7 research outputs found


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    Self-sovereign identity deals with the way individuals can manage their identity in the digital world. This is high in priority for European Blockchain Infrastructure (EBSI) that is leveraging blockchain technology and offers a decentralized solution that enables higher education institutions (HEI) to manage sensitive digital data that shouldn’t be forged, such as digital credentials (e.g., diplomas and proofs of studying). This simplifies the way digital credentials can be issued and verified by HEIs while giving the ownership of them to the learner. However, there is an absence of empirical research using EBSI ecosystem for cross-border verification of digital credentials. To address this gap, we used design science research method and developed an artefact. A study between two HEIs was conducted, and the artefact was evaluated through qualitative analysis by interviewing 19 administrators from HEIs. As a contribution, our study identifies 14 considerations that might affect the implementation of such a system in practice. However, we conclude that institutional and national strategies towards digital credentials play a bigger role than technical considerations for implementation

    An intelligent rule-oriented framework for extracting key factors for grants scholarships in higher education

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    Education is a fundamental sector in all countries, where in some countries students com-pete to get an educational grant due to its high cost. The incorporation of artificial intelli-gence in education holds great promise for the advancement of educational systems and pro-cesses. Educational data mining involves the analysis of data generated within educational environments to extract valuable insights into student performance and other factors that enhance teaching and learning. This paper aims to analyze the factors influencing students' performance and consequently, assist granting organizations in selecting suitable students in the Arab region (Jordan as a use case). The problem was addressed using a rule-based tech-nique to facilitate the utilization and implementation of a decision support system. To this end, three classical rule induction algorithms, namely PART, JRip, and RIDOR, were em-ployed. The data utilized in this study was collected from undergraduate students at the University of Jordan from 2010 to 2020. The constructed models were evaluated based on metrics such as accuracy, recall, precision, and f1-score. The findings indicate that the JRip algorithm outperformed PART and RIDOR in most of the datasets based on f1-score metric. The interpreted decision rules of the best models reveal that both features; the average study years and high school averages play vital roles in deciding which students should receive scholarships. The paper concludes with several suggested implications to support and en-hance the decision-making process of granting agencies in the realm of higher education

    Técnicas de computación social e información contextual para el desarrollo de actividades de aprendizaje colaborativo

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    [EN]Educational innovation is a field in which its processes has been greatly enriched by the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). Thanks to technological advances, the use of learning models where information comes from many different sources is now usual. Likewise, student-student, student-device and device-device collaborations provides added value to the learning processes thanks to the fact that, through it, aspects such as communication, achievement of common goals or sharing resources. Within the educational innovation, we find as a great challenge the development of tools that facilitate the creation of innovative collaborative learning processes that improve the achievement of the objectives sought, with respect to individualized processes, and the fidelity of the students to the process through the use of contextual information. Moreover, the development of these solutions, that facilitate the work of teachers, developers and technicians encouraging the production of educational processes more attractive to students, presents itself as an ambitious challenge in which the perspectives of Ambient Intelligence and Social Computing play a key role. The doctoral dissertation presented here describes and evaluates CAFCLA, a framework specially conceived for the design, development and implementation of collaborative learning activities that make use of contextual information and that is based on the paradigms of Ambient Intelligence and Social Computing. CAFCLA is a flexible framework that covers the entire process of developing collaborative learning activities and hides all the difficulties involved in the use and integration of multiple technologies to its users. In order to evaluate the validity of the proposal, CAFCLA has supported the implementation of three concrete and different use cases. These experimental use cases have shown that, among other benefits, the use of Social Computing customizes the learning process, encourages collaboration, improves relationships, increases commitment, promotes behaviour change in users and enables learning to be maintained over time. In addition, in order to demonstrate the flexibility of the framework, these use cases have been developed in different scenarios (such as a museum, a public building or at home), different types of learning have been proposed (serious games, recommendations system orWebQuest) and different learning objectives have been chosen (academic, social and energy-efficient).[ES]La innovación educativa es un campo que ha sido enormemente enriquecido por el uso de las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones (TIC) en sus procesos. Gracias a los avances tecnológicos, actualmente es habitual el uso de modelos de aprendizaje donde la información proviene de numerosas y diferentes fuentes. De igual forma, la colaboración estudiante-estudiante, estudiante-dispositivo y dispositivo-dispositivo, proporciona un valor añadido a los procesos de aprendizaje gracias a que, a través de ella, se fomentan aspectos como la comunicación, la consecución de una meta común, o la compartición de recursos. Dentro de la innovación educativa encontramos como un gran desafío el desarrollo de herramientas que faciliten la creación de procesos de aprendizaje colaborativo innovadores que mejoren los resultados obtenidos, respecto a los procesos individualizados, y la fidelidad de los estudiantes al proceso mediante el uso de información contextual.Más aún, el desarrollo de soluciones que faciliten el trabajo a profesores, desarrolladores y técnicos, fomentando la producción de procesos educativos más atractivos para los estudiantes, se presenta como un ambicioso reto en el que las perspectivas de la Inteligencia Ambiental y la Computación Social juegan un papel fundamental. La tesis doctoral aquí presentada describe y evalúa CAFCLA, un framework especialmente concebido para el diseño, desarrollo e implementación de actividades de aprendizaje colaborativo que hagan uso de información contextual basándose en los paradigmas de la Inteligencia Ambiental y la Computación Social. CAFCLA es un framework flexible que abarca todo el proceso de desarrollo de actividades de aprendizaje colaborativo y oculta todas las dificultades que implican el uso e integración de múltiples tecnologías a sus usuarios. Para evaluar la validez de la propuesta realizada, CAFCLA ha soportado la implementación de tres casos de uso concretos y diferentes entre sí. Estos casos de uso experimentales han demostrado que, entre otros beneficios, el uso de la Computación Social personaliza el proceso de aprendizaje, fomenta la colaboración, mejora las relaciones, aumenta el compromiso, favorecen el cambio de comportamiento en los usuarios y mantiene su implicación en el proceso a lo largo del tiempo. Además, con el objetivo de demostrar la flexibilidad del framework, estos casos de uso se han desarrollado en diferentes escenarios (como un museo, un edificio público o el hogar), se han propuesto diferente tipos de aprendizaje (juegos serios, sistema de recomendaciones o WebQuest) y se han elegido diferentes objetivos de aprendizaje (académicos, sociales y de eficiencia energética)

    Experience-driven MAR games: Personalising Mobile Augmented Reality games using Player Models

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    PhD ThesesWe are witnessing an unprecedented growth of Mobile Augmented Reality (MAR) technologies, one of the main research areas being MAR games. While this field is still in its early days, researchers have shown the physical health benefits of playing these type of games. Computational models have been used in traditional (non-AR) digital games to predict player experience (PX). These models give designers insights about PX, and can also be used within games for real-time adaptation or personalised content generation. Following these findings, this thesis investigates the potential of creating models that use movement data and game metrics to predict PX. An initial pilot study is conducted to evaluate the use of movement data and game metrics to predict players’ emotional preferences between different game levels of an exploration-based MAR game. Results indicate that emotional preferences regarding frustration (≈ 93%) and challenge (≈ 93%) can be predicted to a reliable and reasonable degree of accuracy. To determine if these techniques can be applied to serious games for health, an AR exergame is developed for experiments two, three and four of this thesis. The second and third experiments aim to predict key experiential constructs, player competence and immersion, that are important to PX. These experiments further validate the use of movement data and game metrics to model different aspects of PX in MAR games. Results suggest that players’ competence (≈ 73%) and sense of mastery (≈ 81%) can be predicted to a reasonable degree of accuracy. For the final experiment, this mastery model is used to create a dynamic difficulty adaptation (DDA) system. The adaptive exergame is then evaluated against a non-adaptive variant of the same game. Results indicate that the adaptive game makes players feel a higher sense of confidence during gameplay and that the adaptation mechanics are more effective for players who do not engage in regular physical activity. Across the four studies presented, this thesis is the first known research activity that investigates using movement data and game metrics to model PX for DDA in MAR games and makes the following novel contributions: i) movement data and game metrics can be used to predict player’s sense of mastery or competence reliably compared to other aspects of PX tested, ii) mastery-based game adaptation makes players feel greater confidence during game-play, and iii) mastery-based game adaptation is more effective for players who do not engage in physical activity. This work also presents a new methodology for PX prediction in MAR games and a novel adaptation engine driven by player mastery. In summary, this thesis proposes that PX modelling can be successfully applied to MAR games, especially for DDA which results in a highly personalised PX and shows potential as a tool for increasing physical activity

    Digitalisierung und Weiterbildung

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    How does digitalisation affect adult and further education? The book shows the range of research perspectives and fields of application. Starting from basic theoretical research approaches, specific subject areas as well as application-related projects for the design of media-supported teaching-learning concepts are taken up. The contributions are not limited to technology-centred topics, but show the relevance of educational research for the design of the digital transformation. An interdisciplinary field of research and application is developed that cannot do without well-founded perspectives on adult education.Wie wirkt sich die Digitalisierung auf die Erwachsenen- und Weiterbildung aus? Das Buch zeigt die Bandbreite der Forschungsperspektiven und Anwendungsfelder. Ausgehend von grundlagentheoretischen Forschungsansätzen werden spezifische Themenfelder sowie anwendungsbezogene Vorhaben zur Gestaltung mediengestützter Lehr-Lern-Konzepte aufgegriffen. Die Beiträge zeigen dabei die Relevanz bildungswissenschaftlicher Forschung für die Gestaltung der digitalen Transformation. Es werden interdisziplinäre Forschungs- und Anwendungsfelder entworfen, die ohne fundierte erwachsenenpädagogische Perspektiven nicht auskommen

    Digitalisierung und Weiterbildung. Beiträge zu erwachsenenpädagogischen Forschungs- und Entwicklungsfeldern

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    Wie wirkt sich die Digitalisierung auf die Erwachsenen- und Weiterbildung aus? Das Buch zeigt die Bandbreite der Forschungsperspektiven und Anwendungsfelder. Ausgehend von grundlagentheoretischen Forschungsansätzen werden spezifische Themenfelder sowie anwendungsbezogene Vorhaben zur Gestaltung mediengestützter Lehr-Lern-Konzepte aufgegriffen. Die Beiträge zeigen dabei die Relevanz bildungswissenschaftlicher Forschung für die Gestaltung der digitalen Transformation. Es werden interdisziplinäre Forschungs- und Anwendungsfelder entworfen, die ohne fundierte erwachsenenpädagogische Perspektiven nicht auskommen. (DIPF/Verlag

    Digitalisierung und Weiterbildung

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    How does digitalisation affect adult and further education? The book shows the range of research perspectives and fields of application. Starting from basic theoretical research approaches, specific subject areas as well as application-related projects for the design of media-supported teaching-learning concepts are taken up. The contributions are not limited to technology-centred topics, but show the relevance of educational research for the design of the digital transformation. An interdisciplinary field of research and application is developed that cannot do without well-founded perspectives on adult education