322,985 research outputs found

    Strategi Guru Mata Pelajaran Akidah Akhlak dalam Meningkatkan Kedisiplinan Belajar Siswa

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    This study aims to find out how the teacher strategies of the subjects Akidah Akhlak in improving student learning discipline and how the state of student learning discipline in SDIT Rabbi Radhiyyah 01 rejang lebong district. This research uses qualitative approach with field research type. Observation data collection techniques, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis includes data reduction, data presentation, verification/drawing conclusions. The results showed; First, the teacher's strategy of morality in improving student learning discipline by briefing students on the importance of enforcing discipline, teachers setting an example for students in good manners, teachers advising students to be good and teachers to sanction students who violate discipline;  Second, the student's learning discipline situation is informed if the student's low interest in learning is due to students lacking introspection, weak student punishment and low support from some parents. In conclusion, the strategies implemented by teachers in improving student discipline by providing examples, advice to be good, as well as weak student discipline conditions caused by students lacking self-introspection, weak student punishment and low support of some parents.   Keywords: Teacher Strategy, Moral Code Teachers, Learning Disciplin

    Upaya Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam dalam Mengembangkan Sikap Keberagamaan pada Siswa

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    This study aims to find out how the teacher strategies of the subjects Akidah Akhlak in improving student learning discipline and how the state of student learning discipline in SDIT Rabbi Radhiyyah 01 rejang lebong district. This research uses qualitative approach with field research type. Observation data collection techniques, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis includes data reduction, data presentation, verification/drawing conclusions. The results showed; First, the teacher's strategy of morality in improving student learning discipline by briefing students on the importance of enforcing discipline, teachers setting an example for students in good manners, teachers advising students to be good and teachers to sanction students who violate discipline;  Second, the student's learning discipline situation is informed if the student's low interest in learning is due to students lacking introspection, weak student punishment and low support from some parents. In conclusion, the strategies implemented by teachers in improving student discipline by providing examples, advice to be good, as well as weak student discipline conditions caused by students lacking self-introspection, weak student punishment and low support of some parents. Keywords: Teacher Strategy, Moral Code Teachers, Learning Disciplin

    Junior High School Teachers’ Attitudes Toward Inquiry-Based Science Teaching: Enabling or Disabling Dispositions?

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    This study sought to examine whether junior high school teachers’ attitudes are enabling or disabling dispositions toward inquiry-based science teaching. We used concurrent triangulation mixed methods design involving surveys and multiple case studies to collect quantitative and qualitative data. We sampled 308 integrated science teachers and a subsample of 18 teachers from junior high schools in urban and rural areas. Validity and reliability of the questionnaire were satisfactory for research. Credibility and dependability of the semi-structured interview schedule were also sufficient. Findings suggest that most junior high school teachers in the study context hold weak unfavourable attitudes that are disabling dispositions toward inquiry-based science teaching. Findings also suggest that the combination of societal subjective norms, perceived context dependency, and weak unfavourable attitudes of most junior high school teachers adversely influence their intentions and behaviours toward inquiry-based science teaching. Findings further suggest that most teachers in the study context developed weak unfavourable attitudes partly because they never had inquiry-based science teaching and learning experiences when they were students. Again, the teachers developed weak general attitudes toward science teaching partly because most science teaching and learning experiences they had were in specific subjects such as biology, chemistry, and physics instead of general (integrated) science. We recommend frequent attitude-focused inquiry-based science in-service trainings for junior high school teachers. We also recommend reforms in education that engages preservice teachers in attitude-focused inquiry-based science teaching and learning experiences


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    The purpose of this study was to obtain information about the management description of online-based learning, and the supporting and inhibiting factors of online learning at MI Matla'ul Atfal Bandung City. This research uses qualitative methods and the data analysis technique in this research is descriptive qualitative analysis. The results of the study, schools that apply online learning are seen from the management of the learning process. Shows that the role of teachers and facilities in online learning provides positive benefits for teachers and students in realizing learning objectives. The supporting factors for online learning are the facilities available in accordance with the needs and the existence of training for teachers on ICT, while the inhibiting factors are inadequate facilities, weak organization and monitoring and low internet network.keywords: Management, Online learnin

    Prospective mathematics teachers' technological pedagogical content knowledge of geometry in a GeoGebra-based environment

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    A thesis submitted to the School of Education, Faculty of Humanities, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy January 2017.This research study focused on exploring prospective teachers’ knowledge of geometric reasoning in teacher preparation. Premised on the claims that learning mathematics is profoundly influenced by the tasks, by the learning context and by the tools that are used in mathematics instruction, mathematics prospective teachers’ technological pedagogical content knowledge was examined. The technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) framework was employed to study the prospective teacher’s knowledge of circle geometry as proposed by Mishra & Koehler (2006). The main focus of the research was on investigating the empirical and theoretical questions of what characterizes aspects of prospective teachers’ technological pedagogical content knowledge. These aspects were geometry content knowledge (CK), geometry pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) and geometry technological content knowledge (TCK). This exploratory multiple case study explores the TPACK of six mathematics prospective teachers enrolled in a second-year undergraduate mandatory mathematics methodology course in an urban South African university. Data was collected through prospective teachers’ (PTs) responses to circle geometry tasks, interviews and screen cast recordings. Rubrics were employed as analytical tools. Duval’s (1995) cognitive apprehensions and processes were engaged as interpretative tools to understand how the PTs responded to the CK, TCK and PCK tasks. The results suggest that prospective teachers’ circle geometry technological pedagogical content knowledge constructed in a GeoGebra-based environment is characterized as weak emanating from weak geometry content knowledge (CK), weak technological content knowledge (TCK) and weak pedagogical content knowledge (PCK). The study has shown that a weak geometry CK was evidenced from the participating PTs’ weak display of cognitive apprehensions and geometry reasoning processes. This study contributes to the current debates on teacher professional knowledge and on an understanding of frameworks for which teacher knowledge can be premised in South Africa. A model was developed for classifying and describing forms of mathematics connections in geometry knowledge at teacher preparation levelLG201

    Can improving teachers’ knowledge of mathematics lead to gains in learners’ attainment in mathematics?

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    It is wellknown that the majority of South African learners achieve extremely poorly in mathematics. Many claim that one of the causes of this poor attainment is teachers’ weak knowledge of mathematics, and propose that improving teachers’ mathematical knowledge would improve learner attainment. However, the evidence-base for this proposed solution is currently relatively weak. We report on a quasi-experimental study examining the learning gains of Grade 10 learners from five secondary schools in the Johannesburg area whose teachers participated in a year-long professional development course aimed at improving the teachers’ knowledge of mathematics for teaching. Statistical analyses of pre- and post-test results show that the intervention group of learners (N = 586) taught by teachers who had participated in the professional development (N = 14) outperformed a matched control group of learners (N = 217) taught by teachers in the same schools (N = 7). An effect size of =0.17 for the intervention group is equivalent to two months’ additional progress. While the learning gains are small, they are statistically significant. These findings provide empirical support for claims that attending to teachers’ mathematical knowledge can impact learners’ attainment. Suggestions are made regarding the form and substance of such professional development


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    Purpose of the Study: The present study investigates teachers’ familiarity and practices of dyslexia related to weak working memory. Methodology: A quantitative approach was used to collect data from teachers of learning disabilities. This paper presents the findings of a survey design research by a set of questionnaires carried out in southern regions of Saudi Arabia (n=90)out of 114 male teachers and 99 female teachers. Results: The main findings indicated that teachers are familiar with information and practices related to dyslexia associated with poor working memory, and there are a significant prediction and relationship between the teachers’ familiarity and practices of this disorder. Applications of this study: This study provides beneficial ideas and insights to reform the special education systems in Saudi Arabia regarding dyslexia associated with weak working memory. The results emphasized on increasing the familiarity of teachers to support their practices. This can be applied through the teacher's training, the strength of multidisciplinary teams, and dyslexia awareness. Novelty/Originality of this study: The literature showed that there is an association between dyslexia and weak working memory. However, there is no study examined teachers' familiarity and practices of this association. This study attempt to fill in the gap by identifying the best variable predicting the teachers' familiarity and the practices of dyslexia associated with weak working memory

    The Way of Biology Teachers to Train HOTS to the Students in Online Learning Process

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    The implementation of HOTS in the learning process is considered capable of improving the quality of education in Indonesia. However, in online learning conditions, there are many obstacles and limitations to training HOTS in Biology lesson. This study aims to describe biology teachers' knowledge, preparation, and implementation of HOTS training during online learning. This study uses a qualitative approach to the type of phenomenology. This study involved 12 Biology teachers at SMA and SMK in West Java. The data collection technique is carried out through interviews via WhatsApp Call. The data analysis technique used is through reduction, data review, and conclusions drawing. Based on the results of data analysis, it was found that the teacher’s understanding of HOTS learning is still weak, and the implementation of HOTS training during online learning is still not optimal. The most widely used learning model is Problem based Learning. The constraint implementation of online HOTS training is inseparable from the online learning barriers, but teachers also continue to try to handle these barriers with various solutions
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