11 research outputs found

    Development of tacit knowledge in lean management in an organization: The case of automotive industry in Malaysia

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    Nowadays, the implementation of lean management has been on the rise globally especially in the automotive industry.However, there are several organizations still fail to apply lean management effectively and continuously.Each failure can be attributed in two different causes, which are lack of understanding of the concept of waste, and the fundamental issues of lean culture.To be successful in the implementation of lean management may not be easy.In order to create the foundation for lean to take hold, a significant organizational change must occur within the organization. The organization must fully understand the knowledge of lean management system and the lean management tools as well. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to investigate development of tacit knowledge during the lean implementation.This study applied a qualitative method.A single case study was conducted in a Malaysian based automotive company. Based on the interview and observation conducted, the sources of development of tacit knowledge in lean management were developed from the training, database sharing, factory visit, previous case studies and internet(video) resources.Therefore, lean tacit knowledge is essential to the development of a successful organizatio

    An Application of Lean Principle in a Call Center at Sarawak

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    Customer follow-ups or repeat calls are common in a call center primarily due to unresolved cases that turn into aging cases. Different case category presents different complexity with different outcome which this case study demonstrates. The present study thus proposes the Lean principle to be applied in the workflow to analyze each process activity in an attempt to find the root cause of the aging cases that do not conform to the established time function mapping. Five respondents were chosen amongst the call center personnel for a semi-structured interview enabling them to express themselves freely within the context of the dilemma they are facing. The respondents share the same desire to receive timely answers or information to maintain customer satisfaction levels. The Lean principle enables this case study to formulate a recommendation that ties in with Lean true nature for continuous improvement

    Lean thinking in healthcare phlebotomy services: a case study

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    JEL classification system: M110 – Business Administration: Production management; I100 Health: GeneralLean Thinking arises as a solution to address the rising costs of healthcare. This dissertation aims to evaluate the potential of applying Lean tools to healthcare phlebotomy services. Furthermore, a theoretical framework is provided in order to support the present research. Case study’s methodology is applied to the phlebotomy service of a private and a public hospital of Lisbon where direct observation and informal interviews are performed to internal and external customers. Value stream mapping, process activity mapping, spaghetti diagram and time value map are applied to the core process of a phlebotomy service: blood collection. Healthcare customers are identified and their perception of value is revealed. Waste is identified using the selected tool, recognised in the methodology, and improvement suggestions are proposed. The outcome of this research shows that the application of Lean thinking can convey possible gains to healthcare phlebotomy services if improvement suggestions are implemented, as the process would become more precise and reduce the total cycle time benefiting internal and external customers, increasing process efficiency. Considering the elimination of waste in the blood collection process, median total time’s reduction is expected to be by 47% for Lusíadas Hospital and 37% for São Francisco Xavier Hospital, in addition to reducing the median wasteful time by 54% and 46%, respectively, and the reduction of the distance covered by phlebotomists, receptionists and technical staff involved.Lean Thinking surge como uma solução para lidar com o aumento dos custos em saúde. Esta dissertação tem como objetivo avaliar o potencial de aplicação de ferramentas Lean aos serviços de flebotomia (colheita de sangue) em saúde, sendo fornecido suporte teórico para apoiar a presente pesquisa. A metodologia do estudo de caso é aplicada ao serviço de flebotomia de um hospital privado e de um hospital público de Lisboa, onde observações diretas e entrevistas informais são realizadas a clientes internos e externos. Value stream mapping, process activity mapping, spaghetti diagram e time value map são aplicados ao processo central de um serviço de flebotomia. Os clientes de saúde são identificados e a sua perceção do valor é revelada. Os desperdícios são identificados pela ferramenta selecionada, presente na metodologia, e sugestões de melhoria são propostas. O resultado desta dissertação revela que a aplicação do pensamento Lean pode trazer possíveis ganhos aos serviços de flebotomia se as sugestões de melhoria forem implementadas. O processo tornar-se-á mais preciso e reduzirá o seu tempo total beneficiando clientes internos e externos, aumentando a eficiência do processo. Considerando a eliminação de desperdícios no processo de colheita de sangue, espera se que a redução da mediana do tempo total seja de 47% para o Hospital Lusíadas e 37% para o Hospital São Francisco Xavier (SFX), além da redução da mediana do tempo de desperdício em 54% e 46%, respetivamente, e a redução da distância percorrida pela equipa técnica envolvida

    Competitividad en procesos de servicios: Lean Service caso de estudio

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    Lean es una filosofía que denota la búsqueda constante del valor en los procesos, donde el cliente es quien define lo que necesita y, por ende, lo que este por fuera de estas expectativas es catalogado como desperdicio. Surgió a partir de la industria automotriz y se popularizo después de la crisis del petróleo en los años 70 donde se comenzó a vislumbrar la supremacía de las compañías de vehículos japonesas sobre las estadounidenses. En el presente, los servicios representan la mayor parte del producto interno bruto en los países desarrollados y existen estudios de la aplicación de esta filosofía al sector de servicios para mejorar su eficiencia, pero debido a la variabilidad en estos y a las pocas investigaciones que sobre el tema, todavía existe terreno fértil para aportar en este campo de investigación. Se realizó una revisión de literatura sobre lean service para establecer el estado actual y conocer los modelos de implementación llevados a cabo en diversos sectores de servicios. Posteriormente, se realiza un estudio de caso mediante el diseño de un modelo propuesto para un proceso de soporte comercial. Se concluye que la implementación del modelo es posible para un proceso de soporte comercial y trae mejoras en los indicadores del proceso intervenido.Abstract: Lean is a philosophy that means the constant search for value in processes, where the customer defines what they need and, therefore, what is outside these expectations is classified as waste. It emerged from the automotive industry and became popular after the oil crisis in the 1970s, where it began to glimpse the supremacy of Japanese vehicle companies over the Americans. At present, services represent the bulk of the domestic product in developed countries and there are studies of the application of this service sector philosophy to improve its efficiency, but due to the variability in these and the few researches on the subject There is still room for this field of research. A literature review was performed on Lean Service to establish the current state and know the implementation models carried out in various service sectors. Subsequently, a case study is carried out in the design of a proposed model for a commercial support process. It is concluded that the implementation of the model is possible for a commercial support process and brings better results in the indicators of the intervened process.Maestrí

    Application Of Lean Thinking In Main Service Center Of Toyota Qatar

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    Lean thinking is one of the well-known techniques that aims to create more value to customers with minimum used resources via minimizing or eliminating wastes. While the lean concepts are traditionally applied in the manufacturing industry, they can be implemented in service industry too. This report introduces the lean thinking using the value stream mapping tool in the service department of Toyota Qatar – Abdullah Abdulghani & Brothers (AAB) in order to validate the approach of lean methods in the service industry and to improve customer satisfaction by reducing the service time through eliminating the non-value-added activities of the process


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    Lean thinking is one of the well-known techniques that aims to create more value to customers with minimum used resources via minimizing or eliminating wastes. While the lean concepts is traditionally applied in manufacturing industry, it can be implemented in service industry such as educational institutions. This report introduces the lean thinking using the value stream mapping tool on two processes of the student affairs sector at Qatar University (QU) in order to validate the approach of lean methods in service industry. The first process is the scholarship exemption request process under the admission department at QU. The other process is the external transfer which is under the registration department at QU. The first process shows a great percentage of improvement of the process after implementing the lean principle (almost 70% improvement). Furthermore, an action plan is suggested for the second proces

    Lean healthcare: a cross-section of South African ARV clinics

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    A Research Report submitted to the Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment, University of the Witwatersrand, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Engineering Date: 28th May 2018The aim of this study is to assess waste in Anti-Retroviral (ARV) Clinics. This is against the background of an overburdened public sector – that serves a large percentage of the population in South Africa. South Africa is home to the to the world’s largest epidemic with approximately 7,06 million - 18.0% of general population, living with HIV as of 2017 (1). The objective of the study is to identify and categorise the drivers of waste present ARV Clinics - to evaluate the resultant impact of waste on the governance and administration of ARV Clinic operations as well as service delivery to the patient. Frameworks have been developed to measure and assess waste – with the hope that they will pave a pathway for the introduction of lean in ARV Clinics and in time the public health system. To achieve this, the research employs a qualitative analysis design approach incorporating both primary sources (multiple case studies) and secondary sources (academic publications and grey literature) of data. The study found that there is an abundance of waste in the daily operations of the ARV Clinics – there are very few people in the clinics and hospitals who ‘see’ these wastes because there is a need to develop the capabilities of the staff, as they are the essential foundation for improving partnerships, processes and the provision of service. However, the waste did not only exist at operational levels – the biggest potential for elimination of waste laid at the top, with the National Department of Health (NDoH), where policies and budgets are rolled out that affect what happens to the ARV clinics – a holistic approach to transformation needs to be considered. The research provides a contribution to knowledge in three key areas: firstly, through the development of frameworks, secondly through the validation of the frameworks via multiple case studies; and thirdly suggestions that provide a narrative that explain the link between waste - overall performance of ARV Clinics and the quality of service to patients.MT 201

    Lean-strategian tuominen palveluyrityksen liiketoimtaprosesseihin

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    Lean-strategia voi tarjota yrityksille suurta kilpailuetua markkinoilla. Lean on kuitenkin vasta rantautumassa palveluympäristöön Suomessa ja tämän takia tekee aiheesta mielenkiintoisen ja käytännönläheisen. Lean-kulttuurin tuominen yritykseen vaatii pitkäjänteistä työskentelyä ja johdon sitoutumista. Pelkästään hukkatekijöiden poistaminen liiketoimintaprosesseita ei tee yrityksestä leania, vaan päämääränä pitäisi olla jatkuvan kehittämisen kulttuurin luominen. Tutkimusongelma on jaettu kolmeen osaan, jossa ensin on tarkoitus selvittää case-yrityksen yksikön nykytilaa, toiseksi selvitetään ja hahmotellaan lean-strategian mukaiset prosessimallit ja viimeiseksi kysytään mitkä tekijät ovat keskeisiä muutosjohtamisen kannalta case-yrityksen yksikössä. Tutkielmassa on käytetty tapaustutkimusta tutkimusmenetelmänä ja analyysiyksikkönä on case-yrityksen yksikkö. Aineisto on kerätty haastattelemalla ja haastattelujen yhteydessä hahmottelemalla liiketoimintaprosesseja. Tehdyssä tutkimuksessa nykytilan prosessit visualisoitiin, jonka jälkeen niistä etsittiin hukkaa. Uudet lean-strategian mukaiset prosessit on myös visualisoitu. Case-yrityksen yksikön suurimmat hukkatekijät liittyivät heikkoihin IT-ratkaisuihin, sekä tietojärjestelmien integroimattomuuteen asiakkaiden vastaavien kanssa. Vakiointia myös suositeltiin joihinkin toimintamalleihin työn laadun ja sujuvuuden parantamiseksi. Muutosjohtamisen näkökulmasta henkilöstön osallistamista pidettiin tärkeänä, sekä jaetun johtajuuden kulttuurin luomista


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    筑波大学 (University of Tsukuba)201