12 research outputs found

    A Computer system to monitor older adults at home: Preliminary results

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    International audienceDetermining the individual transition from the 3rd to the 4th of frailty phase of life is important for both the safety of the older person and to support the care provider. We developed an automatic monitoring system consisting of cameras and different sensors that analyze human behaviors and looks for changes in their activities by detecting the presence of people, their movements, and automatically recognizing events and Activities of Daily Living (ADLs). Assessment took place in a laboratory environment (GERHOME) comprised of four rooms (kitchen, living-room, bedroom, and bathroom). Data from 2 volunteers (64 and 85 years old) were analyzed. Precision in recognizing postures and events ranged from 62-94%, while sensitivity fell in the range of 62-87%. The system could differentiate ADL levels for the 64 and 85 year old subjects. These results are promising and merit replication and extension. Considerable work remains before the complete transition from 3rd to 4th life phase can be reliably detected. The GERHOME system is promising in this respect

    Three Dimensional Monocular Human Motion Analysis in End-Effector Space

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    Abstract. In this paper, we present a novel approach to three dimen-sional human motion estimation from monocular video data. We employ a particle filter to perform the motion estimation. The novelty of the method lies in the choice of state space for the particle filter. Using a non-linear inverse kinematics solver allows us to perform the filtering in end-effector space. This effectively reduces the dimensionality of the state space while still allowing for the estimation of a large set of motions. Preliminary experiments with the strategy show good results compared to a full-pose tracker.

    Human Pose Estimation from Monocular Images : a Comprehensive Survey

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    Human pose estimation refers to the estimation of the location of body parts and how they are connected in an image. Human pose estimation from monocular images has wide applications (e.g., image indexing). Several surveys on human pose estimation can be found in the literature, but they focus on a certain category; for example, model-based approaches or human motion analysis, etc. As far as we know, an overall review of this problem domain has yet to be provided. Furthermore, recent advancements based on deep learning have brought novel algorithms for this problem. In this paper, a comprehensive survey of human pose estimation from monocular images is carried out including milestone works and recent advancements. Based on one standard pipeline for the solution of computer vision problems, this survey splits the problema into several modules: feature extraction and description, human body models, and modelin methods. Problem modeling methods are approached based on two means of categorization in this survey. One way to categorize includes top-down and bottom-up methods, and another way includes generative and discriminative methods. Considering the fact that one direct application of human pose estimation is to provide initialization for automatic video surveillance, there are additional sections for motion-related methods in all modules: motion features, motion models, and motion-based methods. Finally, the paper also collects 26 publicly available data sets for validation and provides error measurement methods that are frequently used

    Automatic visual detection of human behavior: a review from 2000 to 2014

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    Due to advances in information technology (e.g., digital video cameras, ubiquitous sensors), the automatic detection of human behaviors from video is a very recent research topic. In this paper, we perform a systematic and recent literature review on this topic, from 2000 to 2014, covering a selection of 193 papers that were searched from six major scientific publishers. The selected papers were classified into three main subjects: detection techniques, datasets and applications. The detection techniques were divided into four categories (initialization, tracking, pose estimation and recognition). The list of datasets includes eight examples (e.g., Hollywood action). Finally, several application areas were identified, including human detection, abnormal activity detection, action recognition, player modeling and pedestrian detection. Our analysis provides a road map to guide future research for designing automatic visual human behavior detection systems.This work is funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT - Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia) under research Grant SFRH/BD/84939/2012

    On the use of visual motion in particle filter tracking

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    Particle filtering is now established as one of the most popular methods for visual tracking. Within this framework, a basic assumption is that the data are temporally independent given the sequence of object states. In this paper, we argue that in general the data are correlated, and that modeling such dependency should improve tracking robustness. Besides, the choice of using the transition prior as proposal distribution is also often made. Thus, the current observation data is not taken into account in the generation of the new samples, requesting the noise process of the prior to be large enough to handle abrupt trajectory changes between the previous image data and the new one. Therefore, many particles are either wasted in low likelihood area, resulting in a low efficiency of the sampling, or, more importantly, propagated on near distractor regions of the image, resulting in tracking failures. In this paper, we propose to handle both issues using motion. Explicit motion measurements are used to drive the sampling process towards the new interesting regions of the image, while implicit motion measurements are introduced in the likelihood evaluation to model the data correlation term. The proposed model allows to handle abrupt motion changes and to filter out visual distractors when tracking objects with generic models based on shape or color distribution representations. Experimental results compared against the CONDENSATION algorithm have demonstrated superior tracking performance.Le filtrage par méthode de Monte-Carlo séquentielle (MCS) est l’une des méthodes les plus populaires pour effectuer du suivi visuel. Dans ce contexte, une hypothèse importante faite généralement stipule que, étant donnée la position d’un objet dans des images successives, les observations extraites de ces dernières sont indépendantes. Dans cet article, nous soutenons que, au contraire, ces observation sont fortement corrélées et que la prise en compte de cette corrélation permet d’améliorer le suivi. Par ailleurs, un choix relativement fréquent consiste à utiliser le modèle dynamique a priori comme fonction de proposition. Par conséquent la génération des échantillons à l’instant courant se fait en aveugle, c’est-à-dire sans exploiter d’information liée à l’image courante. Il en résulte que la variance du bruit dans le modèle dynamique doit être fixée à une valeur importante afin de pouvoir appréhender de rapides changements de trajectoire. De ce fait de nombreuses particules sont générées inutilement dans des régions de faible vraisemblance, ce qui réduit l’efficacité de l’échantillonnage, ou sont propagées sur des ambiguïtés voisines de la vraie trajectoire, ce qui, ultérieurement, peut conduire à des erreurs de suivi. Dans cet article, nous proposons d’utiliser le mouvement visuel afin de remédier aux deux problèmes soulevés. Des mesures de mouvement explicites sont utilisées pour diriger l’échantillonnage vers les nouvelles régions intéressantes de l’image, tandis que des mesures implicites et explicites sont introduites dans la distribution de vraisemblance afin de modéliser la corrélation entre données temporelles. Le nouveau modèle permet d’appréhender des mouvements brusques et de lever des ambiguïtés visuelles tout en gardant des modèles d’objet simples basés sur des contours ou des distribution de couleurs, comme le montrent les résultats obtenus sur plusieurs séquences et comparés à la méthode classique de CONDENSATION

    Articulated human tracking and behavioural analysis in video sequences

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    Recently, there has been a dramatic growth of interest in the observation and tracking of human subjects through video sequences. Arguably, the principal impetus has come from the perceived demand for technological surveillance, however applications in entertainment, intelligent domiciles and medicine are also increasing. This thesis examines human articulated tracking and the classi cation of human movement, rst separately and then as a sequential process. First, this thesis considers the development and training of a 3D model of human body structure and dynamics. To process video sequences, an observation model is also designed with a multi-component likelihood based on edge, silhouette and colour. This is de ned on the articulated limbs, and visible from a single or multiple cameras, each of which may be calibrated from that sequence. Second, for behavioural analysis, we develop a methodology in which actions and activities are described by semantic labels generated from a Movement Cluster Model (MCM). Third, a Hierarchical Partitioned Particle Filter (HPPF) was developed for human tracking that allows multi-level parameter search consistent with the body structure. This tracker relies on the articulated motion prediction provided by the MCM at pose or limb level. Fourth, tracking and movement analysis are integrated to generate a probabilistic activity description with action labels. The implemented algorithms for tracking and behavioural analysis are tested extensively and independently against ground truth on human tracking and surveillance datasets. Dynamic models are shown to predict and generate synthetic motion, while MCM recovers both periodic and non-periodic activities, de ned either on the whole body or at the limb level. Tracking results are comparable with the state of the art, however the integrated behaviour analysis adds to the value of the approach.Overseas Research Students Awards Scheme (ORSAS

    From pixels to people : recovering location, shape and pose of humans in images

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    Humans are at the centre of a significant amount of research in computer vision. Endowing machines with the ability to perceive people from visual data is an immense scientific challenge with a high degree of direct practical relevance. Success in automatic perception can be measured at different levels of abstraction, and this will depend on which intelligent behaviour we are trying to replicate: the ability to localise persons in an image or in the environment, understanding how persons are moving at the skeleton and at the surface level, interpreting their interactions with the environment including with other people, and perhaps even anticipating future actions. In this thesis we tackle different sub-problems of the broad research area referred to as "looking at people", aiming to perceive humans in images at different levels of granularity. We start with bounding box-level pedestrian detection: We present a retrospective analysis of methods published in the decade preceding our work, identifying various strands of research that have advanced the state of the art. With quantitative exper- iments, we demonstrate the critical role of developing better feature representations and having the right training distribution. We then contribute two methods based on the insights derived from our analysis: one that combines the strongest aspects of past detectors and another that focuses purely on learning representations. The latter method outperforms more complicated approaches, especially those based on hand- crafted features. We conclude our work on pedestrian detection with a forward-looking analysis that maps out potential avenues for future research. We then turn to pixel-level methods: Perceiving humans requires us to both separate them precisely from the background and identify their surroundings. To this end, we introduce Cityscapes, a large-scale dataset for street scene understanding. This has since established itself as a go-to benchmark for segmentation and detection. We additionally develop methods that relax the requirement for expensive pixel-level annotations, focusing on the task of boundary detection, i.e. identifying the outlines of relevant objects and surfaces. Next, we make the jump from pixels to 3D surfaces, from localising and labelling to fine-grained spatial understanding. We contribute a method for recovering 3D human shape and pose, which marries the advantages of learning-based and model- based approaches. We conclude the thesis with a detailed discussion of benchmarking practices in computer vision. Among other things, we argue that the design of future datasets should be driven by the general goal of combinatorial robustness besides task-specific considerations.Der Mensch steht im Zentrum vieler Forschungsanstrengungen im Bereich des maschinellen Sehens. Es ist eine immense wissenschaftliche Herausforderung mit hohem unmittelbarem Praxisbezug, Maschinen mit der Fähigkeit auszustatten, Menschen auf der Grundlage von visuellen Daten wahrzunehmen. Die automatische Wahrnehmung kann auf verschiedenen Abstraktionsebenen erfolgen. Dies hängt davon ab, welches intelligente Verhalten wir nachbilden wollen: die Fähigkeit, Personen auf der Bildfläche oder im 3D-Raum zu lokalisieren, die Bewegungen von Körperteilen und Körperoberflächen zu erfassen, Interaktionen einer Person mit ihrer Umgebung einschließlich mit anderen Menschen zu deuten, und vielleicht sogar zukünftige Handlungen zu antizipieren. In dieser Arbeit beschäftigen wir uns mit verschiedenen Teilproblemen die dem breiten Forschungsgebiet "Betrachten von Menschen" gehören. Beginnend mit der Fußgängererkennung präsentieren wir eine Analyse von Methoden, die im Jahrzehnt vor unserem Ausgangspunkt veröffentlicht wurden, und identifizieren dabei verschiedene Forschungsstränge, die den Stand der Technik vorangetrieben haben. Unsere quantitativen Experimente zeigen die entscheidende Rolle sowohl der Entwicklung besserer Bildmerkmale als auch der Trainingsdatenverteilung. Anschließend tragen wir zwei Methoden bei, die auf den Erkenntnissen unserer Analyse basieren: eine Methode, die die stärksten Aspekte vergangener Detektoren kombiniert, eine andere, die sich im Wesentlichen auf das Lernen von Bildmerkmalen konzentriert. Letztere übertrifft kompliziertere Methoden, insbesondere solche, die auf handgefertigten Bildmerkmalen basieren. Wir schließen unsere Arbeit zur Fußgängererkennung mit einer vorausschauenden Analyse ab, die mögliche Wege für die zukünftige Forschung aufzeigt. Anschließend wenden wir uns Methoden zu, die Entscheidungen auf Pixelebene betreffen. Um Menschen wahrzunehmen, müssen wir diese sowohl praezise vom Hintergrund trennen als auch ihre Umgebung verstehen. Zu diesem Zweck führen wir Cityscapes ein, einen umfangreichen Datensatz zum Verständnis von Straßenszenen. Dieser hat sich seitdem als Standardbenchmark für Segmentierung und Erkennung etabliert. Darüber hinaus entwickeln wir Methoden, die die Notwendigkeit teurer Annotationen auf Pixelebene reduzieren. Wir konzentrieren uns hierbei auf die Aufgabe der Umgrenzungserkennung, d. h. das Erkennen der Umrisse relevanter Objekte und Oberflächen. Als nächstes machen wir den Sprung von Pixeln zu 3D-Oberflächen, vom Lokalisieren und Beschriften zum präzisen räumlichen Verständnis. Wir tragen eine Methode zur Schätzung der 3D-Körperoberfläche sowie der 3D-Körperpose bei, die die Vorteile von lernbasierten und modellbasierten Ansätzen vereint. Wir schließen die Arbeit mit einer ausführlichen Diskussion von Evaluationspraktiken im maschinellen Sehen ab. Unter anderem argumentieren wir, dass der Entwurf zukünftiger Datensätze neben aufgabenspezifischen Überlegungen vom allgemeinen Ziel der kombinatorischen Robustheit bestimmt werden sollte

    Metaheuristic Optimization Techniques for Articulated Human Tracking

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    Four adaptive metaheuristic optimization algorithms are proposed and demonstrated: Adaptive Parameter Particle Swarm Optimization (AP-PSO), Modified Artificial Bat (MAB), Differential Mutated Artificial Immune System (DM-AIS) and hybrid Particle Swarm Accelerated Artificial Immune System (PSO-AIS). The algorithms adapt their search parameters on the basis of the fitness of obtained solutions such that a good fitness value favors local search, while a poor fitness value favors global search. This efficient feedback of the solution quality, imparts excellent global and local search characteristic to the proposed algorithms. The algorithms are tested on the challenging Articulated Human Tracking (AHT) problem whose objective is to infer human pose, expressed in terms of joint angles, from a continuous video stream. The Particle Filter (PF) algorithms, widely applied in generative model based AHT, suffer from the 'curse of dimensionality' and 'degeneracy' challenges. The four proposed algorithms show stable performance throughout the course of numerical experiments. DM-AIS performs best among the proposed algorithms followed in order by PSO-AIS, AP-PSO, and MBA in terms of Most Appropriate Pose (MAP) tracking error. The MAP tracking error of the proposed algorithms is compared with four heuristic approaches: generic PF, Annealed Particle Filter (APF), Partitioned Sampled Annealed Particle Filter (PSAPF) and Hierarchical Particle Swarm Optimization (HPSO). They are found to outperform generic PF with a confidence level of 95%, PSAPF and HPSO with a confidence level of 85%. While DM-AIS and PSO-AIS outperform APF with a confidence level of 80%. Further, it is noted that the proposed algorithms outperform PSAPF and HPSO using a significantly lower number of function evaluations, 2500 versus 7200. The proposed algorithms demonstrate reduced particle requirements, hence improving computational efficiency and helping to alleviate the 'curse of dimensionality'. The adaptive nature of the algorithms is found to guide the whole swarm towards the optimal solution by sharing information and exploring a wider solution space which resolves the 'degeneracy' challenge. Furthermore, the decentralized structure of the algorithms renders them insensitive to accumulation of error and allows them to recover from catastrophic failures due to loss of image data, sudden change in motion pattern or discrete instances of algorithmic failure. The performance enhancements demonstrated by the proposed algorithms, attributed to their balanced local and global search capabilities, makes real-time AHT applications feasible. Finally, the utility of the proposed algorithms in low-dimensional system identification problems as well as high-dimensional AHT problems demonstrates their applicability in various problem domains

    Detection and Classification of Multiple Person Interaction

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    Institute of Perception, Action and BehaviourThis thesis investigates the classification of the behaviour of multiple persons when viewed from a video camera. Work upon a constrained case of multiple person interaction in the form of team games is investigated. A comparison between attempting to model individual features using a (hierarchical dynamic model) and modelling the team as a whole (using a support vector machine) is given. It is shown that for team games such as handball it is preferable to model the whole team. In such instances correct classification performance of over 80% are attained. A more general case of interaction is then considered. Classification of interacting people in a surveillance situation over several datasets is then investigated. We introduce a new feature set and compare several methods with the previous best published method (Oliver 2000) and demonstrate an improvement in performance. Classification rates of over 95% on real video data sequences are demonstrated. An investigation into how the length of time a sequence is observed is then performed. This results in an improved classifier (of over 2%) which uses a class dependent window size. The question of detecting pre/post and actual fighting situations is then addressed. A hierarchical AdaBoost classifier is used to demonstrate the ability to classify such situations. It is demonstrated that such an approach can classify 91% of fighting situations correctly

    Inferring Human Pose and Motion from Images

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    As optical gesture recognition technology advances, touchless human computer interfaces of the future will soon become a reality. One particular technology, markerless motion capture, has gained a large amount of attention, with widespread application in diverse disciplines, including medical science, sports analysis, advanced user interfaces, and virtual arts. However, the complexity of human anatomy makes markerless motion capture a non-trivial problem: I) parameterised pose configuration exhibits high dimensionality, and II) there is considerable ambiguity in surjective inverse mapping from observation to pose configuration spaces with a limited number of camera views. These factors together lead to multimodality in high dimensional space, making markerless motion capture an ill-posed problem. This study challenges these difficulties by introducing a new framework. It begins with automatically modelling specific subject template models and calibrating posture at the initial stage. Subsequent tracking is accomplished by embedding naturally-inspired global optimisation into the sequential Bayesian filtering framework. Tracking is enhanced by several robust evaluation improvements. Sparsity of images is managed by compressive evaluation, further accelerating computational efficiency in high dimensional space