495,071 research outputs found

    Intelligent Learning Management by Means of Multi-sensory Feedback

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    AbstractAlong with new manufacturing paradigms such as Industry 4.0, based on cyber-physical systems or ubiquitous manufacturing and the rapid development of underlying technologies, the importance of lifelong learning as an integrated part of the overall activities within manufacturing companies increases. Herewith, a holistic learning culture and modern learning environments are required. To allow the learner to independently acquire knowledge and skills in a learning factory an intelligent learning management system and extensive feedback information to the learner are needed. A central approach is to pursue the new interactive knowledge transfer through the multi-sensory approach combined with innovative feedback processes, enabling a learning process with all human senses

    Public health platforms: an emerging informatics approach to health professional learning and development

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    Health informatics has a major role to play in optimising the management and use of data, information and knowledge in health systems. As health systems undergo digital transformation, it is important to consider informatics approaches not only to curriculum content but also to the design of learning environments and learning activities for health professional learning and development. An example of such an informatics approach is the use of large-scale, integrated public health platforms on the Internet as part of health professional learning and development. This article describes selected examples of such platforms, with a focus on how they may influence the direction of health professional learning and development

    An e-learning solution to creating work-related skills and competencies for the knowledge-based economy

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    This case study presents a description of Web-based tertiary unit of study developed in collaboration with employer, industry and university stakeholders with a view to fostering skills in interactive multimedia and project management. The course utilised a range of learning approaches, including peer teaching and integrated assessment in which participants provided feedback to colleagues. The paper also discusses how electronic communications and Apple-based technologies can be used effectively to create environments for professional learning. The intention is to describe the design of the learning environment, the curriculum approach adopted, the types of learning activities and assessment tasks that were designed to foster workrelated skills

    Personnel performance assessment in information systems outsourcing environments

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    Paper presented at the 3rd World Summit on the Knowledge Society (WSKS 2010), Corfu, Greece, September 22-24, 2010Purpose – The aim of this paper is to present a tool which uses semantic technologies for personnel performance and workplace learning assessment in outsourced information technology environments. Design/methodology/approach – The paper presents the tool from a technical perspective and introduces a use case that depicts the main features related to human resource management issues. Findings – Semantic technologies enable the monitoring of personnel throughout all of the phases of the management of outsourcing, basing itself on established communication standards used in leading business management tools and recent outsourcing efforts. This monitoring provides to human resource management issues an integrated approach to assess both employee performance and learning outcomes as a result of competence evaluation. Originality/value – The paper shows that semantic technologies can be applied to human resource management tools to bring its intrinsic characteristics to human resource management tasks including personnel and learning assessment


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    The development of telecommunications, computers and electronics technology (Telematics), has provided much positive impact on education management. One of those benefits is the growing use of technology to support the automation, integration, and centralized management of learning systems, both in the classroom, laboratory, and the use ofvirtual environments (e-learning). This paper addresses to explore process of developing Integrated information -based Laboratory at Akademi Teknik dan Keselamatan Penerbangan (ATKP Surabaya). In addition to discussing the concept and system architecture, also analyzed the development and implementation on the ground. In fact, the i mplementation process is summed up efforts are still needed repairs and improvements, especially from non-technical factors such as change management

    Programming exercises evaluation systems: an interoperability survey

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    Learning computer programming requires solving programming exercises. In computer programming courses teachers need to assess and give feedback to a large number of exercises. These tasks are time consuming and error-prone since there are many aspects relating to good programming that should be considered. In this context automatic assessment tools can play an important role helping teachers in grading tasks as well to assist students with automatic feedback. In spite of its usefulness, these tools lack integration mechanisms with other eLearning systems such as Learning Management Systems, Learning Objects Repositories or Integrated Development Environments. In this paper we provide a survey on programming evaluation systems. The survey gathers information on interoperability features of these systems, categorizing and comparing them regarding content and communication standardization. This work may prove useful to instructors and computer science educators when they have to choose an assessment system to be integrated in their e-Learning environment

    Implementing Integrated Multicultural Instructional Design In Management Education

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    This purpose of this paper is to summarize the principles of integrated multicultural instructional design (IMID; Higbee, Goff, & Schultz, in press; Higbee, Schultz, & Goff, 2010) and present specific strategies for incorporating IMID in management education. The primary goal of IMID is to promote the integration of multicultural content and diverse teaching and learning strategies in postsecondary curricula, programs, courses, and academic support services. Results of a pilot project will be presented that include student evaluations of faculty teaching methods; inclusion of multicultural course content; strategies for the assessment of learning; and commitment to diversity, multiculturalism, and social justice when IMID is embedded in the curriculum. This paper also includes a discussion of andragogy related to multicultural strategies and the creation of inclusive learning environments in collegiate management education

    A Contribution to the E-Framework: a Specification of a Programming Exercise Evaluation Service

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    This work is a contribution to the e-Framework, arguably the mostprominent e-learning framework today, and consists of the definition ofa service for the automatic evaluation of programming exercises. Thisevaluation domain differs from trivial evaluations modelled bylanguages such as the IMS Question & Test Interoperability (QTI)specification. Complex evaluation domains justify the development ofspecialized evaluators that participate in several business processes.These business processes can combine other type of systems such asProgramming Contest Management Systems, Learning ManagementSystems, Integrated Development Environments and Learning ObjectRepositories where programming exercises are stored as LearningObjects. This contribution describes the implementation approachesused, more precisely, behaviours & requests, use & interactions,applicable standards, interface definition and usage scenarios

    Spanish: Reality Online

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    Today, learning takes place in multi-faceted environments. The learner can interact through a social network or explore content using a learning management system. A common assumption is that most learners speak and obtain information using the English language, however, Spanish is the nation\u27s second most common language and the third most common language in the world. In the medical profession, Spanish is an essential language which can be successfully integrated not only into the curriculum but also into a learning environment such as ANGEL. This presentation will include a discussion and demonstration of how the Advanced Medical Spanish Course (taught in ANGEL) integrates the use of Spanish within the medical curriculum

    A Paradigm Shift: Blended Learning Integration in Russian Higher Education

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    The main objective of the article is to contribute to an understanding of the value of blended learning within the scope of new paradigm in Russian higher education. We consider blended learning as a unique approach that aims to solve a series of tasks connected with the necessity of raising education quality. Such competences as self-organization, knowledge management, the ways of getting and processing it are brought to the forefront. The article analyzes the didactic capacity of blended learning as the means to implement the effective transition from a traditional learning model to an integrated one where electronic environments and resources are widely used. The existing blended learning models are considered and the ways of their adaptation towards the requirements of the Russian higher education system are discussed with the focus on the course “foreign language”