15,250 research outputs found

    Learning to automatically detect features for mobile robots using second-order Hidden Markov Models

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    In this paper, we propose a new method based on Hidden Markov Models to interpret temporal sequences of sensor data from mobile robots to automatically detect features. Hidden Markov Models have been used for a long time in pattern recognition, especially in speech recognition. Their main advantages over other methods (such as neural networks) are their ability to model noisy temporal signals of variable length. We show in this paper that this approach is well suited for interpretation of temporal sequences of mobile-robot sensor data. We present two distinct experiments and results: the first one in an indoor environment where a mobile robot learns to detect features like open doors or T-intersections, the second one in an outdoor environment where a different mobile robot has to identify situations like climbing a hill or crossing a rock.Comment: 200

    An audio-based sports video segmentation and event detection algorithm

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    In this paper, we present an audio-based event detection algorithm shown to be effective when applied to Soccer video. The main benefit of this approach is the ability to recognise patterns that display high levels of crowd response correlated to key events. The soundtrack from a Soccer sequence is first parameterised using Mel-frequency Cepstral coefficients. It is then segmented into homogenous components using a windowing algorithm with a decision process based on Bayesian model selection. This decision process eliminated the need for defining a heuristic set of rules for segmentation. Each audio segment is then labelled using a series of Hidden Markov model (HMM) classifiers, each a representation of one of 6 predefined semantic content classes found in Soccer video. Exciting events are identified as those segments belonging to a crowd cheering class. Experimentation indicated that the algorithm was more effective for classifying crowd response when compared to traditional model-based segmentation and classification techniques

    A Probabilistic Logic Programming Event Calculus

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    We present a system for recognising human activity given a symbolic representation of video content. The input of our system is a set of time-stamped short-term activities (STA) detected on video frames. The output is a set of recognised long-term activities (LTA), which are pre-defined temporal combinations of STA. The constraints on the STA that, if satisfied, lead to the recognition of a LTA, have been expressed using a dialect of the Event Calculus. In order to handle the uncertainty that naturally occurs in human activity recognition, we adapted this dialect to a state-of-the-art probabilistic logic programming framework. We present a detailed evaluation and comparison of the crisp and probabilistic approaches through experimentation on a benchmark dataset of human surveillance videos.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP) journa

    Modelling of Sound Events with Hidden Imbalances Based on Clustering and Separate Sub-Dictionary Learning

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    This paper proposes an effective modelling of sound event spectra with a hidden data-size-imbalance, for improved Acoustic Event Detection (AED). The proposed method models each event as an aggregated representation of a few latent factors, while conventional approaches try to find acoustic elements directly from the event spectra. In the method, all the latent factors across all events are assigned comparable importance and complexity to overcome the hidden imbalance of data-sizes in event spectra. To extract latent factors in each event, the proposed method employs clustering and performs non-negative matrix factorization to each latent factor, and learns its acoustic elements as a sub-dictionary. Separate sub-dictionary learning effectively models the acoustic elements with limited data-sizes and avoids over-fitting due to hidden imbalances in training data. For the task of polyphonic sound event detection from DCASE 2013 challenge, an AED based on the proposed modelling achieves a detection F-measure of 46.5%, a significant improvement of more than 19% as compared to the existing state-of-the-art methods

    An intelligent information forwarder for healthcare big data systems with distributed wearable sensors

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    © 2016 IEEE. An increasing number of the elderly population wish to live an independent lifestyle, rather than rely on intrusive care programmes. A big data solution is presented using wearable sensors capable of carrying out continuous monitoring of the elderly, alerting the relevant caregivers when necessary and forwarding pertinent information to a big data system for analysis. A challenge for such a solution is the development of context-awareness through the multidimensional, dynamic and nonlinear sensor readings that have a weak correlation with observable human behaviours and health conditions. To address this challenge, a wearable sensor system with an intelligent data forwarder is discussed in this paper. The forwarder adopts a Hidden Markov Model for human behaviour recognition. Locality sensitive hashing is proposed as an efficient mechanism to learn sensor patterns. A prototype solution is implemented to monitor health conditions of dispersed users. It is shown that the intelligent forwarders can provide the remote sensors with context-awareness. They transmit only important information to the big data server for analytics when certain behaviours happen and avoid overwhelming communication and data storage. The system functions unobtrusively, whilst giving the users peace of mind in the knowledge that their safety is being monitored and analysed

    Tiresias: Predicting Security Events Through Deep Learning

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    With the increased complexity of modern computer attacks, there is a need for defenders not only to detect malicious activity as it happens, but also to predict the specific steps that will be taken by an adversary when performing an attack. However this is still an open research problem, and previous research in predicting malicious events only looked at binary outcomes (e.g., whether an attack would happen or not), but not at the specific steps that an attacker would undertake. To fill this gap we present Tiresias, a system that leverages Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) to predict future events on a machine, based on previous observations. We test Tiresias on a dataset of 3.4 billion security events collected from a commercial intrusion prevention system, and show that our approach is effective in predicting the next event that will occur on a machine with a precision of up to 0.93. We also show that the models learned by Tiresias are reasonably stable over time, and provide a mechanism that can identify sudden drops in precision and trigger a retraining of the system. Finally, we show that the long-term memory typical of RNNs is key in performing event prediction, rendering simpler methods not up to the task

    Automatic annotation of tennis games: An integration of audio, vision, and learning

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    Fully automatic annotation of tennis game using broadcast video is a task with a great potential but with enormous challenges. In this paper we describe our approach to this task, which integrates computer vision, machine listening, and machine learning. At the low level processing, we improve upon our previously proposed state-of-the-art tennis ball tracking algorithm and employ audio signal processing techniques to detect key events and construct features for classifying the events. At high level analysis, we model event classification as a sequence labelling problem, and investigate four machine learning techniques using simulated event sequences. Finally, we evaluate our proposed approach on three real world tennis games, and discuss the interplay between audio, vision and learning. To the best of our knowledge, our system is the only one that can annotate tennis game at such a detailed level