541 research outputs found

    Learning optimised representations for view-invariant gait recognition

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    Gait recognition can be performed without subject cooperation under harsh conditions, thus it is an important tool in forensic gait analysis, security control, and other commercial applications. One critical issue that prevents gait recognition systems from being widely accepted is the performance drop when the camera viewpoint varies between the registered templates and the query data. In this paper, we explore the potential of combining feature optimisers and representations learned by convolutional neural networks (CNN) to achieve efficient view-invariant gait recognition. The experimental results indicate that CNN learns highly discriminative representations across moderate view variations, and these representations can be further improved using view-invariant feature selectors, achieving a high matching accuracy across views

    Review of Person Re-identification Techniques

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    Person re-identification across different surveillance cameras with disjoint fields of view has become one of the most interesting and challenging subjects in the area of intelligent video surveillance. Although several methods have been developed and proposed, certain limitations and unresolved issues remain. In all of the existing re-identification approaches, feature vectors are extracted from segmented still images or video frames. Different similarity or dissimilarity measures have been applied to these vectors. Some methods have used simple constant metrics, whereas others have utilised models to obtain optimised metrics. Some have created models based on local colour or texture information, and others have built models based on the gait of people. In general, the main objective of all these approaches is to achieve a higher-accuracy rate and lowercomputational costs. This study summarises several developments in recent literature and discusses the various available methods used in person re-identification. Specifically, their advantages and disadvantages are mentioned and compared.Comment: Published 201

    Person Re-Identification by Discriminative Selection in Video Ranking

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    Current person re-identification (ReID) methods typically rely on single-frame imagery features, whilst ignoring space-time information from image sequences often available in the practical surveillance scenarios. Single-frame (single-shot) based visual appearance matching is inherently limited for person ReID in public spaces due to the challenging visual ambiguity and uncertainty arising from non-overlapping camera views where viewing condition changes can cause significant people appearance variations. In this work, we present a novel model to automatically select the most discriminative video fragments from noisy/incomplete image sequences of people from which reliable space-time and appearance features can be computed, whilst simultaneously learning a video ranking function for person ReID. Using the PRID2011, iLIDS-VID, and HDA+ image sequence datasets, we extensively conducted comparative evaluations to demonstrate the advantages of the proposed model over contemporary gait recognition, holistic image sequence matching and state-of-the-art single-/multi-shot ReID methods

    Covariate factor mitigation techniques for robust gait recognition

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    The human gait is a discriminative feature capable of recognising a person by their unique walking manner. Currently gait recognition is based on videos captured in a controlled environment. These videos contain challenges, termed covariate factors, which affect the natural appearance and motion of gait, e.g. carrying a bag, clothing, shoe type and time. However gait recognition has yet to achieve robustness to these covariate factors. To achieve enhanced robustness capabilities, it is essential to address the existing gait recognition limitations. Specifically, this thesis develops an understanding of how covariate factors behave while a person is in motion and the impact covariate factors have on the natural appearance and motion of gait. Enhanced robustness is achieved by producing a combination of novel gait representations and novel covariate factor detection and removal procedures. Having addressed the limitations regarding covariate factors, this thesis achieves the goal of robust gait recognition. Using a skeleton representation of the human figure, the Skeleton Variance Image condenses a skeleton sequence into a single compact 2D gait representation to express the natural gait motion. In addition, a covariate factor detection and removal module is used to maximise the mitigation of covariate factor effects. By establishing the average pixel distribution within training (covariate factor free) representations, a comparison against test (covariate factor) representations achieves effective covariate factor detection. The corresponding difference can effectively remove covariate factors which occur at the boundary of, and hidden within, the human figure.The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC

    A comparative study of pose representation and dynamics modelling for online motion quality assessment

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    © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. Quantitative assessment of the quality of motion is increasingly in demand by clinicians in healthcare and rehabilitation monitoring of patients. We study and compare the performances of different pose representations and HMM models of dynamics of movement for online quality assessment of human motion. In a general sense, our assessment framework builds a model of normal human motion from skeleton-based samples of healthy individuals. It encapsulates the dynamics of human body pose using robust manifold representation and a first-order Markovian assumption. We then assess deviations from it via a continuous online measure. We compare different feature representations, reduced dimensionality spaces, and HMM models on motions typically tested in clinical settings, such as gait on stairs and flat surfaces, and transitions between sitting and standing. Our dataset is manually labelled by a qualified physiotherapist. The continuous-state HMM, combined with pose representation based on body-joints' location, outperforms standard discrete-state HMM approaches and other skeleton-based features in detecting gait abnormalities, as well as assessing deviations from the motion model on a frame-by-frame basis

    Person Recognition in Low-Quality Imagery.

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    PhD thesesPerson recognition aims to recognise and track the same individuals over space and time with subtle identity class information in automatically detected person images captured by unconstrained camera views. There are multi-source visual biometrical cues for person identity recognition. Specifically, compared to other widely-used cues that tend to easily change over time and space, the facial appearance is considered as a more reliable non-intrusive visual cue. Person recognition, especially the person face recognition, enables a wide range of practical applications, ranging from law enforcement and information security to business, entertainment and e-commerce. However, person recognition under realistic application scenarios remains significantly challenging, mainly due to the usual low resolutions (LR) of the images captured by low-quality cameras with unconstrained distances between cameras and people. Compared to the high-resolution (HR) images, the LR person images contain much less fine-grained discriminative details for robust identity recognition. To tackle the challenge of person recognition on low-resolution imagery data, one effective approach is to utilise the super resolution (SR) methods to recover or enhance the image details that are beneficial for identity recognition. However, this thesis reveals that conventional SR models suffer from significant performance drop when applied to low-quality LR person images, especially the natively captured surveillance facial images. Moreover, as the SR and identity recognition models advance independently, direct super resolution is less compatible with identity recognition, and hence has minor benefit or even negative effect for low-resolution person recognition. To tackle the above problems, this thesis explores person recognition methods with improved generalisation ability to realistic low-quality person images, by adopting dedicated superresolution algorithms. More specifically, this thesis addresses the issues for person face recognition and body recognition in low-resolution images as follows: Chapter 3 Whilst recent person face recognition techniques have made significant progress on recognising constrained high-resolution web images, the same cannot be said on natively unconstrained low-resolution images at large scales. This chapter examines systematically this under-studied person face recognition problem, and introduce a novel Complement Super-Resolution and Identity (CSRI) joint deep learning method with a unified end-to-end network architecture. The proposed learning mechanism is dedicated to overcome the inherent challenge of genuine low-resolution, concerning with the absence of HR facial images coupled with native LR faces, typically required for optimising image super-resolution models. This is realised by transferring the super-resolving knowledge from good-quality HR web images to the genuine LR facial data subject to the face identity label constraints of native LR faces in every mini-batch training. This chapter further constructs a new large-scale dataset TinyFace of native unconstrained low-resolution face images from selected public datasets. The extensive experiments show that there is a significant gap between the reported person face recognition performances on popular benchmarks and the results on TinyFace, and the advantages of the proposed CSRI over a variety of state-of-the-art face recognition and super-resolution deep models on solving this largely ignored person face recognition scenario. However, the lack of supervision in pixel space leads to the low-fidelity super-resolved images. which may hinder the further downstream facial analysis applications. Chapter 4 Although with a more advanced joint-learning scheme for person face recognition by super resolution (introduced in Chapter 3), by no-means one can claim that the proposed method solves the real-world low-resolution face recognition problem, which remains a significantly challenging task. In terms of human understanding, when people are faced with a challenging face identity recognition task, they often make decisions by selecting discriminative facial features. If a recognition model can be optimised with results that can be explained in a human-understandable way, such an interpretable model may have the potential to shed light on discriminative facial features selection for better identity recognition. To achieve this, recognising faces from high-fidelity super-resolved outputs could be a viable approach. However, existing facial super-resolution methods focus mostly on improving “artificially down-sampled” low-resolution (LR) imagery. Such SR models, although strong at handling artificial LR images, often suffer from significant performance drop on genuine LR test data. Previous unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) methods address this issue by training a model using unpaired genuine LR and HR data as well as cycle consistency loss formulation. However, this renders the model overstretched with two tasks: consistifying the visual characteristics and enhancing the image resolution. Importantly, this makes the end-to-end model training ineffective due to the difficulty of back-propagating gradients through two concatenated CNNs. To solve this problem, in this chapter, a method that joins the advantages of conventional SR and UDA models is formulated. Specifically, the optimisations for characteristics consistifying and image super-resolving are separated and controlled by introducing Characteristic Regularisation (CR) between them. This task split makes the model training more effective and computationally tractable, and enables the high-fidelity super resolution process on genuine low-resolution faces. Chapter 5 Although the facial appearance is a more reliable visual cue for person recognition, it is often challenging or even impossible to detect the facial region in images captured by unconstrained low-quality cameras, where the faces can be of extreme poses, blur, distortion, or even invisible in the human back-view images. In such cases, the person body recognition is an important aspect for identity recognition and tracking. However, person images captured by unconstrained surveillance cameras often have low resolutions (LR). This causes the resolution mismatch problem when matched against the high-resolution (HR) gallery images, negatively affecting the performance of person body recognition. An effective approach is to leverage image super-resolution (SR) along with body recognition in a joint learning manner. However, this scheme is limited due to dramatically more difficult gradients backpropagation during training. This chapter introduces a novel model training regularisation method, called Inter-Task Association Critic (INTACT), to address this fundamental problem. Specifically, INTACT discovers the underlying association knowledge between image SR and person body recognition, and leverages it as an extra learning constraint for enhancing the compatibility of SR model with person body recognition in HR image space. This is realised by parameterising the association constraint, which can be automatically learned from the training data. Extensive experiments validate the superiority of INTACT over the state-of-the-art approaches on the cross-resolution person body recognition task using five standard datasets. Chapter 6 draws conclusions and suggests future works on open questions arising from the studies of this thesis