29,261 research outputs found

    Main Trends in the Soviet Reform of Criminal Law

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    Many organizations have legacy applications and strive to modernise them in order to react on changes and adapt to the new environment, the cloud. The enticements are quite a few but the risks are lurking as well. How to migrate a legacy application to the cloud is an unanswered question for many organizations. We look at how research has answered this question and the methods and tools they provide. The research partially answers the question of migration of legacy application to the cloud. The methods and tools are still quite granular, not that automated and is very dependent of what type of legacy application and the aim of the end result is

    Migrating medical communications software to a multi-tenant cloud environment

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    The rise of cloud computing has paved the way for many new applications. Many of these new cloud applications are also multi-tenant, ensuring multiple end users can make use of the same application instance. While these technologies make it possible to create many new applications, many legacy applications can also benefit from the added flexibility and cost-savings of cloud computing and multi-tenancy. In this paper, we describe the steps required to migrate a. NET-based medical communications application to the Windows Azure public cloud environment, and the steps required to add multi-tenancy to the application. We then discuss the advantages and disadvantages of our migration approach. We found that the migration to the cloud itself requires only a limited amount of changes to the application, but that this also limited the benefits, as individual instances would only be partially used. Adding multi-tenancy requires more changes, but when this is done, it has the potential to greatly reduce the cost of running the application

    Migrating on -premises application to windows azure platform (microsoft cloud)

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    Legacy systems are usually attached with outdated technologies which over time become a bottleneck for organizations to manage and maintain. Old and poorly utilized architecture make systems run slow and far from expected, however sometimes organization cannot live without those. Renewing application architecture can be considered as an option but it is time consuming and very costly. Cloud computing as an ultimate solution can be proposed to migrate on-premises application to a utilized environment in terms of infrastructure, computing power and virtualization. In addition, it provides a highly available and elastic computing environment which makes organizations to only pay for what they use. In this research, after a brief introduction to main concepts of cloud computing particularly Windows Azure platform (Microsoft Cloud), it is tried to analyze and assess OnePortfolio system developed by Riskk Sdn Bhd, to see whether it is feasible to be moved to Windows Azure. OnePortfolio operates on a SOA architecture comprised of three main components: services, client application and database. Throughout this research, Windows Azure migration lifecycle in compliance with ISO/IEC 14764 international standard is used as the methodology to perform the migration. Once the application is analyzed and migrated to cloud, it is compared to on-premises environment to evaluate its performance and security mechanism

    Cloud migration strategy factors and migration processes

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    Organisaatiot ottavat pilvitekniikoita ja -palveluita käyttöönsä yhä laajemmin. Merkittävä osa pilvipalveluiden kasvusta johtuu nykyisten sovellusten siirtämisestä pilvipalveluun. Olemassa olevien vanhojen sovellusten siirtäminen pilvipalvelualustaan ei ole triviaali tehtävä. Migraatiomenetelmät tehostavat sovellusten siirtoa pilvialustoille ja vähentävät siirrosta aiheutuvia riskejä käyttäen vakioituja prosessimalleja. Keskeinen osa pilvimigraatioprosessia on valita sopivin strategia pilvimigraatiolle useiden vaihtoehtoisten tilanteesta riippuvien vaihtoehtojen joukosta. Migraatiostrategia määrittelee keskeiset migraatioprosessin vaiheet sekä käytettävän pilviarkkitehtuurin sekä palvelumallit. Nykyiset pilven migraatiomenetelmät eivät erityisesti huomioi tai määrittele migraatiostrategian valintaa määrääviä tekijöitä. Migraatiostrategian valinta on kriittinen osa pilvimigraation suunnittelua, johon tyypillisesti osallistuu useita eri organisaatioita ja asiantuntijoita. Tässä opinnäytetyössä esitetään ryhmittely sekä tekijät, jotka ohjaavat pilvimigraatiostrategian valintaa. Tekijät on johdettu nykyisistä pilvimigraatiomenetelmistä ja -prosesseista. Tekijät on validoitu deduktiivisella temaattisella analyysillä käyttäen kvalitatiivisia tapaustutkimuksia ja niistä saatuja haastattelutietoja. Pilvimigraatiostrategioihin vaikuttavien tekijöiden tunnistamisella ja käsittelyllä voidaan parantaa pilvimigraatioiden onnistumista ja tehostaa pilvimigraatioiden suunnittelua.Organizations are adopting cloud technologies at an increasing rate. Significant share of growth of cloud deployments is coming from application migrations to cloud computing. Migrating existing legacy applications to cloud computing platform is not a trivial task. A migration methodology will help migrating applications to cloud more effectively and with lower risk than doing it by trial and error. A part of the cloud migration process is the selection and execution of a migration strategy amongst the possible, situational and commonly used options. The migration strategy defines many of the migration process activities since they depend on cloud architecture and service and deployment models, which are implicitly set by the migration strategy. Many of the existing cloud migration methods don’t specify the factors that lead to migration strategy selection. The migration strategy selection is a critical part of migration planning involving multiple organisations and several individuals. This thesis presents categories of migration strategy factors derived from a cloud migration methodology and process framework review and validates the factors by doing a deductive thematic analysis against qualitative case study interview data. By having a clarity and a way to address the migration strategy factors, will increase the migration success rate and reduce planning time

    Co-transformation to cloud-native applications : development experiences and experimental evaluation

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    Modern software applications following cloud-native design principles and architecture guidelines have inherent advantages in fulfilling current user requirements when executed in complex scheduled environments. Engineers responsible for software applications therefore have an intrinsic interest to migrate to cloud-native architectures. Existing methodologies for transforming legacy applications do not yet consider migration from partly cloud-enabled and cloud-aware applications under continuous development. This work thus introduces a co-transformation methodology and validates it through the migration of a prototypical music identification and royalty collection application. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed methodology is capable to effectively guide a transformation process, resulting in elastic and resilient cloud-native applications. Findings include the necessity to maintain application self-management even on modern cloud platforms

    The Role of IT and Knowledge Management Capabilities in Generating Innovation Knowledge in Telecom Companies

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    Most organisations moving their legacy systems to the cloud base their decisions on the naïve assumption that public cloud always provides cost savings, without sufficiently assessing the underlying application architecture, and the technical and financial constraints that it imposes on the chosen cloud architecture. This can lead to undesirable consequences including project delays, budget overruns, below-par performance, application instability and creation of technical debt. In this paper, we address the shortcomings of this assumption by proposing a structured yet flexible decision framework comprising models, guidelines, tools and calculators that enables IT and/or business practitioners to make the correct architectural decision between public, private and hybrid cloud, from a functional, non-functional and financial perspective, based on the application architecture. By treating the application architecture as a first-class citizen in the decision making process, our proposed framework ensures that business and technical stakeholders make the correct decision early on in the migration process, resulting in timely deployment and quality-assured provision of critical business functions, minimization of waste, and avoidance of rework. We use a sample scenario to illustrate the need and usefulness of such a decision framework