46 research outputs found

    Limits to Non-Malleability

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    There have been many successes in constructing explicit non-malleable codes for various classes of tampering functions in recent years, and strong existential results are also known. In this work we ask the following question: When can we rule out the existence of a non-malleable code for a tampering class ?? First, we start with some classes where positive results are well-known, and show that when these classes are extended in a natural way, non-malleable codes are no longer possible. Specifically, we show that no non-malleable codes exist for any of the following tampering classes: - Functions that change d/2 symbols, where d is the distance of the code; - Functions where each input symbol affects only a single output symbol; - Functions where each of the n output bits is a function of n-log n input bits. Furthermore, we rule out constructions of non-malleable codes for certain classes ? via reductions to the assumption that a distributional problem is hard for ?, that make black-box use of the tampering functions in the proof. In particular, this yields concrete obstacles for the construction of efficient codes for NC, even assuming average-case variants of P ? NC

    A limitation on security evaluation of cryptographic primitives with fixed keys

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    In this paper, we discuss security of public‐key cryptographic primitives in the case that the public key is fixed. In the standard argument, security of cryptographic primitives are evaluated by estimating the average probability of being successfully attacked where keys are treated as random variables. In contrast to this, in practice, a user is mostly interested in the security under his specific public key, which has been already fixed. However, it is obvious that such security cannot be mathematically guaranteed because for any given public key, there always potentially exists an adversary, which breaks its security. Therefore, the best what we can do is just to use a public key such that its effective adversary is not likely to be constructed in the real life and, thus, it is desired to provide a method for evaluating this possibility. The motivation of this work is to investigate (in)feasibility of predicting whether for a given fixed public key, its successful adversary will actually appear in the real life or not. As our main result, we prove that for any digital signature scheme or public key encryption scheme, it is impossible to reduce any fixed key adversary in any weaker security notion than the de facto ones (i.e., existential unforgery against adaptive chosen message attacks or indistinguishability against adaptive chosen ciphertext attacks) to fixed key adversaries in the de facto security notion in a black‐box manner. This result means that, for example, for any digital signature scheme, impossibility of extracting the secret key from a fixed public key will never imply existential unforgery against chosen message attacks under the same key as long as we consider only black‐box analysis

    Limitations of the Meta-reduction Technique: The Case of Schnorr Signatures

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    We revisit the security of Fiat-Shamir signatures in the non-programmable random oracle model. The well-known proof by Pointcheval and Stern for such signature schemes (Journal of Cryptology, 2000) relies on the ability to re-program the random oracle, and it has been unknown if this property is inherent. Pailler and Vergnaud (Asiacrypt 2005) gave some first evidence of the hardness by showing via meta-reduction techniques that algebraic reductions cannot succeed in reducing key-only attacks against unforgeability to the discrete-log assumptions. We also use meta-reductions to show that the security of Schnorr signatures cannot be proven equivalent to the discrete logarithm problem without programming the random oracle. Our result also holds under the one-more discrete logarithm assumption but applies to a large class of reductions, we call *single-instance* reductions, subsuming those used in previous proofs of security in the (programmable) random oracle model. In contrast to algebraic reductions, our class allows arbitrary operations, but can only invoke a single resettable adversary instance, making our class incomparable to algebraic reductions. Our main result, however, is about meta-reductions and the question if this technique can be used to further strengthen the separations above. Our answer is negative. We present, to the best of our knowledge for the first time, limitations of the meta-reduction technique in the sense that finding a meta-reduction for general reductions is most likely infeasible. In fact, we prove that finding a meta-reduction against a potential reduction is equivalent to finding a ``meta-meta-reduction\u27\u27 against the strong existential unforgeability of the signature scheme. This means that the existence of a meta-reduction implies that the scheme must be insecure (against a slightly stronger attack) in the first place

    Lower Bounds on Assumptions behind Indistinguishability Obfuscation

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    Since the seminal work of Garg et. al (FOCS\u2713) in which they proposed the first candidate construction for indistinguishability obfuscation (iO for short), iO has become a central cryptographic primitive with numerous applications. The security of the proposed construction of Garg et al. and its variants are proved based on multi-linear maps (Garg et. al Eurocrypt\u2713) and their idealized model called the graded encoding model (Brakerski and Rothblum TCC\u2714 and Barak et al. Eurocrypt\u2714). Whether or not iO could be based on standard and well-studied hardness assumptions has remain an elusive open question. In this work we prove emph{lower bounds} on the assumptions that imply iO in a black-box way, based on computational assumptions. Note that any lower bound for iO needs to somehow rely on computational assumptions, because if P = NP then statistically secure iO does exist. Our results are twofold: 1. There is no fully black-box construction of iO from (exponentially secure) collision-resistant hash functions unless the polynomial hierarchy collapses. Our lower bound extends to (separate iO from) any primitive implied by a random oracle in a black-box way. 2. Let P be any primitive that exists relative to random trapdoor permutations, the generic group model for any finite abelian group, or degree-O(1)O(1) graded encoding model for any finite ring. We show that achieving a black-box construction of iO from P is emph{as hard as} basing public-key cryptography on one-way functions. In particular, for any such primitive P we present a constructive procedure that takes any black-box construction of iO from P and turns it into a a construction of semantically secure public-key encryption form any one-way functions. Our separations hold even if the construction of iO from P is {semi-} black-box (Reingold, Trevisan, and Vadhan, TCC\u2704) and the security reduction could access the adversary in a non-black-box way

    Why Fiat-Shamir for Proofs Lacks a Proof

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    The Fiat-Shamir heuristic (CRYPTO \u2786) is used to convert any 3-message public-coin proof or argument system into a non-interactive argument, by hashing the prover\u27s first message to select the verifier\u27s challenge. It is known that this heuristic is sound when the hash function is modeled as a random oracle. On the other hand, the surprising result of Goldwasser and Kalai (FOCS \u2703) shows that there exists a computationally sound argument on which the Fiat-Shamir heuristic is never sound, when instantiated with any actual efficient hash function. This leaves us with the following interesting possibility: perhaps there exists a hash function that securely instantiates the Fiat-Shamir heuristic for all 3-message public-coin statistically sound proofs, even if it can fail for some computationally sound arguments. Indeed, the existence of such hash functions has been conjectured by Barak, Lindell and Vadhan (FOCS \u2703), who also gave a seemingly reasonable and sufficient condition under which such hash functions exist. However, we do not have any provably secure construction of such hash functions, under any standard assumption such as the hardness of DDH, RSA, QR, LWE, etc. In this work we give a broad black-box separation result, showing that the security of such hash functions cannot be proved under virtually any standard cryptographic assumption via a black-box reduction

    A Tutorial on Concurrent Zero Knowledge

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    In this tutorial, we provide a brief overview of Concurrent Zero Knowledge and next present a simple proof of the existence of Concurrent Zero-knowledge arguments for N P based on one-way permutations

    Separating Succinct Non-Interactive Arguments From All Falsifiable Assumptions

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    In this paper, we study succinct computationally sound proofs (arguments) for NP, whose communication complexity is polylogarithmic the instance and witness sizes. The seminal works of Kilian \u2792 and Micali \u2794 show that such arguments can be constructed under standard cryptographic hardness assumptions with four rounds of interaction, and that they be made non-interactive in the random-oracle model. The latter construction also gives us some evidence that succinct non interactive arguments (SNARGs) may exist in the standard model with a common reference string (CRS), by replacing the oracle with a sufficiently complicated hash function whose description goes in the CRS. However, we currently do not know of any construction of SNARGs with a formal proof of security under any simple cryptographic assumption. In this work, we give a broad black-box separation result, showing that black-box reductions cannot be used to prove the security of any SNARG construction based on any falsifiable cryptographic assumption. This includes essentially all common assumptions used in cryptography (one-way functions, trapdoor permutations, DDH, RSA, LWE etc.). More generally, we say that an assumption is falsifiable if it can be modeled as an interactive game between an adversary and an efficient challenger that can efficiently decide if the adversary won the game. This is similar, in spirit, to the notion of falsifiability of Naor \u2703, and captures the fact that we can efficiently check if an adversarial strategy breaks the assumption. Our separation result also extends to designated verifier SNARGs, where the verifier needs a trapdoor associated with the CRS to verify arguments, and slightly succinct SNARGs, whose size is only required to be sublinear in the statement and witness size

    On the Security of Classic Protocols for Unique Witness Relations

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    We revisit the problem of whether the known classic constant-round public-coin argument/proof systems are witness hiding for languages/distributions with unique witnesses. Though strong black-box \emph{impossibility} results are known, we provide some less unexpected \emph{positive} results on the witness hiding security of these classic protocols: --We give sufficient conditions on a hard distribution over \emph{unique} witness NP relation for which all witness indistinguishable protocols (including all public-coin ones, such as ZAPs, Blum protocol and GMW protocol) are indeed witness hiding. We also show a wide range of cryptographic problems with unique witnesses satisfy these conditions, and thus admit constant-round public-coin witness hiding proof system. ---For the classic Schnorr protocol (for which the distribution of statements being proven seems not to satisfy the above sufficient conditions), we develop an embedding technique and extend the result of Bellare and Palacio to base the witness hiding property of the Schnorr protocol in the standalone setting on a \emph{relaxed} version of one-more like discrete logarithm (DL) assumption, and show that breaking this assumption would lead to some surprising consequences, such as instance compression for DL problem, zero knowledge protocols for the AND-DL language with extremely efficient communication and highly non-trivial hash combiner for hash functions based on DL problem. Similar results hold for the Guillou-Quisquater protocol

    Unprovability of Leakage-Resilient Cryptography Beyond the Information-Theoretic Limit

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    In recent years, leakage-resilient cryptography---the design of cryptographic protocols resilient to bounded leakage of honest players\u27 secrets---has received significant attention. A major limitation of known provably-secure constructions (based on polynomial hardness assumptions) is that they require the secrets to have sufficient actual (i.e., information-theoretic), as opposed to computational, min-entropy even after the leakage. In this work, we present barriers to provably-secure constructions beyond the ``information-theoretic barrier\u27\u27: Assume the existence of collision-resistant hash functions. Then, no NP search problem with (2nϵ)(2^{n^{\epsilon}})-bounded number of witnesses can be proven (even worst-case) hard in the presence of O(nϵ)O(n^{\epsilon}) bits of computationally-efficient leakage of the witness, using a black-box reduction to any O(1)O(1)-round assumption. In particular, this implies that O(nϵ)O(n^{\epsilon})-leakage resilient injective one-way functions, and more generally, one-way functions with at most 2nϵ2^{n^{\epsilon}} pre-images, cannot be based on any ``standard\u27\u27 complexity assumption using a black-box reduction