3,119 research outputs found

    UM to install new library management system

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    Design and Implementation of a Mobile Library Management System for Improving Service Delivery

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    A mobile library management system provides a more efficient way of managing library processes and rendering effective library services irrespective of time and place. This research work aimed to develop a Mobile Library Management System for the Nile University of Nigeria Library to overcome the challenges that hinder the librarians from managing the library processes on the go. The android mobile library management system was developed using Android Studio, HTML, CSS, PHP, and MySQLi database. Service Responsibility Table was used in eliciting and documenting the user’s requirements for the library management system. The proposed Android-based mobile library system was evaluated through a survey by the librarians. The evaluation has shown that the proposed system is capable of complementing the existing library management systems


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    Digital library system dan library management system menjawab perkembangan kebutuhan masyarakat dalam hal pelayanan pada lembaga perpustakaan. Digital library system memberikan kontribusi pada pengembangan digital resource sehingga digital resource dapat diakses melalui internet tanpa mengenal waktu dan tempat. Library management system memberikan kontribusi pada perkembangan otomatisasi pengolahan data keanggotaan, sirkulasi dan kataloging. Peneliti mengembangkan digital library system dan library management system dengan mengintegrasikan arsitektur dua sistem tersebut. Integrasi arsitektur ditempuh dengan memasukkan komponen library management system ke dalam arsitektur digital library system. Penerapan teknologi web application diperlukan agar komponen tersebut dapat terintegrasi dengan komponen digital library system. Sistem yang dihasilkan dari pengembangan ini memiliki keunggulan pemanfaatan aplikasi peminjaman, keanggotaan dan kataloging yang sharable melalui internet, sehingga aplikasi itu dapat digunakan bersama – sama. Informasi katalog dapat disampaikan antar perpustakaan, tanpa meninggalkan fungsi digital library dalam pemanfaatan bersama digital resource yang bersumber dari upload masing – masing pustakawan

    Design and Implementation of Art College Library Management System

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    目前,伴随着计算机技术及网络技术的发展日新月异,标志着人类社会进入了信息化管理的新时代。全球数字化的网络环境早已形成,网络信息管理技术也不断成熟,这为艺术院校图书馆管理提供了一个良好的有利条件。但是艺术院校图书馆信息管理系统的建设现状还不完善,长期以来分散在各个独立机构,形式单一。艺术院校想更好发展自己,更好的为所有用户服务,构建网络环境下的艺术院校图书馆管理系统是它最佳选择。 本文的研究以艺术类学生学习资源的丰富性和实用性为主要设计目的,以广西艺术学院图书馆管理系统为背景,详细阐述了本系统从设计到实现的全过程,展示了本系统在不同实例下的测试效果。本系统是建立在.NETFramework2....With the continuous development and improvement of computer technology and network techniques, the human society has entered a net era. A worldwide digital internet environment has been founded. The constant improvement of the information technology provides the management system of library in art universities a good opportunity. However, the development of management system of library in art univ...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201123090

    Eight Things you should Know about Open Source Integrated Library Systems.

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    Open source library management systems are free alternative to costly commercial library systems. It helps to automate library functions and give a tremendous savings on library automation expenses. User ’s participation in all stages of software project ensures the development of the features that the library really wants. Lack of awareness and knowledge in open source technology among library professionals restrict wide adoption of open source library management system. This article gives an insight into the use and maintenance of open source library management systems

    Effectiveness of Cutting-Edge Technology for Library Management System

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    With technology advancing, manual systems must be converted to user friendly automated system. Researchers have designed the Library Management System to transfer the physical view of libraries into a digital view. This project offers knowledge on creating and putting in place an LMS. In traditional library system people have to search for a particular book from shelf to shelf which is a tedious and time-consuming work. It can be more cumbersome if the library hasn’t a properly maintained library system. The manual system isn’t user-friendly not only for the borrowers but also for librarians. They have to keep an eye on each and every book lending and borrowing. And They occasionally have to arrange and classify the books. The process of creating reports and analyzing data is also highly laborious. LMS assists the librarians for all these tasks. They can simply view, update, delete, read books and articles to manage the resources. Readers don’t have to stand in long queues and no need of going around to read a book. They can read a book just by clicking a single button. The full system is designed using MERN stack, with the aid of JWT authentications and JOY dependency validations

    METS-Based Cataloging Toolkit for Digital Library Management System

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    This toolkit is designed for the Digital Library Management System of Tsinghua University (TH-DLMS). The aim of TH-DLMS is to build up a platform to preserve various kinds of digitalized resources, manage distributed repositories and provide kinds of service for research and education. This toolkit fulfills the cataloging and preservation functions of TH-DLMS. METS (Metadata Encoding and T ransmission Standard) encoded documents are used as the final storage format of metadata, including descriptive metadata, structural metadata and administrative metadata, and submitted to a management system based on Fedora (Flexible Extensible Digital Object and Repository Architecture)

    Design and Implementation of Library Management System for Hezhou University

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    作为高校理论知识和科研文献存储的重要机构,图书馆充分发挥信息储存和现代化管理的优势,给予高校在科研和教学方面带来巨大的帮助。然而,传统的图书馆管理模式在日新月异的计算机网络发展中呈现老态,不能紧随计算机网络发展的步伐。这种新时代发展所带来的影响要求开始在传统的图书馆管理模式中进行改革,使新型的自动化信息管理方式将更加贴合应用需要。尤其是数字图书馆的出现和成型使得图书系统在自动化管理方面走向更为信息化的设计领域,各高校需要迫切地对传统的图书馆自动化管理模式进行变革,以满足广大师生的需要。 本文以贺州学院图书馆为背景。作者通过对信息技术发展作为高校图书馆管理能力提升的核心课题进行研究,分析相关课...Colleges and universities as an important mechanism of theoretical knowledge and scientific literature stored library full advantage of modern information storage and management, to give universities a huge help in scientific research and teaching. However, the traditional library management presented the old state in the ever-changing computer network development, we can not keep pace with the de...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_软件工程学号:X201123095

    Design and Implementation of Library Management System for a College

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    随着信息技术的飞速发展,利用计算机对图书室的日常工作进行管理势在必行。虽然大型的图书馆已有较成熟的产品,但是在一些小型的图书馆或图书室,由于资金困难,大部分的日常工作仍通过传统的手工方式来完成,不仅操作流程比较繁琐,而且很容易出错且工作效率比较低。为了方便管理员的日常管理及解决手工管理中存在的诸多问题,开发一个适用于小型图书室的管理系统势在必行。 本文根据某学院图书室的实际需求,基于软件工程思想,开发了一个基于B/S框架的图书室管理系统。该系统以MySQL为底层数据库,采用MyEclipse6.5作为开发平台。首先,对图书室管理系统的研究意义及国内外发展现状进行分析,得出开发图书室管理系统的...With the development of information technology, using computer to manage the daily work of the library is imperative. Although the large library has had mature library management system, but in some small libraries, due to financial difficulties, most of the daily work is still through the traditional manual way to accomplish and the operational processes not only cumbersome, but also error-prone ...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323112