a limited number of degrees of freedom due to the high correlations between data points and among the spectra. On the other hand, merely taking advantage of the sampled spectrum of individual HSI data point may produce inaccurate results due to the mixed nature of raw HSI data, such as mixed pixels, optical interferences and etc. Fusion strategies are widely adopted in data processing to achieve better performance, especially in the field of classification and clustering. There are mainly three types of fusion strategies, namely low-level data fusion, intermediate-level feature fusion, and high-level decision fusion. Low-level data fusion combines multi-source data that is expected to be complementary or cooperative. Intermediate-level feature fusion aims at selection and combination of features to remove redundant information. Decision level fusion exploits a set of classifiers to provide more accurate results. The fusion strategies have wide applications including HSI data processing. With the fast development of multiple remote sensing modalities, e.g. Very High Resolution (VHR) optical sensors, LiDAR, etc., fusion of multi-source data can in principal produce more detailed information than each single source. On the other hand, besides the abundant spectral information contained in HSI data, features such as texture and shape may be employed to represent data points from a spatial perspective. Furthermore, feature fusion also includes the strategy of removing redundant and noisy features in the dataset. One of the major problems in machine learning and pattern recognition is to develop appropriate representations for complex nonlinear data. In HSI processing, a particular data point is usually described as a vector with coordinates corresponding to the intensities measured in the spectral bands. This vector representation permits the application of linear and nonlinear transformations with linear algebra to find an alternative representation of the data. More generally, HSI is multi-dimensional in nature and the vector representation may lose the contextual correlations. Tensor representation provides a more sophisticated modeling technique and a higher-order generalization to linear subspace analysis. In graph theory, data points can be generalized as nodes with connectivities measured from the proximity of a local neighborhood. The graph-based framework efficiently characterizes the relationships among the data and allows for convenient mathematical manipulation in many applications, such as data clustering, feature extraction, feature selection and data alignment. In this thesis, graph-based approaches applied in the field of multi-source feature and data fusion in remote sensing area are explored. We will mainly investigate the fusion of spatial, spectral and LiDAR information with linear and multilinear algebra under graph-based framework for data clustering and classification problems

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationStatistical learning theory has garnered attention during the last decade because it provides the theoretical and mathematical framework for solving pattern recognition problems, such as dimensionality reduction, clustering, and shape analysis. In statis

    Cluster-Based Supervised Classification

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    Ensemble deep learning: A review

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    Ensemble learning combines several individual models to obtain better generalization performance. Currently, deep learning models with multilayer processing architecture is showing better performance as compared to the shallow or traditional classification models. Deep ensemble learning models combine the advantages of both the deep learning models as well as the ensemble learning such that the final model has better generalization performance. This paper reviews the state-of-art deep ensemble models and hence serves as an extensive summary for the researchers. The ensemble models are broadly categorised into ensemble models like bagging, boosting and stacking, negative correlation based deep ensemble models, explicit/implicit ensembles, homogeneous /heterogeneous ensemble, decision fusion strategies, unsupervised, semi-supervised, reinforcement learning and online/incremental, multilabel based deep ensemble models. Application of deep ensemble models in different domains is also briefly discussed. Finally, we conclude this paper with some future recommendations and research directions

    Multi-view Data Analysis

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    Multi-view data analysis is a key technology for making effective decisions by leveraging information from multiple data sources. The process of data acquisition across various sensory modalities gives rise to the heterogeneous property of data. In my thesis, multi-view data representations are studied towards exploiting the enriched information encoded in different domains or feature types, and novel algorithms are formulated to enhance feature discriminability. Extracting informative data representation is a critical step in visual recognition and data mining tasks. Multi-view embeddings provide a new way of representation learning to bridge the semantic gap between the low-level observations and high-level human comprehensible knowledge benefitting from enriched information in multiple modalities.Recent advances on multi-view learning have introduced a new paradigm in jointly modeling cross-modal data. Subspace learning method, which extracts compact features by exploiting a common latent space and fuses multi-view information, has emerged proiminent among different categories of multi-view learning techniques. This thesis provides novel solutions in learning compact and discriminative multi-view data representations by exploiting the data structures in low dimensional subspace. We also demonstrate the performance of the learned representation scheme on a number of challenging tasks in recognition, retrieval and ranking problems.The major contribution of the thesis is a unified solution for subspace learning methods, which is extensible for multiple views, supervised learning, and non-linear transformations. Traditional statistical learning techniques including Canonical Correlation Analysis, Partial Least Square regression and Linear Discriminant Analysis are studied by constructing graphs of specific forms under the same framework. Methods using non-linear transforms based on kernels and (deep) neural networks are derived, which lead to superior performance compared to the linear ones. A novel multi-view discriminant embedding method is proposed by taking the view difference into consideration. Secondly, a multiview nonparametric discriminant analysis method is introduced by exploiting the class boundary structure and discrepancy information of the available views. This allows for multiple projecion directions, by relaxing the Gaussian distribution assumption of related methods. Thirdly, we propose a composite ranking method by keeping a close correlation with the individual rankings for optimal rank fusion. We propose a multi-objective solution to ranking problems by capturing inter-view and intra-view information using autoencoderlike networks. Finally, a novel end-to-end solution is introduced to enhance joint ranking with minimum view-specific ranking loss, so that we can achieve the maximum global view agreements within a single optimization process.In summary, this thesis aims to address the challenges in representing multi-view data across different tasks. The proposed solutions have shown superior performance in numerous tasks, including object recognition, cross-modal image retrieval, face recognition and object ranking