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    An eMathTeacher [Sánchez-Torrubia 2007a] is an eLearning on line self assessment tool that help students to active learning math algorithms by themselves, correcting their mistakes and providing them with clues to find the right solution. The tool presented in this paper is an example of this new concept on Computer Aided Instruction (CAI) resources and has been implemented as a Java applet and designed as an auxiliary instrument for both classroom teaching and individual practicing of Fleury’s algorithm. This tool, included within a set of eMathTeacher tools, has been designed as educational complement of Graph Algorithm active learning for first course students. Its characteristics of visualization, simplicity and interactivity, make this tutorial a great value pedagogical instrument

    Gestalt Theory in Visual Screen Design — A New Look at an old subject

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    Although often presented as a single basis for educational visual screen design, Gestalt theory is not a single small set of visual principles uniformly applied by all designers. In fact, it appears that instructional visual design literature often deals with only a small set of Gestalt laws. In this project Gestalt literature was consulted to distil the most relevant Gestalt laws for educational visual screen design. Eleven laws were identified. They deal with balance/symmetry, continuation, closure, figure-ground, focal point, isomorphic correspondence, prÅ gnanz, proximity, similarity, simplicity, and unity/harmony. To test the usefulness of these laws in visual screen design they were applied to the redesign of an instructional multimedia application, 'WoundCare', designed to teach nursing students wound management. The basic text-based screens in the original WoundCare application were replaced with graphical user interface screens, that were designed according to these principles. The new screen designs were then evaluated by asking students and others to compare the designs. The viewers were also asked to rate directly the value of using the eleven Gestalt design principles in the redesign, both for improving the product's appearance and improving its value for learning. The evaluation results were overwhelmingly positive. Both the new design and the value of applying the eleven Gestalt laws to improve learning were strongly supported by the students' opinions. However, some differences in the value of applying particular Gestalt laws to the interface design were identified and this forms a useful direction for future research

    Accuracy vs. Simplicity: A Complex Trade-Off

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    Inductive learning aims at finding general rules that hold true in a database. Targeted learning seeks rules for the predictions of the value of a variable based on the values of others, as in the case of linear or non-parametric regression analysis. Non-targeted learning finds regularities without a specific prediction goal. We model the product of non-targeted learning as rules that state that a certain phenomenon never happens, or that certain conditions necessitate another. For all types of rules, there is a trade-off between the rule's accuracy and its simplicity. Thus rule selection can be viewed as a choice problem, among pairs of degree of accuracy and degree of complexity. However, one cannot in general tell what is the feasible set in the accuracy-complexity space. Formally, we show that finding out whether a point belongs to this set is computationally hard. In particular, in the context of linear regression, finding a small set of variables that obtain a certain value of R2 is computationally hard. Computational complexity may explain why a person is not always aware of rules that, if asked, she would find valid. This, in turn, may explain why one can change other people's minds (opinions, beliefs) without providing new information.

    Internalization of Living Value Education Program (LVEP) as A Based of Developing Conflict Resolution Model

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    Violence become a serious problem in this country. All parties including students have been involved in this swirl of problems. The phenomenon of violence in the educational environment can be minimized by internalizing the Living Value Education Program (LVEP) in learning activities. LVEP internalization is carried out as a reference basis in developing resolution models in social studies learning. This article focuses on examining (1) the process of internalizing values in social studies learning, (2) the importance of including LVEP in the learning process, and (3) making LVEP the basis for developing a conflict resolution model. Articles are reviewed using literature study. The results showed that (1) the process of internalizing values in social studies learning was carried out in order to prepare students to become good citizens. (2) LVEP contains universal values such as peace, respect, love, cooperation, happiness, honesty, humility, responsibility, simplicity, tolerance, freedom and unity which can be used as a reference in classroom learning activities. (3) LVEP can be used as a reference in developing a conflict resolution model because it contains values of peace-loving, tolerance, and upholds the value of national unity and integrit

    Pembuatan Media Komik pada Sub Materi Metabolisme Karbohidrat untuk Siswa SMA Kelas XII

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    This research aimed to determine the validity of the comic in sub-matter of carbohydrate metabolism in class XII based on test results influence of the alcoholic beverages on the pancreatic organ histopathology and blood sugar levels of mice. This study uses a form research dan development. The comic media that has been developed is validated by seven validators, each validator validates the media with the physical aspect, designs and colors, images and text, as well as the validates material of the comic with the content aspect, suitability to the learning objectives, simplicity and elements of message design. The results showed that the average value of the content validity ratio from media validation that is 0,99 and the average value of the content validity ratio from validation of comic material that is 0,99. Based on the results of the study can be concluded that comics on the sub-matter of carbohydrate metabolism is feasible for use in learning class XII high school

    Pengembangan Komik sebagai Media Pembelajaran IPA Kelas VIII SMP pada Materi Pokok Sistem Transportasi

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    The purpose of this research are for design and develop of comic as media learning for science in 8th Junior High School. The research was conducted at Study Program of Biology Education campus FKIP University of Riau from April until Juni 2015. This research used Research and Development (R&D) approach with ADDIE model. The comic have subject is Transportation System. We used validation sheet were filled by 5 validators. Then, we executed of limited trial at 10 students in 8th grade Junior High School 1 Pekanbaru with student questionnaire responses. The value of media comic validation can be seen at 5 aspects, they are simplicity, suppression, balance, integration and comic design. The result is media comic can aplication in learning activity at clas
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