127,864 research outputs found

    Algorithm as a problem solving technique for teaching and learning of the Malay language

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    The aim of the study was to determine the effectiveness of using scratch program to teach Malay language subject. 32, 4th year students in a primary school of Seremban district participated in the study. A case study was used. The teachers teach Malay subjects using scratch programs with the theme of agriculture and title of food product from agriculture. The students were to arrange the basic words into grammatical sentences based on the scratch program and write a cake recipe using an algorithmic technique, a series of instructions contained in the scratch program. This conceptual teaching and learning algorithm was conducted in five steps namely the induction set; step 1; step 2; step 3; and enrichment and recovery. Students could understand the concepts of algorithms taught and did not require recovery activities. This implies that the algorithm concept of how to prepare a cake through a scratch program has been fully understood by the students. Students are also excited about the algorithmic techniques and the scratch program generated. They remain focused throughout the session which shows that the use of algorithms and scratch programs is better than conventional methods in teaching the Malay Language

    Starting From Scratch: Implementing a Successful, Multifaceted Information Literacy Program for the First-Year Course

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    This study describes a program created from scratch in which collaboration is initiated by librarians with teaching faculty in the first-year program to provide information literacy skills to incoming freshmen. The program is not only successful logistically, but is designed with assessment needs and evidence of student learning in mind. Additionally, the program design takes into account the needs of learners through utilization of a variety of learning activities and teaching tools that include group interaction, web-based tutorials, individual assignments, and peer-learning

    LMC + Scratch: a recipe to construct a mental model of program execution

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    Understanding how programs execute is one of the critical activities in the learning journey of a programmer. A novice constructs a mental model of program execution while learning programming. Any misconceptions at this stage lead to the development of a discrepant mental model. If left untreated, learning in advanced subjects like data structures and compiler construction may suffer. One of the ways to prevent the situation is carefully and explicitly unveiling the details of program execution. We employed Little Man Computer (LMC) for this purpose. Its interactive visual interface helped them internalise how software interacted with the hardware to achieve the programmer's objective. After spending a few sessions on the programming of LMC, we moved to Scratch. Scratch is a much higher-level language than the LMC assembly. So, while introducing Scratch programming constructs, we mapped the LMC equivalents of these instructions. The strategy helped evade several misconceptions by developing a deep understanding of the program execution model. It also served as a building block for introducing other concepts like state, abstraction, the need for higher-level languages and the role of compilers etc. We tried this approach in an Introduction to Computer Science module where most students had zero or very minimal exposure to programming. We received positive feedback from students and other fellow teachers teaching in the subsequent semesters

    5 Steps to Creating Quality Educational Programs: Lessons from the Field of Instructional Design

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    Whether you are developing a staff training program or programming for your community, the field of instructional design offers valuable advice if your goal is to help your attendees to learn. Learn how to build your own programs from scratch with easy-to-implement steps based on learning science

    Adventures with ADDIE: Creating an Online Professional Development Program

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    As part of the professional development offerings of the Minnesota Library Association\u27s Instruction Round Table (IRT), the IRT co-chairs decided to build an online professional development program (mostly) from the ground up. IRT co-chairs developed, launched, facilitated, and evaluated the Creating Online Information Literacy Learning Objects: I’ll Get to It This Summer (COilLO) program over Summer 2018. COilLO was developed to introduce, or reintroduce, participants to the ADDIE instructional design process. The two and a half week online program, delivered through the Free for Teachers version of Canvas, offered participants the opportunity to set aside some time in their schedules to work on applying the ADDIE model to their own online learning object creation process. This poster will describe COilLO’s own very meta process of using the ADDIE model to create a program about the ADDIE model from analysis to evaluation, including the trials and tribulations of creating your own program from scratch

    Starting From Scratch: Implementing a Successful, Multifaceted Information Literacy Program

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    First-year programs often provide critical avenues for freshmen students’ first exposure to information literacy. Collaborations between librarians and first-year programs often include orientations that are brief and limited in scope. Implementing a more rigorous approach to acquisition of information literacy skills in a first-year course requires buy-in from administration and faculty, as well as significant planning and sound instructional design in order to demonstrate learning outcomes and provide for useful assessment. This article provides a blueprint for designing and implementing a successful information literacy instruction and assessment program in the one-hour credit, first-year experience course. Assessment data demonstrates a 24-percent increase in acquisition of information literacy outcomes for the sample.This study describes an information literacy program created from scratch in which collaboration is initiated by librarians with teaching faculty in the first-year program to provide information literacy skills to incoming freshmen. The program is not only successful logistically, but is designed with assessment needs and evidence of student learning in mind. Additionally, the program design takes into account the needs of learners through utilization of a variety of learning activities and teaching tools that include group interaction, web-based tutorials, individual assignments, and peer-learning

    Practice makes...?

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    One vivid memory from my time as a student was a quirk of a lecturer of mine, who would let us know that our performance in presentations was inadequate by writing ‘5P’ on a piece of paper and handing it to us. The term 5P referred to ‘plenty of practice prevents poor performance.’ Receiving a 5P meant that your performance wasn’t up to scratch and that you should have practiced more. I’m happy to report that I was never the recipient of such a note. The five Ps can of course be applied to any number of contexts throughout our lives, but what do they mean in language learning, and in the assessment of speaking in particular? In what situations do we want our students to practice speaking, and what are the implications on the testing of a learner’s spoken skills? In my presentation I explored the notion of learners practicing the assessment format for speaking, what practice they are exposed to and their perceptions of how this did or did not benefit them in their exam performance. The findings were drawn from the responses given by students attending the Sabancı University School of languages preparatory English program

    Proposal and Evaluation of Intermediate Content for the Transition from Visual to Text-Based Programming Languages

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    Beginners learning to program learn visual-based programming languages, such as Scratch, whereas experts use text-based programming languages, such as C and Java. However, no seamless transition from visual to text-based programming languages has been established. In this paper, a transition method was established between both language types. In particular, emphasis was placed on the features that an intermediate language between visual and text-based programming languages should have. Additionally, learning with the proposed intermediate content enhanced the subsequent comprehension of text-based languages. The proposed intermediate content was evaluated using questionnaires to ensure that it had intermediate characteristics between both language types