8 research outputs found

    Legal Ontology for Nexus: Water, Energy and Food in EU Regulations

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    Objectives of the thesis are – (a) to identify the problems in water-energy-food nexus from ICT and Law point of view and to propose theoretically a legal knowledge framework for water-energy-food nexus in order to reduce those problems technologically, (b) to construct and implement legal ontology for nexus extracted from EU water, energy and food Regulations in OWL 2 language, which is a part of the grater work of implementing legal knowledge framework for water-energy-food nexus pro-posed through the compilation of objective (a). Considering these objectives, this thesis presents total five chapters. Chapter 1 is dedicated to fulfill the requirement of objective (a) and the rest chapters are devoted for objective (b). More particularly chapter four presents technical descriptions of the legal ontology for nexus, while chapter two and three articulate methodological aspect of it. Chapter five evaluates legal ontology for nexus. Additionally, besides the list of references, annex 1 delivers all asserted restrictions used in this ontology and annex 2 provides the links of all modules and documentations of legal ontology for nexus.Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate programme in “Law, Science and Technology

    A method for creating digital signature policies.

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    Increased political pressures towards a more efficient public sector have resulted in the increased proliferation of electronic documents and associated technologies such as Digital Signatures. Whilst Digital Signatures provide electronic document security functions, they do not confer legal meaning of a signature which captures the conditions under which a signature can be deemed to be legally valid. Whilst in the paper-world this information is often communicated implicitly, verbally or through notes within the document itself, in the electronic world a technological tool is required to communicate this meaning; one such technological aid is the Digital Signature Policy. In a transaction where the legality of a signature must be established, a Digital Signature Policy can confer the necessary contextual information that is required to make such a judgment. The Digital Signature Policy captures information such as the terms to which a signatory wishes to bind himself, the actual legal clauses and acts being invoked by the process of signing, the conditions under which a signatory's signature is deemed legally valid and other such information. As this is a relatively new technology, little literature exists on this topic. This research was conducted in an Action Research collaboration with a Spanish Public Sector organisation that sought to introduce Digital Signature Policy technology; their specific research problem was that the production of Digital Signature Policies was time consuming, resource intensive, arduous and suffered from lack of quality. The research therefore sought to develop a new and improved method for creating Digital Signature Policies. The researcher collaborated with the problem owner, as is typical of Participative Action Research. The research resulted in the development of a number of Information Systems artefacts, the development of a method for creating Digital Signature Policies and finally led to a stage where the problem owner could successfully develop the research further without the researcher's further input

    Ontologies for Legal Relevance and Consumer Complaints. A Case Study in the Air Transport Passenger Domain

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    Applying relevant legal information to settle complaints and disputes is a common challenge for all legal practitioners and laymen. However, the analysis of the concept of relevance itself has thus far attracted only sporadic attention. This thesis bridges this gap by understanding the components of complaints, and by defining relevant legal information, and makes use of computational ontologies and design patterns to represent this relevant knowledge in an explicit and structured way. This work uses as a case-study a real situation of consumer disputes in the Air Transport Passenger domain. Two artifacts were built: the Relevant Legal Information in Consumer Disputes Ontology, and its specialization, the Air Transport Passenger Incidents Ontology, aimed at modelling relevant legal information; and the Complaint Design Pattern proposed to conceptualize complaints. In order to demonstrate the ability of the ontologies to serve as a knowledge base for a computer program providing relevant legal information, a demonstrative application was developed

    Crowdsourced online dispute resolution

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    Solving disputes often takes a considerable amount of time and money. That holds for everyone involved. A new type of dispute resolution called Crowdsourced Online Dispute Resolution (CODR) seems to have the potential to offer a cheap, fast, and democratic dispute resolution procedure. Since it is currently not clear whether CODR procedures comply with the requirements of procedural fairness, the attractiveness and the acceptance of CODR procedures may be in discussion. This thesis aims to establish whether CODR can fairly resolve disputes. First, it provides a framework of CODR, analyses the differences between CODR and other dispute resolution schemes, and constructs interpretation of procedural fairness that merges objective and subjective procedural fairness. Second, the research investigates whether the current CODR procedures are fair and proposes a model of a CODR procedure that complies with the interpretation of procedural fairness. The findings of the research indicate that CODR can be designed to fairly resolve disputes.Exploring the Frontiers of International La

    On the Use of Cognitive Linguistics to Explore Legal Concepts: Judicial Interpretation of Privacy Law in the European Union

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    The quest for how legal concepts generate and reproduce themselves and how those concepts are applied to specific cases is one of the most intractable and difficult to answer. This is even more true when old concepts are used to understand new realities. Traditional legal methods used to trace the power of precedent on courts still struggle to capture intricate, if not more subtle, conceptual change. This paper investigates the conceptual links throughout the precedent chain using the guiding hand of cognitive linguistics; namely, conceptual metaphor. Using computer-aided coding methodology to explore the use of metaphor to build conceptual structure concerning data control in EU law as a case study, this work analyses the recent 'Safe Harbor' case in the European Court of Justice and its chain of case citations to provide a proof of method to show the viability of using cognitive linguistics to explain notions of coherence, interpretation, conceptual change, and the power of precedent. The goal is to lead to a larger forecasting model of legal scholarship. It addresses the questions: how can metaphor analysis help clarify the transfer and interpretation of legal concepts throughout a chain of precedent and understand the concepts through which data privacy via traditional privacy are built as a case study? The scaffolding on which the law's abstract concepts are built is taken apart to reveal the underlying, non-abstract components of how ideas link together and affect conceptual transformation. This paper argues for a supplement to the traditional method of legal category building and holds out an extended arm from the world of cognitive linguists to the conceptual mores that is law

    Geographic information extraction from texts

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    A large volume of unstructured texts, containing valuable geographic information, is available online. This information – provided implicitly or explicitly – is useful not only for scientific studies (e.g., spatial humanities) but also for many practical applications (e.g., geographic information retrieval). Although large progress has been achieved in geographic information extraction from texts, there are still unsolved challenges and issues, ranging from methods, systems, and data, to applications and privacy. Therefore, this workshop will provide a timely opportunity to discuss the recent advances, new ideas, and concepts but also identify research gaps in geographic information extraction

    Argumentative Writing Support by means of Natural Language Processing

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    Persuasive essay writing is a powerful pedagogical tool for teaching argumentation skills. So far, the provision of feedback about argumentation has been considered a manual task since automated writing evaluation systems are not yet capable of analyzing written arguments. Computational argumentation, a recent research field in natural language processing, has the potential to bridge this gap and to enable novel argumentative writing support systems that automatically provide feedback about the merits and defects of written arguments. The automatic analysis of natural language arguments is, however, subject to several challenges. First of all, creating annotated corpora is a major impediment for novel tasks in natural language processing. At the beginning of this research, it has been mostly unknown whether humans agree on the identification of argumentation structures and the assessment of arguments in persuasive essays. Second, the automatic identification of argumentation structures involves several interdependent and challenging subtasks. Therefore, considering each task independently is not sufficient for identifying consistent argumentation structures. Third, ordinary arguments are rarely based on logical inference rules and are hardly ever in a standardized form which poses additional challenges to human annotators and computational methods. To approach these challenges, we start by investigating existing argumentation theories and compare their suitability for argumentative writing support. We derive an annotation scheme that models arguments as tree structures. For the first time, we investigate whether human annotators agree on the identification of argumentation structures in persuasive essays. We show that human annotators can reliably apply our annotation scheme to persuasive essays with substantial agreement. As a result of this annotation study, we introduce a unique corpus annotated with fine-grained argumentation structures at the discourse-level. Moreover, we pre- sent a novel end-to-end approach for parsing argumentation structures. We identify the boundaries of argument components using sequence labeling at the token level and propose a novel joint model that globally optimizes argument component types and argumentative relations for identifying consistent argumentation structures. We show that our model considerably improves the performance of local base classifiers and significantly outperforms challenging heuristic baselines. In addition, we introduce two approaches for assessing the quality of natural language arguments. First, we introduce an approach for identifying myside biases which is a well-known tendency to ignore opposing arguments when formulating arguments. Our experimental results show that myside biases can be recognized with promising accuracy using a combination of lexical features, syntactic features and features based on adversative transitional phrases. Second, we investigate for the first time the characteristics of insufficiently supported arguments. We show that insufficiently supported arguments frequently exhibit specific lexical indicators. Moreover, our experimental results indicate that convolutional neural networks significantly outperform several challenging baselines