33 research outputs found

    An open source rule induction tool for transfer-based SMT

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    In this paper we describe an open source tool for automatic induction of transfer rules. Transfer rule induction is carried out on pairs of dependency structures and their node alignment to produce all rules consistent with the node alignment. We describe an efficient algorithm for rule induction and give a detailed description of how to use the tool

    Towards English-to-Czech MT via Tectogrammatical Layer

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    Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories. Editors: Koenraad De Smedt, Jan Hajič and Sandra KĂŒbler. NEALT Proceedings Series, Vol. 1 (2007), 7-18. © 2007 The editors and contributors. Published by Northern European Association for Language Technology (NEALT) http://omilia.uio.no/nealt . Electronically published at Tartu University Library (Estonia) http://hdl.handle.net/10062/4476

    Robust language pair-independent sub-tree alignment

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    Data-driven approaches to machine translation (MT) achieve state-of-the-art results. Many syntax-aware approaches, such as Example-Based MT and Data-Oriented Translation, make use of tree pairs aligned at sub-sentential level. Obtaining sub-sentential alignments manually is time-consuming and error-prone, and requires expert knowledge of both source and target languages. We propose a novel, language pair-independent algorithm which automatically induces alignments between phrase-structure trees. We evaluate the alignments themselves against a manually aligned gold standard, and perform an extrinsic evaluation by using the aligned data to train and test a DOT system. Our results show that translation accuracy is comparable to that of the same translation system trained on manually aligned data, and coverage improves

    Statistical Machine Translation Using the Self-Organizing Map

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    The paper describes a contextual environment using the Self-Organizing Map, which can model a semantic agent (SOMAgent) that learns the correct meaning of a word used in context in order to deal with specific phenomena such as ambiguity, and to generate more precise alignments that can improve the first choice of the Statistical Machine Translation system giving linguistic knowledge

    Induction of Word and Phrase Alignments for Automatic Document Summarization

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    Current research in automatic single document summarization is dominated by two effective, yet naive approaches: summarization by sentence extraction, and headline generation via bag-of-words models. While successful in some tasks, neither of these models is able to adequately capture the large set of linguistic devices utilized by humans when they produce summaries. One possible explanation for the widespread use of these models is that good techniques have been developed to extract appropriate training data for them from existing document/abstract and document/headline corpora. We believe that future progress in automatic summarization will be driven both by the development of more sophisticated, linguistically informed models, as well as a more effective leveraging of document/abstract corpora. In order to open the doors to simultaneously achieving both of these goals, we have developed techniques for automatically producing word-to-word and phrase-to-phrase alignments between documents and their human-written abstracts. These alignments make explicit the correspondences that exist in such document/abstract pairs, and create a potentially rich data source from which complex summarization algorithms may learn. This paper describes experiments we have carried out to analyze the ability of humans to perform such alignments, and based on these analyses, we describe experiments for creating them automatically. Our model for the alignment task is based on an extension of the standard hidden Markov model, and learns to create alignments in a completely unsupervised fashion. We describe our model in detail and present experimental results that show that our model is able to learn to reliably identify word- and phrase-level alignments in a corpus of pairs

    Preferences versus adaption during referring expression generation

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    Semantics-based Question Generation and Implementation

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    This paper presents a question generation system based on the approach of semantic rewriting. The state-of-the-art deep linguistic parsing and generation tools are employed to convert (back and forth) between the natural language sentences and their meaning representations in the form of Minimal Recursion Semantics (MRS). By carefully operating on the semantic structures, we show a principled way of generating questions without ad-hoc manipulation of the syntactic structures. Based on the (partial) understanding of the sentence meaning, the system generates questions which are semantically grounded and purposeful. And with the support of deep linguistic grammars, the grammaticality of the generation results is warranted. Further, with a specialized ranking model, the linguistic realizations from the general purpose generation model are further refined for our the question generation task. The evaluation results from QGSTEC2010 show promising prospects of the proposed approach