28 research outputs found

    Conformal Prediction with Partially Labeled Data

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    While the predictions produced by conformal prediction are set-valued, the data used for training and calibration is supposed to be precise. In the setting of superset learning or learning from partial labels, a variant of weakly supervised learning, it is exactly the other way around: training data is possibly imprecise (set-valued), but the model induced from this data yields precise predictions. In this paper, we combine the two settings by making conformal prediction amenable to set-valued training data. We propose a generalization of the conformal prediction procedure that can be applied to set-valued training and calibration data. We prove the validity of the proposed method and present experimental studies in which it compares favorably to natural baselines

    A mathematical framework for combining decisions of multiple experts toward accurate and remote diagnosis of malaria using tele-microscopy.

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    We propose a methodology for digitally fusing diagnostic decisions made by multiple medical experts in order to improve accuracy of diagnosis. Toward this goal, we report an experimental study involving nine experts, where each one was given more than 8,000 digital microscopic images of individual human red blood cells and asked to identify malaria infected cells. The results of this experiment reveal that even highly trained medical experts are not always self-consistent in their diagnostic decisions and that there exists a fair level of disagreement among experts, even for binary decisions (i.e., infected vs. uninfected). To tackle this general medical diagnosis problem, we propose a probabilistic algorithm to fuse the decisions made by trained medical experts to robustly achieve higher levels of accuracy when compared to individual experts making such decisions. By modelling the decisions of experts as a three component mixture model and solving for the underlying parameters using the Expectation Maximisation algorithm, we demonstrate the efficacy of our approach which significantly improves the overall diagnostic accuracy of malaria infected cells. Additionally, we present a mathematical framework for performing 'slide-level' diagnosis by using individual 'cell-level' diagnosis data, shedding more light on the statistical rules that should govern the routine practice in examination of e.g., thin blood smear samples. This framework could be generalized for various other tele-pathology needs, and can be used by trained experts within an efficient tele-medicine platform

    Decision rules, trees and tests for tables with many-valued decisions : comparative study

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    In this paper, we present three approaches for construction of decision rules for decision tables with many-valued decisions. We construct decision rules directly for rows of decision table, based on paths in decision tree, and based on attributes contained in a test (super-reduct). Experimental results for the data sets taken from UCI Machine Learning Repository, contain comparison of the maximum and the average length of rules for the mentioned approaches

    Decomposition-based Generation Process for Instance-Dependent Partial Label Learning

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    Partial label learning (PLL) is a typical weakly supervised learning problem, where each training example is associated with a set of candidate labels among which only one is true. Most existing PLL approaches assume that the incorrect labels in each training example are randomly picked as the candidate labels and model the generation process of the candidate labels in a simple way. However, these approaches usually do not perform as well as expected due to the fact that the generation process of the candidate labels is always instance-dependent. Therefore, it deserves to be modeled in a refined way. In this paper, we consider instance-dependent PLL and assume that the generation process of the candidate labels could decompose into two sequential parts, where the correct label emerges first in the mind of the annotator but then the incorrect labels related to the feature are also selected with the correct label as candidate labels due to uncertainty of labeling. Motivated by this consideration, we propose a novel PLL method that performs Maximum A Posterior(MAP) based on an explicitly modeled generation process of candidate labels via decomposed probability distribution models. Experiments on benchmark and real-world datasets validate the effectiveness of the proposed method

    Partial Label Learning with Self-Guided Retraining

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    Partial label learning deals with the problem where each training instance is assigned a set of candidate labels, only one of which is correct. This paper provides the first attempt to leverage the idea of self-training for dealing with partially labeled examples. Specifically, we propose a unified formulation with proper constraints to train the desired model and perform pseudo-labeling jointly. For pseudo-labeling, unlike traditional self-training that manually differentiates the ground-truth label with enough high confidence, we introduce the maximum infinity norm regularization on the modeling outputs to automatically achieve this consideratum, which results in a convex-concave optimization problem. We show that optimizing this convex-concave problem is equivalent to solving a set of quadratic programming (QP) problems. By proposing an upper-bound surrogate objective function, we turn to solving only one QP problem for improving the optimization efficiency. Extensive experiments on synthesized and real-world datasets demonstrate that the proposed approach significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art partial label learning approaches.Comment: 8 pages, accepted by AAAI-1

    Semi-supervised cross-entropy clustering with information bottleneck constraint

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    In this paper, we propose a semi-supervised clustering method, CEC-IB, that models data with a set of Gaussian distributions and that retrieves clusters based on a partial labeling provided by the user (partition-level side information). By combining the ideas from cross-entropy clustering (CEC) with those from the information bottleneck method (IB), our method trades between three conflicting goals: the accuracy with which the data set is modeled, the simplicity of the model, and the consistency of the clustering with side information. Experiments demonstrate that CEC-IB has a performance comparable to Gaussian mixture models (GMM) in a classical semi-supervised scenario, but is faster, more robust to noisy labels, automatically determines the optimal number of clusters, and performs well when not all classes are present in the side information. Moreover, in contrast to other semi-supervised models, it can be successfully applied in discovering natural subgroups if the partition-level side information is derived from the top levels of a hierarchical clustering

    General Partial Label Learning via Dual Bipartite Graph Autoencoder

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    We formulate a practical yet challenging problem: General Partial Label Learning (GPLL). Compared to the traditional Partial Label Learning (PLL) problem, GPLL relaxes the supervision assumption from instance-level --- a label set partially labels an instance --- to group-level: 1) a label set partially labels a group of instances, where the within-group instance-label link annotations are missing, and 2) cross-group links are allowed --- instances in a group may be partially linked to the label set from another group. Such ambiguous group-level supervision is more practical in real-world scenarios as additional annotation on the instance-level is no longer required, e.g., face-naming in videos where the group consists of faces in a frame, labeled by a name set in the corresponding caption. In this paper, we propose a novel graph convolutional network (GCN) called Dual Bipartite Graph Autoencoder (DB-GAE) to tackle the label ambiguity challenge of GPLL. First, we exploit the cross-group correlations to represent the instance groups as dual bipartite graphs: within-group and cross-group, which reciprocally complements each other to resolve the linking ambiguities. Second, we design a GCN autoencoder to encode and decode them, where the decodings are considered as the refined results. It is worth noting that DB-GAE is self-supervised and transductive, as it only uses the group-level supervision without a separate offline training stage. Extensive experiments on two real-world datasets demonstrate that DB-GAE significantly outperforms the best baseline over absolute 0.159 F1-score and 24.8% accuracy. We further offer analysis on various levels of label ambiguities.Comment: 8 page