6,311 research outputs found

    Learning scale-variant and scale-invariant features for deep image classification

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    Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) require large image corpora to be trained on classification tasks. The variation in image resolutions, sizes of objects and patterns depicted, and image scales, hampers CNN training and performance, because the task-relevant information varies over spatial scales. Previous work attempting to deal with such scale variations focused on encouraging scale-invariant CNN representations. However, scale-invariant representations are incomplete representations of images, because images contain scale-variant information as well. This paper addresses the combined development of scale-invariant and scale-variant representations. We propose a multi- scale CNN method to encourage the recognition of both types of features and evaluate it on a challenging image classification task involving task-relevant characteristics at multiple scales. The results show that our multi-scale CNN outperforms single-scale CNN. This leads to the conclusion that encouraging the combined development of a scale-invariant and scale-variant representation in CNNs is beneficial to image recognition performance

    Involvement in Subject Learning Scale (ISLS)

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    Since 1984, when the American Department of Education published a report on higher education entitled "Involvement in learning, realizing the potential of American higher education," many studies have been conducted on this subject pertaining mainly to academic involvement and, a wide-range concept of involvement in learning. It is proposed here to limit the scope of this concept to involvement in subject learning as an easier bounded concept. The Involvement in Subject Learning Scale (ISLS) was therefore constructed and validated and is presented here with its psychometric characteristics. This scale is proposed as an educational outcome measure for research purposes on the quality of instruction in higher education.Depuis 1984, alors que le deĢpartement d'eĢducation ameĢricain publiait son rapport sur l'enseignement supeĢrieur intituleĢ: "Involvement in learning, realizing the potential of American higher education," plusieurs eĢtudes ont eĢteĢ reĢaliseĢes sur ce sujet relieĢ aĢ€ l'engagement acadeĢmique et surtout sur le vaste concept d'engagement dans les eĢtudes. Les auteurs proposent ici de limiter la porteĢe de ce concept aĢ€ l'engagement par rapport aĢ€ la matieĢ€re, une reĢaliteĢ plus facile aĢ€ circonscrire. Ils ont alors proceĢdeĢ aĢ€ la construction de l'instrument de mesure de l'engagement par rapport aĢ€ la matieĢ€re et aĢ€ sa validation. Ils preĢsentent ici cet instrument avec ses proprieĢteĢs psychomeĢtriques et le proposent comme mesure des extrants aĢ€ des fins de recherche sur la qualiteĢ de la formation universitaire

    Teacher and student perceptions of the development of learner autonomy : a case study in the biological sciences

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    Biology teachers in a UK university expressed a majority view that student learning autonomy increases with progression through university. A minority suggested that pre-existing diversity in learning autonomy was more important and that individuals not cohorts differ in their learning autonomy. They suggested that personal experience prior to university and age were important and that mature students are more autonomous than 18-20 year olds. Our application of an autonomous learning scale (ALS) to four year-groups of biology students confirmed that the learning autonomy of students increases through their time at university but not that mature students are necessarily more autonomous than their younger peers. It was evident however that year of study explained relatively little

    'I play, therefore I learn?' Measuring the Evolution of Perceived Learning and Game Experience in the Design Flow of a Serious Game

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    This article explores how the serious game Poverty Is Not a Game (PING) is experienced by high school students in its subsequent design stages. We first focus on the multifaceted construct of game experience and how it is related to serious games. To measure game experience we use the Game Experience Questionnaire and add a perceived learning scale to account for the specificity of serious games in a classroom. Next, the data obtained from testing PING in 22 classrooms are analyzed. Results suggest that the evolution in the different design stages of the game is not just an issue of game experience, but also of usability. Furthermore, little evidence is found indicating that the learning experience changed positively during the different test phases. However, findings show a strong effect of the game experience on perceived learning while the game experience also varies significantly between different classrooms


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    Service-learning is an emerging popular teaching and learning approach. It is considered to be associated with improved studentsā€™ academic outcomes. Numerous scales are being used for assessing service-learning world-wide. Service-Learning Scale (SLS) is one such important scale which has also been used for measuring studentsā€™ service related outcomes in different studies. This study is purposefully designed to examine the psychometric properties of SLS in Pakistani context. To collect data, 141 students were approached through a survey method who participated in service-learning projects vocational training institutes of Pakistan. These students were purposively selected from 15 vocational training institutes of where service-learning is implemented as a curriculum course. Data was analyzed using Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) in order to explore the hidden dimensions in the scale. A three factor structure model emerged based on Component Factor Analysis (PCA) method. These factors included content knowledge, interpersonal skills and volunteering attitude. The results of this study confirmed that service-learning is a three factor model and is a reliable and valid scale for assessing service-learning outcomes. For further validation it is suggested that this three factor model needs testing in other contexts for more extensive results and improvement of psychometrics of the scale. The newness of the study is psychometric validation (contextual) of SLA as there hardly exists any evidence of its validation in Pakistan. The study has theoretical as well as practical implications


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    Service-learning is an emerging popular teaching and learning approach. It is considered to be associated with improved studentsĆ¢ā‚¬ā„¢ academic outcomes. Numerous scales are being used for assessing service-learning world-wide. Service-Learning Scale (SLS) is one such important scale which has also been used for measuring studentsĆ¢ā‚¬ā„¢ service related outcomes in different studies. This study is purposefully designed to examine the psychometric properties of SLS in Pakistani context. To collect data, 141 students were approached through a survey method who participated in service-learning projects vocational training institutes of Pakistan. These students were purposively selected from 15 vocational training institutes of where service-learning is implemented as a curriculum course. Data was analyzed using Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) in order to explore the hidden dimensions in the scale. A three factor structure model emerged based on Component Factor Analysis (PCA) method. These factors included content knowledge, interpersonal skills and volunteering attitude. The results of this study confirmed that service-learning is a three factor model and is a reliable and valid scale for assessing service-learning outcomes. For further validation it is suggested that this three factor model needs testing in other contexts for more extensive results and improvement of psychometrics of the scale. The newness of the study is psychometric validation (contextual) of SLA as there hardly exists any evidence of its validation in Pakistan. The study has theoretical as well as practical implications
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