6 research outputs found

    Joint prediction of time series data in inventory management

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    Abstract(#br)The problem of time series prediction has been well explored in the community of data mining. However, little research attention has been paid to the case of predicting the movement of a collection of related time series data. In this work, we study the problem of simultaneously predicting multiple time series data using joint predictive models. We observe that in real-world applications, strong relationships between different time-sensitive variables are often held, either explicitly predefined or implicitly covered in nature of the application. Such relationships indicate that the prediction on the trajectory of one given time series could be improved by incorporating the properties of other related time series data into predictive models. The key challenge is to capture..

    Otimização multi-objetivo em aprendizado de máquina

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    Orientador: Fernando José Von ZubenTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e de ComputaçãoResumo: Regressão logística multinomial regularizada, classificação multi-rótulo e aprendizado multi-tarefa são exemplos de problemas de aprendizado de máquina em que objetivos conflitantes, como funções de perda e penalidades que promovem regularização, devem ser simultaneamente minimizadas. Portanto, a perspectiva simplista de procurar o modelo de aprendizado com o melhor desempenho deve ser substituída pela proposição e subsequente exploração de múltiplos modelos de aprendizado eficientes, cada um caracterizado por um compromisso (trade-off) distinto entre os objetivos conflitantes. Comitês de máquinas e preferências a posteriori do tomador de decisão podem ser implementadas visando explorar adequadamente este conjunto diverso de modelos de aprendizado eficientes, em busca de melhoria de desempenho. A estrutura conceitual multi-objetivo para aprendizado de máquina é suportada por três etapas: (1) Modelagem multi-objetivo de cada problema de aprendizado, destacando explicitamente os objetivos conflitantes envolvidos; (2) Dada a formulação multi-objetivo do problema de aprendizado, por exemplo, considerando funções de perda e termos de penalização como objetivos conflitantes, soluções eficientes e bem distribuídas ao longo da fronteira de Pareto são obtidas por um solver determinístico e exato denominado NISE (do inglês Non-Inferior Set Estimation); (3) Esses modelos de aprendizado eficientes são então submetidos a um processo de seleção de modelos que opera com preferências a posteriori, ou a filtragem e agregação para a síntese de ensembles. Como o NISE é restrito a problemas de dois objetivos, uma extensão do NISE capaz de lidar com mais de dois objetivos, denominada MONISE (do inglês Many-Objective NISE), também é proposta aqui, sendo uma contribuição adicional que expande a aplicabilidade da estrutura conceitual proposta. Para atestar adequadamente o mérito da nossa abordagem multi-objetivo, foram realizadas investigações mais específicas, restritas à aprendizagem de modelos lineares regularizados: (1) Qual é o mérito relativo da seleção a posteriori de um único modelo de aprendizado, entre os produzidos pela nossa proposta, quando comparado com outras abordagens de modelo único na literatura? (2) O nível de diversidade dos modelos de aprendizado produzidos pela nossa proposta é superior àquele alcançado por abordagens alternativas dedicadas à geração de múltiplos modelos de aprendizado? (3) E quanto à qualidade de predição da filtragem e agregação dos modelos de aprendizado produzidos pela nossa proposta quando aplicados a: (i) classificação multi-classe, (ii) classificação desbalanceada, (iii) classificação multi-rótulo, (iv) aprendizado multi-tarefa, (v) aprendizado com multiplos conjuntos de atributos? A natureza determinística de NISE e MONISE, sua capacidade de lidar adequadamente com a forma da fronteira de Pareto em cada problema de aprendizado, e a garantia de sempre obter modelos de aprendizado eficientes são aqui pleiteados como responsáveis pelos resultados promissores alcançados em todas essas três frentes de investigação específicasAbstract: Regularized multinomial logistic regression, multi-label classification, and multi-task learning are examples of machine learning problems in which conflicting objectives, such as losses and regularization penalties, should be simultaneously minimized. Therefore, the narrow perspective of looking for the learning model with the best performance should be replaced by the proposition and further exploration of multiple efficient learning models, each one characterized by a distinct trade-off among the conflicting objectives. Committee machines and a posteriori preferences of the decision-maker may be implemented to properly explore this diverse set of efficient learning models toward performance improvement. The whole multi-objective framework for machine learning is supported by three stages: (1) The multi-objective modelling of each learning problem, explicitly highlighting the conflicting objectives involved; (2) Given the multi-objective formulation of the learning problem, for instance, considering loss functions and penalty terms as conflicting objective functions, efficient solutions well-distributed along the Pareto front are obtained by a deterministic and exact solver named NISE (Non-Inferior Set Estimation); (3) Those efficient learning models are then subject to a posteriori model selection, or to ensemble filtering and aggregation. Given that NISE is restricted to two objective functions, an extension for many objectives, named MONISE (Many Objective NISE), is also proposed here, being an additional contribution and expanding the applicability of the proposed framework. To properly access the merit of our multi-objective approach, more specific investigations were conducted, restricted to regularized linear learning models: (1) What is the relative merit of the a posteriori selection of a single learning model, among the ones produced by our proposal, when compared with other single-model approaches in the literature? (2) Is the diversity level of the learning models produced by our proposal higher than the diversity level achieved by alternative approaches devoted to generating multiple learning models? (3) What about the prediction quality of ensemble filtering and aggregation of the learning models produced by our proposal on: (i) multi-class classification, (ii) unbalanced classification, (iii) multi-label classification, (iv) multi-task learning, (v) multi-view learning? The deterministic nature of NISE and MONISE, their ability to properly deal with the shape of the Pareto front in each learning problem, and the guarantee of always obtaining efficient learning models are advocated here as being responsible for the promising results achieved in all those three specific investigationsDoutoradoEngenharia de ComputaçãoDoutor em Engenharia Elétrica2014/13533-0FAPES

    Investigation of Multi-dimensional Tensor Multi-task Learning for Modeling Alzheimer's Disease Progression

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    Machine learning (ML) techniques for predicting Alzheimer's disease (AD) progression can significantly assist clinicians and researchers in constructing effective AD prevention and treatment strategies. The main constraints on the performance of current ML approaches are prediction accuracy and stability problems in medical small dataset scenarios, monotonic data formats (loss of multi-dimensional knowledge of the data and loss of correlation knowledge between biomarkers) and biomarker interpretability limitations. This thesis investigates how multi-dimensional information and knowledge from biomarker data integrated with multi-task learning approaches to predict AD progression. Firstly, a novel similarity-based quantification approach is proposed with two components: multi-dimensional knowledge vector construction and amalgamated magnitude-direction quantification of brain structural variation, which considers both the magnitude and directional correlations of structural variation between brain biomarkers and encodes the quantified data as a third-order tensor to address the problem of monotonic data form. Secondly, multi-task learning regression algorithms with the ability to integrate multi-dimensional tensor data and mine MRI data for spatio-temporal structural variation information and knowledge were designed and constructed to improve the accuracy, stability and interpretability of AD progression prediction in medical small dataset scenarios. The algorithm consists of three components: supervised symmetric tensor decomposition for extracting biomarker latent factors, tensor multi-task learning regression and algorithmic regularisation terms. The proposed algorithm aims to extract a set of first-order latent factors from the raw data, each represented by its first biomarker, second biomarker and patient sample dimensions, to elucidate potential factors affecting the variability of the data in an interpretable manner and can be utilised as predictor variables for training the prediction model that regards the prediction of each patient as a task, with each task sharing a set of biomarker latent factors obtained from tensor decomposition. Knowledge sharing between tasks improves the generalisation ability of the model and addresses the problem of sparse medical data. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed approach achieves superior accuracy and stability in predicting various cognitive scores of AD progression compared to single-task learning, benchmarks and state-of-the-art multi-task regression methods. The proposed approach identifies brain structural variations in patients and the important brain biomarker correlations revealed by the experiments can be utilised as potential indicators for AD early identification