24,835 research outputs found

    In-Band Disparity Compensation for Multiview Image Compression and View Synthesis

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    Rate-Distortion Analysis of Multiview Coding in a DIBR Framework

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    Depth image based rendering techniques for multiview applications have been recently introduced for efficient view generation at arbitrary camera positions. Encoding rate control has thus to consider both texture and depth data. Due to different structures of depth and texture images and their different roles on the rendered views, distributing the available bit budget between them however requires a careful analysis. Information loss due to texture coding affects the value of pixels in synthesized views while errors in depth information lead to shift in objects or unexpected patterns at their boundaries. In this paper, we address the problem of efficient bit allocation between textures and depth data of multiview video sequences. We adopt a rate-distortion framework based on a simplified model of depth and texture images. Our model preserves the main features of depth and texture images. Unlike most recent solutions, our method permits to avoid rendering at encoding time for distortion estimation so that the encoding complexity is not augmented. In addition to this, our model is independent of the underlying inpainting method that is used at decoder. Experiments confirm our theoretical results and the efficiency of our rate allocation strategy

    Steered mixture-of-experts for light field images and video : representation and coding

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    Research in light field (LF) processing has heavily increased over the last decade. This is largely driven by the desire to achieve the same level of immersion and navigational freedom for camera-captured scenes as it is currently available for CGI content. Standardization organizations such as MPEG and JPEG continue to follow conventional coding paradigms in which viewpoints are discretely represented on 2-D regular grids. These grids are then further decorrelated through hybrid DPCM/transform techniques. However, these 2-D regular grids are less suited for high-dimensional data, such as LFs. We propose a novel coding framework for higher-dimensional image modalities, called Steered Mixture-of-Experts (SMoE). Coherent areas in the higher-dimensional space are represented by single higher-dimensional entities, called kernels. These kernels hold spatially localized information about light rays at any angle arriving at a certain region. The global model consists thus of a set of kernels which define a continuous approximation of the underlying plenoptic function. We introduce the theory of SMoE and illustrate its application for 2-D images, 4-D LF images, and 5-D LF video. We also propose an efficient coding strategy to convert the model parameters into a bitstream. Even without provisions for high-frequency information, the proposed method performs comparable to the state of the art for low-to-mid range bitrates with respect to subjective visual quality of 4-D LF images. In case of 5-D LF video, we observe superior decorrelation and coding performance with coding gains of a factor of 4x in bitrate for the same quality. At least equally important is the fact that our method inherently has desired functionality for LF rendering which is lacking in other state-of-the-art techniques: (1) full zero-delay random access, (2) light-weight pixel-parallel view reconstruction, and (3) intrinsic view interpolation and super-resolution

    Rate Distortion Analysis and Bit Allocation Scheme for Wavelet Lifting-Based Multiview Image Coding

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    This paper studies the distortion and the model-based bit allocation scheme of wavelet lifting-based multiview image coding. Redundancies among image views are removed by disparity-compensated wavelet lifting (DCWL). The distortion prediction of the low-pass and high-pass subbands of each image view from the DCWL process is analyzed. The derived distortion is used with different rate distortion models in the bit allocation of multiview images. Rate distortion models including power model, exponential model, and the proposed combining the power and exponential models are studied. The proposed rate distortion model exploits the accuracy of both power and exponential models in a wide range of target bit rates. Then, low-pass and high-pass subbands are compressed by SPIHT (Set Partitioning in Hierarchical Trees) with a bit allocation solution. We verify the derived distortion and the bit allocation with several sets of multiview images. The results show that the bit allocation solution based on the derived distortion and our bit allocation scheme provide closer results to those of the exhaustive search method in both allocated bits and peak-signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR). It also outperforms the uniform bit allocation and uniform bit allocation with normalized energy in the order of 1.7–2 and 0.3–1.4 dB, respectively

    A content based method for perceptually driven joint color/depth compression

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    International audienceMulti-view Video plus Depth (MVD) data refer to a set of conventional color video sequences and an associated set of depth video sequences, all acquired at slightly different viewpoints. This huge amount of data necessitates a reliable compression method. However, there is no standardized compression method for MVD sequences. H.264/MVC compression method, which was standardized for Multi-View-Video representation (MVV), has been the subject of many adaptations to MVD. However, it has been shown that MVC is not well adapted to encode multi-view depth data. We propose a novel option as for compression of MVD data. Its main purpose is to preserve joint color/depth consistency. The originality of the proposed method relies on the use of the decoded color data as a prior for the associated depth compression. This is meant to ensure consistency in both types of data after decoding. Our strategy is motivated by previous studies of artifacts occurring in synthesized views: most annoying distortions are located around strong depth discontinuities and these distortions are due to misalignment of depth and color edges in decoded images. Thus the method is meant to preserve edges and to ensure consistent localization of color edges and depth edges. To ensure compatibility, colored sequences are encoded with H.264. Depth maps compression is based on a 2D still image codec, namely LAR (Locally adapted Resolution). It consists in a quad-tree representation of the images. The quad-tree representation contributes in the preservation of edges in both color and depth data. The adopted strategy is meant to be more perceptually driven than state-of-the-art methods. The proposed approach is compared to H.264 encoding of depth images. Objective metrics scores are similar with H.264 and with the proposed method, and visual quality of synthesized views is improved with the proposed approach