1,071 research outputs found

    Clearing Restarting Automata

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    Restartovací automaty byly navrženy jako model pro redukční analýzu, která představuje lingvisticky motivovanou metodu pro kontrolu korektnosti věty. Cílem práce je studovat omezenější modely restartovacích automatů, které smí vymazat podřetězec nebo jej nahradit speciálním pomocným symbolem, jenom na základě omezeného lokálního kontextu tohoto podřetězce. Tyto restartovací automaty se nazývají clearing restarting automata. V práci jsou taktéž zkoumány uzávěrové vlastnosti těchto automatů, jejich vztah k Chomskeho hierarchii a možnosti učení těchto automatů na základě pozitivních a negativních příkladů.Restarting automata were introduced as a model for analysis by reduction which is a linguistically motivated method for checking correctness of a sentence. The goal of the thesis is to study more restricted models of restarting automata which based on a limited context can either delete a substring of the current content of its tape or replace a substring by a special symbol, which cannot be overwritten anymore, but it can be deleted later. Such restarting automata are called clearing restarting automata. The thesis investigates the properties of clearing restarting automata, their relation to Chomsky hierarchy and possibilities for machine learning of such automata from positive and negative samples.Department of Software and Computer Science EducationKatedra softwaru a výuky informatikyFaculty of Mathematics and PhysicsMatematicko-fyzikální fakult

    Advances and applications of automata on words and trees : abstracts collection

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    From 12.12.2010 to 17.12.2010, the Dagstuhl Seminar 10501 "Advances and Applications of Automata on Words and Trees" was held in Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz Center for Informatics. During the seminar, several participants presented their current research, and ongoing work and open problems were discussed. Abstracts of the presentations given during the seminar as well as abstracts of seminar results and ideas are put together in this paper. The first section describes the seminar topics and goals in general. Links to extended abstracts or full papers are provided, if available

    A Note on Limited Pushdown Alphabets in Stateless Deterministic Pushdown Automata

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    Recently, an infinite hierarchy of languages accepted by stateless deterministic pushdown automata has been established based on the number of pushdown symbols. However, the witness language for the n-th level of the hierarchy is over an input alphabet with 2(n-1) elements. In this paper, we improve this result by showing that a binary alphabet is sufficient to establish this hierarchy. As a consequence of our construction, we solve the open problem formulated by Meduna et al. Then we extend these results to m-state realtime deterministic pushdown automata, for all m at least 1. The existence of such a hierarchy for m-state deterministic pushdown automata is left open

    On determinism versus nondeterminism for restarting automata

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    AbstractA restarting automaton processes a given word by executing a sequence of local simplifications until a simple word is obtained that the automaton then accepts. Such a computation is expressed as a sequence of cycles. A nondeterministic restarting automaton M is called correctness preserving, if, for each cycle u⊢Mcv, the string v belongs to the characteristic language LC(M) of M, if the string u does. Our first result states that for each type of restarting automaton X∈{R,RW,RWW,RL,RLW,RLWW}, if M is a nondeterministic X-automaton that is correctness preserving, then there exists a deterministic X-automaton M1 such that the characteristic languages LC(M1) and LC(M) coincide. When a restarting automaton M executes a cycle that transforms a string from the language LC(M) into a string not belonging to LC(M), then this can be interpreted as an error of M. By counting the number of cycles it may take M to detect this error, we obtain a measure for the influence that errors have on computations. Accordingly, this measure is called error detection distance. It turns out, however, that an X-automaton with bounded error detection distance is equivalent to a correctness preserving X-automaton, and therewith to a deterministic X-automaton. This means that nondeterminism increases the expressive power of X-automata only in combination with an unbounded error detection distance

    10501 Abstracts Collection -- Advances and Applications of Automata on Words and Trees

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    From 12.12.2010 to 17.12.2010, the Dagstuhl Seminar 10501 ``Advances and Applications of Automata on Words and Trees\u27\u27 was held in Schloss Dagstuhl~--~Leibniz Center for Informatics. During the seminar, several participants presented their current research, and ongoing work and open problems were discussed. Abstracts of the presentations given during the seminar as well as abstracts of seminar results and ideas are put together in this paper. The first section describes the seminar topics and goals in general. Links to extended abstracts or full papers are provided, if available

    Preface: 11th Workshop on Non-classical Models of Automata and Applications (NCMA 2019)

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    Holzer, M.; Sempere Luna, JM. (2021). Preface: 11th Workshop on Non-classical Models of Automata and Applications (NCMA 2019). RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications. 55:1-2. https://doi.org/10.1051/ita/2021009S125

    Timed Runtime Monitoring for Multiparty Conversations

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    We propose a dynamic verification framework for protocols in real-time distributed systems. The framework is based on Scribble, a tool-chain for design and verification of choreographies based on multiparty session types, developed with our industrial partners. Drawing from recent work on multiparty session types for real-time interactions, we extend Scribble with clocks, resets, and clock predicates constraining the times in which interactions should occur. We present a timed API for Python to program distributed implementations of Scribble specifications. A dynamic verification framework ensures the safe execution of applications written with our timed API: we have implemented dedicated runtime monitors that check that each interaction occurs at a correct timing with respect to the corresponding Scribble specification. The performance of our implementation and its practicability are analysed via benchmarking

    Automata with modulo counters and nondeterministic counter bounds

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    We introduce and investigate Nondeterministically Bounded Modulo Counter Automata (NBMCA), which are two-way one-head automata that comprise a constant number of modulo counters, where the counter bounds are nondeterministically guessed, and this is the only element of nondeterminism. NBMCA are tailored to recognising those languages that are characterised by the existence of a specific factorisation of their words, e. g., pattern languages. In this work, we subject NBMCA to a theoretically sound analysis