9 research outputs found

    Recognition of Nonideal Iris Images Using Shape Guided Approach and Game Theory

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    Most state-of-the-art iris recognition algorithms claim to perform with a very high recognition accuracy in a strictly controlled environment. However, their recognition accuracies significantly decrease when the acquired images are affected by different noise factors including motion blur, camera diffusion, head movement, gaze direction, camera angle, reflections, contrast, luminosity, eyelid and eyelash occlusions, and problems due to contraction and dilation. The main objective of this thesis is to develop a nonideal iris recognition system by using active contour methods, Genetic Algorithms (GAs), shape guided model, Adaptive Asymmetrical Support Vector Machines (AASVMs) and Game Theory (GT). In this thesis, the proposed iris recognition method is divided into two phases: (1) cooperative iris recognition, and (2) noncooperative iris recognition. While most state-of-the-art iris recognition algorithms have focused on the preprocessing of iris images, recently, important new directions have been identified in iris biometrics research. These include optimal feature selection and iris pattern classification. In the first phase, we propose an iris recognition scheme based on GAs and asymmetrical SVMs. Instead of using the whole iris region, we elicit the iris information between the collarette and the pupil boundary to suppress the effects of eyelid and eyelash occlusions and to minimize the matching error. In the second phase, we process the nonideal iris images that are captured in unconstrained situations and those affected by several nonideal factors. The proposed noncooperative iris recognition method is further divided into three approaches. In the first approach of the second phase, we apply active contour-based curve evolution approaches to segment the inner/outer boundaries accurately from the nonideal iris images. The proposed active contour-based approaches show a reasonable performance when the iris/sclera boundary is separated by a blurred boundary. In the second approach, we describe a new iris segmentation scheme using GT to elicit iris/pupil boundary from a nonideal iris image. We apply a parallel game-theoretic decision making procedure by modifying Chakraborty and Duncan's algorithm to form a unified approach, which is robust to noise and poor localization and less affected by weak iris/sclera boundary. Finally, to further improve the segmentation performance, we propose a variational model to localize the iris region belonging to the given shape space using active contour method, a geometric shape prior and the Mumford-Shah functional. The verification and identification performance of the proposed scheme is validated using four challenging nonideal iris datasets, namely, the ICE 2005, the UBIRIS Version 1, the CASIA Version 3 Interval, and the WVU Nonideal, plus the non-homogeneous combined dataset. We have conducted several sets of experiments and finally, the proposed approach has achieved a Genuine Accept Rate (GAR) of 97.34% on the combined dataset at the fixed False Accept Rate (FAR) of 0.001% with an Equal Error Rate (EER) of 0.81%. The highest Correct Recognition Rate (CRR) obtained by the proposed iris recognition system is 97.39%

    A framework for biometric recognition using non-ideal iris and face

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    Off-angle iris images are often captured in a non-cooperative environment. The distortion of the iris or pupil can decrease the segmentation quality as well as the data extracted thereafter. Moreover, iris with an off-angle of more than 30° can have non-recoverable features since the boundary cannot be properly localized. This usually becomes a factor of limited discriminant ability of the biometric features. Limitations also come from the noisy data arisen due to image burst, background error, or inappropriate camera pixel noise. To address the issues above, the aim of this study is to develop a framework which: (1) to improve the non-circular boundary localization, (2) to overcome the lost features, and (3) to detect and minimize the error caused by noisy data. Non-circular boundary issue is addressed through a combination of geometric calibration and direct least square ellipse that can geometrically restore, adjust, and scale up the distortion of circular shape to ellipse fitting. Further improvement comes in the form of an extraction method that combines Haar Wavelet and Neural Network to transform the iris features into wavelet coefficient representative of the relevant iris data. The non-recoverable features problem is resolved by proposing Weighted Score Level Fusion which integrates face and iris biometrics. This enhancement is done to give extra distinctive information to increase authentication accuracy rate. As for the noisy data issues, a modified Reed Solomon codes with error correction capability is proposed to decrease intra-class variations by eliminating the differences between enrollment and verification templates. The key contribution of this research is a new unified framework for high performance multimodal biometric recognition system. The framework has been tested with WVU, UBIRIS v.2, UTMIFM, ORL datasets, and achieved more than 99.8% accuracy compared to other existing methods

    Fusion Iris and Periocular Recognitions in Non-Cooperative Environment

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    The performance of iris recognition in non-cooperative environment can be negatively impacted when the resolution of the iris images is low which results in failure to determine the eye center, limbic and pupillary boundary of the iris segmentation. Hence, a combination with periocular features is suggested to increase the authenticity of the recognition system. However, the texture feature of periocular can be easily affected by a background complication while the colour feature of periocular is still limited to spatial information and quantization effects. This happens due to different distances between the sensor and the subject during the iris acquisition stage as well as image size and orientation. The proposed method of periocular feature extraction consists of a combination of rotation invariant uniform local binary pattern to select the texture features and a method of color moment to select the color features. Besides, a hue-saturation-value channel is selected to avoid loss of discriminative information in the eye image. The proposed method which consists of combination between texture and colour features provides the highest accuracy for the periocular recognition with more than 71.5% for the UBIRIS.v2 dataset and 85.7% for the UBIPr dataset. For the fusion recognitions, the proposed method achieved the highest accuracy with more than 85.9% for the UBIRIS.v2 dataset and 89.7% for the UBIPr dataset

    Feature extraction using two dimensional (2D) legendre wavelet filter for partial iris recognition

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    An increasing need for biometrics recognition systems has grown substantially to address the issues of recognition and identification, especially in highly dense areas such as airports, train stations, and financial transactions. Evidence of these can be seen in some airports and also the implementation of these technologies in our mobile phones. Among the most popular biometric technologies include facial, fingerprints, and iris recognition. The iris recognition is considered by many researchers to be the most accurate and reliable form of biometric recognition because iris can neither be surgically operated with a chance of losing slight nor change due to aging. However, presently most iris recognition systems available can only recognize iris image with frontal-looking and high-quality images. Angular image and partially capture image cannot be authenticated with the existing method of iris recognition. This research investigates the possibility of developing a technique for recognition partially captured iris image. The technique is designed to process the iris image at 50%, 25%, 16.5%, and 12.5% and to find a threshold for a minimum amount of iris region required to authenticate the individual. The research also developed and implemented two Dimensional (2D) Legendre wavelet filter for the iris feature extraction. The Legendre wavelet filter is to enhance the feature extraction technique. Selected iris images from CASIA, UBIRIS, and MMU database were used to test the accuracy of the introduced technique. The technique was able to produce recognition accuracy between 70 – 90% CASIA-interval with 92.25% accuracy, CASIA-distance with 86.25%, UBIRIS with 74.95%, and MMU with 94.45%

    Biometric iris image segmentation and feature extraction for iris recognition

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    PhD ThesisThe continued threat to security in our interconnected world today begs for urgent solution. Iris biometric like many other biometric systems provides an alternative solution to this lingering problem. Although, iris recognition have been extensively studied, it is nevertheless, not a fully solved problem which is the factor inhibiting its implementation in real world situations today. There exists three main problems facing the existing iris recognition systems: 1) lack of robustness of the algorithm to handle non-ideal iris images, 2) slow speed of the algorithm and 3) the applicability to the existing systems in real world situation. In this thesis, six novel approaches were derived and implemented to address these current limitation of existing iris recognition systems. A novel fast and accurate segmentation approach based on the combination of graph-cut optimization and active contour model is proposed to define the irregular boundaries of the iris in a hierarchical 2-level approach. In the first hierarchy, the approximate boundary of the pupil/iris is estimated using a method based on Hough’s transform for the pupil and adapted starburst algorithm for the iris. Subsequently, in the second hierarchy, the final irregular boundary of the pupil/iris is refined and segmented using graph-cut based active contour (GCBAC) model proposed in this work. The segmentation is performed in two levels, whereby the pupil is segmented first before the iris. In order to detect and eliminate noise and reflection artefacts which might introduce errors to the algorithm, a preprocessing technique based on adaptive weighted edge detection and high-pass filtering is used to detect reflections on the high intensity areas of the image while exemplar based image inpainting is used to eliminate the reflections. After the segmentation of the iris boundaries, a post-processing operation based on combination of block classification method and statistical prediction approach is used to detect any super-imposed occluding eyelashes/eyeshadows. The normalization of the iris image is achieved though the rubber sheet model. In the second stage, an approach based on construction of complex wavelet filters and rotation of the filters to the direction of the principal texture direction is used for the extraction of important iris information while a modified particle swam optimization (PSO) is used to select the most prominent iris features for iris encoding. Classification of the iriscode is performed using adaptive support vector machines (ASVM). Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed approach achieves accuracy of 98.99% and is computationally about 2 times faster than the best existing approach.Ebonyi State University and Education Task Fund, Nigeri

    Investigation of iris recognition in the visible spectrum

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    mong the biometric systems that have been developed so far, iris recognition systems have emerged as being one of the most reliable. In iris recognition, most of the research was conducted on operation under near infrared illumination. For unconstrained scenarios of iris recognition systems, the iris images are captured under visible light spectrum and therefore incorporate various types of imperfections. In this thesis the merits of fusing information from various sources for improving the state of the art accuracies of colour iris recognition systems is evaluated. An investigation of how fundamentally different fusion strategies can increase the degree of choice available in achieving certain performance criteria is conducted. Initially, simple fusion mechanisms are employed to increase the accuracy of an iris recognition system and then more complex fusion architectures are elaborated to further enhance the biometric system’s accuracy. In particular, the design process of the iris recognition system with reduced constraints is carried out using three different fusion approaches: multi-algorithmic, texture and colour fusion and multiple classifier systems. In the first approach, one novel iris feature extraction methodology is proposed and a multi-algorithmic iris recognition system using score fusion, composed of 3 individual systems, is benchmarked. In the texture and colour fusion approach, the advantages of fusing information from the iris texture with data extracted from the eye colour are illustrated. Finally, the multiple classifier systems approach investigates how the robustness and practicability of an iris recognition system operating on visible spectrum images can be enhanced by training individual classifiers on different iris features. Besides the various fusion techniques explored, an iris segmentation algorithm is proposed and a methodology for finding which colour channels from a colour space reveal the most discriminant information from the iris texture is introduced. The contributions presented in this thesis indicate that iris recognition systems that operate on visible spectrum images can be designed to operate with an accuracy required by a particular application scenario. Also, the iris recognition systems developed in the present study are suitable for mobile and embedded implementations

    Advances in fuzzy rule-based system for pattern classification

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    Advances in the Field of Electrical Machines and Drives

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    Electrical machines and drives dominate our everyday lives. This is due to their numerous applications in industry, power production, home appliances, and transportation systems such as electric and hybrid electric vehicles, ships, and aircrafts. Their development follows rapid advances in science, engineering, and technology. Researchers around the world are extensively investigating electrical machines and drives because of their reliability, efficiency, performance, and fault-tolerant structure. In particular, there is a focus on the importance of utilizing these new trends in technology for energy saving and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. This Special Issue will provide the platform for researchers to present their recent work on advances in the field of electrical machines and drives, including special machines and their applications; new materials, including the insulation of electrical machines; new trends in diagnostics and condition monitoring; power electronics, control schemes, and algorithms for electrical drives; new topologies; and innovative applications