233 research outputs found

    New lower bound for the Hilbert number in low degree Kolmogorov systems

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    Our main goal in this paper is to study the number of small-amplitude isolated periodic orbits, so-called limit cycles, surrounding only one equilibrium point a class of polynomial Kolmogorov systems. We denote by MK(n)\mathcal M_{K}(n) the maximum number of limit cycles bifurcating from the equilibrium point via a degenerate Hopf bifurcation for a polynomial Kolmogorov vector field of degree nn. In this work, we obtain another example such that MK(3)≥6 \mathcal M_{K}(3)\geq 6. In addition, we obtain new lower bounds for MK(n)\mathcal M_{K}(n) proving that MK(4)≥13\mathcal M_{K}(4)\geq 13 and MK(5)≥22\mathcal M_{K}(5)\geq 22

    Hopf bifurcation problems near double positive equilibrium points for a class of quartic Kolmogorov model

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    The Kolmogorov model is a class of significant ecological models and is initially introduced to describe the interaction between two species occupying the same ecological habitat. Limit cycle bifurcation problem is close to Hilbertis 16th problem. In this paper, we focus on investigating bifurcation of limit cycle for a class of quartic Kolmogorov model with two positive equilibrium points. Using the singular values method, we obtain the Lyapunov constants for each positive equilibrium point and investigate their limit cycle bifurcations behavior. Furthermore, based on the analysis of their Lyapunov constants' structure and Hopf bifurcation, we give the condition that each one positive equilibrium point of studied model can bifurcate 5 limit cycles, which include 3 stable limit cycles

    Driven Tunneling: Chaos and Decoherence

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    Chaotic tunneling in a driven double-well system is investigated in absence as well as in the presence of dissipation. As the constitutive mechanism of chaos-assisted tunneling, we focus on the dynamics in the vicinity of three-level crossings in the quasienergy spectrum. The coherent quantum dynamics near the crossing is described satisfactorily by a three-state model. It fails, however, for the corresponding dissipative dynamics, because incoherent transitions due to the interaction with the environment indirectly couple the three states in the crossing to the remaining quasienergy states. The asymptotic state of the driven dissipative quantum dynamics partially resembles the, possibly strange, attractor of the corresponding damped driven classical dynamics, but also exhibits characteristic quantum effects.Comment: 32 pages, 35 figures, lamuphys.st

    Entropy: The Markov Ordering Approach

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    The focus of this article is on entropy and Markov processes. We study the properties of functionals which are invariant with respect to monotonic transformations and analyze two invariant "additivity" properties: (i) existence of a monotonic transformation which makes the functional additive with respect to the joining of independent systems and (ii) existence of a monotonic transformation which makes the functional additive with respect to the partitioning of the space of states. All Lyapunov functionals for Markov chains which have properties (i) and (ii) are derived. We describe the most general ordering of the distribution space, with respect to which all continuous-time Markov processes are monotonic (the {\em Markov order}). The solution differs significantly from the ordering given by the inequality of entropy growth. For inference, this approach results in a convex compact set of conditionally "most random" distributions.Comment: 50 pages, 4 figures, Postprint version. More detailed discussion of the various entropy additivity properties and separation of variables for independent subsystems in MaxEnt problem is added in Section 4.2. Bibliography is extende

    Spatiotemporal chaos and the dynamics of coupled Langmuir and ion-acoustic waves in plasmas

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    A simulation study is performed to investigate the dynamics of coupled Langmuir waves (LWs) and ion-acoustic waves (IAWs) in an unmagnetized plasma. The effects of dispersion due to charge separation and the density nonlinearity associated with the IAWs, are considered to modify the properties of Langmuir solitons, as well as to model the dynamics of relatively large amplitude wave envelopes. It is found that the Langmuir wave electric field, indeed, increases by the effect of ion-wave nonlinearity (IWN). Use of a low-dimensional model, based on three Fourier modes shows that a transition to temporal chaos is possible, when the length scale of the linearly excited modes is larger than that of the most unstable ones. The chaotic behaviors of the unstable modes are identified by the analysis of Lyapunov exponent spectra. The space-time evolution of the coupled LWs and IAWs shows that the IWN can cause the excitation of many unstable harmonic modes, and can lead to strong IAW emission. This occurs when the initial wave field is relatively large or the length scale of IAWs is larger than the soliton characteristic size. Numerical simulation also reveals that many solitary patterns can be excited and generated through the modulational instability (MI) of unstable harmonic modes. As time goes on, these solitons are seen to appear in the spatially partial coherence (SPC) state due to the free ion-acoustic radiation as well as in the state of spatiotemporal chaos (STC) due to collision and fusion in the stochastic motion. The latter results the redistribution of initial wave energy into a few modes with small length scales, which may lead to the onset of Langmuir turbulence in laboratory as well as space plasmas.Comment: 10 Pages, 14 Figures; to appear in Physical Review

    Anomalous diffusion and nonlinear relaxation phenomena in stochastic models of interdisciplinary physics

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    The study of nonlinear dynamical systems in the presence of both Gaussian and non-Gaussian noise sources is the topic of this research work. In particular, after shortly present new theoretical results for statistical characteristics in the framework of Markovian theory, we analyse four different physical systems in the presence of Levy noise source. (a) The residence time problem of a particle subject to a non-Gaussian noise source in arbitrary potential profile was analyzed and the exact analytical results for the statistical characteristics of the residence time for anomalous diffusion in the form of Levy flights in fully unstable potential profile was obtained. Noise enhanced stability phenomenon was found in the system investigated. (b) The correlation time of the particle coordinate as a function of the height of potential barrier, the position of potential wells and noise intensity was investigated in the case of confined steady-state Levy flights with Levy index alpha=1, that is Cauchy noise, in the symmetric bistable quartic potential. (c) The stationary spectral characteristics of superdiffusion of Levy flights in one-dimensional confinement potential profiles were investigated both theoretically and numerically. Specifically, for Cauchy stable noise we calculated the steady-state probability density function for an infinitely deep rectangular potential well and for a symmetric steep potential well. (d) For two-dimensional diffusion the general Kolmogorov equation for the joint probability density function of particle coordinates was obtained by functional methods directly from two Langevin equations with statistically independent non-Gaussian noise sources. We compared the properties of Brownian diffusion and Levy flights in parabolic potential with radial symmetry. Afterwards, we analyzed the nonlinear relaxation in the presence of Gaussian noise for the stochastic switching dynamics of the memristors. We have studied three different models. (a) We started from consideration of the simplest model of resistive switching. (b) Further, the charge-controlled and the current-controlled ideal Chua memristors with external Gaussian noise were investigated. For both cases we have obtained exact analytical expressions for the probability density function of the charge flowing through the memristor and of the memristance. (c) Moreover, we proposed a stochastic macroscopic model of a memristor, based on a generalization of known approaches and experimental results. Steady-state concentration of defects for different boundary conditions was found. Also we analysed how the concentration of defects is changed with time under arbitrary values of external voltage, noise intensity, effective diffusion coefficient and other parameters. An examination of the results was performed, the possible implications of this work and the future development of this study were outlined

    Abelian Integral Method and its Application

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    Oscillation is a common natural phenomenon in real world problems. The most efficient mathematical models to describe these cyclic phenomena are based on dynamical systems. Exploring the periodic solutions is an important task in theoretical and practical studies of dynamical systems. Abelian integral is an integral of a polynomial differential 1-form over the real ovals of a polynomial Hamiltonian, which is a basic tool in complex algebraic geometry. In dynamical system theory, it is generalized to be a continuous function as a tool to study the periodic solutions in planar dynamical systems. The zeros of Abelian integral and their distributions provide the number of limit cycles and their locations. In this thesis, we apply the Abelian integral method to study the limit cycles bifurcating from the periodic annuli for some hyperelliptic Hamiltonian systems. For two kinds of quartic hyperelliptic Hamiltonian systems, the periodic annulus is bounded by either a homoclinic loop connecting a nilpotent saddle, or a heteroclinic loop connecting a nilpotent cusp to a hyperbolic saddle. For a quintic hyperelliptic Hamiltonian system, the periodic annulus is bounded by a more degenerate heteroclinic loop, which connects a nilpotent saddle to a hyperbolic saddle. We bound the number of zeros of the three associated Abelian integrals constructed on the periodic structure by employing the combination technique developed in this thesis and Chebyshev criteria. The exact bound for each system is obtained, which is three. Our results give answers to the open questions whether the sharp bound is three or four. We also study a quintic hyperelliptic Hamiltonian system with two periodic annuli bounded by a double homoclinic loop to a hyperbolic saddle, one of the periodic annuli surrounds a nilpotent center. On this type periodic annulus, the exact number of limit cycles via Poincar{\\u27e} bifurcation, which is one, is obtained by analyzing the monotonicity of the related Abelian integral ratios with the help of techniques in polynomial boundary theory. Our results give positive answers to the conjecture in a previous work. We also extend the methods of Abelian integrals to study the traveling waves in two weakly dissipative partial differential equations, which are a perturbed, generalized BBM equation and a cubic-quintic nonlinear, dissipative Schr\ {o}dinger equation. The dissipative PDEs are reduced to singularly perturbed ODE systems. On the associated critical manifold, the Abelian integrals are constructed globally on the periodic structure of the related Hamiltonians. The existence of solitary, kink and periodic waves and their coexistence are established by tracking the vanishment of the Abelian integrals along the homoclinic loop, heteroclinic loop and periodic orbits. Our method is novel and easily applied to solve real problems compared to the variational analysis

    Temperature in and out of equilibrium: a review of concepts, tools and attempts

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    We review the general aspects of the concept of temperature in equilibrium and non-equilibrium statistical mechanics. Although temperature is an old and well-established notion, it still presents controversial facets. After a short historical survey of the key role of temperature in thermodynamics and statistical mechanics, we tackle a series of issues which have been recently reconsidered. In particular, we discuss different definitions and their relevance for energy fluctuations. The interest in such a topic has been triggered by the recent observation of negative temperatures in condensed matter experiments. Moreover, the ability to manipulate systems at the micro and nano-scale urges to understand and clarify some aspects related to the statistical properties of small systems (as the issue of temperature's "fluctuations"). We also discuss the notion of temperature in a dynamical context, within the theory of linear response for Hamiltonian systems at equilibrium and stochastic models with detailed balance, and the generalised fluctuation-response relations, which provide a hint for an extension of the definition of temperature in far-from-equilibrium systems. To conclude we consider non-Hamiltonian systems, such as granular materials, turbulence and active matter, where a general theoretical framework is still lacking.Comment: Review article, 137 pages, 12 figure

    Dynamics and statistical mechanics of ultra-cold Bose gases using c-field techniques

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    We review phase space techniques based on the Wigner representation that provide an approximate description of dilute ultra-cold Bose gases. In this approach the quantum field evolution can be represented using equations of motion of a similar form to the Gross-Pitaevskii equation but with stochastic modifications that include quantum effects in a controlled degree of approximation. These techniques provide a practical quantitative description of both equilibrium and dynamical properties of Bose gas systems. We develop versions of the formalism appropriate at zero temperature, where quantum fluctuations can be important, and at finite temperature where thermal fluctuations dominate. The numerical techniques necessary for implementing the formalism are discussed in detail, together with methods for extracting observables of interest. Numerous applications to a wide range of phenomena are presented.Comment: 110 pages, 32 figures. Updated to address referee comments. To appear in Advances in Physic
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