607 research outputs found

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    A Thousand Bells: Acoustical implementation of bell spectra using the finite element method and its compositional realization

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    This dissertation focuses primarily on the analysis of acoustical models of bell sounds and the modelling of virtual bell shapes and their spectra using the Finite Element Method (FEM) technique. The first chapter provides a brief introduction of pre and post-spectral music that is inspired by or employs bell sounds from which it derives its central materials. The second chapter introduces bell acoustics and the creation of new spectral profiles of optimal bell tone colors based upon just tuning ratios. In this chapter, I discuss how the concepts of consonance and Just Noticeable Difference in psychoacoustics are applied to use the 96 tone equal temperament tuning system for bell harmonic profiles. The third chapter includes the theoretical basis of the FEM and its application to the isoparametric 2-D quadrilateral elements, which are the fundamental theories of how bell harmonies are mathematically calculated. This includes the central concepts of the FEM, such as the Principle of Virtual Work/Displacement, master to global coordinate transformation, FE shape functions, usages of Jacobian matrices, numerical integration of the stiffness matrix and the equivalent nodal force vector for the element by using the Gauss-Lagrange quadrature. In the fourth chapter, I create bell model geometry by using 2D bell nominal curve and adjustable design variables. Physical parameters, such as the Poisson ratio, Young’s modulus, and material properties are also adopted from previous bell design research. Based upon the aforementioned prototypes, I create 24 different 3-D bell geometries, and analyze the spectra of these virtual bells. These bell models are analyzed, optimized and tuned to create tone colors that are defined in Chapter 2. After a validating process of the bell model, the general backgrounds of optimization theory are also introduced and analyzed for the purpose of creating 3-D virtual bells. For a general background of campanology, I use AndrĂ© Lehr’s Campanology textbook to provide the brief history, types, mechanism, casting, forms and parts, and tones of different bells. For acoustical and computational realizations of virtual bells, the analysis focuses on the research of Albertus Johannes Gerardus Schoofs and his follower PJM Roozen-Kroon on the FEM bell optimization, upon which the first prototype of the major-third bell was designed and cast

    The conservative embrace of progressive values:On the intellectual origins of the swing to the right in Dutch politics

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    De observatie dat rond de eeuwwisseling sprake is van een breekpunt in de Nederlandse politieke cultuur wordt inmiddels tot de dooddoeners van het publieke debat gerekend. De bliksemsnelle opkomst en dramatische moord van Pim Fortuyn resulteerde in een verbluffende verkiezingsoverwinning van zijn partij, de Lijst Pim Fortuyn (LPF), in wat algemeen bekend is komen te staan als de Fortuyn-revolte. Sindsdien zijn identiteit, immigratie en law and order de dominante thema’s van het publieke debat. Het was het begin van de Nederlandse culture wars, een strijdterrein waar conservatieve voorstanders van een strenger immigratie- en integratiebeleid de degens kruisten met prudente progressieven. Dit proefschrift is een ideologiestudie van de Fortuyn-revolte. De vraag die centraal staat is hoe deze cultuuromslag begrepen kan worden in ideologische zin. Tot dusver hebben onderzoekers bovenal het populisme gebruikt als lens om de politieke transformatie in Nederland te duiden. Het is een focus die de nadruk legt op stijl, techniek en retoriek, maar weinig oog heeft voor ideeĂ«n. Niet de bovenkamer maar de onderbuik, niet ideeĂ«n maar de empirische werkelijkheid van de ‘man op straat’ werd gezien als doorslaggevende factor, verder versterkt door de nieuwe macht van de media en het persoonlijke charisma van de populistische leider. Dit proefschrift gaat tegen de stroom in en richt zich op intellectuele bronnen van de Fortuyn-revolte. Daarbij wordt een ruimer conceptueel vangnet gehanteerd dan wat gebruikelijk is in bestaande studies. Politieke leiders zoals Frits Bolkestein, Pim Fortuyn, Ayaan Hirsi Ali en Geert Wilders, zo luidt de stelling, zijn enkel de meest zichtbare exponenten van een breder conservatieve stroming, aangeduid als Nieuw Rechts. De term ‘Nieuw Rechts’ kwam in omloop in de VS en het VK om de conservatieve bewegingen aan te duiden die tegelijkertijd opkwamen met Nieuw Links in de jaren zestig en zeventig. De politiek van Thatcher en Reagan wordt wel gezien als het hoogtepunt van Nieuw Rechts. De centrale these van deze studie is dat de draai naar rechts in de Nederlandse politiek langs soortgelijke lijnen te begrijpen is, als een verlate pendant van de conservatieve backlash die zich in de Anglo-Amerikaanse context al eerder ontspon

    Orbital-free photophysical descriptors to predict directional excitations in metal-based photosensitizers

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    The development of dye-sensitized solar cells, metalloenzyme photocatalysis or biological labeling heavily relies on the design of metalbased photosensitizes with directional excitations. Directionality is most often predicted characterizing manually excitations via canonical frontier orbitals. Although widespread, this traditional approach is, at the very least, cumbersome and subject to personal bias, as well as limited in many cases. Here, we demonstrate how two orbital-free photophysical descriptors allow an easy and straightforward quantification of the degree of directionality in electron excitations using chemical fragments. As proof of concept we scrutinize the effect of 22 chemical modifications on the archetype [Ru(bpy)3] 2+ with a new descriptor coined “substituent-induced exciton localization” (SIEL), together with the concept of “excited-electron delocalization length” (EEDLn). Applied to quantum ensembles of initially excited singlet and the relaxed triplet metal-to-ligand charge-transfer states, the SIEL descriptor allows quantifying how much and whereto the exciton is promoted, as well as anticipating the effect of single modifications, e.g. on C-4 atoms of bpy units of [Ru(bpy)3] 2+. The general applicability of SIEL and EDDLn is further established by rationalizing experimental trends through quantification of the directionality of the photoexcitation. We thus demonstrate that SIEL and EEDL descriptors can be synergistically employed to design improved photosensitizers with highly directional and localized electron-transfer transitions.</p

    On the Formation of Cathedral Chapters and Cathedral Culture : Lund, Denmark, and Scandinavia, c. 1060–1225

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    The cathedral was one of the most important institutions in medieval Europe. The local as well as ecclesiastical elite gathered around it and its bishop; the liturgy was celebrated day and night, year after year; the cathedral served as educational institution of the clergy. The cathedral chapter, i.e. the organized clergy that served at the cathedral, played a decisive part in all this.The overarching purpose of this doctoral thesis has been to re-interpret essential aspects of the formation and functions of cathedral chapters in Scandinavia in the period c. 1060–1225. This is achieved through a number of articles on the cathedral chapter at St Lawrence’s in Lund, and, to a lesser extent, other cathedral chapters in medieval Denmark and Scandinavia. After a general introduction on the subject, starting with clarifications of those concepts that have been essential to this study and my understanding and application of them, i.e. ‘formation’, ‘functions’, ‘cathedral chapter’, and ‘cathedral culture’, I recapitulate what has been achieved, misinterpreted, or even neglected by previous scholarship by focusing on the formation and functions of cathedral chapters in a Scandinavian setting. In this section, I also present my own hypotheses and methodological approaches and define the chronological and geographical delimitations of this work. Finally, I introduce the sources of this work by categorizing them. In the second major part of the introduction, I present the context, hypotheses, methods, and results of the articles; I also present and discuss whether there has been any subsequent research or similar approaches on the various topics dealt with.In my articles, I consider four general topics: first, the textual transmission of normative text of the cathedral chapter in Lund and especially the customary, the Consuetudines Lundenses from c. 1120 (Articles 1 and 4); second, the concepts of ‘law & learning’ are examined in the context of the cathedral chapter at St Lawrence’s in Lund in the first quarter of the twelfth century (Article 2). Third, by focusing on the cult of saints in Scandinavia c. 1000–c. 1200 in relation to the emerging capitular institutions, I both introduce a new concept, ‘cathedral culture’, and demonstrate the importance of the local cathedral clergy and chapter are in the introduction and maintenance of both foreign and local saints’ cults (Article 3). Finally, I examine the various legal developments within the process of appointing bishops that were practiced in Latin Christendom until the mid-1220s (Article 5), arriving at the conclusion that this process and the formation of cathedral chapters were reciprocal and resulted in a more legally regulated electoral procedure.The major results of this work are the following. First, by a redefinition of the concept of ‘cathedral chapter’, meaning that any clerical organization occupied with the liturgical service at the cathedral church of the diocese could be designated as such rather than define this institution from those legal or administrative functions that were added later, and by demonstrating that the liturgical function was the primary function of the capitular institution throughout the Middle Ages, I contribute to a new, more organic view of this ecclesiastical institution. Second, by using a more flexible terminology, I demonstrate that a focus on the process of formation rather than the search for a fixed date of foundation is rewarding when dealing with the capitular institutions in this period, which are characterized by institutional, legal, and ideological transition. Finally, I introduce a new conceptual framework, ‘cathedral culture’, which not only facilitates our understanding of the activities undertaken and performed by the chapters and their members in the cathedral and its surrounding milieu, i.e. as agents of ecclesiastical tradition, but also this concept helps us to see the emergence of a specific culture out of a monastic, contemplative culture and closely related to a nascent scholastic, erudite culture

    SEM/EDX analysis of stomach contents of a sea slug snacking on a polluted seafloor reveal microplastics as a component of its diet

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    Understanding the impacts of microplastics on living organisms in aquatic habitats is one of the hottest research topics worldwide. Despite increased attention, investigating microplastics in underwater environments remains a problematic task, due to the ubiquitous occurrence of microplastic, its multiple modes of interactions with the biota, and to the diversity of the synthetic organic polymers composing microplastics in the field. Several studies on microplastics focused on marine invertebrates, but to date, the benthic sea slugs (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Heterobranchia) were not yet investigated. Sea slugs are known to live on the organisms on which they feed on or to snack while gliding over the sea floor, but also as users of exogenous molecules or materials not only for nutrition. Therefore, they may represent a potential biological model to explore new modes of transformation and/or management of plastic, so far considered to be a non-biodegradable polymer. In this study we analysed the stomachal content of Bursatella leachii, an aplysiid heterobranch living in the Mar Piccolo, a highly polluted coastal basin near Taranto, in the northern part of the Ionian Sea. Microplastics were found in the stomachs of all the six sampled specimens, and SEM/EDX analyses were carried out to characterize the plastic debris. The SEM images and EDX spectra gathered here should be regarded as a baseline reference database for future investigations on marine Heterobranchia and their interactions with microplastics

    Het portiekwoongebouw: vlagschip van de Nederlandse welvaartsstaat: Archtergrondstudie naar portiekwoongebouwen in Nederland voor het Beyond-the-Current research project

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    Beyond the Current Het Klimaatakkoord en de ambitie om in 2050 CO2-neutrale woningvoorraad te hebben leidde tot de organisatie Stroomversnelling, een organisatie met leden uit de hele bouwketen die met haar keurmerk nul-op-de-meter NOM-keur een methode ontwikkelde waarbij woongebouwen en woningen op een industriĂ«le wijze van de buitenkant worden ingepakt met isolatie en betere installaties. Een methode met veel voordelen maar ook met weinig respect voor de beeldkwaliteit en biodiversiteit van deze woongebouwen. Om de kwaliteit en de bouwtechniek van woonportiekgebouwen te begrijpen is de TU Delft en de Hogeschool Utrecht gevraagd onderzoek te doen portiekwoongebouwen en de mogelijkheden die er zijn om tot een CO2-neutrale woningvoorraad te komen. Het wordt steeds duidelijker dat de energie-efficiĂ«ntie van onze woningvoorraad een van de grootste uitdagingen in verband met de bebouwde omgeving is – een uitdaging die in Nederland en in veel andere landen met beide handen is aangegrepen. Om deze uitdaging het hoofd te bieden, moet energie-efficiĂ«nte renovatie niet alleen als een technologisch maar ook als een architectonisch en maatschappelijk vraagstuk worden gezien. In dit ‘Research through Design’-project (RTD) genaamd ‘Beyond the Current’ zijn ontwerpoplossingen ontwikkeld om de energie-efficiĂ«ntie van flatblokken van vier verdiepingen te vergroten. Deze oplossingen zijn getoetst op de voorkeuren van huurders door de huurders virtuele ontwerpmodellen in 3D voor te leggen. De resultaten stelden woningcorporaties en architecten in staat om renovatiemaatregelen te ontwikkelen die niet alleen rekening houden met het milieu en met architectonische waarden, maar ook met de voorkeuren van de huurders van deze woningen. Dit onderzoek is uitgevoerd door onderzoekers en ontwerpers van de faculteit Bouwkunde van TU Delft (zie het overzicht met medewerkers), in samenwerking met Hogeschool Utrecht. Het team bestond uit: prof.dr.ir. V.H. Gruis, prof.ir. W. de Jonge, prof.ir. M.F. Asselbergs, dr. C.J. van Oel, ir. L.G.K. Spoormans, dr.ir. T. Konstantinou, ir. S. El Messlaki, ir. T. de Jonge, dr.ir. L.M. Oorschot De ontwerpoplossingen en huurdersenquĂȘtes zijn in nauwe samenwerking met de volgende architecten, woningcorporaties en brancheorganisaties ontwikkeld: De Alliantie, Mitros, Haag Wonen, Eigen Haard, Stadgenoot, Van Schagen Architecten, INBO, FARO, BNA, NRP en Huren met Energie. Het project is gefinancierd door NWO/STW in het kader van het gezamenlijke onderzoeksprogramma Research through Design
