6 research outputs found

    A Computer-Based Method to Improve the Spelling of Children with Dyslexia

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    In this paper we present a method which aims to improve the spelling of children with dyslexia through playful and targeted exercises. In contrast to previous approaches, our method does not use correct words or positive examples to follow, but presents the child a misspelled word as an exercise to solve. We created these training exercises on the basis of the linguistic knowledge extracted from the errors found in texts written by children with dyslexia. To test the effectiveness of this method in Spanish, we integrated the exercises in a game for iPad, DysEggxia (Piruletras in Spanish), and carried out a within-subject experiment. During eight weeks, 48 children played either DysEggxia or Word Search, which is another word game. We conducted tests and questionnaires at the beginning of the study, after four weeks when the games were switched, and at the end of the study. The children who played DysEggxia for four weeks in a row had significantly less writing errors in the tests that after playing Word Search for the same time. This provides evidence that error-based exercises presented in a tablet help children with dyslexia improve their spelling skills.Comment: 8 pages, ASSETS'14, October 20-22, 2014, Rochester, NY, US

    Protsessimudelite struktuur koosmõjus mudeli kasutusega

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    “Üks pilt on väärt tuhat sõna” - kui eelnev mõttetera on esitatud info edastamise kontekstis, kus lisaks tuimadele faktidele soovitakse anda edasi ka emotsiooni ja tunnet, siis kuidas toimib sama lause just nimelt tuimade faktide edastamisel? Järjest rohkem esitatakse töötajatele suunatud organisatsioonide kirjeldusi läbi erinevate jooniste ja tekstide, seda eriti protsessimudelite juures. Antud doktoritöö keskendub kahele küsimusele: (i) kuidas kombineeritakse struktuurseid ja mittestruktuurseid komponente protsesside kirjeldamisel praktikas; (ii) ja mis tagab protsessimudelite jätkusuutliku kasutuse organisatsioonis? Protsessihierarhia lisamine protsessimudelisse avaldab positiivset mõju mudeli kasutusele organisatsioonis. Samas, protsesside esitamisel diagrammi kujul tuleb arvestada lõppkasutajaga (antud kontekstis töötaja), kelle jaoks ei tarvitse olla lihtne lugeda olulist informatsiooni diagrammilt. Seega peab olema töötajatele suunatud mudelites teksti kujul esitatud faktide hulk oluliselt suurem kui läbi joonise kirjeldatu. See on eriti oluline suuremate mudelite juures, kus protsessidiagrammidega esitatav info on mahukas ja joonised sageli keerulised. Kui mudeli lugemisel peab kasutaja fookus olema eelkõige protsessijoonisel ja lisafakte esitatakse teksti kujul, siis sellised mudelid sobivad pigem tehnilisele lugejaskonnale, mitte organisatsiooni teadmistebaasi. Kui organisatsioon soovib aktiivset teadmistebaasi kasutust, siis on vaja saavutada hea tasakaal organisatsiooni (Organisatsiooni, Modelleerimise ja Kasutusega seotud edufaktorid) ja tehniliste parameetrite (Protsessimudeli ja Tarkvaraga seotud edufaktorid) vahel. Näiteks, tehnilist poolt kajastavate edufaktorite kontekstis on väga oluline ‘Mudeli struktuur’, mis otseselt mõjutab protsessimudeli laiemat kasutust organisatsioonis. Organisatsiooni ja kasutajate kontekstis mängib olulist rolli juhtkonna eeskuju protsessimudeli aktiivsel kasutamisel.A picture is worth a thousand words, but adding even a few words can greatly enhance a picture. It is common to find textual and diagrammatic components complementing each other in enterprise models in general, and in business process models in particular. This doctoral thesis discusses the questions of: (i) how do structured and unstructured components of process models co-exist with each other in practice; and (ii) what determines that a process model is used on a sustained basis within an organization? Presenting the process hierarchy of a process model in a structured form has a positive impact on the sustained use of the model. Caution is necessary when adding structured components into the descriptions of processes — it might not be easy for process workers to understand the structure(s) and obtain essential information from the diagrams. Thus, the balance between pure text and diagrams needs to be “shifted” toward the text, especially in the context of larger process models where the amount of information is great and the process diagrams tend to be voluminous and complicated. If a significant part of the information is presented on a diagram and less information is given via text (you have to “read” the diagram first), then the model is rather appropriate for technical people but has no place in the knowledge base of process workers. A good balance between the organizational setting (factors related to Organization, Users and Process Modelling) and technical parameters directly related to the knowledge base (factors related to Model and Tools) is necessary when the sustained use of knowledge base is important for the organization. One factor in particular that was highlighted in the context of technical parameters as contributing to sustained use was the Structure of the process model. The impact of management on users through a positive example plays a substantial role during the deployment phase of the knowledge base in the organization

    Experimental phenomenology on the role of chromatic accentuation in reading tasks

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    According to Gestalt psychologists, color is considered a secondary attribute and a less effective tool if compared to shape, luminance and motion. In this work novel and meaningful visual properties given by chromatic variations in the reading process in normal and dyslexic readers have been studied. It was shown that color highlights wholeness, parts-whole organization and phenomenal fragmentation during reading and comprehension tasks in reading texts made of words and non-words modified through several color conditions: monochromatic (the whole text colored with only one color); word (each word colored in different color); half word (half word colored in a color different from the one of the second half); syllable (every syllable in a different color); letter (each letter in a different color). The aleatory variables here considered were: the reading time, the reading errors and the incorrect answers given in a comprehension test. The outcomes demonstrated that these variables are all directly related and strongly affected by the five chromatic conditions. These findings illustrate similar trends in the four groups of readers: children and adults, normal and dyslexic readers. Further possible researches and eventually some clinical applications are also discussed along with some questions related to color vision. They suggest the main purposes of color for living beings which is that to generate wholeness, parts-whole organization and perceptual fragmentation

    DigiPal: Cross-Cultural & Interlingual Mobile Interaction for Children

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    This thesis contributes research and analysis towards, and the design and development of, a Digital Pen pal application (DigiPal) for children from two different countries and languages. Children from a developed and a developing country came together and participated in multiple studies for the design of the app with their ideas and input both matching and differing. Feedback and thoughts provided by them contributed to the design of the app and towards a generalised model for similar applications. DigiPal required a translation system to be integrated into the App so that the children could talk in their own language which not only makes sure they can talk confidently, but also contributes to preserve local languages. Google translate was the option which was used in this case following a study that assured its effectiveness. Accuracy was relatively low but higher levels of Understandability gave some hope to advocate the possibility of use of Google translate as a translator and most importantly as a facilitator of cross-cultural chat. A real time letter exchange activity, with children from Nepal and England was conducted. In a deep analysis of text entry errors and their impact on translation, and on other translation errors and their possible causes, findings show why and where Google translate struggled. However, children’s reaction to the translated letters, as well as analysis that shows how improving text entry correctness can support the translation software, shows that regardless of some error children could communicate and they enjoyed the activity overall. This work also contributes insights for design that are needed beyond translation to create an engaging and culturally level experience. Two separate studies were conducted to gather some culturally influenced attributes from the children. In one, children drew pictures to introduce themselves whereas in the second one they drew pictures of games they would like to have in an application like DigiPal. The thesis concludes with a generalisable model that can be used by other app developers to consider how to create culturally level products for children from different countries and with different languages