12 research outputs found


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    This study aims to conduct a literature review related to fractional learning with the Indonesian Realistic Mathematics Education (PMRI) approach. The method used is Systematic Literature Review (SLR). The articles that were used as a source of review in this study were 9 articles related to the application and development of the PMRI approach to the material of fractions in the period 2017-2021. Articles come from reputable journals and are indexed by sinta and proceedings are indexed by scopus. From the results of the review, it was found that there were problems related to learning outcomes, understanding concepts, and the learning process on the material of fractions. The application and development of learning with the PMRI approach has a positive impact on the development of students' conceptual understanding of the fractional number material. Through the PMRI approach, students can develop fun learning situations, because learning activities are oriented to everyday concrete situations. The use of concrete media gives a good contribution in developing students' conceptual understanding of the fraction material. The developed learning trajectory can lay an important foundation in helping the development of the concept of fractions.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan kajian Literarur review terkait pembelajaran pecahan dengan pendekatan Pendidikan Matematika Realistik Indonesia (PMRI). Metode yang digunakan adalah Systematic Litertur Review (SLR). Artikel yang dijadikan sebagai sumber riview dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 9 artikel terkait dengan penerapan maupun pengembangan pendekatan PMRI pada materi bilangan pecahan dalam kurun waktu 2017-2021. Artikel berasal dari jurnal bereputasi serta terindeks sinta maupun prosiding terindeks scopus. Dari hasil review ditemukan bahwa adanya permasalahan  yang berkaitan dengan hasil belajar, pemahaman konsep, dan proses pembelajaran pada materi bilangan pecahan. Penerapan maupun pengembangan pembelajaran dengan pendekatan PMRI memberikan dampak positif terhadap pengembangan pemahaman konsep siswa pada materi bilangan pecahan. Melalui pendekatan PMRI, dapat mengembangkan situasi belajar yang menyenangkan bagi siswa, karena kegiatan pembelajaran berorientasi pada situasi konkrit sehari-hari. Penggunaan media konkrit memberi kontribusi yang baik dalam mengembangkan pemahaman pemahaman konsep siswa terhadap materi pecahan. Lintasan belajar yang dikembangkan dapat meletakkan dasar yang penting dalam membantu pengembangan konsep pecahan

    Designing Jumping Task on Percent using PMRI and Collaborative Learning

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    Contrast to the shared task at the beginning of mathematics lesson, jumping task is the central part of the teaching that uses higher order thinking skills (HOTs) in Japan. In Indonesia, the curriculum 2013 revised stress on how to use HOTs in the mathematics lesson, the daily life context, and collaborative learning. The goal of this research to know the characteristics of the jumping task which valid, practical and useful supporting primary school students learning percents. This research uses design research as a method. In designing the content materials and their contexts, this research uses PMRI (Indonesian version of Realistic Mathematics Education instructional theory. Moreover, in the designing and implementing learning process, this research use lesson study for learning community (LSLC). Results of this research are valid and practical jumping tasks on mathematics topic percents. Students with low performance have difficulties in solving jumping tasks. However, with collaborative learning, students can answer the percent jumping tasks

    Development of Video-Based Teaching Materials for Swimming Learning

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    The low learning outcomes in learning swimming causes lecturers to have creativity to develop and utilize Information and Communication Technology in learning activities. The purpose of this research is to produce teaching materials based on learning videos and the potential effects of teaching materials so that students are able to learn independently and not be boring. The research method used was development (Development Research). The research subjects were 28 students who took part in the learning process of the Swimming Learning course. The data collection technique used a questionnaire. Data analysis using simple statistics. The results showed that there was an increase in student learning outcomes after using swimming learning videos. Thus, the learning video developed is suitable for use in swimming learning


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    This research aims to produce a valid, practical, and having potential effects PISA-like mathematics problems using taekwondo context in Asian Games. The subjects were MIA 3 student of SMA 10 Palembang. This study was design research of development study in which had two stages: the preliminary and formative evaluation. The formative evaluation includes self-evaluation, one-to-one and expert review, small group, and field test. The context is used to have the students estimate maximum numbers of exercising athletes in a hall with a specific size. The result of the analysis shows that the problems which were reviewed by three expert reviews are valid qualitatively based on the PISA framework; it is also practical and easy to understand the problem. Based on the analysis of students’ answer, the developed problems display potential effects on student’s diverse basic mathematical abilities on the various process of answering the problems. The basic mathematics abilities emerging among which are reasoning and argument ability. It appears that students can develop and solve the problem by modeling using their assumptions. Also, the other ability is designing strategies to solve problems in which students use various procedures in solving problems leading the conclusion


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    Developing PISA like mathematics problems using daily life context helps to improve the quality of learning. This study aimed to generate a valid, practical, and having potential effects on mathematics literacy ability PISA like mathematics problems with the context of sailing in the 2018 Asian Games. This research involved three expert reviews and 32 fifteen-years-old tenth-grade students of SMA N 10 Palembang, a public senior high school in Palembang Indonesia, as the research subjects. This study used the design research method of development studies type. The data were collected through documentation, walkthrough, tests, and interviews. The problem developed in this study is related to the length of wood required to span the sail. The results show that the problems are valid. The validity was viewed from its compatibility with the PISA framework, in which it had related the problems with daily life context of sailing in the 2018 Asian Games and space and shape content. The problems are also practical, viewed from students' understanding of the problem. And, the problems have potential effects when tested in learning issue of mathematical literacy ability. The dominant ability is reasoning and representation ability, while the communication ability is still low because the students do not give detailed answers

    Pengembangan Media Video Pembelajaran Renang Pada Mata Pelajaran PJOK untuk Siswa Kelas V SD

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    Media pembelajaran sebagai salah satu komponen sumber belajar. Penggunaan media pembelajaran yang sesuai dapat membantu meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran. Berdasarkan pengamatan lapangan di SDN Polehan 2 Malang, siswa kurang menguasai materi karena keterbatasan waktu dan metode mengajar yang monoton. pada mata pelajaran PJOK materi renang hanya sebatas buku teks saja. Oleh karenanya perlu dikembangkan media audio visual untuk mempermudah siswa dalam belajar dan memahami mater


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    This study aims to generate the valid and practical PISA-like mathematics problems on uncertainty and data using the football game context of Asian Games. It also aims to see the potential effects of the problems towards the high school students’ mathematical ability. This study used a design research methodology with the type of development study which was divided into two stages, namely preliminary stage and formative evaluation stage. The preliminary stage covered the analysis of research subjects, curriculum analysis, PISA framework and creating a question instrument. The formative evaluation stage included the one to one consisting of three students together with expert review consisting of two validators, small group consisting of six students, and then the field test. This study produced valid and practical PISA-like mathematics problems on uncertainty and data content which have a potential effect on the senior high school students’ mathematical literacy ability. The validity was determined based on the expert review, while the practicality was determined based on one-to-one and small group assessment. The students' mathematical literacy abilities appeared during the research were communication, reasoning and argument, and devising strategies for problem-solving


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    The objective of this study was to produce valid and practical PISA-like mathematics problems on the content of uncertainty and data using football and table tennis contexts in the 2018 Asian Games. This study also aimed to find out the potential effect of the problems on the tenth-grade students’ mathematical literacy capability of the senior high school. This study was a design research with the type of development studies consisting of two stages, the preliminary and the formative evaluation. We obtained the data using walk-through, document, observation, interview, and test methods. We assessed the validity of the problems by using the validator assessment results towards the content, constructs, and language of the problems and also from the comments/suggestions of the students in one-to-one phase on the clarity/readability of the problems. The indicator of the problems’ practicality was reflected when the students were able to understand the problems well and it was shown in the small group phase. The answers of 33 students involved in the field test showed that the problems had the potential effect, showing the capability of communication and representation. On the problem with football context, six students answered with communication capability and three students with representation capability. On the problem with table tennis context, twenty students answered with communication capability, while five students with representation capability


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    This study aims to produce valid and practical PISA-like mathematics problems of uncertainty and data content by using soft tennis and volleyball contexts in Asian Games. It also aims to find out the potential effect of the problems on students' mathematical literacy. The method used in this study was design research with the type of development studies. The validity was viewed from expert assessment regarding the content, constructs, language, and students’ comments to the clarity of the problems in the one-to-one phase. Then, the practicality was viewed in the small group phase, and it was found that the students could understand the problem well. Based on the answers from 33 tenth-grade students of senior high school, it was found that the problems had potential effects that arouse the ability to use symbolic, formal, and technical language, as well as the ability of operation, communication, and representation. With the problem of the soft tennis context, five students could apply the ability to use symbolic, formal, and technical language, and operations, 12 students could apply representation ability, and 16 students could apply the communication ability. Meanwhile, with the problem of the volleyball context, 18 students could apply the communication ability, and nine students could apply the representation ability