32 research outputs found

    Mechanical Intelligence Simplifies Control in Terrestrial Limbless Locomotion

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    Limbless locomotors, from microscopic worms to macroscopic snakes, traverse complex, heterogeneous natural environments typically using undulatory body wave propagation. Theoretical and robophysical models typically emphasize body kinematics and active neural/electronic control. However, we contend that because such approaches often neglect the role of passive, mechanically controlled processes (those involving "mechanical intelligence"), they fail to reproduce the performance of even the simplest organisms. To uncover principles of how mechanical intelligence aids limbless locomotion in heterogeneous terradynamic regimes, here we conduct a comparative study of locomotion in a model of heterogeneous terrain (lattices of rigid posts). We used a model biological system, the highly studied nematode worm Caenorhabditis elegans, and a robophysical device whose bilateral actuator morphology models that of limbless organisms across scales. The robot's kinematics quantitatively reproduced the performance of the nematodes with purely open-loop control; mechanical intelligence simplified control of obstacle navigation and exploitation by reducing the need for active sensing and feedback. An active behavior observed in C. elegans, undulatory wave reversal upon head collisions, robustified locomotion via exploitation of the systems' mechanical intelligence. Our study provides insights into how neurally simple limbless organisms like nematodes can leverage mechanical intelligence via appropriately tuned bilateral actuation to locomote in complex environments. These principles likely apply to neurally more sophisticated organisms and also provide a design and control paradigm for limbless robots for applications like search and rescue and planetary exploration.Comment: Published in Science Robotic

    Non-inertial Undulatory Locomotion Across Scales

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    Locomotion is crucial to behaviors such as predator avoidance, foraging, and mating. In particular, undulatory locomotion is one of the most common forms of locomotion. From microscopic flagellates to swimming fish and slithering snakes, this form of locomotion is a remarkably robust self-propulsion strategy that allows a diversity of organisms to navigate myriad environments. While often thought of as exclusive to limbless organisms, a variety of locomotors possessing few to many appendages rely on waves of undulation for locomotion. In inertial regimes, organisms can leverage the forces generated by their body and the surrounding medium's inertia to enhance their locomotion (e.g., coast or glide). On the other hand, in non-inertial regimes self-propulsion is dominated by damping (viscous or frictional), and thus the ability for organisms to generate motion is dependent on the sequence of internal shape changes. In this thesis, we study a variety of undulating systems that locomote in highly damped regimes. We perform studies on systems ranging from zero to many appendages. Specifically, we focus on four distinct undulatory systems: 1) C. elegans, 2) quadriflagellate algae (bearing four flagella), 3) centipedes on terrestrial environments, and 4) centipedes on fluid environments. For each of these systems, we study how the coordination of their many degrees of freedom leads to specific locomotive behaviors. Further, we propose hypotheses for the observed behaviors in the context of each of these system's ecology.Ph.D

    A study of snake-like locomotion through the analysis of a flexible robot model

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    We examine the problem of snake-like locomotion by studying a system consisting of a planar inextensible elastic rod with adjustable spontaneous curvature, which provides an internal actuation mechanism that mimics muscular action in a snake. Using a Cosserat model, we derive the equations of motion in two special cases: one in which the rod can only move along a prescribed curve, and one in which the rod is constrained to slide longitudinally without slipping laterally, but the path is not fixed a priori (free-path case). The second setting is inspired by undulatory locomotion of snakes on flat surfaces. The presence of constraints leads in both cases to non-standard boundary conditions that allow us to close and solve the equations of motion. The kinematics and dynamics of the system can be recovered from a one-dimensional equation, without any restrictive assumption on the followed trajectory or the actuation.We derive explicit formulae highlighting the role of spontaneous curvature in providing the driving force (and the steering, in the free-path case) needed for locomotion. We also provide analytical solutions for a special class of serpentine motions, which enable us to discuss the connection between observed trajectories, internal actuation and forces exchanged with the environment

    Multiple Sensor Fusion and Motion Control of Snake Robot Based on Soft-Computing

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    There are many circumstance limits to human like extreme radioactivity, temperature

    Locomotion through morphology, evolution and learning for legged and limbless robots

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorRobot locomotion is concerned with providing autonomous locomotion capabilities to mobile robots. Most current day robots feature some form of locomotion for navigating in their environment. Modalities of robot locomotion includes: (i) aerial locomotion, (ii) terrestrial locomotion, and (iii) aquatic locomotion (on or under water). Three main forms of terrestrial locomotion are, legged locomotion, limbless locomotion and wheel-based locomotion. A Modular Robot (MR), on the other hand, is a robotic system composed of several independent unit modules, where, each module is a robot by itself. The objective in this thesis is to develop legged locomotion in a humanoid robot, as well as, limbless locomotion in modular robotic configurations. Taking inspiration from biology, robot locomotion from the perspective of robot’s morphology, through evolution, and through learning are investigated in this thesis. Locomotion is one of the key distinguishing characteristics of a zoological organism. Almost all animal species, and even some plant species, produce some form of locomotion. In the past few years, robots have been “moving out” of the factory floor and research labs, and are becoming increasingly common in everyday life. So, providing stable and agile locomotion capabilities for robots to navigate a wide range of environments becomes pivotal. Developing locomotion in robots through biologically inspired methods, also facilitates furthering our understanding on how biological processes may function. Connected modules in a configuration, exert force on each other as a result of interaction between each other and their environment. This phenomenon is studied and quantified, and then used as implicit communication between robot modules for producing locomotion coordination in MRs. Through this, a strong link between robot morphology and the gait that emerge in it is established. A variety of locomotion controller, some periodic-function based and some morphology based, are developed for MR locomotion and bipedal gait generation. A hybrid Evolutionary Algorithm (EA) is implemented for evolving gaits, both in simulation as well as in the real-world on a physical modular robotic configuration. Limbless gaits in MRs are also learnt by learning optimal control policies, through Reinforcement Learning (RL).En robótica, la locomoción trata de proporcionar capacidades de locomoción autónoma a robots móviles. La mayoría de los robots actuales tiene alguna forma de locomoción para navegar en su entorno. Los modos de locomoción robótica se pueden repartir entre: (i) locomoción aérea, (ii) locomoción terrestre, y (iii) locomoción acuática (sobre o bajo el agua). Las tres formas básicas de locomoción terrestre son la locomoción mediante piernas, la locomoción sin miembros, y la locomoción basada en ruedas. Un Robot Modular, por otra parte, es un sistema robótico compuesto por varios módulos independientes, donde cada módulo es un robot en sí mismo. El objetivo de esta tesis es el desarrollo de la locomoción mediante piernas para un robot humanoide, así como el de la locomoción sin miembros para varias configuraciones de robots modulares. Inspirándose en la biología, también se investiga en esta tesis el desarrollo de la locomoción del robot según su morfología, gracias a técnicas de evolución y de aprendizaje. La locomoción es una de las características distintivas de un organismo zoológico. Casi todas las especies animales, e incluso algunas especies de plantas, poseen algún tipo de locomoción. En los últimos años, los robots han “migrado” desde las fábricas y los laboratorios de investigación, y se están integrando cada vez más en nuestra vida diaria. Por estas razones, es crucial proporcionar capacidades de locomoción estables y ágiles a los robots para que puedan navegar por todo tipo de entornos. El uso de métodos de inspiración biológica para alcanzar esta meta también nos ayuda a entender mejor cómo pueden funcionar los procesos biológicos equivalentes. En una configuración de módulos conectados, puesto que cada uno interacciona con su entorno, los módulos ejercen fuerza los unos sobre los otros. Este fenómeno se ha estudiado y cuantificado, y luego se ha usado como comunicación implícita entre los módulos para producir la coordinación en la locomoción de este robot. De esta manera, se establece un fuerte vínculo entre la morfología de un robot y el modo de andar que este desarrolla. Se han desarrollado varios controladores de locomoción para robots modulares y robots bípedos, algunos basados en funciones periódicas, otros en la morfología del robot. Un algoritmo evolutivo híbrido se ha implementado para la evolución de locomociones, tanto en simulación como en el mundo real en una configuración física de robot modular. También se pueden generar locomociones sin miembros para robots modulares, determinando las políticas de control óptimo gracias a técnicas de aprendizaje por refuerzo. Se presenta en primer lugar en esta tesis el estado del arte de la robótica modular, enfocándose en la locomoción de robots modulares, los controladores, la locomoción bípeda y la computación morfológica. A continuación se describen cinco configuraciones diferentes de robot modular que se utilizan en esta tesis, seguido de cuatro controladores de locomoción. Estos controladores son el controlador heterogéneo, el controlador basado en funciones periódicas, el controlador homogéneo y el controlador basado en la morfología del robot. Se desarrolla como parte de este trabajo un controlador de locomoción lineal, periódico, basado en features, para la locomoción bípeda de robots humanoides. Los parámetros de control se ajustan primero a mano para reproducir un modelo cart-table, y el controlador se evalúa en un robot humanoide simulado. A continuación, gracias a un algoritmo evolutivo, la optimización de los parámetros de control permite desarrollar una locomoción sin modelo predeterminado. Se desarrolla como parte de esta tesis un enfoque sobre algoritmos de Embodied Evolución, en otras palabras el uso de robots modulares físicos en la fase de evolución. La implementación material, la configuración experimental, y el Algoritmo Evolutivo implementado para Embodied Evolución, se explican detalladamente. El trabajo también incluye una visión general de las técnicas de aprendizaje por refuerzo y de los Procesos de Decisión de Markov. A continuación se presenta un algoritmo popular de aprendizaje por refuerzo, llamado Q-Learning, y su adaptación para aprender locomociones de robots modulares. Se proporcionan una implementación del algoritmo de aprendizaje y la evaluación experimental de la locomoción generada.Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y AutomáticaPresidente: Antonio Barrientos Cruz.- Secretario: Luis Santiago Garrido Bullón.- Vocal: Giuseppe Carbon

    Snake and Snake Robot Locomotion in Complex, 3-D Terrain

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    Snakes are able to traverse almost all types of environments by bending their elongate bodies in three dimensions to interact with the terrain. Similarly, a snake robot is a promising platform to perform critical tasks in various environments. Understanding how 3-D body bending effectively interacts with the terrain for propulsion and stability can not only inform how snakes move through natural environments, but also inspire snake robots to achieve similar performance to facilitate humans. How snakes and snake robots move on flat surfaces has been understood relatively well in previous studies. However, such ideal terrain is rare in natural environments and little was understood about how to generate propulsion and maintain stability when large height variations occur, except for some qualitative descriptions of arboreal snake locomotion and a few robots using geometric planning. To bridge this knowledge gap, in this dissertation research we integrated animal experiments and robotic studies in three representative environments: a large smooth step, an uneven arena of blocks of large height variation, and large bumps. We discovered that vertical body bending induces stability challenges but can generate large propulsion. When traversing a large smooth step, a snake robot is challenged by roll instability that increases with larger vertical body bending because of a higher center of mass. The instability can be reduced by body compliance that statistically increases surface contact. Despite the stability challenge, vertical body bending can potentially allow snakes to push against terrain for propulsion similar to lateral body bending, as demonstrated by corn snakes traversing an uneven arena. This ability to generate large propulsion was confirmed on a robot if body-terrain contact is well maintained. Contact feedback control can help the strategy accommodate perturbations such as novel terrain geometry or excessive external forces by helping the body regain lost contact. Our findings provide insights into how snakes and snake robots can use vertical body bending for efficient and versatile traversal of the three-dimensional world while maintaining stability

    Shape Control of a Snake Robot With Joint Limit and Self-Collision Avoidance

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    This paper proposes a shape control method for a snake robot, which maintains head position and orientation, and avoids joint limits and self-collision. We used a passive wheeled snake robot that can switch the grounded/lifted status of its wheels. We derived a kinematic model of the robot that represents its redundancy as both joint angles [the shape controllable points (SCPs)] and the null space of the control input. In the control method, the shape is changed by sequential control of the SCPs, and the null space of the control input is used for joint limit and self-collision avoidance. Jumps in control input do not occur, although the controlled variable and the model are switched. Simulations and an experiment were used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method