131 research outputs found

    Improved cross-language information retrieval via disambiguation and vocabulary discovery

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    Cross-lingual information retrieval (CLIR) allows people to find documents irrespective of the language used in the query or document. This thesis is concerned with the development of techniques to improve the effectiveness of Chinese-English CLIR. In Chinese-English CLIR, the accuracy of dictionary-based query translation is limited by two major factors: translation ambiguity and the presence of out-of-vocabulary (OOV) terms. We explore alternative methods for translation disambiguation, and demonstrate new techniques based on a Markov model and the use of web documents as a corpus to provide context for disambiguation. This simple disambiguation technique has proved to be extremely robust and successful. Queries that seek topical information typically contain OOV terms that may not be found in a translation dictionary, leading to inappropriate translations and consequent poor retrieval performance. Our novel OOV term translation method is based on the Chinese authorial practice of including unfamiliar English terms in both languages. It automatically extracts correct translations from the web and can be applied to both Chinese-English and English-Chinese CLIR. Our OOV translation technique does not rely on prior segmentation and is thus free from seg mentation error. It leads to a significant improvement in CLIR effectiveness and can also be used to improve Chinese segmentation accuracy. Good quality translation resources, especially bilingual dictionaries, are valuable resources for effective CLIR. We developed a system to facilitate construction of a large-scale translation lexicon of Chinese-English OOV terms using the web. Experimental results show that this method is reliable and of practical use in query translation. In addition, parallel corpora provide a rich source of translation information. We have also developed a system that uses multiple features to identify parallel texts via a k-nearest-neighbour classifier, to automatically collect high quality parallel Chinese-English corpora from the web. These two automatic web mining systems are highly reliable and easy to deploy. In this research, we provided new ways to acquire linguistic resources using multilingual content on the web. These linguistic resources not only improve the efficiency and effectiveness of Chinese-English cross-language web retrieval; but also have wider applications than CLIR

    Using Comparable Corpora to Augment Statistical Machine Translation Models in Low Resource Settings

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    Previously, statistical machine translation (SMT) models have been estimated from parallel corpora, or pairs of translated sentences. In this thesis, we directly incorporate comparable corpora into the estimation of end-to-end SMT models. In contrast to parallel corpora, comparable corpora are pairs of monolingual corpora that have some cross-lingual similarities, for example topic or publication date, but that do not necessarily contain any direct translations. Comparable corpora are more readily available in large quantities than parallel corpora, which require significant human effort to compile. We use comparable corpora to estimate machine translation model parameters and show that doing so improves performance in settings where a limited amount of parallel data is available for training. The major contributions of this thesis are the following: * We release ‘language packs’ for 151 human languages, which include bilingual dictionaries, comparable corpora of Wikipedia document pairs, comparable corpora of time-stamped news text that we harvested from the web, and, for non-roman script languages, dictionaries of name pairs, which are likely to be transliterations. * We present a novel technique for using a small number of example word translations to learn a supervised model for bilingual lexicon induction which takes advantage of a wide variety of signals of translation equivalence that can be estimated over comparable corpora. * We show that using comparable corpora to induce new translations and estimate new phrase table feature functions improves end-to-end statistical machine translation performance for low resource language pairs as well as domains. * We present a novel algorithm for composing multiword phrase translations from multiple unigram translations and then use comparable corpora to prune the large space of hypothesis translations. We show that these induced phrase translations improve machine translation performance beyond that of component unigrams. This thesis focuses on critical low resource machine translation settings, where insufficient parallel corpora exist for training statistical models. We experiment with both low resource language pairs and low resource domains of text. We present results from our novel error analysis methodology, which show that most translation errors in low resource settings are due to unseen source language words and phrases and unseen target language translations. We also find room for fixing errors due to how different translations are weighted, or scored, in the models. We target both error types; we use comparable corpora to induce new word and phrase translations and estimate novel translation feature scores. Our experiments show that augmenting baseline SMT systems with new translations and features estimated over comparable corpora improves translation performance significantly. Additionally, our techniques expand the applicability of statistical machine translation to those language pairs for which zero parallel text is available

    A cross-cultural approach to personal naming: given names in the systems of Vietnamese and English

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    Personal names form one of the most important sections in the system of proper names that are traditionally studied within the field of onomastics. Personal names contain history, tradition, culture as well as all characteristic features of each ethnic community. The general aim of this research project is to have a cross-cultural approach to personal naming based on the systems of Vietnamese and English. Due to the broad scope of the topic of personal names, my research focuses on given names only. First of all, to establish a theoretical background, I dwell on onomastic problems with the focus on the semantic characterisation of proper names, and cultural issues in the study of personal names. I then argue that the views on meaning of names espoused by the Millian and Fregean schools can be reconciled, and that as a cultural universal, names convey both denotational and connotational contents but the content of names can only be determined in each specific language community based on clarification of traditional and cultural values embodied in naming process. Next, the thesis approaches Vietnamese and English given names by reviewing their historical and linguistic characteristics and then classifying them into relevant groups and subgroups. The main purpose of these taxonomies is to bring out the topological characteristics of Vietnamese and English given names as well as the naming trends and forces that have formed the two cultures over the past centuries. Finally, I present a comparison and contrast of Vietnamese and English given names covering all the aspects on the basis of which I institutionalise the theoretical reconciliation of Vietnamese and English personal naming systems, and establish that a reconciliation of the two naming systems is possible within a single overarching framework for their theoretical discussion

    Cross-language Information Retrieval

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    Two key assumptions shape the usual view of ranked retrieval: (1) that the searcher can choose words for their query that might appear in the documents that they wish to see, and (2) that ranking retrieved documents will suffice because the searcher will be able to recognize those which they wished to find. When the documents to be searched are in a language not known by the searcher, neither assumption is true. In such cases, Cross-Language Information Retrieval (CLIR) is needed. This chapter reviews the state of the art for CLIR and outlines some open research questions.Comment: 49 pages, 0 figure

    Integrating Distributional, Compositional, and Relational Approaches to Neural Word Representations

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    When the field of natural language processing (NLP) entered the era of deep neural networks, the task of representing basic units of language, an inherently sparse and symbolic medium, using low-dimensional dense real-valued vectors, or embeddings, became crucial. The dominant technique to perform this task has for years been to segment input text sequences into space-delimited words, for which embeddings are trained over a large corpus by means of leveraging distributional information: a word is reducible to the set of contexts it appears in. This approach is powerful but imperfect; words not seen during the embedding learning phase, known as out-of-vocabulary words (OOVs), emerge in any plausible application where embeddings are used. One approach applied in order to combat this and other shortcomings is the incorporation of compositional information obtained from the surface form of words, enabling the representation of morphological regularities and increasing robustness to typographical errors. Another approach leverages word-sense information and relations curated in large semantic graph resources, offering a supervised signal for embedding space structure and improving representations for domain-specific rare words. In this dissertation, I offer several analyses and remedies for the OOV problem based on the utilization of character-level compositional information in multiple languages and the structure of semantic knowledge in English. In addition, I provide two novel datasets for the continued exploration of vocabulary expansion in English: one with a taxonomic emphasis on novel word formation, and the other generated by a real-world data-driven use case in the entity graph domain. Finally, recognizing the recent shift in NLP towards contextualized representations of subword tokens, I describe the form in which the OOV problem still appears in these methods, and apply an integrative compositional model to address it.Ph.D

    Tune your brown clustering, please

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    Brown clustering, an unsupervised hierarchical clustering technique based on ngram mutual information, has proven useful in many NLP applications. However, most uses of Brown clustering employ the same default configuration; the appropriateness of this configuration has gone predominantly unexplored. Accordingly, we present information for practitioners on the behaviour of Brown clustering in order to assist hyper-parametre tuning, in the form of a theoretical model of Brown clustering utility. This model is then evaluated empirically in two sequence labelling tasks over two text types. We explore the dynamic between the input corpus size, chosen number of classes, and quality of the resulting clusters, which has an impact for any approach using Brown clustering. In every scenario that we examine, our results reveal that the values most commonly used for the clustering are sub-optimal

    Comparative Evaluation of Translation Memory (TM) and Machine Translation (MT) Systems in Translation between Arabic and English

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    In general, advances in translation technology tools have enhanced translation quality significantly. Unfortunately, however, it seems that this is not the case for all language pairs. A concern arises when the users of translation tools want to work between different language families such as Arabic and English. The main problems facing ArabicEnglish translation tools lie in Arabic’s characteristic free word order, richness of word inflection – including orthographic ambiguity – and optionality of diacritics, in addition to a lack of data resources. The aim of this study is to compare the performance of translation memory (TM) and machine translation (MT) systems in translating between Arabic and English.The research evaluates the two systems based on specific criteria relating to needs and expected results. The first part of the thesis evaluates the performance of a set of well-known TM systems when retrieving a segment of text that includes an Arabic linguistic feature. As it is widely known that TM matching metrics are based solely on the use of edit distance string measurements, it was expected that the aforementioned issues would lead to a low match percentage. The second part of the thesis evaluates multiple MT systems that use the mainstream neural machine translation (NMT) approach to translation quality. Due to a lack of training data resources and its rich morphology, it was anticipated that Arabic features would reduce the translation quality of this corpus-based approach. The systems’ output was evaluated using both automatic evaluation metrics including BLEU and hLEPOR, and TAUS human quality ranking criteria for adequacy and fluency.The study employed a black-box testing methodology to experimentally examine the TM systems through a test suite instrument and also to translate Arabic English sentences to collect the MT systems’ output. A translation threshold was used to evaluate the fuzzy matches of TM systems, while an online survey was used to collect participants’ responses to the quality of MT system’s output. The experiments’ input of both systems was extracted from ArabicEnglish corpora, which was examined by means of quantitative data analysis. The results show that, when retrieving translations, the current TM matching metrics are unable to recognise Arabic features and score them appropriately. In terms of automatic translation, MT produced good results for adequacy, especially when translating from Arabic to English, but the systems’ output appeared to need post-editing for fluency. Moreover, when retrievingfrom Arabic, it was found that short sentences were handled much better by MT than by TM. The findings may be given as recommendations to software developers

    Graph-based methods for large-scale multilingual knowledge integration

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    Given that much of our knowledge is expressed in textual form, information systems are increasingly dependent on knowledge about words and the entities they represent. This thesis investigates novel methods for automatically building large repositories of knowledge that capture semantic relationships between words, names, and entities, in many different languages. Three major contributions are made, each involving graph algorithms and statistical techniques that combine evidence from multiple sources of information. The lexical integration method involves learning models that disambiguate word meanings based on contextual information in a graph, thereby providing a means to connect words to the entities that they denote. The entity integration method combines semantic items from different sources into a single unified registry of entities by reconciling equivalence and distinctness information and solving a combinatorial optimization problem. Finally, the taxonomic integration method adds a comprehensive and coherent taxonomic hierarchy on top of this registry, capturing how different entities relate to each other. Together, these methods can be used to produce a large-scale multilingual knowledge base semantically describing over 5 million entities and over 16 million natural language words and names in more than 200 different languages.Da ein großer Teil unseres Wissens in textueller Form vorliegt, sind Informationssysteme in zunehmendem Maße auf Wissen über Wörter und den von ihnen repräsentierten Entitäten angewiesen. Gegenstand dieser Arbeit sind neue Methoden zur automatischen Erstellung großer multilingualer Wissensbanken, welche semantische Beziehungen zwischen Wörtern bzw. Namen und Konzepten bzw. Entitäten formal erfassen. In drei Hauptbeiträgen werden jeweils graphtheoretische bzw. statistische Verfahren zur Verknüpfung von Indizien aus mehreren Wissensquellen vorgestellt. Bei der lexikalischen Integration werden statistische Modelle zur Disambiguierung gebildet. Die Entitäten-Integration fasst semantische Einheiten unter Auflösung von Konflikten zwischen Äquivalenz- und Verschiedenheitsinformationen zusammen. Diese werden schließlich bei der taxonomischen Integration durch eine umfassende taxonomische Hierarchie ergänzt. Zusammen können diese Methoden zur Induzierung einer großen multilingualen Wissensbank eingesetzt werden, welche über 5 Millionen Entitäten und über 16 Millionen Wörter und Namen in mehr als 200 Sprachen semantisch beschreibt