183,839 research outputs found

    Factors that Affect the Intention to Use E-learning among University Lecturers

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    University lecturers are one among many people who have been affected by the pandemic. Lecturers were forced to use a learning management system, grapple with video conferencing software, and cope with various unpredictable technical issues. In short, external forces seem to pressure lecturers to refine their digital skills and use e-learning as the only way to deliver the materials whenever they were unable to meet face-to-face with students. This study investigates what factors determined lecturers’ intention to use e-learning in their classes. The results of this study suggest that technology literacy and attitude have positive correlations with lecturers’ intention to use e-learning. Keywords: intention to use e-learning; attitude; self-efficacy; technology; literacy; technology comfort leve

    Establishing Library Learning Commons in Universities of India: A Case Study of BHU Library System

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    Traditional libraries have recognition as a physical space, as a physical collection, and as a traditional scribe in the era of industrial society and before. At present, the paradigm shift due to the advent of computer technology, information technology (IT) and information communication technology (ICT) has changed the way of information seeking, reading habits, learning methods, and even social connectivity and interactions of the society. Furthermore, these changes can be seen in the reading habits, information search, learning and teaching methods of students and faculty members engaged in higher education and research works. These transformations in users laid academic libraries to adopt new collections, services, tools and techniques, and more skilled staffs. It has also forced academic libraries to redesign their existing services, resources, and physical spaces with the addition of digital services, digital resources, and virtual spaces. All these tend to transform service delivery models and to reshape the reading areas according to the learning and reading habits of the users, especially digital native and net generation users. The Learning Commons (LC) is one of the new services which came into existence due to these transformations. Library Learning Commons (LLCs) are collaborative learning spaces in libraries for both students and faculties which provide a convenient, comfortable, flexible and more productive environment for learning, reading and research work. The purpose of this article is to provide a perspective on informal library learning commons developed in BHU Library System and to find the feasibilities to acquire new techniques and services to cope with the continuous paradigm shift towards the digital environment


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    Since 1990s the world citizens have been facing a rapid progress in technology and digital development. This development influences all life aspects including educational area. For teachers, one of ways to be able to effectively and efficiently cope with millennial students is through technology integration within classroom practices. While technology can assist and/or accomplish most duties teachers need to do, they need to explore more on how they can act in instructional context to sustain their existence and cope with existing challenges in technology-integrated instruction (TII). While much research focuses on practices, benefits, opportunities, and challenges, only a little pays attention to teachers’ role in TII. Moreover, much of the existing research has not addressed teachers’ roles in TII within English as a foreign language (EFL) context. This study describes teachers’ reasons of technology integration and selection, and explores their roles within TII framework especially in the context of junior secondary school English classroom in Indonesia. The participants were selected purposively to those who had adequately thorough experience on utilizing digital technologies to support EFL teaching. Lesson plan analysis, observation, and interview were conducted to collect relevant data. Findings show that teachers’ considerations in technology integration are driven by pedagogical purposes and rooted from current social phenomena especially those addressing technology advancement. Meanwhile, factors contributing to technology selection process are based on curricular, technological, and institutional factor respectively. Regarding teachers’ roles within TII, it can be concluded that most of teachers’ roles are getting extended as each of these roles attempts to accommodate technological matter which previously was not taken into account. Only in several sub categories of cognitive roles do they become narrower as technologies replace some of teachers’ duties. Teachers also voice out their concerns related to TII in English language teaching (ELT). First, technological skills should not outweigh or shift the learning focus on the subject knowledge; second, TII in its best employment can assist students to appreciate their learning process more; and third, teachers have to be ready with plan B as most TII contexts in Indonesia have not been able to provide stable and reliable facilities

    ICT for Education: The Real Scenario of Digitalization in the Context of Secondary Education in Barisal City

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    In present world, the educational system and curricula are focusing technology for education. The purpose of this initiative is to ensure a vibrant and effective teaching- learning environment for a student to cope as a future global citizen. With the advent of the information and communication technology, the traditional teaching of ‘Chalk & Talk’ is redesigned and supplemented by teaching with teacher-led multimedia content which is upgrading the education system.  The dropout rate of the students at secondary level is comparatively more than any other level nowadays, so it is felt the necessity of finding the real picture after introducing ICT based education in secondary level. Both qualitative and quantitative approaches have been applied to collect data through both open and close-ended questionnaire survey. This study focuses on that how much digitalization enlightens the education sector and evaluates the performance by the data collected from respondents of the school. Keywords: Digital Bangladesh, Secondary education, Information communication technology (ICT), Multi-Media-Class (MMC)

    The Relationship between School Resource Center Roles and Student Civilization in Digital Age

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    School Resource Centers (SRCs) are also known as School libraries serve as a catalyst that encourages students to read by providing high-quality information resources, both printed and non-printed. However, previous studies found that SRCs need to align their roles with 21st century learning, to cope with digital era and to help students to develop lifelong learning. Therefore, this paper aims to investigate the relationship between the roles of SRCs and student civilization in the education setting. This research applied the quantitative approach with online survey distributed using Google Form to collect data from respondents. The overall mean shows that the respondents agreed on all variables measured with the SRCs environment had the highest mean value of 4.4033, followed by SRCs collections. Further analysis show that SRCs collection, SRCs program, technology, SRCs environment and their LMT assistance toward student civilization are significantly determine relationship with student civilization. It is hope that 21st century SRCs would aid Malaysia’s education reform and the development of civilization amongst students by reinventing the cultures of reading and knowledge practice in schools, encouraging students to take greater responsibility on their education, and preparing them for the information and digital age

    Multimodal research: Addressing the complexity of multimodal environments and the challenges for CALL

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    Multimodality, the study of the interaction of language with other semiotic resources such as images and sound resources, has significant implications for computer assisted language learning (CALL) with regards to understanding the impact of digital environments on language teaching and learning. In this paper, we explore recent manifestations of CALL in 3-D virtual worlds, illustrated by the example of Second Life. The multimodal analyses of a conventional face-to-face lesson and three language learning activities in Second Life highlight some of the affordances and challenges presented by 3-D virtual environments. The results suggest that while multimodal resources integrate naturally to facilitate language teaching and learning in an orderly, structured and goal-orientated manner in classroom lessons, the often uncoordinated use (or absence) of avatars' gaze, facial expression, body posture, gesture, as well as the unclear proxemics and use of space pose problems for effective communication in a 3-D virtual world. In addition, a technology-oriented register, alongside traditional instructional and regulative genres and registers, is introduced to help students cope with the demands of learning a language in a 3-D virtual environment. The study raises the issue of the relative effectiveness of 3-D virtual worlds for language teaching and learning. In doing so, a digital approach to multimodal research is proposed in order to address the complexity of multimodal learning environments and the various challenges for CALL


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    The COVID-19 pandemic has affected human life at multilevel and is still a tremendous challenge for all sectors of life without exception to education. To cope  COVID-19 effects in education, online teaching and learning was adopted. This study explored how science teachers’ learning remained motivated to teach, despite all the limitations they encountered and endured during the COVID-19 pandemic. This work was carried out in developing county such as Indonesia, Rwanda, Cambodia and Paraguay. The study examines how science teachers’ in developing country have faced obstacle, and meanwhile, despite this, they are still trying their hardest to stay focused on achieving their personal goals during the pandemic. This research is geared by descriptive qualitative approach. Data were collected in series of online survey with thirty nine teachers cross the developing country.  The results showed that the science teachers’ learning with e-learning was less effective because not all teachers and parents of students understood the internet. During the COVID-19 pandemic, teachers are highly required to develop e-learning science learning that can help achieve learning goals, so that e-learning can satisfy all parties, and can reduce its negative impact. Science learning with e-learning can foster educators in mastering digital technology

    Pedagogies of Design and Multiliterate Learner Identities

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    In an era of multiliteracies, teaching and learning have become knowledge performances at multiple levels. Instead of a singular, linear focus upon print technologies, the techno-oriented philosophy of teaching aims at providing a rhizomatic network of texts where there is a close link between, and often an overlap of, different designs—linguistic, visual, spatial, and gestural—to construct the multiliterate learner. In this paper, I discuss the role of multimodal literacies in a primary classroom, affirming the role of multiliteracies and decentring the pre-dominance of linguistic at the cost of other designs. While the print media are acknowledged as significant to literacy, the multimodality of print is enhanced through visual and spatial design (Kenner, 2004). Through graphic examples of ICT applications of designs in a primary classroom, I demonstrate that students are operating through multitextual and digitextual (Everett, 2003) practices. What follows is the complex positioning and re-situating of teacher and learner identities engaged in learning through the knowledge processes of experiencing, identifying, applying and critiquing concepts (Kalantzis & Cope, 2004). In particular, I argue that within the diversity of present day classrooms, the digital oriented, multiliterate learner is implicated in constant identity construction by drawing upon macro and micro social practices. I conclude by reiterating the significance of new technologies and new literacy practices as essential to the construction of new learner identities

    The Knowledge And Perceptions Of Generational Cohorts Of K-5 Elementary Educators Who Use Technology For Teaching And Learning

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    This study examined the perceptions and knowledge of generational cohorts (Baby Boomer, Generation X, and/or Millennials) of elementary (K-5) educators regarding the use of technology for teaching and learning. The remarkable pace of the transition to digital-age learning environments has made it challenging for schools to build sustainable, program-wide systems for the purposeful use of educational technology during instruction (Stevens & South, 2016). This underscores the need for schools to prepare staff from every generational cohort to be confident, experienced, and ready to lead with technology in their classrooms (Stevens & South, 2016). The first research question was how do generational cohorts (Baby Boomer, Generation X, and/or Millennials) of K-5 Elementary educators use technology during teaching and learning experiences with students? The second research question was what perceptions do generational cohorts (Baby Boomer, Generation X, and/or Millennials) of K-5 elementary educators have regarding technology integration for teaching and learning? Fourteen K-5 Elementary teachers completed an online survey that measured constructs of TPACK and perceptions of technology integration. A simple analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to determine if there were any statistically significant differences between the knowledge and perceptions of generational cohorts of K-5 elementary teachers. A correlational analysis was used to determine if there were any statistically significant relationships between constructs of TPACK and technology integration. Statistical analysis found significant differences between multiple generations at work and moderate-strong positive relationships between constructs of TPACK and perceptions of technology integration. Nevertheless, based on the findings of this study, Administrators should draw upon four generalized competencies in order to support all generations at work and accommodate and cope with rapid and continuous technological change, generate creative and innovative solutions for technological problems, act through technological knowledge both effectively and efficiently, and assess technology and its involvement with everyday life in the school community (Gagel, 1997)

    A Review of the "Digital Turn" in the New Literacy Studies

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    Digital communication has transformed literacy practices and assumed great importance in the functioning of workplace, recreational, and community contexts. This article reviews a decade of empirical work of the New Literacy Studies, identifying the shift toward research of digital literacy applications. The article engages with the central theoretical, methodological, and pragmatic challenges in the tradition of New Literacy Studies, while highlighting the distinctive trends in the digital strand. It identifies common patterns across new literacy practices through cross-comparisons of ethnographic research in digital media environments. It examines ways in which this research is taking into account power and pedagogy in normative contexts of literacy learning using the new media. Recommendations are given to strengthen the links between New Literacy Studies research and literacy curriculum, assessment, and accountability in the 21st century
