111 research outputs found

    A user configurable microtransaction system for free-to-play games

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    O sistema de microtransações tem sido um dos aspetos mais falados no que toca aos videojogos que foram recentemente lançados, na qual têm trazido uma diversa controvérsia entre a sua monetização para com os seus consumidores. Com esta dissertação pretende-se criar um esquema de microtransação que consiga monetizar um jogo de maneira que este seja equilibrado e justo para os diferentes tipos de consumidor, mas ao mesmo tempo trazer benefícios para as empresas que o praticam.The microtransaction system has been one of the most talked about aspects of video games that have been recently released, in which they have brought a diverse controversy between their monetization towards their consumers. With this dissertation we intend to create a microtransaction scheme that can monetize a game in a way that it is balanced and fair for different types of consumers, but at the same time bring benefits to the companies that practice it

    Regulation of microtransactions and industry lobbying: can the European Union learn from China, the United States, United Kingdom and other countries?

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    Microtransactions are a business model strategy that has developed over the last couple of decades in the videogame industries, spanning the market from free games to “AAA” quality videogames. This financial instrument provides the use of in-game currency that can be earned in-game or bought with “real currencies” or direct-payment to prolong the life-cycle of a product. The “benefits” to the consumer range from a “pay-to-win” microtransactions system to “only cosmetic” microtransactions. In this thesis, I analyse in detail this mechanism in its various forms, considering various case studies and attempts to regulate this phenomenon through lawsuits and national governments’ decisions. Notable examples of such court cases and policy decisions include: the recent decision by Chinese Government to limit the use of videogames to 3 hours per week for minors; the lawsuits against three major brands (Electronic Arts, Epic Games and Roblox); and the attempts from the video game industry sector to self-regulate itself through a “Trial and Error” process by listening their customers. Furthermore, I shall analyse a meeting between the UK Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee and the representative from Electronics Art and Epic Games INC where we can see an attempt to understand the phenomenon of the “Immersive and Addictive technologies” issue and the lobbying activity to protect the industries’ interests. To conclude, I propose a series of recommendations for the EU institutions who, as yet, have not taken significant action to regulate this rapidly evolving industry.Le microtransazioni sono un modello di strategia business che si è sviluppata negli ultimi due decenni nell'industria dei videogiochi, spaziando dal mercato dei giochi gratuiti ai videogiochi di qualità "AAA". Questo strumento finanziario fornisce l’uso di una valuta di gioco che può essere guadagnata in gioco o acquistata con "valute reali" oppure con pagamento diretto per prolungare il ciclo di vita di un prodotto. I "vantaggi" per il consumatore vanno da un sistema di microtransazioni "pay-to-win" a microtransazioni "solo cosmetiche". In questa tesi, analizzerò in dettaglio questo meccanismo nelle sue varie forme, considerando vari casi studio e tentativi di regolare questo fenomeno attraverso azioni legali e decisioni dei governi nazionali. Esempi degni di nota di tali casi giudiziari e decisioni politiche includono: la recente decisione del governo cinese di limitare l'uso dei videogiochi a 3 ore settimanali per i minori; le cause contro tre grandi marchi (Electronic Arts, Epic Games e Roblox); e i tentativi da parte del settore dell'industria dei videogiochi di autoregolarsi attraverso un processo "Trial and Error" ascoltando i propri clienti. Inoltre, analizzerò un incontro tra il “Comitato per il digitale, la cultura, i media e lo sport” del Regno Unito e il rappresentante di Electronics Art e Epic Games INC in cui possiamo vedere un tentativo di comprendere il fenomeno della questione "Tecnologie immersive e coinvolgenti" e il lobbying attività a tutela degli interessi delle industrie. Per concludere, propongo una serie di raccomandazioni per le istituzioni dell'UE che, finora, non hanno intrapreso azioni significative per regolamentare questo settore in rapida evoluzione

    Main drivers for microtransactions as impulse purchases in e-commerce

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    M30, M31With mobile technology evolving at a very fast-paced level, consumers now have many choices of entertainment on their mobile devices. Thousands of games are available to download free of charge on virtually every smartphone and with them a new revenue model has emerged: microtransactions. Characterized by low price points, microtransaction have seldom been studied extensively. With great potential in the future, this type of revenue model is currently outgrowing traditional pay-to-play model types. By focusing on several types of mobile game item drivers and adapting some previous research and models, this study intends to identify and create a model with the main drivers of microtransactions that lead to impulse purchases in mobile game applications and understand if a price increase will lead to a lower purchase intention. A PLS-SEM analysis was conducted on a sample of 301 individuals. The measurement model showed a good fit of parameters, with AVE above 0.50 for all components, composite reliability superior to 0.70 for all components as well as an HTMT value inferior to 0.90 present in each component relationship. The six components considered explained 53.3% of the variance in impulse buying tendency. Significant component drivers from strongest to least robust were flow experience, social, hedonic/emotional and performance drivers. Functionality and low perceived risk were not drivers of impulse buying tendency.Com a tecnologia móvel a evoluir a um passo cada vez mais acelerado, os consumidores têm agora várias escolhas de entretenimento nos seus dispositivos móveis. Milhares de jogos estão disponíveis para descarregar de forma gratuita em virtualmente qualquer smartphone e com isso, um novo modelo de negócio tem emergido: microtransações. Caracterizado pelos seus preços baixos, as microtransações têm raramente sido estudadas extensivamente. Com um grande potencial no futuro, este tipo de modelo de negócio está a ultrapassar no presente os modelos tradicionais de comprar-para-jogar. Ao focar-se em vários tipos de drivers de itens de jogos móveis e adaptando pesquisas e modelos anteriores, este estudo pretende identificar e criar um modelo com os principais drivers das microtransações que originam compras por impulse em aplicações de jogos móveis e compreender se um aumento de preço leva a uma intenção de compra reduzida. Uma análise de PLS-SEM foi efetuada numa amostra de 301 indivíduos. O modelo medido demonstrou um bom índice dos seus parâmetros, com um AVE superior a 0.50 para todos os componentes, confiabilidade composta também superior a 0.70 para todos os componentes e um valor de HTMT inferior a 0.90 para cada relação entre os componentes. Os seis componentes originais considerados explicam 53.2% da variância da tendência de compra por impulso. Os drivers de conteúdo significantes do mais forte para o menos forte foram: fluidez de experiência, social, hedónico/emocional e performance. Funcionalidade e baixa perceção de risco não foram drivers de tendência de compra por impulso

    Open World Regulation: The Urgent Need for Federal Legislation on Video Game Loot Boxes

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    Loot boxes are items in video games that contain randomized prizes that players can purchase with real-world money. In recent years, loot boxes have come under scrutiny because the relationship between behavior and the underlying mechanics of loot boxes are similar to that of addictive behaviors associated with real-world gambling. Many papers suggest solutions focused on industry changes without direct regulation. However, these papers neglect the enormous profit incentive to maintain a business practice which can have detrimental behavioral effects on children. The United States federal government must take example from a growing number of European countries and ban the sale of loot boxes to children. Growing concern in the United States has been met with attempts to regulate loot boxes as gambling. However, the nature of loot boxes causes them to fall between the cracks in our present regulatory infrastructure, which is created through state gambling laws. Common law on what constitutes a prize typically requires that the item have transferrable value. Game developers restrict players from selling items gained through loot boxes, so this requirement usually cannot be met through state gambling laws or common law. This paper will examine the Federal Government’s ability to regulate loot boxes on a national level and propose model legislation

    Monetized Gameplay: Analyzing Commodification in Rainbow Six Siege

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    Game studies scholars have had growing concerns over the last decade about monetization strategies in video games. This major research paper expands on this conversation by analyzing monetization in the case of Ubisoft’s Rainbow Six. The paper explores different commodification strategies such as platformization, assetization, gamblification, and data extraction as well as monetization devices such as the battle pass and loot box. By applying elements of the app-walkthrough method to Rainbow Six Siege, this project concludes that previous efforts to regulate monetization in video games ought to recognize monetization systems’ deep integration with gameplay. Monetization strategies, I argue, overlap with and shape gameplay. Moreover, rather than approach them as separate, I suggest that monetization and gameplay are mutually constituted. The paper draws on game news sources to support the analysis of monetization systems. Ultimately, this MRP reveals: 1) that gamblification is not a discrete practice that only exists in the Rainbow Six Siege’s menus, but is embedded throughout the game; 2) that keeping the player engaged allows for data capital to keep being extracted; and 3) that Rainbow Six Siege places the onus of responsibility on the player and makes monetization seem as if it is a gift

    A Global Analysis into Loot Boxes: Is It Virtually Gambling?

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    The video game industry has expanded rapidly in recent years by implementing a microtransaction business model and expanding to a new market of mobile gaming. However, the introduction of loot boxes has been controversial; similar to gambling, gamers pay real money for a randomized microtransaction for a chance to win a random virtual prize of perceived value. Additionally, the items won from these loot boxes, such as cosmetic skins, can potentially be used to bet on other games of chance or even on the outcomes of competitive esports games. With the ease of online payments, the use of manipulative operant conditioning, and exploitive advertisements, young gamers are subject to gambling tendencies. However, there is a global split between whether loot boxes fit under the definition of gambling. Countries around the world have responded in four different ways: (1) outright banning loot boxes; (2) regulating loot boxes in various ways; (3) investigating loot boxes further; and (4) not recognizing loot boxes as gambling and taking no further action. This Comment seeks to challenge the global question of whether loot boxes are gambling and instead ask whether loot boxes are inducing the same effects of gambling on young children. Whether loot boxes fit under pre-existing gambling constructs, the effects on children are prevalent. Treading a fine line between its government paternalistic approach and respecting economic freedom, the United States should take steps to regulate loot boxes in a manner that will protect minors from the effects of gambling without crippling the video game industry

    Are They Really Just Cosmetic? the Impact of Cosmetic Items on Fortnite\u27s Gameplay and Game Design

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    Cosmetic microtransactions, the act of paying for virtual items that customize certain parts of video games and virtual worlds such as skins that change the appearance of the avatar, are looked upon more favorably in the gaming community than performance-enhancing microtransactions, where one pays for virtual items that enhance the abilities of avatars or speed up the progression of the game. Video game industry spokespeople have adapted this rhetoric and emphasized that the microtransactions in their games are for cosmetic items only with no bearing on gameplay. However, the way players use cosmetic items in games and the way cosmetic items inspire certain game mechanics suggest that their function in games isn’t purely ornamental. Using Fortnite as a case study, I argue that cosmetic items can influence gameplay and that the lucrative aspects of cosmetic microtransactions influence game design. Players use cosmetic items not only to be fashionable, but as tools to fashion their own metagames - games within, around, and outside of games. Game companies know that players care about cosmetic items and avatar customization, and they design their games to make cosmetic items as desirable as possible. Cosmetic microtransactions help us understand that visual design is one of the biggest influences on gameplay and the business of games

    Návrhy marketingových modelů pro zvýšení obratu v online hrách

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    In 1992 was released the first MMORPG called Neverwinter Nights, then followed others, some stood above some fall into oblivion such an example can be World of Warcraft, the most popular MMORPG on the planet or Eve Online with its player based economy and forgotten names like The Chipped Dagger, or WonderLand Online. New genre opened new ways of monetization and generating revenue over a long period of time. Throughout history is seen as a trend to go from subscription to free-toplay method, which attracts more people thanks to the removal of an initial paywall. These move force developers to find new ways how to generate money, and this comes through in-game shops, very popular loot boxes, pre-orders or season passes. Throughout the research is expected that the least favourite microtransaction methods will be loot box and the most likeable will be season pass. For the demography it is expected that people many people will not have any regular income and their age will be around 16 – 21 years and the majority of these players will be male. As for the main question is suggested that most of the people spend a small amount of money into microtransaction and the reason why they are spending money is divided into their preferences. As one of the most essential suggestion is that people would like to see these methods implemented to MMORPG.v roce 1992 byla vydána první MMORPG hra jménem Neverwinter Nights, pak následovali další, některé povstaly nad ostatní, některé zase upadly do zapomnění. Takový příklad může bát World of Warfract, nejpopulárnější MMORPG na planetě nebo Eve Online s hráčskou ekonomikou a zapomenutá jména jako The Chipped Dagger nebo Wonderland Online. Nový žánr poskytnul nové způsoby monetizace jak generovat tržby po deslší časovou periodu. Skrze historii bylo viděny trenda od modelu subscription přes free-to-play model, které nalákali mnohem více lidí diky odstranění prvotní platby. Tyhle kroky donutily vývojáře najít nové způsoby jak generovat tržby a tohle přišlo v podobě in-game obchodů, velmi populárních loot boxu, před-objednávky a sezónních propustek Skrze výzkum je očekáváno, že nejméně oblíbená metoda bude loot box a nejvíce oblíbená bude sezónní propustka. Ohledně demografie je očekáváno, že lidé budou okolo roku 16-21 a většina z účastněných budou muži. Jako hlaví otázka je předpokládá, že většina lidí utratí malou částku za mikrotransakce a důvod je podle jejich preferencí. Jako z esenciálních předpokladů je ten, že lidé by rádi viděli tyto metody implementovány.116 - Katedra marketingu a obchoduvelmi dobř