884,128 research outputs found

    A Building Automation and Control micro-service architecture using Physics Inspired Neural Networks

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    In this work, we present a micro-service architecture which defines a Digital Twin (DT) framework for adaptive building automation and control. The DT framework primarily involves the orchestration of several containerized micro-services, promoting the scalability and deployability of the proposed framework within the industrial context. In the proposed framework, containerized microservices facilitate: (i) model-based control strategies; (ii) data-driven learning; (iii) data management; (iv) the inclusion of an internal High-Fidelity Simulator (HFS) to enable bootstrapped learning; and (v) a User Interface/User Experience (UI/UE) micro-service orchestrator. To validate the usefulness of the proposed framework, we implement a Physics Inspired Neural Network (PINN) to adapt the model-based control strategies for plant-model uncertainty and utilize bootstrap sampling against an internal HFS.publishedVersio

    Excellence in Teaching and Learning in Reusable Learning Objects

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    Our ongoing work at London Metropolitan University investigates effective ways to design learning environments that add mobile learning into blended higher education modules. Our approach is one of evolutionary, iterative refinement of the learning environment based on student feedback. Blended learning effectiveness can be viewed as a function of effective pedagogical practices. Accordingly, a key question is: What combination of instructional strategies and delivery media will best produce the desired learning outcome for the intended audience? The paper will (i) outline the background issues that led to the development of the blended mLearning approach (ii) describe the initial survey that informed our design, (iii) outline the blended mLearning design, (iv) present our evaluation findings with students, and (v) conclude by commenting on the wider applicability of our approach.London Metropolitan Universit

    Evaluating student attitudes and learning at remote collegiate soil judging events

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    As with many aspects of teaching, the COVID-19 pandemic forced soil judging teams to attempt new strategies towards achieving student learning outcomes. Soil judging Regions IV and V hosted remote regional contests in October 2020 in place of traditional, in-person contests typically held each fall. We conducted pre- and post-contest surveys to assess student learning outcomes, attitudes, and reflections on the remote contest experience compared to past, in-person contest experiences. We received 108 total responses from students who participated in the Region IV and Region V remote soil judging contests (>80% response rate). In self-reported learning outcomes, there were no significant gains post-contest and there were minimal differences between students in Regions IV and V. Female students, students with more soil judging experience, and students who had taken more soil science courses agreed more strongly that soil science is important, that they planned to pursue careers in soil science, and that they gained important skills from soil judging. Finally, students who previously participated in contests reported that they gained more knowledge and enjoyed in-person contests more than the remote contests held in Fall 2020. Thus, while it is possible to replicate some aspects of the soil judging experience in a remote contest, other aspects that are critical to student engagement are lost when teams are unable to gather at the contest location and examine soils in the field.This article is published as Owen, Rachel K., Amber Anderson, Ammar Bhandari, Kerry Clark, Morgan Davis, Ashlee Dere, Nic Jelinski et al. "Evaluating student attitudes and learning at remote collegiate soil judging events." Natural Sciences Education 50, no. 2 (2021): e20065. doi:10.1002/nse2.20065. Posted with permission.This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License, which permits use and distribution in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non-commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made

    In a road of trying times: Unraveling the lived experiences of students in the new normal

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    The majority of educational systems worldwide have shifted to remote learning as a preventative strategy against the spread of coronavirus disease (COVID-19). This phenomenon is producing a lot of difficulties, as articulated by students in developing nations. Thus, this qualitative study sought to explore and understand the difficulties encountered by college students in Quirino State University in Philippines under the new normal of education. A total of 85 participants were purposely and conveniently selected to participate in an electronic survey through Google Forms. Further, to qualify and clarify responses from the respondents, the researchers conducted phone call interviews. The data were evaluated qualitatively using the NVIVO software. The findings revealed that the student’s difficulties in the new normal can be summed in 10 significant themes, namely: i) Vague module content; ii) Poor internet connectivity; iii) Lack of teacher’s guidance and motivation; iv) Financial problems;v) Stress/psychological pressure; vi) Insufficient learning materials; vii) Overloaded academic activities; viii) Conflict with household chores; ix) Personal factors; and x) Poor and inadequate learning environment. On the other hand, students’ coping strategies had four major themes, namely: i) Managing time wisely; ii) Having self-discipline; iii) Taking time for a break; and iv) Seeking help from others

    Peran Orang Tua dalam Meningkatkan Kemampuan Membaca Permulaan di Sekolah Dasar

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    As a language skill, reading is a complex thing to master. A person's reading ability is passed through the stages of initial reading and advanced reading. Beginning reading is given to students I and II while continuing reading is given to students in grades III, IV, V, and VI. Beginning reading ability is the competency possessed by students in reciting symbols in a clear and precise voice. Therefore, beginning reading becomes something that is important for students to master before acquiring/learning advanced reading. Beginning reading mastery is strongly influenced by how the teacher is able to develop various approaches, methods and strategies used in teaching beginning reading. Keywords; Role, Teacher, Parents, Beginning Reading Ability, Elementary Schoo

    Strategi dalam mencapai Kapabilitas belajar siswa melalui Smartphone pada era pembelajaran tatap muka

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    This study aims to determine the strategies used by teachers in achieving student learning capabilities through smartphones in the face-to-face learning era at SD N Tanjungtirto 2. This study uses a qualitative approach.  While the data sources are school principals, teachers in grades I – VI, and students in upper grades IV, V, VI. The methods used in data collection are interviews, observation, and documentation. The data analysis technique uses, data collection, data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results of this study indicate the strategies that are carried out by the teacher in achieving student learning capabilities through smartphone media by making planning concepts that can make it easier for students to understand the material and maximize the use of smartphone media to make students more interested in learning. The supporting factors are using the WA Group application, Google Classroom, Google Meet, Zoom, Quiz, Canva, PPT, Flipping Book, and learning videos via Youtube as a means of supporting student learning media. Obstacles faced by teachers are in the form of limited time in delivering material, quotas, signals, and rainy weather so the process of delivering material is not optimal. As well as how to overcome obstacles if you experience signal problems, the teacher can send material in the form of pdf, photos, and youtube links through the WA group or can provide compensation in the form of free quotas for students and move to a place where the internet network is more stable

    Towards Designing AI-Enabled Adaptive Learning Systems

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    Paper I, III, IV and V are not available as a part of the dissertation due to the copyright.Among the many innovations driven by artificial intelligence (AI) are more advanced learning systems known as AI-enabled adaptive learning systems (AI-ALS). AI-ALS are platforms that adapt to the learning strategies of students by modifying the order and difficulty level of learning tasks based on the abilities of students. These systems support adaptive learning, which is the personalization of learning for students in a learning system, such that the system can deal with individual differences in aptitude. AI-ALS are gaining traction due to their ability to deliver learning content and adapt to individual student needs. While the potential and importance of such systems have been well documented, the actual implementation of AI-ALS and other AI-based learning systems in real-world teaching and learning settings has not reached the effectiveness envisaged on the level of theory. Moreover, AI-ALS lack transferable insights and codification of knowledge on their design and development. The reason for this is that many previous studies were experimental. Thus, this dissertation aims to narrow the gap between experimental research and field practice by providing practical design statements that can be implemented in effective AI-ALSs.publishedVersio

    Learning not to finish: participatory media development for responsible fisheries extension

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    This paper deals with the experiences and insights gathered during the implementation of a research project titled "Designing and Validation of Communication Strategies for Responsible Fisheries - A Co-learning Approach" at Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute (CMFRI) during 2001- 04 under the National Agricultural Technology Project being implemented by Indian Council for Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi. The paper is organized under the following heads i) Rationale and Objectives of the project ii) Methodology iii) Assessment of Responsible Fisheries Information Needs ARFIN iv) Communication Tools and Strategies developed under the project along with the insights (process and product phase) obtained v) Implications and vi) Conclusions. The project, which can be considered as first of its kind ever undertaken in the country, has clearly established not only the necessitybut also the possibility of undertaking extension interventions by way of designing communication tools and strategies in a participatory mode and putting them into massive use for creating an awareness on the concept of responsible fisheries among the stakeholders of marine fisheries sector in the country A model for communication of responsible fisheries is also suggested after explaining the various tools and strategies developed for responsible fisheries extension

    Sociocultural Perspectives of Science and Learning: Contributions on Pedagogical Practices on STEM teachers in Service

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    This research study contributes to science teacher training by analyzing a curriculum that takes in sociocultural perspectives of science and learning in in-service teachers' pedagogical practices. It is a qualitative study with a critical hermeneutic methodology. The method used was a multiple case study, which inquires by exploring different cases in depth. The information was collected within the framework of a postgraduate training program, with in-service teachers from the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM), in two settings: the training program and the observation of their pedagogical practice. Results show that this sociocultural perspective of the curriculum contributed to the pedagogical practices of the teachers under study in six different ways:  i) generation of new understandings of science, learning, and the discipline they teach; ii) identification of other meanings for the concepts they teach; iii) changes in-class activities that help to recognize the identity of the scientific community; iv) inclusion of strategies that foster the negotiation of meaning in the community; v) changes in the evaluation strategies, giving more importance to feedback; and vi) generation of reflexive processes about the pedagogical practice in a more conscious way.

    The Future of Industrial Policies in the New Millennium: Toward a Knowledge-Centered Development Agenda

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    The paper present the conclusions to the book "The Political Economy of Capabilities Accumulation: the Past and Future of Policies for Industrial Development", edited by M. Cimoli, G. Dosi and J. E. Stiglitz, Oxford University Press, forthcoming. While it is futile to search for any 'magic policy recipe' automatically yielding industrialization, the contributions to the book, we argue, do indeed help in identifying some basic ingredients and principles that successful policy arrangements historically had and have in common. In this concluding chapter we spell out some of them. They include: (i) an 'emulation philosophy' vis-à-vis the most promising technological paradigms; (ii) various measures safeguarding the possibility of 'infant industry learning', involving also the purposeful 'distortion' of market signals as they come from the international arena; (iii) explicit policies of capability-building directed both at education and training but also at nurturing and shaping specific corporate actors; (iv) a 'political economy of rent-management' favourable to learning and industrialization, while curbing the exploitation of monopolist positions; (v) measures aimed to foster and exploit a weak Intellectual Property Rights regime, especially with respect to the companies of the developed world; (vi) strategies aimed at avoiding the 'natural resource course'; (vii) 'virtuous' complementarities between industrial policies and macroeconomic management. Further the chapter discusses the opportunities and constraints associated with the current regimes of trade and IPR governance and puts forward some basic building blocks of a proposed new pro-developmental consensus fostering knowledge accumulation and industrialization in catching-up countries.Development, Industrial Policies, Knowledge Accumulation, Catching-up, New International Consensus